The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 28, 1920, Image 3

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1 . V - Vit irv UH. tOCO.
T 11 U 'l' I M M H It J3 H A h U
n u it y w
( A U N
r o n x a r
1-Oulibf 1'RUTfCriON ,
Wise and
plea for Smokelcat Summer
Initiated by Portland
Lot's hao a Hmokolesa summer.
TluU Is tho slogan which wu want
It In possible, of courao, that wo
men take tho opposite, bI(1u of a quos
tlon bocauno It would novor do to con
coda (hut tholr husbands are always
Sonic pooplo havj trouble In point;
..i. t I.-.. i ii... . .i.
If It truo tlint pooplo who: indulge
In day dreamt) uro always contrary-!
jo find forth broiulcast throughout th, woHa ,m,Ht bo ono ,01,K (lrcUn
tho Uimth and breadth of tho states llfter nnothor,
which, In the bust niouthB of tho '
year aro curuod with forest llroa. , Uantiucts, wo opine, will not bo ho
often caused by rarelP9snes. This popular nofc iih In tho liulcyonvlnyH
lofi.-1 will b? ospoolally emphasized of. champagne, bourbori .and Kin-
uurP ; H wce froni May 23 to 29 tiesies'. Wator, as yet, hart not boon'
lialu 'M- tliu our, jor u.ui'weuK.,i moiiowcu to 4ino proper insio.. ,
o Ik U nilde as "Varoat l'rotuctloh ' : '-a-., '
.., TheYo ard fKlw'ny two sided
has '
,'nyn two Hliloft to
bratlou of tho weak in Oregon every question tin trouhlu bolnjtj
n Initiated by tlio Portland howuver, that I no 6th6r follow novor
... r of Counnorn and tho can sou It.
t r wants every corner of tho 1
Ma L UrOROn, ,1'Bpcr nuy omiiu di-f uurn, u uumiim, ibj nmi w mi u
noriiorirg ou mu wr- Hnveriiuiuiii in win iiguimu, ijur niu
pooplo, and by tho politicians.
tiniii s Ith'n or
t8t i y n In this educational movo
mcr n U-hoartt'dly. i :
v Protection Week" wat tho 1 Wo at leant aro safe from ono n
mi t. of the Natural Parks net., Tho dovll yrlll hardly cpmw to
Assor u of tlu Statu of Wa. hlng- oarth wlillo tho mln aru up and doliiK;
Ion and It l further a.UBK(vicd that 111 ' A
Idaho Montana. California and Tho mun who Hponkn well of bin
Color .do Join with Washington and nolghbor nuldont heara tsvil of lilm
OrcKM and do honm coiiHtrirctlvo self. ,
a k -1. 4r'iiM nut I i iP i
gS . prorVerly; F; . T ' Wh.lreU.lg (n (ho preaont wild
With the rapid growth lif.numbora orgy of spending. JuhI romobor that
6f tl motor tourlHt tho nuod for thin our editorial hatchery ha not budgj
cdU'i'um in forenl preservation is
boroi.i'ng moro nnd nioro ncntp. In
tho llrcl piiW. no musi, icarn .uw
Aanc, r of leaving camp lira.!..
odniir'rnoh from Ita' naraoolil atahd.
if - . . i - - .y '
. Xho.wnr haa, added 2,009,000. to
llo.tht) population' of -Italy, ileapito ita
... . 11,... VI.
mil I t,i tllllrJll. Where lO OUJUl lUeBlW3B. uui tiv m-m. wicv,...
and b w to put thorn out when ho ono who can crow. Kiiiinn and Alex
hu i'-d w th thfm Not nlono havo bcon rcatorod to Kuanla.
Is. thf foruRt firo a tntnoci to llfo, 1
. . . "i . . ....iiiinr- If tho prlco of commodltlCB enn-
''.s to a comm Milty In dollara t,n l Boar wu'll aoon have no
?,! . . ntH i,ut it l 1 a gr atnr lo-o I further use for thin old earth. Wo'll
in M ill tli ' f"r".t xZ- " moHo. ! o In tho hUIoh huntlntf .nothing
niul li thl Miioko whlfl obnrurmi , to w'r r n Mio 10 -'a,
otsr I), aiitlful aconery ho nun wnon a
. ..I.. I., iiu jwttnt, t it tv . i.nintlmnti
K 7Ji onV'Vw; l ablo . ttln a hI of ,Uy tuJIcS
-i earn nothing o tho churm of ! bour. Mul yl Who., wu want to
r 1 ln our rivers and our o dah' wo'll Juat annox an nnto,
v,U, . TSi" MiZmtttZ"Mli "IN .-limb aboard, and kick
lr.ui . u """ ... ... I mi ilnal In I lib nviui ii f hup tnmil Mtimiil
,n. ii iiiiu iiTitwiiiniriiuia curiuizi. ,"
SV:. . to ibo auro, fortwt flroa nr ,
oft . Mi' result of atortna and other i
i.,' r.l ciunei. th gront majority
A full grown nutolopo In unltl to
m aro uuo jo carc.ouM
'i ri or iui.ivi(.uai8.
1 from tho foroat lire dangr.
tli i .tor tonrtat, tho foot tourlat,
ai v . thi othor typtw of tra-'eUr
ran t I- t u.ght tho great loaaon of
huv t" proHorve the beuuty of tho
for- it'Hl how to camp decontly.
Apporoa of (hlB It la fitting to quoto
from tho Saturday Evening I'oat;
"Unfortunately thcro aro a good
many people who want moro than
tholr share of outdoora, who demand
a second helping of tho flah or the
Katnc, even If their nolghbor muat
BO without. Many men who aro
house-broken aro not wlldenieaH
broken; many who aro perfectly law
abiding on Main atreut are luwlona In
tho wooda aome pooplo are good
citizens only ao long a tho cop Ia on
tho corner."
"Then" continues the editorial
"thore Is a claaa who go adventuring
In automobilon and wagona, equipped
to camp out, moat of them orderly
nnd well boflavod, good followa and
friendly on tho road, reapoctlng tho
rights of others and tho ducunclea of
outdoor life. Dut among them on
tho Journoy acroaa tho country wcro
those othera who wcro away from tho
ropa for n while, ulwayo puaklng on
ahead to tlnd Home unspoiled wild
eriiesH that they could apoll. They
did not Intend to ;o over that nnd
aKaiu, nud they cared nothing for
those who camo after. Their greet
ing and farowoll waa a trail of traah
nnd.HwIll. Never camping twice In
the aamu placo, they never had to
ramp on their own garbage heap.
They searched Indefatlgably for the
spot In tho countryalde where stream
and trees and flowers wcro raont en-HcIiik-
and foulod it, hacked It,
trampled it, burned it, deatrayed It
utterly, loavlng behind their, greasy
rnpera, their empty cans and miscell
aneous filth. Then, Nature, lovora
that 'hoy woro, they pushed on to
find frefh beauty."'
Ily a conalstont UBe of poBtors, by
tlomoMHtratlona, by public lecturea,
by M-.monH In tho churches, talks in
the Ivlc clubs throughout tho state,
It I hoped that "Koroat Protection
W- ' " wll omphaolze tho necessity
for mrrt protection.
ir particular part of Orogou la-
tho boauty spotH of tho Htat,
ut i reader should feel his' ro--po'
Hilllty toward kcoplng It as
loel as possible.
Tir. "KoroHt Protection Week"
omniittoQ or tho Portland Chatubor
at t'niu.nerco (Mr. C. 8. Chapman,
Chidriuun) will bo glad to sond sug
ge thiis as to tho best method of
fl'iirattng the week. It is none too
soon to niuko your plana now,
Soviet Uuaaia mot our departed
redn with opon artna, they say. And
Inubtleas by this time tho dear de
parted aro mourning their opon
It h tho easiest thing in tho world
to h a nobody, All you havo to do
Is to protend yqu aro somebody and
your jealous neighbors will do tho
"Are beautiful women stupid?"
That is tho query propounded by
tlr up tho . df, f's, over here:. Of
foiirwj tho answer of overy sano mar
r'o'l man would depend upon tho por
appearance of his wife,, and
ever .- lovor upon that of bis ben( f-jlrl.
iK'iMiful wompn stupid? JMhoml
As!i .no oilier fellow, i i
. i
We trust,, however, vthat on your
Mum froinQuba you will rejnember,
that our lutcVjtrlDK hnnyp on tho otit-Ide.
Why nil of lltU fUBnlng about
wliKtlier or not Holland shall glvu
up the old War Lord? Onco an egg
H Hpollcd It can never bo converted
into a lighting cock.
Future- generations havo much for
Which to look forward. They will
pay tho tromondoiiB war debts of
of tho preaout ono.
Want a porfectly good hat cheap,
old chap? Just wall until after. tho
presidential nonlnntlon and, thero
will bo a bunch of thorn left In tho
"Scientists Sweep 8ky for Hugo
omut," says a headline Or pos
sibly they wcro merely trying to lo
cate tho prosent price of a good
Who saya tho rich aro short on
brains? Didn't a wise man onco
say that "a fool and his money soon
At tho recent mooting of tho su
premo council of tho league of na
tions, delegates wore all present ox
copt tho dollar mark. It waa repos
ing blissfully in thu American son-ate.
Whether It bo autocracy or dem
ocracy, this world scorn 8 to be sizzl
ing in tho frying pun any way it
What a relief It would be if con
Kross could slip a cog and do some
thing for which we could really say,
i.i... i .....i i . y
it nuiu wuiui-
And now that we havo mado the
wo'rld safe for democracy, how aro
we going to save democracy from
Despite' our crude savagery, there
ia one thing about us Americans for
vh'ch Kuroro entertains an undying
affection our cash.
Secretary Wilson
alien reds must go.
hey going?
Insists that all
All right aro
Aftor Kmma and Alexander And
all of tho rost of tho rod hordo havo
sllppod quietly back Into tho United
BtatoB, wo prcsumo congress will
pass the necessary laws to provont
tholr return. It is tho customary
Wo hope, howovor, that our good
friends of tho peace league will not
sujjatituto scramblod eggs for brains.
It would be a sud waste of perfoctly
good eggs..
No, we simply can not permit you
to forget our great nnd good friend
Carranza. It Is about time for him
to tear loose again, ;
Tho department of Justico
Washington says tho cost of .living
is going down, nnd tho department
of labor Insists it Is going tip.' That
nettles Ik down today and up tomor
row. Tho Ifnltod Htatos and Itussla ?ro
the only nntlons of tho world Mint
lire, not now Ht paaco with' tier mtuiyj.
Wo should bo prouu oi tno company'.
If your aro Helling a spavined old
hoiKo, and you' know It, will fall to
pieces boforo tho piurohuaur can load
It homo, why not. toll hint ho?
If you owo the grocer, nnd tho
butcher, and tho editor, and you
novcr expect to pay thorn, why not
toll them ho when you placo your
next order?
If you drop a nlckol In tho collec
tion box, and you expect your gen-
oroslty to bollst you Into a oholco
limit In huavofi, why hldo your light
under tho cloak of modesty,? Why
not get up and (ell tho congregation
What's tho uao of living or tolling
a 110, any way? ,
Isn't tho truth good enough?
Try It I
try KIrcatone Oord.;' tUiilVcriial
Garage. . 'Aar. tti
on your
client .
Or if yen hnve ihctimn
tiam, ulccry, swelling or
other forme of inQnmrna'
will tend, to reduce thn Inflnm
motion quickly anil effoc
tlvely. It co.itnlns a ailiclou
liorlli. wltK boric ucld. (jly
corl;o nndhhtNptlci of known
. v.iluo.,lt work .quickly .and
tluet not bliiler.
You'iioul5 havo' mill can
nf I'UHOLA McdlcnteJ I'ln.trr
In lite ltou'i nt nil limit. Hunt
- In tho can uud pply it U
nlwnys randy.
VVUOLd lnllnttrtl I'httttr U ptmr-
ptlrt't l (fr nOltlnrlmu. If II
ikmitit not !"""" ttruVilt mil re-
.'.i J pour money.
By tho
A 1
Hill, I W-"Trt I I 113 I I
t MlH, l.f MMHl fl ll.ll"",1 m 1
A bualnoas n who h8 Junt.coira to OrBort to
mk hit homo flayai "Only In few ec-
tlans could bustnoan ba dovnlopud to the pro-
flnl alae nJ 01111 ,1"v0 ,0 mn ot Um poa"
albllitloe untouohnd. r lmpwaalon of Ore
con la flrot, that you hnyo aondorful country:
second, that you havo done wonderful tninp.n
with lt and third, that you can do otUl naro
wonderful tlilngoi"
Orecon haa made rapid oirldoa in tho pnet fen
yeara and tho poaolbll ltloo for the ruture ore
eliwnt Uwltlosa. ut .It Votiooyoa every loy
al oltlton to gel behind Orecon lnduotrloe and
IT AoBocloted tnduatrlee of Oregon m
20000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per ' cent in
terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock
Caat thy bread upon the
waters for thou sbalt find It
after many days. (Olblo)
WM HANUfY. rnriiotKt '
W. H. CHAVKN. lar Vica Paaa.
A. R. OLBCN. 2nd Vici rt.
W. W. BhovN, aao Vice Paia.
Lives of great men all remind uh
Wo can mako our lives aubllmo
And departing leavo behind us
' Footprints on the sands of time.
J. J, JAN. Chairman
I.S. Grcn
E. H. Conser
Burns, Oregon, February 26, 1920
Good deedg remain, all things else perish.
and .what nobler deed than
iiok to health and to prolong
Sickness and death
to restore the
human life.
contemplate! the immediate
lne. 36x100, at Burns, aooordlne to plans and speollloatlons
raady prepared, to be known as St.. Joseph Hospital, and the
St Joseph Hospital Building Assooiation, recently organized,
ereoLion oi a tnrajo mvxy ouwo "--
II"!' an,H,m.nt. 1 fiRtimated at $50,000. The building
will, be modern in every reapeot: eleotrio light, eteam heat, ele
vator, kitchen, dining room, nursery, laundry, office, reception
oX ohapelt surgery, sterilizing roomf private rooms and wards
w,ith fifty beds. -,
".. -L- - n C-totanc n f
The Hospital will be under tne management, 01 xoww.
St. Joseph of Tipton, Indiana, ana m onarge ui xux
nurses serving .without salary, but will be non-sectarian and
oil lubleot to human ills will be admitted thereto without q-
one sud j
tion of race,
coloror creed, and whether rich or poor,
"There is an indissoluble union between a magnanimous po
I 1 V, nnHH HQWdYiclfl CT Till blio Drosperity and felicity," and
?. 4M.Hnn f t.hA RHOQiation to oall on all noble spirits
' for moral and financial aid in the undertaking and any oontribu
52;h mw h m Qaah. liberty bonds, thrift stamps o
'fP subscriptions f or payment in installments to suit the convenience
of the subscriber. ,
A" special bound volume will be prepared, ontaJS
tablet over tn inaa.u ouuquud ww.w.v. -w
and oontrlbu-tprs to this boon to the people
to humanity. ' f
of 'each donor and a
the main benefactors
oVHarhey; County and
assist us in -leaving such an imperishable-memorial w
Cordially and sincerely, -jj
gaf'Sit'.t JosephiHospJAtauMdngjAssooiiw. t ,
;;,Jmm iti, -
wo keep.