The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 14, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Times-JieraldL
The Largett Circulation Of
Nftwtpaper In Harney .County
Montlit ......
thru Monllt)
. $2,00
. 1.00
. .75)
RtbBoM? ,
Silt ill tiny,
February 14,
With the Would-Bes.
I .
John L. Caldwell lu a caudldnto to
ruccoed himself uh nsK03sor. Ho Is,
completing IiIh first torm In that of
fice .and Is ready, to. go before tho
voturs on tho record ho linn made,
Not a
Patent Itfedi cin cA d
Wo knew you would turn to thin
' And you know wo would Juhllatu
ovor tho olectlon Tuesday.
Wasn't that, groat? l)D to A, Llko
a landslide; what?
Tho Cheerful Idiot id mill celebrat
ing, Found noma moonshine whin
key last Sunday, and Haved It. Fig
i i... . . , ...... i. ... .i. t.iM
.. . . V. ..I,, urguu nu uuuiu umi n. ,iu uiujvh
jr. ijumweu is won quaiinou lor uie 80rrow f tho election wonl'llunk.
position and hns many frloijds who.lim, whon it (1dn.t ho wont ali Kot
I'viivcH no in euiiuuu iu a seconu drunk.
U. li. Ilnlnes
candidacy for tho olllco of sheriff
this Issuu. Mr. HalncH wan for yearn
marshal of this city and hln quallfl
cutlo for th" p"Ulon of sheriff
re well known. Ho mndo a good
odlcor during tho tiuvornl yuarH ho
was nervhiR nH marshal In Iiurus.
Since that time Mr. HiiIiioh wont
across tho pond as ono of Undo flam'.t
roldlers nud Is ono of tho deserving
soett of that bunch. i
Nnw lif ii
has announced his , tho MR atch.
IN t I in Tin.
-X X
drown his sorrow lu
within a year, o
Tho announcement of Jnmcn.W.
Crawford as a candidate for the
x x
Lo's see It will take a month or.
more for tho oiiKlneors to got start
ud gathering data, and six months or
tnoro for the gathering, Well, wo
can oxpect to votitton thoso bomls-thls
fall, And start tho roservolr not
later than Hprlng, 1921,
X Xr -
The. city conned win be nice about
tho water alidjMwer avalem and wo
may have a regular city yet, If we
uon'i watcn out. An 83,000 aero
ofllw of sheriff appear In this Usno. !Kartlon uniler ono proJoct Bnd nearly
r. rnwiorn is ono oi me won , 40 o00 acrua ln another. with Burns
known men of this county whoro ho tho center, ought to make u pop up
ban rci ded for many years. He u ,ol H,, hK H reKulw cltyt
ftas certain qualities that commend, x- x .
him for H19 position he aspires to fill Tno whole ,rlt of ,hlj vi,uy hnd
an ho Is a man of strong character chnnRCll thlM ,ai)t weoK.
and determination. Mr. Crawford x x ,
3s.1. f "tor th0 ,r,,I,wr,M wh a Kood j Soni0 ono 0UKhi ,0 Mk Vho county
wippori. (Judge to make February 10th a legal
It. L. Mass would serve the roplo;h0,ldny' r -
in nun i imiiiij 114 l.uuill' JUIIKU 11 IIIH
republlenn voters approve his eandl which Is announced In this
huu. Mr. llass Is now nerving a
tkrui iu county commlsslouor and Is
amlllnr with the duties of tho olllco
in which ho aspires. During his In
cumbuney as commissioner Mr. IIuhs!
".i been verv anllv; lu promoting'
rood road movomcnts. I
Itn'til '. lt!nier, one of tho leiich
t of this county for tho past few
3Uars, Is a candidate for county clerk
mi the democratic ticket. Ills an
nuuiicomotit Is In this Issue of tho
piper. Mr. Miner Is now teaching
fii tho l)rowMv suction. He Is nual-
You (u the work, and wo'll take
the credit,
x x
Have you noticed that the oars
alongside the title on the front pugo
tire changing nearly every week?
x x
' liiiiiil I luilti iiiriil li I
Th roil holidays llil week Liu
coIii'h D-day, Friday the Kith, and
x x I
o ,
I'Olt Itl'ltAI, .MOTIIKItH.j
The war ulckly proved to tho bu-
would pkco at the disposal of ovory
mother tho euro and advice she
Jitiy(PU,tl t 0!ui, 0,1 tho,nuni0 ipmn
at tin) lAlth-Uv Hty,' holprf
the farmilr with his tiroiwftwid Jlvo
stock. ' ' "
Ily Its provision tho wonmn o) tho
farm would Bo reached and holpod
by visiting nurses and hIio would
have nilidri accosslblu to bar skilled,
medical ayolitlon tuid hoHiMlnl tafib.
Bo dlstreHslugl That story about
all or those thousands of hoiisomalds
coming aver from Kurnpu was all ft
cruol Joke. Anil wo were Just glory
lug In tho time when we could grad
tlate from washing dishes and begin
to throw a little editorial "dog."
-0' '
Money to loan oh Irrigated farms
and randies at 0 per cent Amortli.
atlon plan-.l to 40 years time. Yon
Join no association and buy no stock.
Can loan f7O0 to ono IndlvldHaJ.
No red. tpe qMlck service, Make
-our application now, Harney Coun
ty Abstract Company.
Save Your Eyes
' Rerambloil niutfl do make a dellcl-
oiih dish. I) ut to most of us tho Use
of the plural Isjforblddo'n. , t y
H I K h I S G the V At N 'I'll
Ilpjiio J'alnIJtK--Auto lliln ilig I
lBkii and ,1'Iolorlal I'aljltlliV '
iwTiMmVHixxmA'jfiNO i
Staining, Oraliilug unit Marbling
Lurircni' rttock of Hunters anil
TrRpperSuppllfis In the North-tj
wef,tr,Hpcciiil attention to
mail orders. i
Send omj cent stamp for cntu '
Rye strain chuhch hcadacltcfl,
ncrvoiiHiioHW and other trou
bles. I fit ffliwweH accurately
and scientifically.
All Work Guaranteed.
OMc with Dr. B. P. Smith
O till the olllee nml ln.u nuiiii' 1 "i,r "ii'Kiy iimveu o nu-
m w , Kl Tt see hi wl l o UlK,'rL,nt -"rlH that they had bean I
ailon! careless lu their neglect of'vmtJthers
. An old time citizen of tho county
has announced his candidacy in this
V-iuv f.,r county Judge. (Jo'i. IV ;
Wtgey has been a resident of thin '
wunty for many years and is woll
J)iown to the people. He has been '
comlucllng a gonernl merchandise
More for the past several years but
lurmerly owned a ranrh on tho
-&lnnd. M. Hugey served ono term
as comiiiltmloiier of this county, also
In thy legislature. He's a good man
QMilSTlA.V. SCIMNCi:.. I.HtTritK
. tConllnued from pago 1)
(mn!xo. and In ,smno degrwe to nc
I:nowlds, that In Christian Sioiioe
a-light ba ioiiih Into I lie world, hut
Uiey nr not ablo lo sue (but ll Is all
Mcht, aid thai in H I no darknoMS
l all Theolugv Iw bvglunlng lo Ineorpi mil (Uul . litit not one
who Is tho Spirit that la all I.ove,
too pure to hold liiliiuHy, evil of any
kind, to eaiiho It' or to 'riiit ll.
The healing arts are beginning to
tuach that mind is at leant In part
cuuso, but without racognlzlng that
Wind Is God, good, so never the cause
of dlHeaio and death, but alwnvs
tho cniiHu of restoration, of health.
and of life. They call that mind .
'which Is but false education; Illusion,
suggestion, the ultimate cauno of sln.r
fcknosi, ('eath. Hut tho hitman' he
Ifefs that till obscure cannot- for
vr hide tho true light which hlnos,
and shines unto a perfect day when
nM.ntiall bo illumined by It, and there
(titan bo no dnrknoss, Ignorance. nin-'
kve suggestion, dls-ease, fear, and so
Jin sin, no disease, no death.
A Word About the Discoverer and
Founder I
Bringing what she 'did to the world
tiie "nearl of groat price," the
applicable, demonstrable Chrlstanity P
of Christ Jesus, which has proved'
Ksojr such by comforting, "reforming,
mid healing the vast majority of Jovvelor.
those who have honestly, 'earnestly
studied her books. Mrs. Kddv has
Olirlched tho world beyond all reck
onfng. Ak one who had the prlvolego of
YisltliiK her home, let mo say that
all about Mrs. Kddy was of tho very
Amplest. In Iter tho world Indeed
Jlad a I rue example of simple living
and high thinking. Those who were
with her bear loving witness to tho
fact lhr.t she watchco, worked, pray
ed without running, and that she did
this for all alike. That this untir
ing consecration has bornrj fmlt
the fruit of purer, happier, healthier, I
m r wr i.i.nVa.l .... .1 . ..... .... .'
..w.i" unuiiii nun lUVIIIg I J V01 ifi
tested on every hand.
Mrs. Eddy was at times reviled,
rovueu noi again, Ho un- i
wiuuiui oi ino wor a was q ui mul un
alndful of God that His thoughts,'
klMrniPns Mint iti.n.i .. ...I .1.. '
n ... butiic fllll Ull UPIUU
with healing and with blpsslngs In
their wings, were nlways her i
tboughtK. Her ono prnyor was to '
We God's faithful messenger, Tho
nawor to this prayer was cortainlv!
Vouchsafed to her. Mary Haker
Kddy founded n world-wide religion,
religion that is Science, a Sclonco
that 1b Christian and that both heals
nd saves,
and children) so even under tin)
drain or war they intensified their
effort for the nubile protection of,
mothers and babies.
Knglaud Increased the number of
"health visitors" from 000 lu 1UM
to 1021 In 1017; welfare centers lu
Hngland and Wales Increased from
850 lu 1917 to 1278 lu 1918. Thu
Kngllsh Infant mortality rate was re
duced to the lowest point ever reach
ed In that country.
As a further a'd to meet an actual
need 10 n gland passed lu 1018 tho
Maternal and Child Welfare bill,
which became opuratlvti In that year,
Hy the provision of the act maternity
and Infant welfare couturs are tuado
'available to mothers. Provisions
aro made for consultations, public
health uure, "lionio-holps" anil the
education of mothers lu matters or
maternal and Infant hygiene.
In this rnuntrv we have round out
that wo lot too many mothers ami
babied die iieodleksly. Helency,, ijuH
done a grrit deal lo cut down doHths1
from typhoid, tuberculosis niii' pnoii
'monla, but the maternal and Infant
mortality from maternal caiies Is not
decreasing lu thu United Hiatus.
To save our own mothers and
babies a bill has been Introduced In
to Cuigross known as the Bhenpard
Towiier Maternity bill. This 1111
'iue Watch
and Optician
Knirrn vot.
Itepalrlng a Specialty. !
when you want puro, cann
lubarrels, order fro
Hhady Ik-ook Products Co.
Portland, Oregon
l'ure, Hawaiian cane, heavy
molasses, weighing nearly 12
pounds to the gallon. 950
pounds of sugar to tho tonf1
uuuai io corn or uariey in car,
bohydrates and foedlug value
at half the price. Kvory barrel
guaru'ntued and b r a n d o d
"ailADV IIROOK" buy no
other. Ask Oregon Agricultur
al Collogo, popartmenta of
Aulmul Husbttndry,
Hhady llrriok Products Co.
812 Hoard of Trade Uldg,,
Portland, Ore, '
ft ill
After btirtr
muU youll
avoid that
stuffy feetlnc
if you chew
a stick of
Other benefits: to teeth,
breath, appetite, nerves.
That's a tood deal to
ut for 5 cents!
Sealed Tiaht-KePt Right
I it UJMJiimjui et r-Cl A
niLav mm Buaa'a auw&. kb
V ' 11 I
ffe Flam? Lasts
OU KNOW, It's funny
Happen to all of us,
The way things como about
An' the town and state
Wo llvo In.
An' some of them urn ho good
An' some so darn bad,
That It makus us bit up an' take notice
!f thu (own we live In
Au' the town we don't live in, but
Hear of ropdatcdly
Hear about all tho good things they'vo got,
Fine big churches an' school bonnes
An' Public Libraries and big brick an'
Stone Stores an' a city hall an' clock . k .
Ap' a Commercial Club
That folks go to an' thrash
Out their difficulties
An' help to get new Industrial '
Into the" Town, An' payrolls, an' Irrigation,
An' wo notice that that town ' '
Is a .town where folks buys ,
Homo produce an' trades
At Homo too. . , .
An tho other town ap' their
Folks an' stores,
Can look for themselves,
'Cause maybe thoy'or clear out
or tho country an' state .
We live In.
An' you .can see If yi)u'ro
Half as liberal minded
.. ..... .. ......
That bv your coonerntlon 'an inlnn t. ., J
1 ' w - - r- ' - - " - - - ,
All' ti 1 1 lnktit I aiiiniinll
Of Civic Interest, .
Which same you have.
.An' can exlblt by trading at Home au' boosting
we can bring into Ming I a4 '
r1 rr mm i"
Consider the egotism we adjective our heading with.
is something you seldom find because usually a patch
isn't nearly as good as a confident mending or a new
we know that it is the best service we can give yoU.
We get to the bottom of the trouble and repair it
Radiator repairing a tpactality
Two of tho largest commercial hnusos In the United States somo
years ago adopted for thulr policy thu slogan, "The customer Is
right," and have held s'Uiirely to It.
In every case, unless the customer was plainly endeavoring to
put over a crooked' deal, his view of a controversy was taken as
right. These hohes aunounco a loss of luss than, one-half of One
per cent as a result.
To old customers of ours. It Is uselens for us to aunounco
that this has ulway been our policy lu business.
To prospective customers, tho only thing wo ask is that If thoy
have a complaint they bring it direct to us, with tho full knowledge
that correction lu each case will he promptly and cheerfully in a do,
regardless of au loi that may result to us.
A plcuMcu customer leaving this atom moans still other new
customers coming to us later. You can reason It out yourself.
The above Is again our policy for thu year 1920.
Thew things wo both
wain air mrive, lor.
A better Hums for :
You an me au'
Our Posterity. ' - , w
If we're that lucky, ' . ; . '" ' '
"Tho outcome of logical Judgmout" ,
IS. Geer& Co.
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
ojiitzen River in tracts of 80
v.Acues or more. Reasonable
prices one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent interest.
Eastern Oregon Live Stock
Company omrcow
"It's Like Finding Money"
says the Good Judge
When you take a little
chew or thfc real quality
tobacco, and the good
tobacco taste begins to
You'll find it Amm cam
injr, too. The rich to
baccp taatc laats ad
lasts. You don't have
to taka a fraah chaw mi
often. . Any man .who
uaaa the Real Tobacco
Chew will tell you that.
Put Up In Two StyUg
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco,
' W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco