The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 06, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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T II 12 T I M K H II H It A h 1) It V It N H , II A It X K V O O V S T V , It 1 6 S
tfiltiinlny, 5lnrcli , 1IWO.
PAGE vovn
The TiitiBs-Jierald.
Hat Tlw Urgent Circulation Of Any
Newspaper In Harney County.
JULIAN HYRD - Manajjer
On. Yr ..
Mntl i'0(1
Tlices Month ... . .75
Saturday, March C IIttt
ItAIli IM.)AI) Mnuvirn
Schedule I-Virccs Oregon HunIiions To
Idaho Kcpilpincnt. Inadequate
Car arc Filthy
Pntlotfco linn long conned to bo a
virtue In the attitude of thO' poopl"
of Malheur and Harney counties to
ward tho Blovency In the operation of
tho Oregon Short I.lno traliiH suppos
ed to he serving the Hcctlon, trlbu
tory to tho branch Hues.
Tho Bpcclllc charge of laxity, of
looting tho welfare or tho people In
Malheur and Harney counties In
ilude: 1. Tho Schedule on tho Crane
Jlrauch in ho arranged tliat all hunt
i.chh with the South Hnstorn quarter
(f the Htate In forced Into the Idaho
or Enrttcrn Markets, whereas a Hllght
change of thirty mlnutoa In tho lonv
ug time of tho Ontnrlo-Crnno train
would bring Portland from 24 to 48
TiottrH nearer thin market. Tho buy
fug power of the Interior of Malheur
jfcnil Unruo counties 1h Increasing
Gutter than any other ncctlomt in tho
Went. Portland ami other Oregon
cuntcrM wonts' only be looking after
their own by co-operating In
t-ecurlug tlilh change.
The locomotive emilpmont !
entirely lmtdcn,untc. Not only Ik this
brunch Hue lined as a museum for
mitltiuatcd relics, but the very econ
omic policy of operating making pos
Mbio th- privilege of paying U5 per
cent Incenrod rates, aeoniH to neces-;
rlate th absurd attempt to nerve'
three lie m-h Much, and do the switch-1
iug In threw mtttu line town iih well
vlth thr 1 -I Hi: model
Lttd three engine crown.
.1. Filth. Incomparable to a h1h"M
or cattlo oar. covers the Interior 1
fvory pahfiiycr coacn opcmtoti on
these llmtM. I'llth that Ih IiicIich deep
mid moutliu old. Filth that carrleH
OIhoiii'C. tin ttHont(M ' tlii traveller, re
tardH tho development of thin Hectlon,
r.nd Iohoh patrouti:e to the rnllromlM.
4. A wanton dlHregard of overy
und any publiHlied schedule iiuiIum u
rcnHonitbif certainty of couuectlonrt
InipoHslblo. PaHKongerx are often
held at the depot In Ontario for hour
under tli promlHe Hint the train will
leave "right away." Mhod traliiH
will Hto within a tiillo of a Htatlon
to unload or load a cur of Hheep or
tattle. Despite the effort h and wilt-
InguetiH, of the branch Hue agents nn
Information can uxtmlly ho Hccured
of the expected arrival time. , rallrond Ih losing thouHaudrt of
del Ian. In pusHougor and freight rev-
etitio becauNn the motor earn, ultho ,
more expHiiHive, are more reliable, i
There should lie no need to call the
attention of Michu conditions to the
Oregou Short I.lue ottlclnls, for even
If they do travel In clean, comfort
tide, modern private curs thov know
the true sltimtlou iih welt as the peo
ple tiiey scorn to help,
Tito Malheur
Kuterprlse bellevon
in tbo railroads.
We want more tall-
ron tls und better railroads. Such op
eration as Iiuh been permitted how
ever tlie past tew years will nover
produce rovunuo Hiitllcjont Jo Just I
tv ileve'opmeut. The public will
not puy profits for Insults and prom-
jcs. Tliey win pay for Horvlee.
The Ihtterprlse Ih iih
king the rail-
vh to be right. .
jed of culling
road to do what It know
There Hhould ho no nee
on tho Public Service Commission,
There .should bo no need of going
further to arouse public resentment,
we are not aslclng for a Hlngle ex-
Asparagus Tips
Four Foot Pine Wood For Sale
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGER, Proprietor NATE FRANKLIN, Manager
ponnlvu or unreasonable change.
' If the OroRoii Short Lino will altor
tholr schedule u llttlo to permit hoc
tor cnttnoctlonn with tho jimln lino
If they will arrange to run tho train
on BChodulo, If Ihoy wIIUoIohu up.
tholr coiicIioh Httttnblo for docont poo
plo to outer, ir they will take n llttlo
prldo In pleasing tho eoiumunltloH
that pay tho churgos, If, Ohl Moll.
If thoy will Just ho huslim)i like,
everybody will ho mitlfitlod anil iho
railroad will ho making tnoro monoy.
Tho than Iiiih oomu In tho develop
ment or thin Hcctlon that It Is oaso.i
tlal to Hoeiiro tho co-oporntloii of all
Interested parties In tho upbuilding
of tho great South Kuslpnu Oregon
country. Unloim tho railroad cro
willing to tiHHlst In tho sowing, by
what right will thoy claim it largo
Hharo of tho harvoHt?
With an Individual 1' In a ciiho of
work or nturvo. Tho Hamo hi true
of it railroad, only sonln nro too blind,
to lny, too prejudiced, too busy to
Why have tho railroads mado thin
article nocoHsnry? Wo want to he
tholr friend. Wo hope thin Word
will be BuMclent. Vnlo-Kntorprlsoi
Tho KnterprlHO hua voiced the Hon
tlment of the people of lhl.1 hocIIoii
of tho HUtu In regard to tho railroad
service. It Iuib overlooked one mat
ter that should have been added;
At least aouie Hhlppora In thlrt vicinity
are not notified when their frelKhl
reaction ItM destination. There are
tlmcH when HiIh notice would mean
much to tho Hhlpper an most times
ono Is In n hurry for the good, und
then uguln, it might niuko uome dlf-
ferencn In Hondo convoynucoH for,
lite Bltlpmont as routi eomiiuonHj.arc a
factor In thin nart of the country.
The ugents are nuroly not o,bucy
but what they can notify a nhlppor
whon a consignment of Roods Iiim ar
rived. It may not bo compuhory
upon tho part of tho rallroud but It
in shoVlng Homo courtesy to th poo-
Ile who patronlro the road.
H. C. H. Si
(lene Scliwnrlz. '20; Helen King
1; Juno DalltJii, 'HZ; niadyn Ilyr.l,
1 020
School xplrlt HeeniB to he the leail
lug thought In everyone uiliid now
adayH. Altlionli It Ih promoted
largely by the Seldom, who gave a
program Friday to tlint effect, the
roxt of the school reHpondlng glor
riuii mi Inspiring principal!
loiiHly, who wouldn't? We havu
The following program wim ron
derud by the Senior cIiihh in the
itHMcmhly on Friday:
School Spirit
Paper, School Spirit Jo I). Cook:
Poemn Oeue Schwartz; School moiik,
recitation CIiixh; Paper Cooperation
Taylor HuHtou; School NotuH
Kverett KggleHtou; Pooin, Class yell
Willis Skleu und Col la llyrd;
School Yell Kntiru School.
How can teachurn announce a llttlo
test with hiicIi a wide grin and much
of pleasure when they know
liiNtrumuutH of torture tJ0y
n re 7
The Seniors nre proud possesnorrf
of rings, u symbol of trelr "Senior
hood." Knvlmis glances anif wIsheH
are rite among the lower classmen-
while the J u ii lore have tin air or "we-aro-almost-tliere."
We have observed that we had a
pick and shovel gang nt
Saturday. ( Kxcusn me,
I should
have said pick and Hhovol handle), j " 'l iviuiKt. nut an tins is nl
Mrn. Walter Hnutmi eiite'rliilned moHt an entirely new cIiish this year,
Informally tho entire Senior dims mt I
Wednesday evonlng It wiih niiirli of
a Hiirprli.e to the "lionorable" Tavlor.
us It was planned without his kuowl-i
edge to celebrate hi birthday, Tho
clasv Ih all of one opinion that they
had a Jolly good time. 1
MIhh Krlchonky, tho cIiihh advlnor,
Ih to entertain tho Senior oIuhh at tin
Informnl card party Friday evening
to ho given at. tho Pago residence.
Wo want out dance March slOth,
.to. bo a auccuMfi, Our objoet Ih n hol
ier Commencement, ho give mi your
mtpport and help put the H. C. II. S.
on tho map. Although throe ilayH
late (due to St. Patrick' on ti week
day) we want It lo he a St. Patrick'
danno, and nr.' planning Ir t'oeornto
Iho hall with boiiio of our reout3t
Frcphmonl Cornel
1021 '
A Junior claH meeting wan called
on Wednesday evening to dlocutti tin'
program to be given by the JtinlorH,
March 12.
Mario Kgll, tho Junior President,
loft for California Inat Sunday for a
ihnrt vlHlt with her mother.
Polemtui Sklon. n former grndualn
of Harney High, wan HerloitHly Injur
ed whllo playing boHe hall nt the fair
groundH and In now In a critical con
dition. On becoming principal Mr MelVulo
decldotl that the High School wan In
tieotl of physical training. Therefore
the noon hour wan shortened and a
few mtnutoR taken from each period
to make another period poHHlhle,
MIhh Andernnu will instruct the glrlu
and Mr. MeDade, the hoys,'
MIhh Hazel OWHley who ha been
absent from lnr claHHen for the lent
few weekH, hnH returned from Ilun
Ington, where Hho ban been vlnltliig
wljh her Hlntnr, Mrs. Vincent.
Oladyn Dottntcilt Ih with uh ngnln,
tllKdya doenn't look nH If hIic had been
Hick n day, although Hhn ban had h
f-fCHl Htlff chho nf tho chicken pox.
Hho artrlHCH tho rwt of u "chickens"
not to he nnooplng nrottud In any
one'H chicken houxo thio iayn.
Next weok we will get our cnrdH,
I wonder how wn Snphainoros will
fare? V have been working mighty
hard hIiico hcIiooI began, to make up
for all loHt time, You would think
n If you could boo our double unnlgn
.......... it..., n ... i. ... nt. ..I .tun.. , .
llltl IIIU ,I,,,MIUI, lit,,, l
?f ti d.
FninceH Pnnegan no longer Inn'm
to tlie SophamnrcH iih her one and
only claRa. She Iiiih nlepped far aboM
mm Into the Junior I'lriHs. Weil
Fritiice. the rent of uh nre coming it
little "nlower" hut JihI aM "Hure"
PerhapH you have noticed how
Hcnnty tli't Stiplinmore iiewn ' 'hl
venif. Tliero Ih a reaion. Not 'i
Hluglo one of thoxo loyal hut dread
fully neglectful SophumorcH ilnnat
ed an' notes. Their prtulHe4 nr aU
Mititflhlni' like IIiIh: "Ohl Yen. cer
tainty I will write uome hoIch for our
uewH," but If nit their note were put
tngellier. there would he a large
blank, Hpnce headed, "HophmnrcH'
Nick ItohluHon has not returned to
cehool this semester. We fear that
he was badly hurt recently, Our
sincere spniputhlos urn extended to
Nick unit we wish him u npecdy re
covery. We have come to th" con
elusion that ho was born on a ft'rldny.
Hex wears a patch over hie1 right
Jaw. We don't know If he han1 beni
In! a fight or whether to luy It on
chewing gum.
Lessons are proceeding nicely.
NewH from the scene of iicllou.
Alexander Iiiih Just inarched up
.tne i-jupiiraies nnu capiureu ino- royat
cit es or Persia.
wo are woruiug up interest in
Ancient History by giving both oral
and written accounts of tho lives of
great men, Our Interests nn- now
centered upon Alexander of Mace
donia. The oral reports are excel
lugl.v good.
The Freshmen met Monday even-
work ItiHt'lUK und decided on iluw class colors.
car tuu i rehiimeii used ,Mivy
w ilpclded on old roso ami hIIvoi',
Wlm utn, we aren't iih giddy iih you
"llglit Imagine.
Literary programs will be held
every Friday afternoon at the lllghT
hc'linol, given by the various cIuhs.jh, Z
WA I tit A NT (UMAi
1 Notice Is hereby glvon that thorn
are Httfllclent fuutlH on hand to pay
OH it 'I OeneVnl Fund warrnnlH Icattotl
and roglBlorod up and Ineludini?
Hoeoinhttr 20, 1010. interoHt cotiHOM
March 0, 1020. '
County Trenntfor
Get theGjnuine
and Avoid
in tvry
Page's Quality
Is Her Pride
Kvery IIOI'HKWIFi: who ban
over TUIKI Page's (iiallty
wanlH iL.ljgaln anil AOAI.V.
A round, full LOAF wlllt
that ludeniiiihln IIO.MICV lluvor
- which caiiHes hubby to re
mark: "Wife, I ee you've been
ilny." vor know:
Ulle u large loaf.
1 Tor tl.lf
lht of fmnlly foods!
, T
t X
. t
I kav
Why are
flavors (ike the
pyramids of Etfypt?,
Because they are
And WR(GLEVS to i bencflcW
is well at lofK-tattini frftt.
It helps appetite and ditfestion.
keeps tejlh dean and breath
sweet, allavs thirst.
Sealed Tight-
Kept Right
Mid ht dairy herd
back In tit Jc wlrrrtr Tay im
watch rcpalrlMff, eye ttstlas, ate.
Yaar ayes tested for radiif gliwi
92S audi up Vl"' ''t,
Weddlnff riagiaiMltifU aJ)l1 klaaa.
Yours for alck scrrlce as aafare.
Beginning Monday, Marchfeth.
' 1, -I
" -aa g