The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 28, 1920, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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rAnn hioht
T 11 H V I M M H . II lft It A t, 1) II t t Vfii ft A It M V (J 0 0 S V 0 II 15 O N
Saturday, Vehnutrv 28
His Dollars Worth
'No huIi, Ah don't nebor rldo on dent thlnR,"
wild "an old colored lady looking In on tho incr
, ry.go-round. "Why, do other day ! nmui dat
lUtstuH JohiiNon lt on nn rklo im much ih 11
dollnh'H worth ait rU off nt tho very name pined
as ho got on at, an' I ni2, yo' npont yo' money,
but whar yo' been?"
T!ilh vln only a homely llttlo story but thd io!tiX of llio story
Is tho basin for uomo real honoiit thinking. -
, .;
' Monoy 1ms COM 13 tlASV. ami d.ONH EASY for milny of tin
during U10 past' few yen, aifd wo haven't Iilwhya (JOT
Otltt DOLLAR'S WORTH ulthor, ll'ftve wo?
It doesn't, nccciumr'.ly follow tlml money will ulwnya count
uuHlly. In fact It In beginning to Jook already nn If credit In
to bo reatrlctod wlilcli can mean nothing, except "tight money"
mid tr this oondltloit comes to uihh we will wIhIi wo hud kept
nome of tho CO HA8V money. , ,
Lt u recommend mivlng to yon. Saving ntid Thrift pro
vent nut 11 y of the trouhleit of life Having lno'1 Imnl; It'ij cimy.
It's all a mat tor of getting started, llogln now and tmmedny
when tho world would otherwise look "cold and dreary", your
onvlngH will bring yon comfort a nothing ,olno could.'' .
Sim). what you can. ' Don't act too high a mark, but unvo
what and when .you can, for Hinall, Hl'cndy savings' mako largu
Htnns. Auk iiH lnoro about it for wO wlll( be glad q .explain
our HavlngH 10 Atom.
First National Bank
1 The Bank That Belivos in Harney County
l Tho Oregonlan reportH l-'rnhk CMorf I .tank Sonrf ban golto (0 Uoliio Mid
1 1 fAnlbtnifii1 11I II. ri li.iuit.tlnl Iwilnl 'nllim- Ilnlii lift I ll In ttir Ml lttiflilltii
roglMorud ul tho lmpWlal hotel.
y.Thtm. Vfokorn wan down from hln
umo at Harney tho oilier day vliilt
Jii'fe with roliitivotf and frlnndn.
Harry Qouldln hau returned to
Ltako uh hln' dutfoH nt the 00 ranch
after being nhnoni for Hovoral wookh
becauHO of BlcknosH.
Mrn. WllllanJ Iljutloy wept out
wllli Frank Dibbles to Hond yentorday
on her way to outiddo polnta on a
Tho Prcnbyterlan I.udlon Aid will
meet wllh Mm. A. W, Gowun on next
vWodnoaday aftomoon at ,2 o'clock.
V, mil aueuunnco in roquonien , a
very Important hunlnoiiH Ih to cotno
before tho meeting.
Oi P. lavage npd Seolt llulo.viworn
up from the Lake region TmMijny on
other Idaho polntn for an Ifitltjflillto
J, It. Jouklun ivnK lit town for .1
abort time during, tliii . tore linrt or
thlH woek looking after riOnta
nosH Hffalrs.
Of courno Uururt in going 16 moot
tho ddinand for a hotter1 iind cleahor
town.. Our hoinoM, nehooUi ehurchnn
and bunliiOHHi standing requires that
wo muct any1 obligation Imposed to
mako thin an attractive homo town.
J. W, Huclinunn wnn, mixing
around with his friends In this city
for a day or two tho foro part of tho
week. Joo talked a llttlo polltlca
While hero and holpod to suggest
some good man (o flu tho omcoH in
this county for tho ontmlng terms,
Kmnuuoi Clark and lilM noli Prank
were in town AVeduonday (tailing up
uomo DusinesH nororci tho land' ollci:. on rrlondH and dttondlng to home
O. W. (llovenger arrived homo Jast )UW,10grt affairs. Mr, Clark Is one
Haiuruay nigm rrom a vjhu, 10 rori- 0f th0 pioneer stock mou of this
laud and other outside polutrf. Dur- ,.mmtv mid Ihim if.tiL- li.wm in tin. ,ttu
.Jng his ahsencn he wan coiillnod for oy f (ho P. h, 8. f'd. Ho now has
a mmi 111 a noipum wmi lumionza. cliarwo of tho Whlto Horso ranch.
Capt. A. W, Oowan In conllned to
severe cold. Ho and M,r, (lowan
W, ( Fraxlor ftnd Pay C'omcgys
. . ... .... ,,( , in.iui IIIMI i-ujr lllliujr.1
lis homo tlih week slifferlng from niwero ovor from Diamond yeiitorday,
Mr. Prazlnr Mm developing hln own
arrived home last week from a visit riU,(., tltcHo days and -is fast making
10 ouiaiuu inmuu, oirs. .uownu visii-.,. , ,, Khtfiil homo of "Mcdov lane 1"
lug her daughter, Mrs. V. C. McKln
lie, In Ptiiidloton while the Captain
hobnobbed wlth.Hopie of his pojlllcal
oroples and friends' lit Portland,
Hev. II. 8. Hughes of the Prosby
as he, ban napied his farmstead, I la
has put In itii. otji'liard which Is Ihrlv
lug and fils meadow Is always do
peudaldo for hay. ,
II, It. Bchnn'no and Wealuy Hill,
luriaii ciniruii iuii iiiuriioay ior r,i ri' -vo mombors jif tho How firm III
lamrwhere 10 gtlek Jo attend tho'i:ungo r tlio K'P tKo lino betweon
meeting 'of tho In or ehjircb World riil pralo and Hand worn In town
Movement. Thl Id a plsn umdiifc thla week. Tha bWt sny ff present
the protej-talit chureho.V. to cdnsollMweather conditions cohtliinu thvy will
Itlftlo tlioir e rorls under ofio heail anil 'i,:...i.. ..i,..r,.- .ni..., i.n...
' - ....... ...... i,vn,M 1 i-itiiiiii m ,,11111, iv iiuiiiii
,orgamzo communily chhrchoa In tho u,o loth of noxt month. "Thoy lind
ftmaiior places anu tnus sayo morn noma passongers and freight in and
trionoy td provide for mslo,H .work. 1Q to, lake out on this trip.
tn iiuiiih wiiuru urn vci'l'iu tv umucil
M. 8aUnders, tho wool grower, was
in town WodncMlay.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde Wolttonhlllor
and 8. M. Doltou were up from Crane
(3. A. Sweok lock his dnparturH
yesterday morning for CorvallU
where ho will Join Mm. Hweek and
tho children.
, J. W. Shown wari In towij the other
duy. He called at this otllce and got
u supply of government garden seed
for himself and neighbors.
A. 11. Olson of the P. L. 8. Co. was
a passenger out with Prank Dibble
yesterday morning for Hond being
bound to tho count points on busi
ness. loot's not lono our "pep" during
tkesa coming times. Do up to meet
conditions and requirements to keep
paco with progress. That's tho wny
ta make things go and bo in tho
Win. Patterson was In town for
a short time during the prevent week.
Harry Drowu and Mr. and Mrs
Will Finer were In town lata Satur
day night to take In the P. P,,lP. ball.
Among IIiomo from 11 distance to
attend the P. P. P. hall hut Saturday
night were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smyth
of Diamond.
Ilnssi'ii Hall, a brother to Mrs. A.
A. Traugott and Mrs. .C.hos. , Carter,
camo JiMlify iuiek on it vlalr to hti
listers mul hlR for'mi'r frlomK
R C. T. IlhirVnini i bis ton Joo werV
pvvr irom uieir uoiuu on I lie ,Mi(l
lieur bovo f prowseV Thursday, .lob
hij-h uiey nave winiereu line over
thurij and stock look well. 'They
hrtve good prospects for' crSpn, al
though tho light fall of snow In the
mountains will be felt during tho
Irrigation season,
one church 'may bo taken enro of by
ono inn 11 where there .are jio'w two
or threo. It Is a good tnoVo nn'l ono
that should have tho support (if every
Judge (Irant Tliouipsou nrrlvod
homo tho foro part of thin week from
Portland mid other outside points
whoro ho had been v.lsltlng and look
ing after husucsn affairs foiva tliuo.
Whllo In town tho other day he mot
with Mr. Olseu as a member of the
new board of directors for the llnr-
When sink. go to King's hospital.
Host equipped Ooirgery In tho interior
and graduate nurse in charge.
Tho price of bread has been ad
vanced at Pago's nvyoot 8hop but tho
slro of tho loaf has been Increased to
l correspond. Loaves aro now 20 ox.
I...,....! Af 1 n .....I In .in I . .1
V..II.... t..l I.... n i i-.umi u .. n.i.i uir i-ii.u in ... ui.nn ni.ii.lim mil- 1,1'IIIIT
,....iv ...iK,..i. win.n. i .urn ror one loar, two for 3&p. Sklunn ! tloim for puymenl or i,ihip. -IIAIt
organized. Delivery Soervlco. Adv. 1-31 I XHV COPNTV N'ATIO.VAI, itAN'K.
For a Greater Harney County
Are YOU In
"If you want to know whether you are des
tined to be a success or a failure in life you can ;
easily find out.
"The test is" simple and infallible :
"If not) drop out, , You will lose. You ma.v
think not but, you yill lose as surd as you live. .
The seed of success is not in you.
Harney County
National Bank
For A Greater Harney County
Try Flrrstono,
Cords. Viilvcrsal .Money to loitn on irrigated fur
Adv. If. land ranrbes at H per cent. Amor
111011 idan 5 to !( years time, tn
aontfomcn's clothes huinderd nndrjn,no HWclatioii and buy no m
mended; buttons sowed on; good ra ioftll 7,500 to 01.0 indlvl.X
work; prices reasonable. Mrs. John iv ri.,, tx,niiulck ervlcl M
, ., . ...... . . r
tfiu.i.nuii, hi. ru.iin uiiii oi .nam sireei, ' Vnur :iuiitliuill,iii now. Ifnriu.v r
. . t. n, iiri.i,.. 101 ---T-v .......... . ...
, H-...U m ,,m.u .UBi,u,,i . ,y Al)strrt. Coinpaiiy.
a m i .- A I
win hmvii iiiiinyrr nun ueiro Afrntinnm,,! l.ntn
1 Mi . ' " ...nv
! : "s rinnHi hit t.nni w,, ,Il0 fiuions delivery serv e
iih the tav collccror'H staleineut of the , .... .
illi hiNlfiir. """"ur "'" 111 any ji ' 1
No. r,.
Cnsh f.Iarkot.
1 afpHi M
With the Irrigation project com
ploted wo aro going to llud a lot of I
our neighbors who have gono over 1
into Idaho comli)g hack to farm Ihoir
laud in Hnrhey valley. We'll alio
keep thoso cows mid sheep at home
to feed instead of shipping them out.
We're going to witness some aston
ishing progress In this vicinity during
tho prcMont year. Many things will
follow tho rrlgatlon vroject, In facti
will precede It, as thoy uro ready and
can bo put in operation quicker. We
muflt bq In llntl for these develop
ments and take advantage of them.
Hotter to be shipping out baled
alfalfa hay and bringing the money
Jn than shipping our stock out and
Haying other peoplo to feod them.
That's what will occur when tho dam
is in and wo have tho water conserv
ed. I. H. Wllfong, formerly a resident
of this section, owning a farm bo
tweon this city and I.awen, Is In this
vicinity visiting with frlonds and I
looking after business lutorests. Mr. I
Wllfong has been living over In ,
Idaho for the past couplo or years
"whoro his son Is also located.
Win. Farre
Practice before U. S. Land
Department and
Real Estate
Indication are that the
lure or tho laud will
attract many InveMors to
Harney County tho com.
Ing m'iimiii, Mm lugs now
will bo kept iH'foro pros,
pectlvo Investors tho en
tire Kronen,
We are lucky to have these GINGHAMS in such
profusion, and we are going to pass our luck along to
YOU. To the practical, weil-dressed woman they are a delight no
material so perpetually good looking, so durable, and so MODERATELY
PRICED. They will be welcomed by those who sew at home.
Plain and Fancy
Masquerade Costumes
In the Lochor Dulldlng, acros
street from Summit Hotel
Phone 0 GO
The Better Man
is nearly, always the well-dressed one.
A man, young or old, with intelligence
lotoks out for the appearance of his person.
It is the .first introduction to a stranger.
' ' :
Clothes do not always make the man but'
they can help a whole lot.
A suit cleaned and pressed in our shop is
cleaned and pressed RIGHT, 5 and has
added to its life maity hi6nths'6f'gdbd'usc. '
Clothing Company
DRESS SILKS, too-Messalines,
Satins, Taffetas, Crepe de Chines,
and Cjeorgcttcit, in many beautiful patterns.
Trimminus to match. Silk Shirtings for Men.
for the most fastidious
CreatipiiH of
Muslin, Lace,
and Silk
Just the thina for
under thn new
Sprinff blouse.
Spring calls for low
?jioeH cool, coni
fortable and dressy.
Priced right, aa
if you prefer them.
No ucfid to buy
shoos away from
homo whon you
can see thesp benui
Iob before luylifg.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
That Pease Because Sajtisfectory . . :
1 .1
Established 184
VT3 ' if