The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 21, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    -. ivi'VMtuwai, nan
r u i) y t m v. m . u w v , h it r u y s , ir a it x m v r o it v t v , o it ia o o y
- W-JS
b rasyrdg
ly Into Ida UiiMmti nlHl Hid fiUior Into
tlio nock-cloth ho pluckuil front tliu
floor and adjusted.
Tlio four Americans gasped.
It wiih several seconds boforo Wil
liams could f1nl IiIh voice. Ho tunny
wolrd things Intd happened that liu
would not huvu been surprised to see
tlio llttlo brown tuiin fllnnipcnr through
the floor or dissolve Into nothing while
they watched.
"I thoiiKht you were dead, Jlten
dritl" at last exclaimed Uio mlno
Tho dlinlnutlvo brown man arose
a . - - . - m
Convrlirlit ,,mi saiBiimcu protounuiy.
"Tlio Hiihlli speaks true of .Tallslng
8YNOPSIS. ruo jitendrn. who today oxenrnated
CHArTI-'H I.-Whlle Ida i train la held t, Seven 1'nths from tho prison
K ' " m V,rTciiT.ffMUd m Mrd of tho clty-ls It not ho?"
S& ha" !o ror.Sfc tOTS nut hlH enrohil scrutiny of tho half-
Wk'ti tniM cnt tn u hurry, liiichnniui atnrvnd figure before him rcniovod tlio
"T'-r'i"" ,ui,i!!f,r,!?o,"St,r Miiltlen doubt, which had projected
utmnisM . JiilNingrao Jltomlra, who themselves Into IiIh mind.
r;v, , , ,o ... Lnut Indian. Tho limited fm
CUM V n H -William, thoush pain. UV0,.y .T "TH f0i
fully I .uil. mtvcH Jltenilrrt. who hud 1 oil loyal llttlo CUSS 1 You cut tho Holes
bff,,l -nl ntulnr tha wrock. Tim HI ml it t,m almost to pl.CCCH following lllft
vnv cuti. grntltuuo. Wlllmnin ro t ,,, ,, . ... ...
wives ' '""ko toiiliirt hint Mnxicnti from HI Paso. Look nt them they're
rrvomi . '""'5 rr'f .' ' ..: 1 raw yet r
. I TlRrc." unil killed or driven
It III. On his wny to his mlno,
iinn discovers thnt Jltrmilrn, lu
.tn. mut ho order him In turn
Hindu uppnrenUy ueiiule.iecs,
iiiminn riMic hen the tnlna h
rik tlivt'c.
CIIAlilll IV The Hlnilii drclrre
oil tlio V
lmc N
tut w
flndo J
Tate I
tmr tty
forff I
mtr t
tioiiml hlni nml Wltlliunn to
il iifKcrtit mynttirlnniily that the
ii nml Hlvu me with aim. WIN
icwhitt touched, nllows htm to
li In n Aire, of exhaustion Wll
iiimle iirlHoncr by u Mcxtrnn
lid hy Manuel Pncheco, Ml for
foieman. With Jltendra. ale
i prl. r the- Any nJt out for'liaiia-
nllo i the wny rnenn'o oruiany mriKei
Wlli' n k iitut aiinom Immediately fultx
front tf liurio dead, apparently without
C1IAI i I'll V -Arriving t ZnpatlUo WIN
lUnm d Jllcndrii nre plncvi) in a lllthy
rM. lame la vlnlted by llvrbert liar
ilinrc rrnntntlvu ot n rlvnl mlnlna-
tonM He offrr Wllllanu IiH liberty
If lie nlmtidon i:i
to Ir r t.e country,
r.nntr, .tfuc.
Cll "' Tit VI -Hoth men aro con."
inirr t to tie liot nnxt niornlnc. Kx
ri.ii.ii : ' l y rat:" at III linpotencn, WIN
i an ' 'N nml I uwukoned by Jltcn
lira t 1 into ilia nnniia a louden rine
"JitllHliiKnio .lltcndrn Iiiir uiHHcd
on," politely but firmly returned tho
Oriental, with tho flicker of n xtnllo
iiltohh bin tnoh'le face. "Jlnl, verily,
Ida votil relncnrnntt'M iiRiiln In my body
but, I, Hulilh, tun cnllnl Hwiunl ltuni."
'T pet you, Stcvo," liuiKhcd lluck up
roariously. "And I think 1 ait,vvy an
other llttlo Incident which" occurred
wh'.'n the Into JalUlnnnio Jitendrn
Geo I what a niotithful that tinino Ih
was In my company. If you had that
Interesting creature around your head
when you leaned over toward Manuel
l'achcco on the way to Jail In Zapa
tllllo, no wonder ho kicked off no my
terlnu8)y. I'll match a cobra Kalnt
a Rreaitcr, any day."
Hie vctiffcnnco of VIMiuii Ik swift
and atire," placidly returned the Hindu.
"JilkowlKe, Hiihlb, Siva wan of hoiiio
runall hci-vIco to you dtirltiK thu earth
life of thu Into Jitendrn."
"You mean down In tho carcel?"
The llttlo brown man bowed low.
"Knhlh. when Hlvu crent under tlio
rJirVi'iAmr whero no man nilKlit pnaa, ami
J'liirn ii nd uarea
Wllllittim indlic-
ruATt . 1.' e rlilo he hnd slvcn WlllUm.
collrd upon tho neck of tho Kiinrd,
think you not there wero reason why
ti informed by Moreno of Wll. i ho wltdied, very much, to come It'Hldo
hor.-. ii .ife. nml vlfti tho Jail to make ( to .., Hpn,,,.!. wii)i Jitendrn?"
.'i.t nnu inrorincii uiai ue nut "t gii!" KliiKKienMl JMICH, i miouiii
,rJho2? hunf.: n5Vav."iCiK tl.l,.k WUr,-i.l.nty of them. So
Ji'mdrn knows of tho plot i that wiih how you nailed tho he wry In
If:' U
ben i
h .
Wt' I
I e -nliller he hnd IntlinbluKv,
iiirniiKuit to thwart It Appnr
' 1 1 li) t'd, he turn) to Irttva the
i.t the moment of hi di-parturt
lanretto from the officer In
r P. ilrinit pnrty. Ilo llRbtn It
i fin- iiiutih on n trail of powdoi
i iiMiitlty ronccnltfd lu prox
' MMier unit nt a illntunc
tn Moal of the flrlnr party,
l i.Ke, H ro killed by the uxplo
, ' "ir.i illaappi-ara.
" Swaml Ram Bid AMul
lluck Williams held p a waning
The two Pcoro American riders trail
Iok behind him halted In the cover of
the thick trees Juat above El Tljrre
nine. .Some were achln with wounds,
othrrx wllng In their aaddlea with
fatigue. Itut tit the signal everythlnjr
wbh forgotten except the possibility of
another liruxh with Moreno's men.
Indomitable, renolute expreaslnus re
placed tho linen which pain bad paint
ed en their faces aa weapons were
loosened and muHclea grew taut with
tho riuxprnso of the moment,
"What tho devil Is UV wonderlngly
deninudcd Hilly Scott.
"Do you hear It, too?" There was
a note of rellof In lluck Wllllama'
volte ".Scotty, I thought for a min
ute I hud the rums again and Ita
t-ovi'ii yenrx slnco I touched a drink.
That a tho nanio tunn I heard the night
I get hack to Kl Tlgre, when I dreamed
Washington was leading his army of
KhoMx agalnat I'acheco'a peons. Then
I wo!) up to find that lousy thief had
roe humutrung for fair I"
"It's a flute or a flfo of some sort,"
averred Frldfly Thornton, "playing
'Yankee Doodle,' I 'guess."
"Oil out, Friday," ncoffed Tommy
WI'Kwlre. "That ain't 'Ynakeo Doo
dle' uny rnoro than It's 'Lead, Kindly
1.1. '.' If that ain't IJscryhody'H De
In " It,' I'm n greaaer myaelf."
' '.:i."t bo any of Moreno's outfit,"
Hi ' t,ily remaiked Hcott. "J Us
' i i.rtlMK never pluy nuthln' but
.'I guitars."
a, boyJ".'Miouted Wll
lowing fllla h6rH? tbwn' tho
n I ho building. Tho other
i I tibhiMltatlngly. Tho piping,
.i. w moro clearly nudlhlo iih
i-j,t up tho road to Duck's real-
'ii e owner of KI Tlgro was first ot
'f he fcuddle. Ilo atrodo Into the
b ii'jing, with rifle ready, Scott, Thorn
ton and Wickwlro Juat behind. The
1 Tit no burst Into the dining room.
i ntcd croHH-Ieggcd on tho Hour wan
un uniiclated, hrown-hucd llttlo mau,
tiakfd to tho loins, aavo for an Ini
an nlato turban which encircled Ida
land. From a amalf, reedllko pipe
rait e the uiiihIc which they hud heard
and upon which he waa attll' perform
lag vigorously, but with thu greatest
On each aide of him, awoylng In per
fect rhythm to the music, wtwo, re
pulsive king-cobras. Ashypnotlc spoil
m i lt d to fill tho room? XiclUier tlio
I 'Pr nor tho Biinkea appeared uwaro
of tl.o iiitniHlon.
"HtHidiai" Bharply ejaculated WIN
bin. 1 1,
'il e intislc abruptly ceased,
'ii' ophldluiiH, aa If Hccntlni; pos
" i i. danger, llatteiicd to tho floor and
f'M.lcj W(, numbing swiftness over to
the Hindu. Ho throat ono nunchalant-
tho corridor. And It was Ida rlllo
which tho Into Jlleiidru gavo ine, I hiii
Hwnml itnm nodded.
"Vishnu and Nlvii, Hiihlb, as you will
tentlfy, are not without power to suc
cor tho deserving In their distress,"
"They're a cotiplo if perfectly gttod
sunken," hastily acquiesced themerl
can. "Hut why did Jitendrn dlo In
stend of following mo out of tho
prison? And what becamo of that
other Mexican guard?"
"Jltendra had Inst caste by being
thrust Into that foul dungeon by un
clean hands, sahib. Also, he had
smoked a cigarette, which Is likewise
forbidden, lie was to wed the Trlnceaa
Indira, bat she tault bow seek another
husband. It was needful for hlra to
excarnnto for purification."
"nut they took you out to shoot yon,
didn't they? I thought I heard thu vol
ley Just as I rode up."
"A llttlo patience, sahib. Tho guard
in tho hall vowed obedience to Vishnu
and 8lva in return for ids life, thus
becoming a novitiate on tho Heven
rath. It was ho who made ready for
Jitendrn to puss out by hiding tho pow
der kegs In the old drain beneath tho
placo where the killers of men wero
accustomed to bland.
"AIho ho atrewed powder to the hole
where Jitendrn Mood when ho lighted
the forbidden cigarette. Jitendrn did
not smoke cigarettes, but his act was
necessary to carry out tho will of the
gods. For, nohlb, those deluded ones
were also fated to seek wisdom else
where. Not until they shall nil so tho
veil' of Maya from their, vision aud,
perceiving Truth, resolve to kill no
more, may they hope to return to
Duck Williams grinned at the naive i
recital. Ills three -friends" were too
astounded to peak. '
"Where ure you going now?" queried
tho inlnu owner.
"A novitiate of the gods, who wiih
ouco it Jail guard, walls for mo with
Jioraea In tho hills. Sahib, may n poor
liwfl.ul presume upon your genetOS,
"Auytldtisf-up to half of "HI Tlgre."
"I hiiu already appropriated linen
front your bed for a now turban, that
Hwnml Ham may re-enter tho world
nroporly ntllred. Hut Vishnu uud Siva
tiro cold and hungry. Wurmth they
may find from my own body, hut food,
alas I I havo none. Will tho gracious,
siihll) grant mo the boon of another
can of milk ero wo Journey on to meet
the I'rlnccsH Indira, who awaits u now
huHhiiml In New England?"
(Till UNU.)
Control of garden alugB and In
scctltudo spruy Information on offoet
of sprcadorB und how to ubo thorn,
will bo ofTored in bullotln form to tho
pooplo of Oregon by tho O. A. 0, ox
porimont station soon after March 1.
Those bullotJiiB wero prepared by. tho
department of entomology, Tho pre
liminary Investigations on which thoy
aro based woro hoguu four yours ago
hIuco which tlmo n lingo volume of
data ban boon rocordod from tho
poisoning of myriads of Insects, Tho
Information thoy contain, presented
by A. Ii. I.ovoU and his assistants, Is
oxpoctod to doenmso tho cost and In
croaso tho dogroo of insect post con
Mrs. Curtis Gains 10 Pounds
. and End Troubles by
Taking Tanlac.
I "Since I began taking Tanlno I
feel butter than I have at any tlmo
lu tho past olghtcon years," said Mrs.
10 1 1 u a. Curtis, who owns und Uvea nt
an apartment Iioiiho opposite Idnra
i'ark on Telegraph Ave, Oakland,
Cat, Continuing, she said:
"I nurtured with Indigestion for
eighteen years. 1 would go for two
or three days at a tlmo without eat
ing a bite, and when I did inanago to
force down a llttlo something I would
bo in thu most IntotlHo misery after
ward. Oas would form and I would
bloat so badly I could hardly got my
breath and I would havo tlio worst
sort of pains over my llvor-Jtisl u
steady, dull pain for two or thruo
days at a tlmo. I used to havo tho
hoadnehu every other day regularly
and would have audi dizzy spells
( would have to either sit down or
Ho down to keep from falling, and 1
was so weak and run down It was all
I could do to do my Iioiiho work. ,
"Tanlac was recommended to mo
by my sister who lives lu Oklahoma,
who had boon greatly bonefitud by
taking It, aud I decided to try It. I
had taken every sort of medicine I
could hoar of without any good ru-
suits, hut when I started on Tanlac I
knew I had at last found the med
icine I needed, for after I had finish
ed thu second bottle 1 had a good
appetite, I could sleep bettor, would'
wake up greatly refreshed, and was
Improved In every wny, 1 am never
bothered with gas and I haven't had
Mie headnrhe for over two inontliH
and never have those dizzy spells any
more I have gained ten pounds lu
weight uud feel stronger than I havo
lit years, and can do all my house
work with tho greatest easu. My
friends alt ask me whnt I have been
doing to look so much bettor and It
Ih always a pleasure for mo In tell
them I have been taking Tallinn,"
Tanlac Is old lu Hums by Heed
Druthers and at ('ratio by tlio Valo
Trading Co. Ad.
News Print Hogs
When you read tho mamtnotli Sun
day edition or Homo Inrgo city dally
paper, do you over pnii-o to think
'hat the sUe of thu' million In ono of
the lending fnrrors In tho shortage of
news print paper? It Is quite so,
Tho publishers of many of those
big city dallies are greedy hogs.
They know It Is extremely dlltlcult
for the country press to secure suflln
lent print parior with which to put
out their limited weekly editions.
They know that if tlio country pub
lisher can not secure thu necessary
paper stock ho must go to tho wall.
Yet Sunday after Sunday they con
tinue to Issue editions so largo that
It becomes a physical Impossibility
to read them. Section after section
Is placed In the Sundny papers that
contains nothing of a news element,
and but llttlo of any practical value
whatever. Usually It Is composed
largely nt sickening slush which a
schoolboy would be ashamed to
father. It Is a useless waste of mat
erial which Is already difficult to ob
tain, It reminds one of tho hog that
roots tho bucket over In Its greedy
effort to get all of tho slop.
Some or tho city dallies have Sun
day circulations as high as four hun
dred thousand. Ono tisoless eight
page section omitted from such an
edition would furnish the news print
necessary for a weok's supply for at
least two hundred country news
papers. One such section from the
Now York and Chicago Sunday pa
pers alone would supply over two
thousand country pnpers.
Ono section omitted from these
papers would hardly bo missed. It
would croato no hardships whatover.
Tho failure of two thousand coun
try papers to make tholr appearance
on press day would croato a furore.
" Tho -big dally newspapnra would
havo the people bollovo that the
shortage of newsprint Is duo to under
production. As a matter of actual
fact, It Is duo I iv groat part to tho
hogglshnuss of tho Sunday dallies.
CongroHW mnynol realize It, hut
tho tjiour.nndajY.niul thousands of
country edltorsVhavo their oyos glued
on Washington. They are walling
to see what Washington Is going to
do about it.
Congress can aid the situation vory
materially by placing a roasouablo
limit on the size of Sunday papers,
varying according to population.
This will not infringe upon tho
legltlmatu rights or tho dally papers.
It will protect tho rights or the coun
try press,
Alroady somo country papors havo
suspended publication because thoy
could not senuro tho paper nocessnry
to rvrlut their editions. In tho race
or such conditions, to permit tho
dally iiowb print hog to continue his
present practice will Inflict incalcul
able damage upon the country presH.
Weak kneed officials prattle about
tho situation working Itself out. It
will not. 1
No hungry dog was ever known .to
voluntarily surrender a Jujcybono,-
And Hip nowa print hog'.: is even
greedier than the dogT
In Alaska. Idaho, Orogon and
Washington thoro aro 110. Chapters
of tlio Hod Cross, with n adult mem
bership of 111)1,000!
o :
Try Firestone
Oarage, ''
Adv, trrr
In newspaporo, in tho big national rriaga- !
sinec, in trade and technical publicfltionn , !
in rnrni papers, by bill-boards, street car
card3 andall the media Known to the adver
tising world, tho quality ol' Oregon prod
ucts is heralded. ;
This advertising is expressing tho faith of
Oregon manufacturers in Oregon's raw mater
ials, in her rosburoe3, and in -the craft
manship of her workmen. 'n
Thus thru quality and advertising Oregon A
products aro establishing a world-wide '
prestige. ' . J.WAI
Watch for tho advertisements of Oregon
manufacturers. When you buy, specify the
products advertised. You will be helping
to onhanco the popularity of Oregon prod
ucts and to augment tho prosperity of tho ;
Oregon producer, manufacturer, and workman.
Associated Industries of Orogon
When mother
is the
- Ww jpp ;
Since active youngsters WILL
play out of doors in nil kinds of
weather and in the biggest pud
dles in the neighborhood, if pos
sible, you will appreciate havingr
in your medicine cabinet always
-a jar of
Young nnd old alike will be grate
ful for jhe relief brought by ita
penetrating warmth' whet -applied
for stiff neck or back, sprains,
bruises, sore throat, congestion of
the lungs, rheumatism-.or-neu-inlyu.
PUROLA Miuter-Oint u one of thoic
iinplo home romcdie. thut every houae
hold ihould have ready lor the in
numerable occasion that urio to inuko
it uio noceia.iry.
Ak your druBiit for a jr of PUROLA
Mu-ter-Oint now,
Thli ciiuriinfee tiiiixori on tvtrv
Vl'KOI.A txirkoQt: The lllumauer
frank LiUHiratont and the drug'
oist who mid iiiii (Aii irpiirn((0H
piinoi(f It lo tflt'f tiititiictloH, If
it thould not, re rum tl lo the dnif-
Jlit from whom It utu tmrchnttd
te ( rhttrtullv rrfund the price,
lou ixtld for It. I'VIIOIjA iYetxiiu
(foul mutt taliifv, i
Prepared and Guaranteed
By tho
I a
1 1