t n r, T l M K V - 11 P 1t. A , 1 11 I HVK, n t 7 T V , 0 It 13. OON Mm (u lit 1. paok nix i TYPES OE BEEF ANIMALS FOR HOME CONSUMPTION ' Tlni farmer buys moro boot tlinn bo tukes from. U farm. Only about 10 jicr cent of moat furnlshod by the average" farm' is bodf, In tho North and WohI tho average con sumption of boof per family In nearly .100 pounds n'rtd In tho South it Is loss tluiu 100. pounds. V Tho boof nnlmal killed for homo two, suggest specialists of tho United. States Doparttuont of Agriculture, may bo n boof steer or nn unprofit able cow, or n .hotter thnt dooB not jrotulno to ho u good producer uiuL would not bring n uoort prlco for boor on tho inurkot. Vory little youl fu klii.ul nn .tho .farm for homo uso,. .Much of tho ticof bought -by farmers. in boiiKht In tho Htnnnior from village butchers who opornto moat wagons, or cum In tho country, tin tno avor buo farm there are no fncllltlon . for pooping fresh hiont during, warm: WUttlllUI . 0 i&rannmiira P. O. T.'ODBHOUin Coi;rl(,ht ' SYNOPSIS. ' CHAPTER I'. Cnptnln Gunner resilient or Kim. I'lchntt'ii Hxeelslor boarding houno, la found ileu.l In Mm bedroom, tin rter clrcimmtniicej that olnt conclusively to auicido or inuruor. . CHAlTICll H.-PaiiI Hnyder. veteran head of a highly nupccnnful detective njci-ncy, In -npix'nled to liy Mr. I'lckntt to ritunuvnr lu roivn win rnyaier). un nin nturr Snyder lm aA-omitf man. Klllott Oaken, for whom IdWnn u tiruminlriK fu. lure If lilfi uluioriniil twir-t'iinllileiH't and Koilmn nn lo rllnilniited. lie turns the rams over to Oaken, nctrotly hoping ttio ynuni: man will full In trying to aotvo tho mystery. CHAPTER III. flat Up Agalnnt It A day later Mr. Snyder sat In bin ofllco rending u typewritten mnnu script. It appeared to he of it humorous nature, for iih lie rentl chuckles es caped him. Finishing the hiHt Hheet, bo threw back bin bend mid laughed heartily. The manuscript bad not boon Intend tt by Its author for a humorous effort. What Mr. Snyder bad been reading was tho flrot of Klllott Oaken reports from the Kxcolslor. It wiih as follows: I am Horry to be unable to report any real progress. 1 have formed sev eral theories, which I will put forward later, but up to the present I cannot My that I am hopofuf. Directly I arrived bens I sought out Mvn, Ticket t, captained who I wan, and requested her to furnish mo with any farther Information which tnlfiht bo f service to me. "Sho In a strange, idlent woman, who Impressed me iih having very little Intelligence. Your suggestion that I should avail myself of her assistance In unraveling this mystery seems moro ctirloim than ever now that I havo Been her. Sho Is n hard-working woman, who certainly conducts thin boarding houxc with remurkahle efllclcncy, but I Aauld not credit her 'lth brains. Htm Bevcr npeaUn except when spoken to, aa4 even (hen is curt to the point of valBtolllglblllty. "However, I mnnaged to extract from her a good deul of Information, which may or may not prove useful, Thc whole affair seems to me at tbo moment of writing nulto Inexpli cable. Assuming that this Captain Gun .a'er was murdered, there appears to have been no motive for the crime whatsoever. I have made careful Inquiries about him, and find that be was a man ;f Jlf ty-live ; hud spent nearly forty ears of his UTo ut sea, the lust dozen In command of his own ship; was of Koiucwhnt' overbearing and tyrannous disposition, though wltyt n fund of rough humor; had traveled all over tho world; and hud been an Inmate of tho HxcuWIor for about ten mouths, "IIo had n small annuity, and no other money nt all, which disposes of money as the motive of tho crime. "in my character of James Hurton, retired ship's chandler, I bnvo mixed with tho other hoarders, und have beard all they huvo to suy about the affair. "I gather that tho deceased was by no means popular. Ho appeura to havo had a hitter tongue, and was not spur lug In Its use, und I bnvo not met one wan who seems to regret his death. "On tho other band, I havo beard nothing which would suggest that he had any nctlye and violent enemy. He was hliuplv tho unpopular boaro'eir 'there Is iyn ono In eyory boarding lious-i ' nhlng more. "J ha v een a good deal of the man who situ, d JiIh. room. He, too; Is a seq-wiptnln, by niimo Muller, Ho, Is a big, Hllonl (le.rman, and it la pot easy ' to got him to talk on any subject. !A regards tho death of Cnptuln Gunner, tio can toll me iiotliliiij. It sceiiifc ' t on tho night of tho tragedy he ,wi vay at Urooklyn with Homo, .frleiit , il. Ilmvo gp.t'frbm him' ia poriu viiatlon a to Captain Gdn ner'i h, which leuds nowhere. The lieud .i Holdout drauk except ut f VI - I night, when ii.i would take smno wtn Icy. Hln hoittl wiim Pot Mi unit, ") iv llttlo of tho spirit was enough to nmko hint scniUntoxlontcd( when ho wotild bo hilarious and often Insulting, "I gather; thnt Muller found him a (flftlcult roommate, but ho Is ono of lltoso plncld aeriqnn& vho cm 'put p. with anytblnK, Ho and Gunner were in tho hahljt of playing checkera to gothor every night In their room, anil Gunner had a harmonica which he played frequently. "Apparently, ho wna playing it very soon before he. dcd. which la slgnlfl cant, as Booming to dlspoHe IdfH of Btilcldc. "Mut'lf Capialn Gunnw did not kill himself, .canpot rtt present Imaglho who did kill dm, orSvhy he was killed, or how. "As J sav, J" hnvo ono or two theo ries, but they are In a very nebulous. ,slu(o. Tho.mosj. plauslblQ In that oh out' of bis vlsltfl to IndhtI Imvo n cecl.iliU'fi that ho mnde several voy ttgOs there Captain Gunner tuny In inuio way .have fallen foul of tho nn tlvro. . . r i "Klnllnc's story 'The. Mark of the, TJntt,1 Is Kilggestlve. 1 It not poKHlble, fhaj Captain Gunner, n rminii, over-v bearing' man, eusllv lrtoxleatod,-lbat ',lh tultiinkon rrolle bnvo offereil some ItiJtlUo" nil Iodfun god? !rXbp.,fact that ho ccrtnlnly 'died o the poison or the kralt, an inuian snake, supports this theory. "1 apr making Inquiries as to" th? ' ifi(vrrtlet,"'of several Indian sailors, who were here In their ships at the time of the tragetjy. .'!! have -another theory! Does Mrs; IMckott know moro about tbls affair than fiho appeara toT 'I may bo wrong Iji my estlmnto of her mentnl qualities. Her apparent irtupldlly may bo cunning. "JJut here again the nbsonro of mo tive brings mu up iigninst n dead wall. I must confess thnt at present I do not see my way clearly. However, I will write again shortly." , Mr. Snyder derived the utmost en joyment from tho report, Ho liked tho matter of It, and he liked Oaken' liter ary style. Above all, he wns tickled by the ob vious qurriilotisneti of it. Oake.t wan bullied, and his knowledge of Oaken told him that tho sensation of being baftled was gall and wormwood to that hlgh-spirltcd young gentleman. Whatever might ho the result of this Investigation, It would nt leant have Mu, i.rfi.pi nt iinwiii" ciitkort tlmt there was more In the art of detection than be had supposed. It would teach him the virtue of patience. He wrote hlu usshdiint a short note: "Dear (lakes: "Your report received. You certainly scm to have got the hard' case which, I hear, you wero pining for. 1 wish you luck. "Don't build too much on plausible motives In r case of tbls sort. Kaimtlc roy, the London murderer, killed a woman for no other rearon than that aho had thick ankles. Mnny years ago I myself was on n case where a inun murdered nn Intimate friend because of a dispute about a hall-game. "My expcrloBce ia that live murder ers out of ten act on the whim of the moment, wlthott anything which, projH erly speaking, you could call a motive 'at all. "Youre, "I'nul Snyder. 4i S. I don't think much of your Tlckett theory. However, it's up to you. Enjoy yourself." CHAPTER IV. Baffling Clue. Young Mr. Oakes, however, did not enJoyhlmself. For the first time In his life he was beginning to lie conscious of the pos session of nerves. Ho hud gone Into this Investigation with the self-confident alertness which characterized all his actions. He believed lit liliaself thoroughly. The fact that the case had the ap pearance of prescatlng unusual diffi culties had merely stimulated him. He was tired of being assigned to Investi gations which, offered no scope for tho Inductive genius which ho considered that lie possessed, Hitherto he had been a razor cut ting wood. Now, 'however, ho told him self, ho could really show Mr. Snyder the dlfferenco between modern meth ods and tho stupid rule-oMhumh whflh seemed to ho the agency's only form of mental expression This mood had lasted for somo hours, Then doubts had begun to creep In. Tho problem beguu to appear in soluble. True, ho had only Just taken It up, but something told him that, for all the progress ho was likely to make, ho might Just as well huvo been working on it for a mouth, Ho was baffled. And every moment which ho spent In tho Excelsior boarding house mado It clearer to him that that Infernal old woman with the palo eyes thought him art Innocent fool, It was this, moro than anything, which had brought to Elliott Oakea' notice tho fuct that ho hud nerves. Those nerves were being sorely trou bled by the quiet scorn of Mrs. Pick ett's gaze. Ho began to think that pcrfiapa he hnd been a shade too self-confident and brusk in tho short Interview which he had hal with iter on his arrival, She bad i truck htm as u thoroughly Htuphl old woumn, and li! muuuc'r Had shown It. Ho hud been keen and abrupt din'hii; that interview. Ho had cut In on hci remarks! Ilojitid extjiiiliicd j hor wit) regard to the' facta1" which' ho noedo' to supplement those which ho hudh from i!r. etiydor with U Mirt nupei'i'li- touHjioi which tynv ho vvuh beginning to regret. Such ah attlludo an bo hull nsrumod rout) only iio JttHlInod by resultH, nnd tho fear was creeping over lilm that lie could not produce those result. WlHrc wn Htnrlng him In tlio face. his arrival hu had not ccaaed o brood over this problem, but he could see no light. Mrs. rickott'H pnlo eyen somehow mado him feel very young. Klllott Oakefl first net after his brief interview with the proprlotrcsrt had boon lo exninfne tho room where the tragedy had takes place. I'he liody had wnv, .but, with that exception,' nothing hridbecn moveuV Oakes belongeii (o the tnagnlMng' glass school af detection n,wil'' thing ho did on onlerlntf'tlm W!i1?fHH lo make a careful exitinltiHtlewfr'tlio lloor, tho walls, tho furniture, ;attd the window-sill. ' ta would bnvo liotlv denied tho nil- sertlon that ho did Uils beoftuso It r,,iV,..i won i.ni ho would havo been nioilt wonderful thin: In (ho world. . ? '' " . ! , , nnv VtherU'vo gained fourleen. pound, .and 1 IIIIIU I'llt. IU il- ..1. T V reasop, ' Ho.dlHfojorod wlmt probably, In 11H j heart. hoUind 'oii'iLted to tllsctfveiv notbliii?. THu Vt'H! parllell'H of dust I n t'ho' iVooV.-hutf Hity conveyed lihtli imt'io.'l'ilm. There worn tnarks dn WW Vln)ow-Vll, .liut.whnt they signified ho hatl n'p notion. However, lie went through his per- , forrin rico, conscientiously, it was 111s way of taking rormai possession m m casc ' He roie, a little, flushed, nnd, nban? donlng the magnlfylng-glnss. wado a comprehensive, survey of. tho room from a position near the door. If he illKcovereil anything Ids dlstjoverles wero entirely negative, and served only to deepen the myslery of tho case. Ah Mr. Snyijer had.tjnld, there was . .. ... ......1.1 f.n.t.k no rhimticy, nnu poyoujv umum .' entered through the locked door. There remained the. window. It wan small, and apprehenslveness possibly nn the score of burglars bad caused tho proprietress to make It doubly se cure with an Iron bar. No hnpiau be ing could havo squecxed ills way through It. After a quarter of np hour ho left tho room, locking the door behind him. No moro unimtlsfnclory preliminary Investigation could ever have been made. It was lato that night that he wrote and dlMintched to headquarter the rk w, ,1U, llwMIm jjr. KnVder. ' . . ... i. i .... .im. Tho Interval ho filled Up by milking guarded Inquiries among his fellow hoarders. IIo hnd no difficulty In making litem talk. Nothing like the ileatn ot uap tiiJn'otiunor bad ever hupponod among , n. and tho dltllculty would have ' ar, ...iriiilv anv other in I'll w fe w topic of convertiatlon. Captain Muller, tho big Ocrmah, who, by virtue of having been the dead man's roommate, might, If he had de sired, have held the position of princi pal speaker and star-witness, was tho only man who seemed to havo nothing to say. He was plainly a man of silent habit, and Hot even hla vicarious con nection with the tragedy could shake him from It. Tho theories of the othera ranged from heart-disease In spite of the doctor's definite statement to tho con traryto the Ingenious suggestion from one of tho party that CaptnIn Gunner lind been bitten by a snnke at some previous dnte, several years be fore, and that the poison had lain dor taunt In Ids system until this moment, The theorist claimed to have known n mutt vho had made a voyage with a nuin to whom ,n precisely similar ex perience had happened. Tho only weak spot In 'the story was tho fnct that the speaker's Informant had (be reputa tion of being tho most persevering llur In his nutlve state of Massachusetts, and had twice claimed to have seeB the sea-serpent. Young Mr. Oakea went to his room with tho beginnings of a bad headache. All the really reliable Information which he bad acquired from his com panions ha had embodied in his report, and, as be hud admitted In that docu ment, It did not lead to unythlag very definite. It was in his roefa. that he, first snatched at the avenging Indian the ory a n possible solution, and, If. he hnd boon honest with himself he would have admitted that there was a good deal of tho emntlona of .the drowning Binu tovard tho straw' In tils attitude toward it. . ., Nothing supposed tho theory ex cept hlK active Inmglnntbih. Captain flunner bad certainly visit ed India In tho course of hlu wander ings, but tliero the trail stopped. IIo hud never shown any of x the slgnfl which might be supposed to mark the muii conscious of being ceasulessly pur sued by tho outraged tervantH of an Indian god.'' In Ids rnmblea along the water-front ho hnd frequently met Indians, but ho had betrayed no nervousness. On tho contrary, If they happened to get In hla way, ho had usuully kicked them, This was not the attitude of a hunted man. ' Oakes was bound' to admit that his confidence in the Indian theory was sot very robust., He had put it to Mr. Snyder In his report more as sn-vl-dence of good faith, as a proof that his Ipisy brain was at worlj apd that ho was lirlnuliiL' a laudablo nimlilenesa of Imagination to (lie quest; tKati be-, causo no t-cniiy neiieyou it. Ills Innuendo against MiH, 1'lrkctt was pure Vplt". Tho vVpnmn Irritated him profoundly,' and It soothed him to fancy himself oyen for n moment watching her like a hawk, and causing hor urieas'liicsu 'by, liltj rel6ntl6ss pui suit. WAS ABOUT. TO SELL HER HOME Mri. Forythe Wa Almoit A Nervous and Phyaical Wreck Until Restored t by Tanlac, ii 'Before I fbok Tanlflol 6&V'wcok passed In tho liuit ten yuiirli 'that I wakn't confined to my bad part of tho titan," was tho statement mado by Mrs. K. H. Fornytho 'of 1 HQ West 40th St., ,Lo Angeleu,vCal. to a Tan iacx roiiror.ontatlvp, rouojitly. "I'm a wcll and happy woman now, nnd I'mTKlad I can g.ive Voti thin tes timonial' for I bollovo- Tnnlno Is tho feel atroiiKoV than I havo III ton yearn,'' continued Mrs. Forsyth "I hail nn field .sjomach, an suf fered with sour :as at 111110- v bad that I thought I would ftunieuto Slek headarhoa would eomo 0 iu) (I I would havo sjicjt awful fl tin;, about my hoitrt I vould a faint. . My nerves wont to n I mo CiOB, (ipd 1 bocamo so torrlbly norvoui that oVcn tho rliift or the- door poll woum upuot mo, ' For tho oast, flvo year I havo not boon nblo to eat hardly anything that would rhy . on my stonlach, and even .ntllk and wutor at tlnie.N would npuot my stomach, ani)' callijo rmj, tp' liavp to goMn .feed. 1 lived 611 u strict .diet of rico nnd milk for oVor a year, and at tho same tltuo I trPjd .all klhdtr of treatments but nono gavo mo a partlclo of re llof, not even temporary, and. finally I was In such' a bad condition I had to stay In bed most of tho tlm.o. 80 my hunbaml and I decided to give Er ST-t I Wjll SOMETHING Happen weight and was almost a :ompleto( ii ? nervous and physlclal wreck. 11 TO tllClCC JSOU I ICIl i I hatod to give up my homo, and on (II" ai'vlrc of n frintid who had u. ed Titnl.ieM doe'dod to try It Unit. With the fir it bottle 1 began to Im- I prove, and I hadn't flnUhcd my sec ond bottle befor I wan fouling like in illf r.it-i.nf ii'niiiiiti. iilut Inv I r, .il'itn ' i of ten vuhm standing huvo entirely igono. I never havo a slek hcndnHiojj or ajeii wnn my nomncii. My nppe- i tile h.m come hack and I'm gaining I In Wflgl.t and tftronglh ovirv day Nothing ovr disturbs my mron now for he wer.i never bettor, aod 1 cm fteen 'fltui all n'ght long, All my iie'Kiiir.r am rejololnj; with mo oyer iy recovery, and I feci that It's my liluly to give a publ o stutoniont apd I u ,l uo wonueriui goon Taniae has dono mo. No, wo didn't soil our houio because wo found this nied Icino In time.". Taulae Is sold In 'Hums by Hood Hros,, and in Crano by the Vale Trading Co. Adv. O" . TIIK WOftLHH UKKATK8T LIQUID. It was at the meeting of a bar as sociation In Arkansas that somo ot the colonel's friends thought to con fuso him by proposing tlmt ho re spond to tho toast, "Water." Dash ing off a bumper of tho worlds great est liquid, ho spilled this: "Mr. TouHtmnstur. ladles and gen tlemen, you have askod mo to ro tpoud to tho toast "Water," tho pur est und best of ull tho things (hut (lod has created, I want to pay lo you that I have soon It glisten in tiny tear-drops on tho sloopmg lids of in fancy; I havo seen It trlcklu down tho blushing cheeks of youth, und go in rushing torrents down the wrinkled cheek of age. I have seen it in tiny dew drops on'tho blades of grass and leaves ot trees, flashing like polished diamonds when the morning sun burst in respieudeut glory o'er tho eastern hills. I havo seen it trickle down tho mountain sides in tiny rivulets with the Music of liquid sil ver striking on beds of pollshod dia monds. I have seen It in the rush, ing rivers rlppllug over pebbly boU to ins, puhmt; about Jutting atones, roaring over precipitous falls in, Its mad rush' to Jots the mighty Father of Waters, aufl ,1b the Mighty Fathor of Waters I havevsueu it go In slow and majeatio sweep to Join tho ocean. on whoso broad bosom floats the. battle-fleets of all patlons and the commore'o of the' world. Dut.Madie uiiil goiitloineii, want to suy to you now, that nx a beverage, It Is a damn ffillimi."i.-IOYililiiiit -IOxollHllKO. -0- Mooiirililiilng lu those sunny days of parched throats Is not coniniod to tho undent habitat of tho wild mouw tainoer, It is apt to ho right lu your neighbor's iirluloorutlit collar. o . Our oftieo devil assorts that It- somo fpeoplo would uso a little load paint on their races and a little moro on tholr fencos this old world would not look quite so dilapidated. o This is a good town, Tell it to othors, ; ; tt , lle was a detective, but he. was human. . i .. ..... .. . ' ueriaiuiy ki pott utikes was not on Joying himself, Tho man of all others . whom he hud admired and revered wost- Hntt'iiHolyk'all Wb Hie Klllott , Ouka, tpwlt wafl beginning to show : Hlgnnfnj.t being; fiqtroiuoiulopa us lie J had always pictured him. (i ito wiiVbpIng tried anil found want ing, Ho wished Mrs. IMckott would not look at .him like that. It hurt hit) soli'-, esteem, ',; .... i.j . . i . 1 1 ,i ' ",. .jp... (To bo eontlnuo'd) Alfalfa Seed V)yy seeA that you enn im guy ed that you csn Buy aed that compile ten an u Oregon, 'V can ship carloads or. neaiue. roriunn, yasima, wnn ana inruusn iocbi aifcniB. Jittat BEST Haa a reautatloa In tha Tea .cannot buy better se tor fM money anywhere. The FINE MONOGKAEfflED !9 JLim.JL Wc liave a choice santple line of fine box stationery which we will print with any monogram you wish. Fine for gifts at any time. Priced on-a reasonable ;, production cost basis from $1.50 up. j Wc sell only printed-to-ordcr stationery THE TIMES-HERALD Job Department I you A rich uncle may die and leave you a roll, but few rich uncles have this habit. If you get rich the chances are you will first have to save enough mono in order to make an investment that will pay. Thwe are pleitty of investments for the man with a little ready cash. But it is up to you to save cash. The best policy is to deposit a portion of your salary. A Bank is better than a hple in your pocket through which your money can slip away. Make our Bank YOUR Bank. CRANE STATE BANK GItANti, OHICdON Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TKAUGOTT, Proprietor REAL LOANS rksmc SltrGlU Words In these days of high prices, want to hear,"- We havo them . .... VLLm ' A l fflufingthe coming yearwejwlll use our utmost ondoavor to dis-'T! Yclujrge ofur?deep obligation to oar cuatowerH b'yoffoctlng a substan-; tint reduction on tno prico ot ovory nrticio wo sou, wnero u is uu manly posslblo to do so, Wo'can not control tho prlcos in tho wholosalo nmrkots, but we can and will contlnuo to rogulnto our own profits in such a manner; that oustomors will not only bo amply protected, but will bo actually; favored in ovey sale wo make, Wo havo no well rounded hand you in a cholco exhibition or rhetoric, but wo do offer you our sincere gratltudo for, your pntronugo of tho past year. It will h&i our plonsuro to sorve you oven Burns Cash Store at.-. v EE Ladies Monogram W t M H H V. y T m hrfnrn vmt v tn it return If you are not MttM4. with tli Sued Laws af Wuklir. Um from oar -warMM at wana, kiimmwmiy, Wl ALFALFA SEED North wart, for Ma hut M arid ya faaat gti aa g ' Chw. If. Lilly Ce. Mil MM, M. ESTATE BLUEPRINTS Bunts, Oregoa of Cheer words of. cheer aro the ones you. for you. and glowing effulgcnco ot thanks to.1 moro acceptably lu tho ycac to coaio.. ywHere mmm a4'' : u r bbbi iUi a 3 . il