The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 21, 1920, Image 1

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    ,'4 tf
Irrigation, city wit tar nnilv
iv cower system nil coming,
Reminds one of! FrlctiilH, fnm
y, inul u Kuril what thoro
din man ask?" Hmrioy Coun
ty mid Hums Ituvo bOKtUt to
4 . "Men 'willingly liellcvu ili
which they wish." If you tkm
.1mIIi)vo The TlniCH-lIcmlrf to
win pinco lor your nilf it ft be
cause yon aro not willing . tu n
your business grow.
NO. 17
Mass Mealing at Commercial Club Shows Earnest Desire
to Proceed with Improvements Regardless of Cost;
New Charter Held First Step; Light Plant
Also Suggested.
ClM 1 1' of Hums arc uiinnltiiously
In fa.or i t tho Inatnllntlon of u city
sower mut water systum, regardless
of tho cost, If tho action of tho rep-
resiniatlvo gathering nt tho Comraor.
clal club mooting hint night In to be
tflktn aH a guide.
President Faulkner opcuod tho
mc t eg, staling that owing to the
lart; liUtnhi'r pronont who wore ob-
tlou h lntrostcd intho areola! pur-1
poi ' t tho meeting, tho rending of
m r ard oilier nupirrn.a- ua pro
ecdiir woulil bo omllled Ho thou
rn-lf.i n I. 9. Goer fdY 111 h opin
ion .mil views. , ,
Mr doer raniarkod ihut whl la tho
'rlnin publ'o lrd 'eon voting dry
' r. . out voum. that lately t had bo-
nni.i fnshlomih'a to vote wot tn liar-1
. nuntv. nnd thai hid enllnionti I
,. ail for tliM paruoiuor kiiki oi ,
, iho.i "Wo oxpict to have a num
r f pnoplo In hero wlth'n tho next
, t .irs," haUI Mr. '0t. "peoplo
aIh will not Hiy unlmu wn bettor i
ii.diiloim undr which they havo
It doea not nmttor what tlm
t Son in gohiK to ot. wo want
v, ha vn to havo it."
Vr L I'. lllbbard wa thn culled .
ii id Rave mh Ills opinion that
1 1. -fii t Ik th tliuo for DuniH in
i i wamr kimI sou or nvntoni.
Iihvc to mitko our mipply of
tho doctor pointed out. j -
1. 11 no nut ura I hoiitcq aval'
') Iih. illy, unit thoro Ih no rhauoo
lut tlun- will be. oven If wo wait
n yearH. since wo nave to proviu
our own ntipply, It Ih better thnt wo .
do It now. Tho advantages to bo ' a light pltU. , Thlu motion wa car
gained are worth tho cont." rled with very llttlo iIIhcuhhIoii, nnd
James Lampshlre, proprietor , of l'roitldent appointed Harry
Lampsniro u garngo, ana a man wnn
hoH been much to the fora lately In
Commercial club" "activities, echoed
tho nentlmontH of tho mon who had
previously spoken, Baying that he did
not worry about tho cost. "If a
bonding company can bo found that .
will buy tho bonds, it In evident that
tho plan lit feJiHlblo." Mr. Lampahlro I Hero tho matter roomed to rest,
explained. "If CHtlraatCH show that and thu club proceeded to the dliicus
rout Ih excessive, it will not bo poHBl-jHlon of other inatterH, further civic
bio to placo tho bonds," (improvements being tho chlof nub-
Prondont Faulkner then took tho Joel.
Vn urgent appeal wni mado to
nembrrs of tho Commnrctal club forirourwo Hlu,iy inHiied last yeur nnd
he Immeedlnto payment of delln- jmH Heut a letter covering tho correc
The subject was broached by Mr.
Harry C. Smith, of tho Hunm garage,
and recelveed iiiHtant attontlon from
dub odldalH.
President Fuukner said it wan
absolutely necessary for members to
pay ther dues regularly If the organ
ization was to bo maintained.
FundH aro an essential factor in
ferrying on tho work tko club has
Ntartcd, and the body cannot succeed
In uny of Ita plans if hampered by
lark of llnancea.
Dues rauy bo paid to Win. Fnrre,
acting secretary.
V humorous sidelight on tho In-f'-ftliei
., of tho nroMont cltv ehar-
r baa brought out oh a result of tho
'U-Mon of that venerable docu-i
"t at last nlght'o meeting of tho Hoostera for Irrigation.
oinmerclal club. 'Kstlnmto of conirnunlly nurso cost.
A well Informed citizen fltates that Sond Hod Cross nurses to Donlo.
tH charter iu dollnlto upon but ono i'AQK TWO
Mting, and that is tho authority of tho i American Legion News
'Ity marshal, which Is described iih PAOK TIIHEB
'b oluto. Tho olllclal is given ox-Nowh print hogs,
firno latltudo, and can practically Swam! Itnm'H Helncnrnntlon
rako his own laws as ho pleases. PAGW FOUR
Nolther tho mayor nor council Is I Why not a clean-up club?
mpowerod to restrain hlra, should Tho weight of our volco,
no Tall In this duty or exceed It, their . HoBlonal garden aocds bptter.
'illy resource being to htop his sal-j Resolutions,
rry Kvon.thls baa not always boon Argues for government control of
tfcctlvo, for It has been tried In rango. v,
'no pant, anrt tho marshal, boat out .Too lato to classify.?
'he city dads at u roroYendum voto. IAGBfpviO
U appears that-Duma has boon. JuUko HlggH, cnnyawiiw voto.
(ecidedly fortunuto In ita aelectipn Hospital bulldlqg lisaoclatlon forme.
ft city maralinlfl, working ndor oh'M'8tl Kra(l examinations results.
'achronlsm of that kind. - ' j George F, Hyrd.
rr-r-rro, ;-. , Oomotory ltfnjilJpcaUon.
'IMdturo flhow nowa.
Iho Commercial chibj-Jhrailgh C.
r.iulkntr, tho presii'lont, RnstHlg-f'No
Its wllllngnoss to appoint a
nunUtee to work with commlttcrj)
m oth9r ejvlq (jrgnj.atloiin ,lho
hi it i;ijuiiiiiiiiiy iiiuinuriiii
Hour for n moment to. remark Unit
bonding compnnle would have u
moro liberal view toward taking up
water and sower bontlH now that Irrl-'
- .1 m
,,, " 'riy an Hssurcn mci
in hi u uuiiiiiiuiuiy. r
Chits. W. Ellis expressed himself
to tho effect that tho 11 rat step to
ward tho contemplated Improvement
wan n huw city charier that would'
provide for thorn an well an others
riaodoil. Jio recommended thnt tha
council bo askud to Instruct tho city.
attorney to prepare a modern charter
iih It would serlousjy eompllcatu mat
tern to try to udvaMco under tho anti
quated charter now In fbrno.
A C. Wolcomu sdyahu Ih anxious
to see thu system iiinUillui), and iiug
guHtod that engineers ho anked for
estimate. IajoIi M. Hrown In
heartily In favor of tho project, ami
promltioH tho support of tho Interouta
" impi-cmjiii wnuu ucu support ih
"1 havo not changed my mlml for
tho lal four or Hvo yuart." Sam
Mothornheau tl(l when called up-
on, "I havo Ihmii In favor of oily
wulor and newer for nt loam thnt
Hong, nnd am nnuly to go uhnd now.
H Will take tlmu to j:el tliviu, ami
the tiinn to nturl In now. An Mr.
Kills Iihh Juwt fttd. we will hlivu l'
amend thj rlmrier. ami It will bo fur
iiwimr 10 uhvo n now one.
To brliiK lliH iuotlon beforo tlm
hoiiHe, Mr. tietf then umvud that a'ro TUN
oouiniltteu be Appointed to prapnr
resolutloiirt to IM city couuoll unking
that body to lnko ImriiedlatM hIoiih
looking toward tho Imitnilauoii of
elty water and mjwer iiyHtenu, nnd
u. umiiu, oi trie liurnn garagu; l.eon
M, Drown, of tho Harney County
National bank; nnd Hum Mothers
head, receiver of tho land office, on
thin committee, further requesting
them to brine tho attention of tho
council to the seed for a now city
KltltOltH KOL'XI) IX
.State Hupt. Churchill liai nodded
tho county HiinorIiitmImii of Hflinnln
tlmt orrnrM hv t fimn.t m ti.
tions. Thoy aro an follows:
Fourth Qrado Now World Spell-
er, Second Hook beginning to 185.
Sixth Orado Now World Spoiler,
Second Hook complete.
Sovonth Grade New World Spoil
er. Third Hook beginning to 329.
In readlpg on page 43 tho part be
ginning "ir wo were to wrlto," etc.,
Immediately after 12 under Sound
Chart down to reading on page 42.
Where to. Fjfl&News
t pack onkm v :
Clllzons unanlrnoun for water' and
1 eowor.
Pay (Huh dues. . J
HumorouK sdollght on charter,
Krrors In courho of study.
Prompt action on roHolutloiiH.
Legions favors adjusted compeium-
vorko6? No oatoo."
Pnlltlenl iiinniinconioiita.'
Legi(l pud Qlanslflcd
Tlio Greoh Ribbon.
First in War, First inPeac
. First in the HAf'of ,"'
His GountrySin;
i;vlitMu- of the knoll luterent In
tin illy water and newer iu"itton !ii
nhnwn by th iirompt net Ion
tho i-omniltteo on roMolntloiiH to In-
iprodunlud to tho elty council. 1 lu
iTImim - llerald was Informed irly
thin moriiluK that thu renolut!'in
would bo r-ady In time for puliUm-
Hon. mid tlw r.rtuit ploafmru in int-
witting thoiil horowlth.
Hum, orngon. Fobrusry 21. H20i" Vl"r' T0.'iT , l
AMh roxiMON COITNTIh of lint
of tin
city of
..... - - ' - - t
lluriiH, Ilaruuy County
I ( I , 1 1 r v i V 11 1 1 m 1 1 1 a c" 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 Kidirii- i
At a general inain meeting of the
Water, Sower and Light System for
tho City of Hums wan discussed. In
fuel tho meeting was called for the
express purpose "of n general dlicus
slon of this subject. Not one voice
was raised in opposition, although a
largo nnd reprosontativo audience
was present. Tho undersigned were
appointed as a commltteo to convey
to your Honorable body tho wishes
and recommendations of tho meeting
and wo have tho honor to present
horowlth not only tho wIrIioh of this
meeting, but, as wo bellovo, tho
wishcrt of prartlcally every man,
woman nnd child of the City of
FlrHt. Inasmuch as tho present
City Charter Is nutl(uated and hai
been so recognized for several years.
and In several Important particular;
contllctH with tho present Stnto laws,
and iii It would bo necessary tn
amend the charter to authorize tho
Council to proceed with tho proposed
Improvement, It Is recommended that
tho Clt' Counell.cMUHO a new charter
to bo written, olIinliiatliiK the ob
Jeotlonnblo tind confllcllnR hocIIoiib
(ind empowerliife tho Common Coun
cil of tho City of lluniM to eoiiHtruct,
a Water, Scwor and Light Byidom,
and mi tun It name to u vote of.tho
people nt an early date:
Bonond: It Ih rccommeudod thnt
tho 0lt,y Couuoll procuro tho Hervleei
of an expert Water and Hewer lin
Klnonr,' In inako Hiirvoyx, prepare
plaiM and BPfclllcntlonH, make ohII
niHlffn of tho coal nnd imporlnteiid tho
t'oimtrmitlon, no that tho titoplo may
bo iiMurod yf u -praetlcal worklntc till irvlco men and women nru en
nyMioin ami may know In advamw titluri to ndJitAted compeminllon In
wimt thu rout or mini a syncm wiu
Titled. H Ih bollovod that con
struct rui of tlila luinrovomuiit can
8r("unr ul"I"l," " ""r nimni-,10
i n"uujiiy rmmi.v umilmtuih i
.. I . 1 . . r,.)!....,!,,..
i w.i,.iinii r i in !! fittf hi rn t
gntlouipurpoxei proponca to lie con-i
ntrticted on Bllvlen lllver, nnd It Ih
recompioiidod that tho Council pro
ctl;l V oiico with thu HOCOHHary do-
construction work on this Improve
ment, as soon after the beginning or
work Vn tho Irrigation reservoir ua
Respectfully submitted
,. .
Mckinley Thompson Is In town to
day from tho ranch. ,
C. K. Dlllnmn nnd Dr. W, C. Hrown
mado a trip to Narrows tho foro part
of this week to ioo Karl nlllmnti and
wife. Tho brothers had not seen
each other slnco Chas. returned from
navy duly and as thoy havo disposed
of their property nt Narrows nnd
were preparing to move to Idaho,
they wanted to have a llttlo visit.
Mrs. Dlllmaii Ih a slstoor to Mr.i,
National Coiumittco Supplement
Work of Convention by
Making HeqtiCftt
Tho imlldmil oxocutlvo coinmlttco
ban ndonted rnnnlntloim in lm urn.
jomoili to' ConRresH fnvorliiK nddllion
a) competiHiitlon for ox-norvlco men
ami. women In thu man of fifty dollar
boild por month of Borvlcn,
At tho NoVombor convention In
MlnncapollB, tho Legion went on re
cord un Haying that while additional
compensation would bo very nccopt
nblo, tho body did not feel Inclined
to nnk for nny certain mini, but would
leave, the attention up to the good
Judgment of CongrcH.'
hi view of the fact that no definite
action haft been taken by congroNd
during tho throe moiithn which have
elapneed ninco thnt tlmo, tho nalloiml
execullvo commltteo unanlmoiiHly
pai-ied n rennlutlnii donlrlng action,
Tho following nuotntloim from tho
reeolullon glvo the polntn on which
tho claim In bated:
"WIIKKKAB, Tho American Leg
Ion In national convention aROOtnblcd
resolved thnt UiIh qtintlon of
adjusted romponnation wna an obli
gation of our government -to nil ox
Bervlcfl.(non and womon to relievo tho
flhnticll dlNndvnnlngo.1 Incidental to
their, military. rervlce. necond only to
thnt of raring ror tho dlxabled and
for tho widow nnd orphan of those
who tmrrinrcd their lives
" That It' Ik the mm at the
National Kvomtlvn t'ouimltleo Hint
tlio form and nuuniut of n flf.ty )ollar
bond pr month of rvleo
Most vlgoroiiK aiipport from iot
of tho Amfrlcmi Leg'ou and their
friondi In niH-wiwrv If M, liirnKiire U
reretvo riivornola action froirt t'o-
. vte . . . . .
srw. unrnoy vouniy rosi m nuii
mtrr HBinmi Hlnnolt on the
Hiibjocf. and Ih urgently roqucnt!nr
Its individual members ami friends
to do likewise, advising the Pont or
thnt fact.
This week Tho TltnWHcrnld has
received Bovernl leUera from aub
scribern who rosldu at n distance
boosting; for tho Irrigation district
nnd nendlng encouragement. Among
theso letters nro two in particular,
which stand out most favorable One
is from C, K. Marriott, who Is In bus
iness In Santa Maria. California.
This man evidently owns land In
this vnlloy but Is not personally
known to tho writer, although he ho
been n subscriber tn this paper for
a long tlmo. He writes, In part:
"I urn sending herewith my cheel
for $2 00 to pay my subxerlpt'oe
for I HI 9. It nrfords me great pleas
tiro to nco that the people of Harney
valley are getting a move on. Hy
nil means boost for Irrigation for U
will make u vast difference there In
n few years, Don't worry about the
cost, for It will como back with hlr
interest within a short time. I lived
In tha Han Joaquin valley for twonty-
11 vo years and can testify to the won
dors it worked there. I hope the
good people will make no mistake
and work early and late for irriga
tion." Another of theso letters was ro-
cloved frew John H. Martin, former
superintendent of the Experiment
Station. The young man Ib now
located, (whk tha Department of
Arlctilttf'' la Waahinnton. D. c.
HoAil wkat'h lias to say:
Fob. H. 102fii
lr, Julian Hyrd,
Hums, Ore.
.Hoar Mr. Hyrd:-
1 Enclosed llnd choekfor $1.00 in
, paviueiit for past, Tind future hud
pcrlptlona for 'The Times-Herald. I
J hoUnYo thin covers n two-year suh-
scnption, n part oi which i airoudy
It is n plonsuro to leant that Iho
people of Harney Valley aro getting
together on the problem of Irriga
tion. Stored water and seasonal Irri
gation will be tho biggest factors In
developing Hums and tho surround
ing country Into a prosperous, more
heavily populated community, A
moro dotiHO settlement nnd Intensive
farming will permit of bolter control
of prop posts.
$ plan to visit Hurney county dur
ing tho coming sonsou and hope to
hm actual construction of an irriga
tion system under wny by that time,
Mr, an) Mrs. Shattuck havo been
he (u tho Capital City for some
"wyeks. Ah Mr, Shattuck la occupy
ing nu oil! eo room adjoining mine.
w, havo 'frequent discussion; con
cerning Harney county and its poo
pl.. kVIth kindest regarda, I am
Very truly yours,
' G, A.1 Swoolf relumed homo this.
ylc from Corvnills where hq haa
jiean with Mrs. Swook ntu tho chll
drijji. Ho camo up to look nftor
$2100 Annually After Frt
Year Sufficient.
Oregon Anti-TubcrcuJo
Association Will Pay for
Three Months o
Tho letter from tho Orctmu Auif-
TuborculoslH association printed U-
iow is aoir-oxplunutory, and contx'x
inucii inioresllne Informallnn uknfe
tho cost of u community nuhv
health nurse.
Mr. Don M. Taylor.
A. R, C. Hnrnoy County, ,
rno following is an estlmuto sf LV.
cost of ii Public Health Nurse it
tho first year. Of courbo, yoa r.r
Izo that tho expense 13 greutetr vv-
llrml year than uny other. It w-hk
thu euulpment of tho olllcc. pifttU
Ing oi tho car or other i.,uaj
tratuportatUm and tho urJutlnn
tho report furms. otc. Wo nAiimur
the cost for the following ysow ate
fZlOO per aniiiim. The follou-nj: jsa
an Ittinilzod xpeiu uccount lor Lk
tlrst your.
buiary, $1600.00; uxptnsA Jloir
ante, including up-kop oi" car, bottf
iillls outside of HiiniM. Im-ldeiiUcls aX
ihO pur month, ICoo.oO; prleu i1 tvr
(mc. ur.llng in inulio); printing f ii
port lorms d r srhuol JiidpictUm avc
monthly report to Comity Court, otit.
$ l ; ottleo rent, nu bIscmi
donated, ofhori U nomlnul ehurcoV
Tho two Items, niuiioly con of t-jur
ami ojlico' reiU, nru entirely lutaU
problems ami wo find a dirfenrncu lm.
various communities; for IiiK(aax
one County bought n C-pusvcsiier
Chevrolet, Just why I do not Umbw
for In most counties thu nursa hh
Ford. In one County this, uuxub hm
i Dort roadster. On thu whte.
would say that a $3,000 budget H
tho first year would be nmplov tm
course, you may deduct tuo cxttmm
of three month's demonstration c.
our expense.
In Hood River county thoy
not accept our oifer of three nuiuthl
demonstration but havo voted th
money direct out of County r.vff.
However, In most Instance 1tm
Coiinty Courts hnvu to bo cnnvkiaaA
ihut the work Is all right. TVts UK
payori also wish to toe tho xork. icro-
uliitratfd befoto coiiiIiiiiIiik: If ac
public expense. Personally, I tbltrtc
iho three month s demoiihtratlrHi I
a very iluo thing.
Iiuloed, wo aluo highly tho? bt
jmrt of the Chapter and tho Amcrinm
Legion. You will as I told yiru tut- '
fere, have to wait your turn for .
Public Health Nurse, but vo am
Just as anxious as you that wo ukuM
nil nil tho counties now on our Ufc
and when we do so you shull tvevtn
u visit from the Stnto AoTvfjorr
Nurso, which you will find venr.TW
helpful Indeed.
Wishing you continued bucocsu xa
congratulating you upon thu proicivif
you havo mado In your local public
ity, I am .
Sincerely yours,
Executive; HecV
(The nrlco of tho Ford car looallr
Is around $725. and la fiulto cvrtsln
that Coinmorclnl club roonni rnal
provide olllce Hpaco for the public
health nurse, making tho total for
tho first year In Harney counif
$2075.- Ed.)
In rosnonso to a telegram roceim '
from Denlo on Wednesday oveniiiK
two nursos wero sent to that vlcfsltjr
on Thursday morning by tho TocaU
Chapter of tho American Roil Cross.
Miss Docker, one of tho lieu unM
nurses to rel)0nil t0 tnH cu"
Hurns, and Mlsa Olllo lllldorbmit
left Thursday morning to tako up tha
work of caring for lulluonzn. pntieut-i
u tho Donlo section.
Don. M. Tuvlor. secrotarj' of tJ
Chapter, accompanied them irown tm'
glvo whatovor uld ho count nt ims
way of establishing an omorgeticr
hospital If It wan found advlsahlw-
Shorlff Austin Goodman tool tlw
party down as thoro soomod no oflww
way of getting there. Tills gonoro
oft'or wns certainly approclatoiX xutA
he will bo romoniborod.
No lntor Information has been rt
colvod from that part or tho cotmtrr
uu to tho number of ensou or hcu- .
serious the opidemlo is. It is "nct
(ikoly anything will bo known ontid
Sheriff Goodman and Mr. Taylor gee
jjiiclc. '
t .iyo thpirjllvdurlnWhoikrgat