i i t'tU. M.ireh (I, 1020. I U R T I M 1! H II V. IX A T. I) B f It N M , II A It t: V C 0 V A TV, O It EOON WAS AFRAID TO CROSS THE STREET i How To Make Fish Scent To Attract Animals Could Hardly Stand up-Suff-cred Thirty Years-Restored By Taking Tanloc "D.jWy Smith's Homo dttrdon Mar ket. Fresh VoKOtablea mid Plants or . 'I KimlH for Sale Horo." Wt iv ovop'liocly in Lou Anculen will rrmember huvltiK reml tho nliovo huji t . 711 South Miilno Htrool, unit nut ti. ' of f plo nro iiurHoimlly nCqu lnt'il with J. F. ("Daddy" i Sir't i owr, whose place if IntHlucmt I !l" Smith In not Mly lh oiiki )io!ted on, business nffrilrn, iil.no well tip on mitttoro o. p, i lufenmt. Ho talks oHpuclally i ,t ! . on tho fmhjool of nu.nl-I..- i ihK, nit h says, tried evory- i i it the p(it thirty yours In In- ' overoonie a ehronlu eaio of i 'ion. Id rolatliiK hl ux ii r i few days ao "Daddy" Sm1')' a KP'nt deal to wiv ahont Ta i ' ' I'lnrhiK that It. In tho onlv nu lii ii he ever found Hint did Mlir iuuJi Kood. Hunt In lilt slutn nu" ' or ,i least thirty years I litivo mC' ri d flie worst kind from IiiiIIkui i tor: Vi-r eatliiR I would ttloat np n ti.-lit as a drum and hint feol mis r.i1 e for hours. DnrliiK the past tlir- y -.irs etpeelully 1 Jusf. mi floral ,mo aim no mauer wnai i ate. ir onl' a i'tH-e of hrend the results woro the K.iiii' 1 often Mind to r,t up 'br-i- r four time at iiIrIi and tnkd miI,i -oiuethliiB else trying to not ir.im my mlnerv io I could m. i t had no appetite, and with otilv two or three hours tlcop nt m and not tmtliiR much. of any in: I Kt no nervous and weak that i -iM hardh kif(ii enlne ('or Hornet lines before 1 took Tan- . I would nut attempt to cross the i itlone. for I was no weak I wan r .1 i.f f.dlliiK. I wa dlty all tlut in . i'mI would trHinttio all nir llko iii.i: W- ll. I was fomploltdv down i- i . hi not worth i iilekle. mo far r- i i- kind of work wns ron'rnH. i i v p .1.1 nnd ludlix a Kreiit ilou' k i i i " i.-- I have 'rlwl evorv niud i. I i v-r heard of and I will say r ii ix r that I have uevur found! i.i i unl of Tanlac. At first I M 'it'll TanlHC wan koIiik tti fall tn- i;k nil tt rtHt linri, as llt first i'""'' "Hi'-d to do mo Mtte if any )"i' I stuek to It and wnlle . i: mOi Lot tie my stomach tic nn to f "-l like n new one. Well Mr in 'lay I am In better condition Mm I have heeu In for many years! and I am Mill kuIdIiik hoth In woJkIiI and strength rlKht nlotiK. I work ! every day without tlrlnj; easily, Just anything I want and sleep llko a Iok every nlnht. For a Ioiik tlmu I htivt; been bothered with my kid neys, but since taking Tunlac they are better and my whole system has been built up splendidly. I want to say to nny ono suffering from itoni nch troublo and a run-down condi tion, take Tanlac by nil moans, for my experience ia that there's nothing like It." Tanlac Is sold In Hums by Heed Droit., and In Crane by tho Vale TradliiK Co. Adv. WHAT ARE 'YOU? Ad offoc.Hvo fish irnont for uso In trapping wolves, coyotes, wild oats, and other carnivorous nnlmals' may bo propared In tho following way, accordng to tho ltlologlcal Survey, United States Dojmrtment of Agrlcul turo: ' , ' Any kind of fish may bo used, but such oily varieties as Bturgeon, eels, trout, nuekora, und carp nro prefer 'i Hitusago mill, placed In strong tin or Iron cans, and loft In a wnrm place to decompoBo thoroughly. Knch can mutt bo provided with u small vent to allow tho oscapo of gun, otherwise thoro Is dangoc of oxplonlon, hut tho nporturo must bo screened with n fold of cloth to provent tiles dopoolt tng eggs, un tho scout seems to lose mucbof Its (unllty If a eonsldorablo number of maggots develop. Time (iivos Strength This scent may be used within three dnys after It Is prepared, hut It Is moro lasting and penotratlug after a. lapse of .'to dnyi. 1 Fish Hcent nlono host 'been used with excellent resulty. hut several niodllleatlons nro hlgh'ly recoininend ed. Using the decomposed fish at a basis, mice, heuVer castors, musk glands from minks, weasels, inuik rnts, and tho bladders of coyotes and bobcats may be added. Oil given body to the scent nnd to a certain extent prevents .freezing In zero weather. If the mixture appears loo thin, glycerin, brains, fish oil, hntter fat, or such other animal tills as fat from woodchuckH nnd ground squirr els may be added. (immI System for Hunters An excellent system for a hunter to 'follow In to commeuro wH1i a itunutlty of ground flsh placed - In largo Iron containers, similar to a milk can. As the original lot Is used on the trap Hue, it should he replenished by adding more fresh fish oud others of the Ingredients to time of new material seour to Improve the quality of tho scent mentioned. The addition from tltr.e red. Tho flesh should be ground in in l lire. o ' Are you witling to admit that you are not na good as other people in democratic America? Do you agree that there Is a strata above you, as well as below you? If so, tho middle, clasn union, re cently formed id New York, will wel come you with opon arras provided you nro not a capitalistic profiteer or a member of a labor union. The middle class union ban for lt object the protection of the interests of what It tortus tho middle class tho lawyers,, doctors, teachers, and all otlieni wl'io are not capitalists or nlllllated with labor unions. It malufalus that- this great class Is ul the mercy of hoth capital and organ ized labor, and Is further trimmed by the profiteers In other lines, Kmitucli'ntlou is its object. Tho object In a worthy one, and organization Is needed among thorn) people. It may In time grow to re npectnhln and even formidable pro portions- -ufter n new name has been selected. The average Amerlcnil likes to think that he is Just as good as any other man Hint the self-styled American aristocracy nro Jimt a hunch of scheming, unscrupulous, profiteering llnnnclal huccineers, moral degenerates aping Hie ways of the old world. Middle class? Not on your life. Hvory'mnn is oeateil serenely on tho top of the lad derat least In hla own estimation. ,, . ; Wise and Otherwise Our daintiest III do maid says she lias one grave criticiiun to pasa upon tho year J mil. There was too much nainonoHB to the llguros of tho year. And yet it Is quite easy for any weary pilgrim to pork up, when ho baa tho perklngfl with which to do tho perking. Mr. Hoover, at leant, in ontltted to ono form of distinction. Ho ad mits that ho Im not a candldato for president. What, wo wonder, portends this ominous quiet south of tho Itlo Grande? Vic Carrnnr.a hasn't erupt ed for at leant 1M hours, and that is some record for ho of tho whiskers. America in largo, nnd wo have much room to spare, but not one inch for the ciins who nooks to overthrow tlm government of the United Slates, Wo Mriay, or wo may not, bo of IIiij party in power hut we are American all, and wo want nothing but Amer icanism 100 per cent pure. That'll our creed, Yes, ovory man has a will of his own provided ho Is not a politician or his wife is not around. Now tlmt about every, stale has Its favorite sou In tho wild und woolly presidential scramble, it hi time for the cities, towns and villages to trot 'em out. Who's ours? Humor hns It Unit .modern man. In order to hook pace with tho women will soon be tripping daintily down the street garbed In decoleto shirts and short pants. Sooner or Infer we'll fcol In on this profiteering game our&df. Havo you mi automobile you want to trade In on subscription? 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance I easy terms, six per cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company oregon In some quarters it t suggested that a tnx of 1,000 a gallon be placed on liquor. And about how much, at that rate, would bo tho price of a common, ordinary, sniff? A noriouo unompl.oyir.ont cituation arono. Ex-norvloo mon woro without worlt. So nro pon'n nmmifnoturorn lnoronsod tho numbor of tholr omployoon, A grontor output foHwvod with tho atten dant probjoa of flndlnft a wirfcet. Tho wir kot found - tho oxoollorwn of Gr"o-. I'.on'a prod uc to oroutad demund und oarrlod ujj "over tho top". Associated Induntrioa of Ororjon m TRADE VtrWnmfF TLJJQ MARK. AIDS TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY When your cough and tickling: throat keep you awak When you havo that uncomfortable feeling of wanting to clear your throat constantly to no avuil -when you are honrse and sore from continual coughing then you will find TCAIUl I1AI.V White Pine Compound Boothing nnd cfTcctivc. PUROLA White Pine Compound containa White Pine Bark, Tar, Wild Chcr'ry Hark, Balm of Gilead, Menthol and other remedial ingredients valuable for certain disorders of the jhroat nnd lungs. GUARANTEE I'VllOr.A Wh'tr Vine Compound i uuurimttvl In ''f jmre tnxl if lou , are no ilUfitl with it, yunr crutf iUt will ri'uml tour money. ' VT ALL DRUG STORES Prepared and Guaranteed Uy the DIutnaucr-Franlc Laboralorie The Most Welcome Tire That Ever Came to Market Men Who Appreciate Superlative Values Prefer The Brunswick In every great tires factory, the chief question i3: "How much can avc tfive for the money?" And the product depends on the policy, adopted. Every man who hnu become ac quainted with Brunswick Tires 3:nows that Brunswick standards are again evident. This famous con cern nc-tod rp r. !:dcr in every line it entered since 1845 has once more proved that its policy is right. A perfect tire is simply a matter of knowledge and standards and fckill. No secrets nor patents prd arent making on ideal tire. But standards come first. For iti itire making there is vast room for skimping, tor subtle economies, for hidden shortcomings. Makers with out the highest standards 'don't build high-grade tires. The Brunswick organization of tire makers includes a brilliant staff of technical experts. Not a man among them had spent less than 20 years in handling rubber. Each is a master of hie craft. And the new idees they bring to the attention of Brunswick direc tors receive sincere consideration." Every proved betterment is adopted unanimously. The Brunswick Tire is a combi nation of acknowledged features plus Brunswick standards of manu facture. The result is a super-tire, the like of which you have never known be fore. The kind of a tire you will gladly join in welcoming. Yet Brunswicks cost no more than like-type tires. Try ONE Brunswick. We prom ise a surprise. And we feel certain that you will want ALL Bruns wicks. Then good tires will h,ave a new meaning to you. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. Portland Headquarters: 46-48 Fifth Street Sold On An Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Basis 4 . Cord Tires with "Driving" and "Swastika" Skid-Not Treads v v , , Fabric Tires in "PUun,w "Ribbed" and "BBC" Skid-)Not Treads Universal Garage VAClV. TIIHi:i3 I i f. m :