"1 THK T I M K M - H K K A li t BUKNW, HARNKV CO UN TV, O It K Q 0 !f flltimly, Fehnutry 7, 1020. FAOR FOUlt NOTIOK TO cmnfowi IN Tllfo COUNTS COOHT OlOrtlB 8TATI3 OF OltEOON POK HAIt n the?mkir orMie-Hta li.ry Molkon, deccasou. Notice In hereby given that tho undorHlgned has been ojipolntpd ad ministrator of tho abovo entitled oHtule, and all Domottn having ulnlms iikuIiihI paid ostuto an noroby notified to prpsent the same, verified as The TimBS-JMald Bullock Ui tne opeea oteea in Carolina rims iiiiw ii i ri'ii . iu 111:1 i l. b nrzt ijr tt- tri mv uttnrnnvs. UIitkh & l - Ma The Large.t Circulation Of Any Newspaper ln Harney Cunty. 1 Uyl ... T. a ... - a , ill .si iumiiMB wii uiuu ui n miiJiictujuu iicibui. ...... ....I.UMtU.t L-..1.M... lJLltl tfl HIUL If UUIIt.ibltr,l 1 UHUI 7, 1920. O. K. THOMPSON JULIAN KYRD Manager ArtmlnlKlratort! or tho estate alio ntutu'rht. -it A. SUBSCRIPTION RATES a . . . . b9i l7wV-er 'i..- . n'iii4Mili 2,00 Hmthi ., 1.00 l7Av Monlhi .73 Saturday, February 7 11)20. SVogt es and Water! Our of tlio plouour business mon of ft&ln city Iiub vxprcsnad himself In no w3t'.irtlu tonus in favor of proicros--Jaa. fie lin.s rocontiy traveled over n. Koctl portion of tlio Pacific south vm. and observed "what linn bcon ac ,fCOBil8bo(l by modorn bUBluoss moth rols anil the wonderful thing done kiL tlio aid of water. Ho sees the rTature if Hurnoy valley more clearly jOmn ever In "tho hltory of bin Iohk meaMenco hero. Ho baa forgotten all iwtrt. tllfrrenro In tbo ono Idea of jEOln forward and putting this sec Ciaa of tbo country ln tbo position It sukeulu Do that of a productive stocJcralnlng area that In Be'cnnd to rono. Ho now rcnlUon tbat wo have benn "asleep at tbo switch" and there ffl -no tlmo to bo lout to reKalnVhat ,ve liavo lost by not moving In tbo vara of jirogresulon as hnyo our neigh lr In other parts of the west. Wo lhaye vtuntod oulsolves- not madrj crtp a normal krowth commercially. It to now tlmp to shako off tho loth 7KT and reap the reward of unorgy Iirogresslon. This gentleman KairK w must havo tho Irrigation sys ttr.ra triMtnllcd without delay and boon for every good road, regardless or Tootlon, In tho ontlro Eastern and CVmu-aJ part of Oregon. If other el mm tjwslneHs could but seo tho vis ion wo would advanco more rapidly. Ktfrj-inlnatliiK llarinfiil Animal. TSniva.rviinHar Mninr fun. almlatiM nd abiMcHaM tare three ef the more advanced methods or travel in this great Inventive era. but that doee not mean that they have been adapted every place. F'rlnstaHce-i-rlfkt here'lh America, down la the hills of Carolina, the oxen or bullock are still the steeds of speed for the more "welMo-do folks." That buggy. .Is a .vehicle of Bbnolutj luxury, according to the mountaineer's version an thht Is a new picture taken within a fortnight. TEACHER SECONDS SONS (N RING BATTLES B1n. tock and wool valued at 120.. .itf0 are lout annually through I Us depredations of wild animals. Ttut valim of farm produce and for-1 W tltjutroyvd opeh year by rodontM in approximately 5300,000.000. H Ik vxllnuitpil that tho households r t-aJv ronntry sustain an annual iosa? trMr i-Ats and mice of f 200,000,000. ' Tbine , llguroi sum certain of the! larsnr ioshl'S duo to duHtructlvo wild lite which the Mologliml survey of tht United Status Department of Ag rMwUuro Is ongngod In retluclng an ruyhlly an possiblu, A f.rce of, bo tweon -too ui.d COO oxnorloiiced hunt ens was employed by this bureau dur fnK th piM yonf to kill prodalorv .shmK many or which were In tvclmi w Ith rabies: this (IIhouho oflim ils jiliroa 1 from tbo wild creatures to1 tofwwur animals and rruquotitty n daiytcrH humaiiH. In this work of ok tormlnatlon tho StatoB and numorotu prirato organlwitlons have ban an Im portant sharo. "ft work or kllllnir rodnniH r7BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaEKj& .it- i KnB9BKKB , want some ono to call tho defects to .our attention continually. -o- INFORMATION AIJOUT 1NCOMF, TAX OIVKN (Coatlaned froM page 1) EAEJj w o- "TCTT. AT,, On Sundays tho Itov. K. F, Zimmerman and hln two sonn IS, and Karl 22. nro very busy in a M. K. church at Portland. Orn. Mut maybe on Monday night or any other night of tbn week, except Wodnoaduy tho three may be found In ono of the fight club's rings, Tipping It up In tho pro mitt game. For both boys aro boxers of -;! ability and with dad In the corner swinging a towel and bunding '.ut jtoOd ndvlco the two, out, of 3D battle, havo lont twlco. llcth boys io regular at chiircb and they pans the silver tray on Hundays. !lor. '.immorman believes In sport, Sunday baseball and all. Noal weighs have become a total bunion. Tho person who claims exemption mm "head of a family" must qualify for It. Two single persons who dl- I vide, betwijcn thorn, more or less equally, tho financial and other re sponsibilities of a household cannot claim that either ono Is the head or tho family. Mut If a single person actually assumes tho total responsi bilities of tbo household tind Is aided by having ono of his brothers or sisters support himself and contrlb- lilting an amount tbat could not tiractlcully bo considered more than board must not bo ullnwoxl to .Intor- Yerti with his elenr claim for oxump' tlou. O' 1 Jap MrKliinou ouo or thu commls .Hlouors or Haruoy county, Is at tho Imperial. Ho Is In town to seo about roads, explaining tbat there Is plenty ' or room In Harney for all tho roads i that tho highway commission would 'kn to build. It Is tho largest coun ty In Oregon and imbracts more ter ritory than some states, Unolllclally Mr. McKlunon is a cattleman, as any one run tell by looking ut lilm. Ort'Koiiluii. OUR RELIABLE PLUMBING 4 heading rvvitn. PLUMBINC is somethmrlyWWIdom find because usually a patch isn't nearly as good as a confident mending or a new part; Considerthe egotism we adjective our 1 . REAL. SERVICEABLE FliOMl II 1 JiQT PATCH UNLESS we know tttat'jsTWOest service we can give you. We get to tlie,yRpf the trouble and. repair it accordingly mSr57j G'iWi ONllS w HEN YOU NEED W&RK IN OUJl DIRECTION DONE QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY. Radiator repairing a speciality BURNS HARDWARE -'8 pounds, Harlij 120-pouuUs. l.VFLUKXZA CLAIMS ANOTIIKIl VltTIM YFH, llt'T Tho other day wo met luiu A. 1 KaultllndiT on the streut. .j )'Nli'u diiy," we aid. "Yes," with a rising tia tir.k.l .11... I ..I II. u II... t i v.iln.h .lliilC.IItf ittilni1 ii VLlnt'liMrnru v i ir T' r"UI" . 'Iuiitis. jihiK;nros omoojonoy hospital last Mon- night, - raWrtt uui? cottontails, pocket goph-i,ay, complications rrom Inlliiuiua be-, t'Oood looking suit you have, lam," err, tmtlvo mice, wood rats, lotion Ing tho caiiHii. Mrs. Ilarron had been wor ventured. rar tetc ihiiIho carried on with tho very sick at bur home for several, "Pretty good, but the tailor made ccMfiratloii or tbo State. During days previous, and as It was liupos-.a mesa t' It nnil,-ldn,t. cut Ib.at all t?ift paal llscal year ground uuulm !sbh,0 t0 uuro help at tho home lio like I Wanted." " poisoned on more titan 11.000 - was moved to tbo hospital on Sunday "Vyur new homo Is a dandy," wo SBf- atcres. In ono Idaho county her condition then being very rl tlrblicAanoro. " -f- $ ilonr -lu.uoo rabbits were kllcd. ln0n. Her husband was also down "Vo.i, but;'' etc., ufc. th watne period rrom 71 io"J."j per Mi ifi.(( i n'd win moved lo the Vy .couldn't mention a thing that !tfU ., !,u.?r,nij?0 ,,0KH f0,l!"1 011 a ,0 honpltal at tho same time. (Ildatuhayo Hotnothlng wrong Willi It. laW -,.00.000 acrus wro djMtroy-j Mrs. Ilarron was born In, MiiMlfl'jrA, AVSKu1' walked down tbij ntrwit wo vi. -I'overnnieut Nows I.utiur. niini...i..i. mhv or. ibuj ui,, ,u..u ,.',ir..u i..,lii... fnn.n...,! in f (I . r til I 11 It1 P4.il Ilftrrtll lit 1 U 1 " HH.t IlllllUtl lo thlH union wait horn mm Tlunt u llttlu child caino runiiliiK Save Your Eyes .National lllsou Itange TJid following Interostlng Item con- Idaiigbter, now iikciI rour ypars. -He-(toward us with tho Innocent smile or sides her husband and child she is 'childhood and we forgot lam. Wo survived ny tier parents, .Mr. anil sirs, i nope wo never hco mm again. ,'(;; 1 NothliiK Is perfect, but wo don't cwn'Mig tho National Hlson itange, at ,; T V , tiure ' rUoluHft .Mmitanu win fnrwnnli.ii tn A' M' "urati, wno rosuie at ouagc, it mi,er or the ofT I Z W ttltu "" bro,,,or' f,uh' of '' - " rrul '"J "i mo sia ii nj iraiiK w. ,.,.,1 ,,,.. i, t.-.. ii. i-i, '. HK2aa1aauHianMa9dt . ?rajafafavaaaj. Kye Htmin cmuhch lieatlaclu-H, ncrvoUHMOKS Httd other trou bles, t fit tflNM Hccurately and HcientificMlly. All Work (lunrantccd. MAUIUGK SCHWARTZ Optomrtrist Office with Dr. II. F. Smith Eventhing for Evcrubody Anything for Anybody Two or the largest commercial houses In tho United States ftdme years agt adopted for Weir policy tho slogan, "The customer M right," and havo hold Hfiuarcl)' )to It. wx , in voriv casij, unlfejw (ko juustomer was plainly iiVavorlivf to put over a c rpo 'tl A It i . v lo w or "a controvorsy jj'as.takoti as right. TlioHtiihou4.s anaoun'oi a loss oi loss than ouerhalf of one peroont us aresult'. , t '? 'fl'o'old . cuKtontfrs. or ourr, It Is uselo .... . ..... . .. . . ' - .'A" . . . ess for us to announce 1..., il.l.. I.... I. ..A- -ill.... .. ...... I. i ' iw.ti iiiin mm iin. iiecu umi pvuu 111 iiunniuxn. '? To proHpcctlve custonmrsj jho only thing wo ask Is that If they havo u complaint they bring it direct to us, with the full knowledge, that correction 1. each case' will bo promptly ami choorrully niado, regit rdlOKs or ai.y Iorh that, may result to us. v. . A pleased customor JevVng ibis store moans still other new customers coming to u JaUrYou can reason Iti out yourself ' Tlio above U ugllu SliinwlMy ior the year 1920.' LUNABURG, .DALTGN & CO. HURNS ! nnvianx , OREGON 1ka, rormerly U. 8. game warden t.. ...I 1 .1 .. I. I.. n in tUU M-ctlon, and now iin-Mum war- ' ! .V " S ..." "". .1,. m ,.o,l, ..I...... ...1.1..1 i.nn mm iiiiuiiMT iinir living ill ,"Vw.L- ' ' ""California. l-xtt lllrion wot inuch tuiuuij ww iiwpio Know umi in a ,.v.ii,.u i.i ,.m.. ..i.. LT. V Tbo funeral service was llnngo of Montana Is ' " ..!!". ryJ": advoriiset!. and conso- "I L " ! r, ' oiiui nui itwt tituiuuum i khu villi few yonrs big game will havo to bo the ruueral. - U...JI k.. . a .1 l ivj iiiiiiiKii i nun ii lit J k lit niiniH or Kin. United States. At tho present ,Mr' ,,irroi bnH f 'ur rocoveVod rXr of tncrenie there will not bo,from h,a "'ck"01'" u 1" ' nio.ve'd, tti mia); reed to keop nil tho anlnials ,n" ,lomo r h,H 8ll"f Mrs. Kgglostqn lerru At iirosent wo have noarly 600 'u,ur,,wy aflornoon, r ;r Iiawl or big game In thu parlc. Thei 0 tw.viam next year will bo closu to nu'trlrt io,WHnic or which tho buffalo will havo ""'" '' Vfl'fffr ,,'ondr3COnlftKe, W,th th ,k l'vtock good as tlio sock Tiifi r ... ,.r ii,. pv i . i lba,'k eH!,," H ,0l,Kr oojl enough tHOOO nrrL fn'J Jm "TP. ' t0r t,,U ,,UCC "Ofthwest, Ulld It Is rilf Iv wi f wJh elKht IilKh time ror growers h.,ro to mako wriM h ? inn tt ni i i t WBon .w their minds to have then, betterf t& J,thoocraHom, rsr r bSrs,,u suh nvor tbo rence, and when we tried to ostorn feed a id cllnVate or 'iin Tbo nntelore Increase Is vorv alow mu,, usu or bexplalns. ITi.r .,n I mi... . - ' 1 " ' Want HouiMluriix Tap Itoiu) "Wo would like to have a 't-OHd built south froln Prlnuyf i))1 tViuVcl, with the Hurus-BeHd road, Ihe den tral Oregon highway," explains I). F. Stuart, of Prinevllla. "This is a ror. .neverul reasons. The covotea r'nratch under tho fonca and kill thou in fall and winter, and the golden eagles got some or tho young In sum mer1. So fur this place has had bet ter tyncceHS koeplng up tho herd of rurtalopo than Yellowstone Park. ar the herd numbered 600 Hva , 1 V"V."; W " ' W numbers only w, be tt KTeit C0Hven,8llCtJ for traffl0i . , It will serve as, a sort of a tap line wJ&v ?i k .," 1 ?lr?cl b'KbwwvMuto the Uend-Uurus road and wjll ftYoltowstpne to Olacler I'ark-and sa,ve a great deal of detourlhg; A.' Miqon faB 'there I a road built' In- delegation is In the city to take the tio park hero, tourists will be' matter up with the state highway aiite, to hgo buffalo In tholr natural Minrnmlnslrfn at Its meeting tomor- ,r,qw." Orpgqnlan., wim nu poo it. -o A"AltHANT CAIJi ..-rt1.!!!"?', lo 'V'1" ,n'KH'd' faring Notfce Is hereby given that thoro iMJd raJHbcs at H per cent Ainortl.- are sulllclont funds on band tn nav. Z ! l 4 UnH!' You oft d'l Oeneral Fimd warrants Issuod ! &w -Url,Knr!,.,,,Ml M,.' ".V Htw' nn(l 'ealBturod up io and Including loan 937,500 to ono Individual. I December li, 1010. Interest reufio ii ,V'i' 'i'ick hervico, Aiauoliii'tuluy, Feb, 10, yMr nppllcatlon now. Harnoy Conn- 1 , ' V Abstract Company, Ad.tf. ' t W, Y, KINO. rinmilu VI'.a;.1.... YOU KNOW, ICs runny An' h.tppon to' all or us, Tho way things como about ' An' tbn town and stalo Wo live In. An' some or thorn urn so good . An' some so darn bad, ' ' That It makes us sit up an' take notice Cf tho town wo live In ' An' tho town wo don't live In, but Hear of repeatedly Hear about all tho good things they've got, Fine big churches an' school houses An' Public Libraries and big brick an' Stone Stores an' n city hull an' clock ' An' a Commercial Club That folks go to an' thrash ' i Out tholr dirricultles An' holp to get new industries Into the Town. An' payrolls, an' Irrigation. An' we notice that that, town Is a town where rolks buys Home produce an' trades At Home too, An tho othor town an' their Knlku un' Htnrnu. . ' Can look ror themselves, v 'Cause maybe thuy'er clekr out Or tho country an' state' ,f "We live In. An' you can seo ir you're1 Hair as liberal minded j As wo bone .' i5. That by your coopratloil an' mine . An' a lllwral amount i, Of Civic Interest, , Which same you have, i At We Them Waut au' strive for;,. A better sums for1 You an' me an' Our Posterity, ir wo're that lucky. t 1: vntoti same you baye, a v , $ ' , . m' can xlblt by" trading at Home an' boostlug, Ve cau bring Into being " '"': y " T " " ' 'hem things we both ' ' ' W ".; Vant an' strive ror.v ' A ; - ' 4 t "Tho outconl.o of logical Judgment'V'' - ' HARDWARE . ' t I. S. Geer & Co. 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS '' -with water rights for sale on .VBlitzeTi River in tracts of 80 oAcres or more. Reasonable ' ' prices one-fifth1 cash balance easy terms, six per cent in- tei est i , . j Eastern & Uve Stock any CRANE vomp .OBKtSON "I'll im,the World" says the Good Judge The man ,whdQn't chew this class "of to bacco is. not getting rsal satisfaction out of his chtwing. I AMSflohfw'.' Itioids itarichtastsVYbiisWt have to take komtmy frssh cImws. - Any man who uses the Rsal To i bacco Chew wjll 'tell you that. ' Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a shor-ciit tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco St S