The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 14, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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' 1
,lAOli .MIX
- t W ft , iniBB.H j n a l n n v U ,
. Saturday! Kobniary II, 1020
Abraham Lincoln Maid :
.' FIRST VIRTUES. . ; - : , 1
r;,iWNEY.J ' ' ' ,
"" ' . W.hQ.n Abe Lincoln was" iQwAr eouiitoy.
lad the w6Wcl cHqI not-rectfgnizelh hita the
V'j8REAT . ABRAHAM LliJ.CON,. future
' , , -.presideml or the-l) nkcdt Stas. . ,Vy , v
. -T But AbWaflDtoT, JKt)USTBI-
OUS' and PtiUGftVL and those .nittfied quaU .
n. ! '..Aids of charauteu soon bore fruit m'-improv- J
f. n ' iifg-his'cpt'atfe.- " . v . .
i , ... it '
T.inpoln snid : ''TAaph G(!onomv.' ' 1 I
That's ilie . purpose ;of this message.
isn't so much the dollar you waste, but the
,' fact that you're CULTIVATING a bad
.. liaoit in wasting- it that has a FAR REACH
''ING' EFFECT on your character, happiness,
Save some of your comings each week.
You can't make heeadway until you do save.
4 per cent interest on Savings Accounts
i ' -
First National Bank
I Ann yet. I ho tlonftli of Yen I nr'on
.Utonllitl MiilHor unuitrthoUvtp-lto
nlmofil' tompla qua- loronUrvlMie) rnj3p
himself. " .. ' .i . '
l.-ivnrvMllhtv Will tlrtW l)n drttCll frOItt
thu HiiccOHrtful oloetloii for tho. Irri
gation district. Thlnga will begin to
move from .thin ditto.
Over 100 high HohooliMin Idaho,
Oregon nut! Wanhlngton nro corros
ponding with Fronoh high sohoola
through tlio Junior Uod gross. ;,
Mrs. H. H. Sits nittl hur son wero
In town from Lawon Thnnuluy. rs.
8ltz 'liiformii u ho'r Initthmul lH not
In nit pooil lionltli iih formerly.
"Lucy, tho fiiinrtiiH HcJ Oroas.plR.'.'
trnlnotl y 13. 0..))oiupv i(uvjnmior
lntm or ConnoU, WntihlnKtoh, .wnilltl
ntniul at nttontlon wjillo tlio rtlnr
fljuinplctl liuiMjor wn l)lK nliO'i'fl.
' Lnornldpoillow wunt. to Crtino
MojjiUy- to tK bhurfio or tho .locnl'l
(More Amuricau LorIoii Nowh ' on
tmfju.llvu) .
At n.tncDtltiK luBt fluturil'ny', It Wnb
tniKRoktud Unit mcmfoern living In
Hurvii lid tlncil for nou-utlwudaiice
wlioii In town. Bomd onu Is ulwyrt
thlnkltiK or wnyii to rnlo money for
the 'WntortalnmoiU commltteo 16
Tho Kiiterlnlnmtfnt 'ommltt(!n nvi
tluty will moi'd thun mrtko tip whnti
Utttphono RwUchlionrd (tnrlni? tho fth- 'tixr'hnvo opont nft noon jib ,0,1m
muiVo of tliovrMlyr ttfdYaloft Mr. . I'uonto ovdldnniiit Irt -'drr. I ho
VI0iitui( iinui'o i lit" nrxi bi.uiii t
niut'n rlUfornnro In tltitcTuhonhl lirivo
n mn tamti frrift rah Ret n rstft ftln rinrt tton tTi
'wul UsuU UilU Lou Uatl Uatl Ui&l UCJ Ulu v
fTTl r ,fin
, ;ForKa Greater Harney County
You Wiil Find The
Harney County National Bank
Alive, Progressive
and Handling All
Business Entrusted ,
to It with Prompt
ness and Dispatch. , ,f
"'H'" " " .. . .. ........ I. .... J-... !.....
l-'ldor. Slui will lio'tliel-o foFn V.iplo sminuio imnco J , ?';u ."
. Uk.i,. - ; t unit n dirforDiiro In dhto Khoitld hnv
"i "' ' . V . 1 ..... . f,4... .. .... II. ..,..
I ,. Mine filltJl'l n Dili imm nu ij utiTu.
Cli'O. jA. flmvJi w'" In from hi1; 'or rihtrsS, tho juhl'' Ih Invited.
Iinuiowt't iAhdtOJva .ilurlnp H) week . , v A-Ij
1 (o. UJiifoii'IU,,ilPtWoWfttVln liutilh rim Pot Coniniiunler nppoltilod
)vm M mrrewn'for Wnny ytri, ' He "n comnfHtoo 1o Hfir,pd np dopn for
witc , KUCMt ox in Hisier. iU'. Jiimuai til h lt'iHrnnoiil. niey nro uiiny
t. 1
? v Harney County
National Bank
jjonptfuiwlurinK hla.tny In town.
nulHi ih'u other
"InUri," til' leant
Potter, the' ofd uh-on .willor; ,r, K.
. -1 u Al.lkl.l.' .ll..Mli t
fJ5..W?!l,or.0 fi'V1!'1" f,om;,i,H,'nfid , J)r. Vlnmnl if ('ratio. Who IIVoh
ejerxopjied' . It, !h witHV
dny rr:eUnt,'v mther iif-'i,
tliiU'u .tho v,1iy lwfJSy ,
.MVK. -I0! man had
Bcsrc hp , cn?o of "flu" .to ho. fnnlw
Iftwihlo, hut.Mra. SUomore hooii ,took
nll tlint notion out of him bnuikluj;
him well. ;
Noltlu . lleod rirr'jVPd1 iioiue "Shin--dny
from Portland whero jio hnd
Won for a few wtfokri toKDthi'r wlih
hlii wife, In tnUliiR n vnj(U(m. Ho
wh necompahlpd In hy rrnnk
ThompHon und hlrt hrldo. Tho plirly
eamo In hy way of Demi, ImvlrtR
brought ' Marry Rmlth'M ear Hint
had been ntored thoro alnce liiut fall,
and they report tho roadn In very
Kood rendition for thla timo of
V 1111 till l ' I,uii V n H Mfjn,
(lie entire nopulntlnn of the
i)ftse .ovrY nodKy8." Dill-
man had (A take the appointment It
'II. isn't nn oWcs. In violation of free.
2, art. 2. but a JOH.
i A-Ii
13, M, AftHHdWM, a member of the
post, In" oilt for tb- HepHhllonn nom
InAtloii for 'RherliT. MathewB la rin
expert rlflemati, and anlped ,a reW
with tho A. 13. h
i A-L
Home .money, makliiK neliemea wore
dlnoUKHi'd Haturday. No one wanta to
faiKH the dueK, no everybody baa the
think ank workhu?. If n few more
of the huddled Aend their three bonen
Tho annunl PPP ball wljl he hold
In tho Mnnonlc liall on Haturda;, Feb
ruary Slot, thin year. Invited Kueata
are rentrluted to monflxira of the
,MaHinlc mid L'aHteru Star IoiIkoh and
their Immediate fninlllim. (lood
muule has been eiiKnKed.
Mr. ChhhIo Smyth wan o"ur from I Joo jMorr,H camo from ;ftrr0WH
her homo at Diamond durliiB tlio TuoMilny for n ithori ntny on IimmIiicss
mid to Kreet IiIh old tlmo frleudu.
Mra. Peter demons nnd her wins J m' H0('n nHlll,u, nota Nathan
doalro to express throuKh thete eol- row l,ro,ko, well down there n
umnu Oiolr aim-ore thnnka for the i ,,w " " V " " " ,"'
kludneuH and sympathy ahown them
durliiK their recent herenvcmeiit.
A teleKram received by County
to San FranclHco for a vni-.itlou.
A. K. Ilrown nnd hlu non Marry
were In town for a Hliort time the
Treamirer W. V. KIiir nnnounceu the; fore purt of the week, IiiivIiik como
arrlvnl of a dniiKhter nt the homo of In to commit with the Income tax
Mr. and Mra. Mold Crandall In Cor-1 num.
In to the ndjiitniit, the Poxt will noon
Mra. Heed renmlncd In Port.;"" b,, t0 R'1 "? 'lon wo'.
One tuiro way to delay Kettltm your
Judge and Mm. M. C. I.evoim and OreKon pervleo medal la to hold that
Mra. Kunnnln Uembold took their di-'Kreen card n little lonRor. Not tunny
parture Tuosdny forenoon for out-, of tho older mombora bnve roaponded
hide pnlntH. Judge and Mra. Lev- tho nover moinbera made out thono
una ko to Portland where Mr. Lovens enrda with tbolr applications. In
will he under, tho obervntlon and 'addition to Kendlnjc for tho medals,
treatment of iiperlallMa fer his the adjutant la very ftnxloui to sot
healtli. Mrs. Ilombold will visit for the records of tho Post In llrat clasa
a time In Portland but experts later ' shniie (before a couornMiiRpector
to return to California whero she .tomes around, oh)
will remain for an ludellntte tlmu
Prteuda of the Loveua hope the JuiIko
will recover his health soon nnd tho
many friends of .Mra. KcmhoM will
IrrlKiitlon la now nasured. Har
ney Pont Amerlean Li'Rioir extendn
Its uoiiKrutitlattous to the new Irrl-
valllH on Kchrunry 9. Mrs. Crandall
wua formerly MIdh (Micspn KIiir.
He v. U, B. Hushes nnd family re
turned home from Iiakcr on Wednes
day. Mrs. Hughes and Constance
had Influenza during tbolr nhsouco.
They have been farming over
at their nlucu for a counlo of weeks
or more, huvltig soodod' considerable
C. T. Miller and Lloyd Johnson
wero up from Laweu following tho
Irrigation election tho other day.
Iter. Hughes tlnds ttla church atlll Thosn two follows hnvo seen more
occupied us an emergency hosnllul. "lean" yours than "fnt" ones In tho
Mr. and Mrs. D, II. Smyth 03 2,2 St ?!,!?
over from their homo at Happy '",08t 0,"1 " Ht'cUr,n' ,rrl"'
lav If.uf Cnii.lnc trk nlt.tnyl itni f. I HUH HINlllll
of Peter pieinens, they helng old
tlmo friends and among the oldest
pioneer famllli'S, In point of resi
dence, In this county.
John llorax. for mnnv yars con
nected with tho P ranch, whero he
has made pets of avery horse, cow,
dog, .and chicken la ut the Ht. Joseph's
hospltnl sick. He took Hick the fore
part of December, and llko most of
tho old time pioneer men who have
put In' their life tlmu on tho hlg
ranches of the coitntry, John was de
termined he'd stick It out on tho
ranch and get well, but hfs years tell
on him and ho finally consented
to como In for proper cure.
Mr, and Mrs. T, H. Short arrived
homo the tlrst of this week from
Portland whore they hnd boon be
cause of tho Illness of their little
granddj'iighttsr. Mr. Short states thu
child is mmh improved. Me also
remarked that tho.'r vts'fa to St.
Vincent's hospital where tho patient
was cured or wan nude the more
Ideasant bemusx t.y found two
Harney county g'rls on duty In tho
wurd, the .MUo Hoe Motchklss'iuid
Esther Ilughet.
I. Welnstcln and his son wero up
from tbolr I.awen homo Thursday.
Tho Times-Herald man did not get
an otiportunlty to interview Mr.
W'elnstuln. This Is his first lslt to
this city Dluce making the purchase
or u mercantile ImihIiiohh In Spring
field and It lu not known whether he
contemplates any chnn;o In his busi
ness affairs In thla section or not.
Plain and Fancy
Masquerade Costumes
In tho Locher Hulldlng. ucrna
street from Summit Hctol
Phone GSO
The Better Man
is nearly always the well-dressed one.
A man, young or old, wtyh intelligence (
looks put for the appearance of his .person,
It is the first introduction to a. stranger,
CJpthqs do not always make the man but
they can help a whole lot. ,
A suit, cleaned ano pressed in our phop is
cleaned and pressed RJGHT,' and has
, added to its life many months of good.Uses.
Clothing Company
look forwnrd to her next visit to herjgntlou District. At tho hiune time
former home with pleasure I wo pledge our support to the complo-
- -o i Hon of the project.
.. ! I.udlo will, pay udmtsslou to the I wish to thank ' Viiluntlne dance, which baa been
tho people of the Harney, I.awen. ; definitely act for February 28. Their
Saddle Hutto and Vnltey View pro-, feu will ho one basket of lunch for
elects for their klndncp and court-; two which will he ralYled off later,
osy to nio while making the renins' (The ladfes want to he Hiire to put
Kuumorutlon of the above district, i their nainen In their baskets, so the
AUTHUH H. WHITNKY bucky bidder will know his suprer
i Out of town tAXtutrrrH ut (kMro
,'iim to pay their tnxrn will plnwu Mrtul
us tho (ax collrcfor'H htateiiirnt of tlm
liinount duo togrther with iustrur-
KIoiin for payment of mime. HAH-
.Money to loan on Irrigated fnrniH
and rauchei at fl per rent. Amortiz
ation plan -a to 40 yar time. You
Join no iiNMtrlatlon and huy no stock.
Can loan 8:t7,;S00 to one Individual.
No ri-il tape ipilck M-rvlce. Make
your application now, Harney Coun
ty Ahxlrnct. Coinpauy,
, partner.
Haunscheh Parley, Early Itaart
Wheat delivered at Harney. Hook
your order now with C. A. Mc
Muhan, Uuchnnau, Ore. 2-H-28
I hereby announce myself as a
Candidate for tho olllcu of county
Jiidge, subject to the decision of the
iiemocrutie voters at the primary
election to bo held Mny 21, 1920.
Wm. Farre
Practice lefire U. ft). Law
DcjmrtmcHt mn4
Real Estate
Imllcallous nro that tho
lure or tho laud will
attract man) Inventor. to
Itaiuey County thu com
ItiC NituMin, LNtliiKH iov
wlll ho kept heforo proM
jH'ctive inventors Hie en
. For a Greater Harney County
We are Agents for
Dr. Hess Stock Remedies
Poultry Panacea 30 and 60c will make your Hens
lay more eggs.
Instant Lice Killer 30c 1
Stock Tonic. A fine conditioner and worm ex-s
poller. 30c, GOc, $1.25.
Dr. Hess Dip. An Ideal Disinfectant.
The Rexall Drug Store
nm HALK.
The county court will receive offers
until Wedncsduy. March 3, 1920, for
the Studebaker Six roadster former
ly uscd'hy the Sheriff of Harney coun
ty. Tho car will ho sold to tho high
est bidder provided that the court re
serves tho right to reject any nnd all
bids if In Ha opinion tho nmuont is
not aufllcent.
Tho car has heon practically over
hauled since It was used and ia equip
ped with good tires. It mny bo seen
at the Universal Oarage. Hums, Ore
gon, Sealed bids may be left at tho
County Cltrk'a office.
County Clerk.
Thn nrlro. of bread has bece
vancod at I'auo'M Qweet Shun hut.
size of tlio loaf has been lncriM-l i
correspond. Lonvos are now
Instead of 1 nod tho prlco Is 'JO ro
for ono loaf, two for 35c. SkA
Dollvory Seorvlco. Adv. 1-31
Arrnngementa hnvo been
with the Skieua delivory servl(,
iioilver our meats to any purt
town. O.-W. Cash Market, P
No, C. 1-31. MtM
Oentlomcn's clothes launderd
mended; buttons sowed on;
work; price reasonable. Mrs.
Johnson, at south end of Main Ftr
or leuvo at White restaurant. Ml
When sick go to King's hour
Host equipped surgery in the iutt
and graduato nurse In charge.
i . 1 .v
Ihc incrcoscd co?c of farm
ing makes ncccssnry the
careful selection oPttecls Im
proved varieties that produce
profitable cropj.
A Sf Guide
to Quality and
Fair Price
Our Seed Catalog and Planter's
Guide s the standard reference
jor growers of the Northwest,
rmni, raiuusr, IMuIiry udJ
Pj-o Suopliw. 5prBvi'ml 5vyf.
Utiry 6uppli,md liauiprntnt .
la mor,liM CaiiM
Prof lth PUnf ini
Viouf Name ihoui Ix mi our Mallinq 1.1k
owned and operated by ex-
men, who give absolute
and satisfaction to
custon?ers Sells BODGE
Universal Garagej
yours for j
, , Of fiM