The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 07, 1920, Image 1

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' 1
'After tho
.' ... . 'i.itj ..r.T-Jivts.?:..
H Tho Itf'd Cross wiis, h VHfa
nhlo help 'diirltiK tliti-lnfliienw
ejddcirilo ; A vontinuiilf y jiublfo
health iiurVj will l)cv(tlHHM
help In iirnveiiiliiK H'ljoffier-cpi?
ilemlo-a safeguard oUf-.. .
hcIvcn and children. , ;
tiling ror Rood market roads
The deep Mack mtul; -yrt enjoy
(?) ui pmcnt Ih h detriment to 4 1
t)i huMrioxs of tliok'oHtlr6 -county,
i . . ' -i""
vol. xxxm
NO. 15
a .
4 II.
She SirtMcitia.
Few Patients from Disease
Remaining. -
n 1 NT llffll C.
Ked Liossixuno win oiay
tii am rv Li o r
Portland, Only Six
As tho "flu" situation in now well
In hnml and In fact practically at an
nd the Hcd Crotui Kmorgency Hospit
al No. ) will bo clotted early next
are wihi ciuuiku iu tuiurn iu uiuir
homes. Hod Crosa tlonpital No. 2,
which waa oponed narly nut week,
... I . A L . . . . 1 1. I
as closou autlu Sunday ni it waa
found that tho spread of tho dlHcaao
k.l .A ltfj Ifiwl tllf min )irQltlttl1
wi ncconunoa in pain
Kew cU8ea remain at thu ho.plta
mil nf Iho laren numlinr rnrnd fur nml
no new cukcb have developed during
tho pant two days.
Wo have been extremely fortunate
here In Burns in that despite thu
fact thnt over 200 cases of Influenza
ilevolorod In 1cm than thrco weeka,
no iicniiiH nnvo ronuuoa irom inai
muse alone. Whllo It la truo that tho
xuvcrlty of the plague baa this year
tin. i.i Mllrfll lllflll.l llian Inut allll jlitr.
UUUII ii.uv.. ..fu.. at.M.f
ing Ita height thero wore some mighty
sfirliinn eny.v wlilrli. Iini! It lint hnml
for the expert and coiiHtant nuralng,
would have resulted In death. Tho
credit for this work and in fact for(ihe Darland Holelrfollowlng u weeks'
the quick recovery of all pallentH lllneas from llvfr trpuble. f
brought under tholr care duo to thu Mr. Bturtevant, who was a retired
Kcd CroHM nurses brought horo from
Portland nnd tholr assistants.
Iu all eight nurses wero sent by
the Portland Chapter of the Red
fross nt the request of the local
Chapter. Of these but six arrived in
Hums, as one took sick at Ontario
(coutlnuod ob )age eight)
aw- i uercHOfis oCKiy
Promises Aid m SKiriif
County PiNkHealft (torse
Secretary Don M. Taylor Of the lo
cal Red Cross chapter has recentWro
reived a letter from Saldle Orr-Dun-
har, executive secretary of the Ore-i
son Auti'TuberculosIs association iu
which she gives assurance of tho
Interest and desire of that organlza-
nun in mil uiirfM.v f'nuniv in HMnnrini? m
a county public health nurse, and
1 110 work. Thu leltur huvh fnrthnr!
'We are assisting Miss Allen In 1
Trvlnt (n Intiirjial tl.x. I.lvilv...c.lnfil
regon program and trust to be able
-cured a few na our share of the new
rauuntiis rrom the course-in tae var-.
ifllltt ttlKtulll lttt(lfaaSlllAU I A
'Do not bo discouraged by tho de-
lav Hood Hlvpr cnuntv court lias
Appropriated tho money, yet we havo
'iot a nurhu for them. It mukes ua
ii n rririniiv iiiiii mi i
would ffrtalnly prove futal to put In
an Inexpprk'iiced or untrained nunor
'Please remomber that we nro as
Interested as you are, for our goal
1 1 4 lounty nurrte In
every county,
and v, will lend you every aid In
ming tho program over quickly,"
rlHronco H. Miller of Minnesota.
ri tho now pocretary of tho Hepub-
fan Natlonul Committee and haa
..lrcady opened niul taken charge
f national liearqijfirter at Wash
ington, D. C. ' Ho was a former
congressman from hla statu.
Sustains Broken JawjjJVVrilc
Aiding friend $r
rump. : v
John V, Payer had lils.-lowor
br.okon Monday. tWhllo assisting V.
M, Button i holding ft putnp'Ht the
lattor'a liomo. Mr. fluttoti had oc
casion to rnino tils pump, out of tho
well to Mo some repairing, and as
Noll Bmlth thu plnmbor, In down with
inlhtonxa, ho wbb going to do tho
work hlmaolf. Whllo on hla, way
homo with nomo, IooIh ho, needed, ho
wan, met by Mr. Sayor, ivho offered
to help, ha ho hail" nothing slue to do.
Sutton accepted tho proffered nld.
Thoy rained the.nump mid Mr. Sayer
was near tho end of a scantling1 which
thuy used aa a "pry while 'Mf, Sutton
adjusted Jack to hold iM.wimii in
.position while they did1 tta repair
ork. At a critical .time the Jack
Drone ana me scanning wan wirown
up. striking John under the chin, and
breaking his lower Jaw. . Ho wan
ruHhed to tho hospital w-hero Dr. i
Bmlth found It necessary tu wire tho I
broken bohe tTfeottier.
Yesterday Mr, Bayer wua doing flue
and imid ho expected to
i .... .i...
.hoitnltal wlthl
n :i lav or two l!ni,,Bvy PM lt0ed thereby.
.lain T Uh)v J?y and I ro mTZiiAn ti
rtunato that he comoa.T tNf.f" " "J " f.c "r "f.,11.?
doen not complftl
' lA I..
0V luckV. m Mr? ulon waaln" ?
, concerned al find, believing, in fact.
n.ui l.l ...(
that hla friend had been killed.
' O
Joseph Sturtevant, Form
erly of Harney County,
Dies at La Grande
Joseph. Sturtevant. aged suvouty-:
one, died ywtiirdy at 10 o'clock nt
'miller, was born In Lowborough. Can -
hula. May 23. 1848. Ho leaves to
iiaonm his loss, thrre brothers. T. H,
of Feriaeia, Kansaa Harry J., and
Grant, who Is a farmer In the Fruit
'dale section: three sIsters.Mra. H. C.
Lawyer, of thla cty, Mr.- Nate Btaf-
.ford, of Formosa. Kansas: Mrs, Jane
Hawley, of Chcagoj.and Mrs. George
iiawiexi oi n" lur.
The funeral sorvlces will be held
Wednesday at 2 o clock from tho Hob
nonkamp chapel, and interment will
bo iu. the Masonic cemetery. La
Grande Observer, Feb. 2.
Joe.' Bturtevant was a realdont of,
thla city for yeara whero he formerly
conducted tho flour mill. When he
sold out hero be went to Portland for
a time but later bought property in
La Grande where ho had since read
ed. Many of tho pioneer people of
thla place regret hla demlso.
Announcing a new department
on pace two of thla Issue, and
which we have aa a
regular feature of
Where to Find News
nu Hospital to bo closed
inim w Havr hurt
'.information about Incomo tax
(Ottlnger buya property
IPoter Clemens answers call
Countynurse aid promised
Joq Sturtevant dies
Ford men graduated
Putican buys farm
American Legion news
Statement of taxes
Seed tests made at home,
Swoml Ilam'a Itelnmrnatlon
Progress and -Wateerl
llxtermlnutine pesta
National bison range ,
Influenza claims victim
District grown good stock
Want Ueeud-HurnH tap, road
Yes, but
Illustrated news ,'. ,
Claims to have puoumouln euro
Tho Green Million,, '
Notice for Irrigation olootlon
Could not walk up;t.talr
i Woodless Alfalfa grown
Church uunounceiuentH
Legal and natiHlfkid
Local Hnpiitinlugs '
Information About
Deputy Collector Will Be at
14th Inclusive.
Liberty Bonds, Property or Bonuses Counted, As . Cash in
Figuring Tax; Heavy Penalty for Evasion or Delin
quency; Family Head Exemptions,
Tho, collector of Internal rnrenne
haa advlned that Deputy Collector H.
O. l'ayno will ho nt the court hoiiKO
In llurua from and Including Feb.
9th to and Including Feb, 14th for
tho rurpoau of naalatlng taxpayera In
making their 1P19 Income tax r-
The law providea that all returna
muat ho made on or before March
15th, 1920 and any persons delln-
in Ming will he subject to
LimMh cnnS o our In N
t tliroURIt lilt! COIH UCt Of Olir UllMI
as uilowatilu deductions arming
nena mill be ready to aubmlt the same
to tho Deputy at tho tlmo and place
..... . .
uin-unir mmon a. n mt gives uui
the following Information:
A word of warning to (limine tax
payers la contained In a stntomftnt
given out by Internal Hovenuu Col
lector Milton A. Miller wIio toIiUs out
that returns must show all Items of
taxable Income for 1U1I,
Guesswork, estimator, and other
hllor-mlss tactics are barred when a
.person is making out hla Income tax
'returna, Accuracy and completeness
must bo Insisted unon. And rumem-
bor, thu return la a sworn statement;
ns such. It must be thorough and nc-
Salaried persons and wane-earners
must not confine their returna to
figures showing a year's pay at so
much a slay or so. much a week. The
actual amount drawn should be as-
.irtalMd and reported. Overtime,
no h use;' shares the preSts of a
business, value of quarters and 'board
furnished by the employer, and a
number of other Items of similar
nature which are compensations for
services, are taxable aa part of the
year's earnings, and must be Includ-
Incomo Not Always Cash,
It must be borne In mind that com
pensation may he paid iu other forms
than in cash. A bonus In Liberty
Honda la taxablo at the market value
of bonds, A note received In pay
ment for services la taxable Income
nt Ita face value, and thu Interest
upon it la uUo taxable.
Premiums paid by an employer for
Court House February 9th to
life or other Inauranco In favor , of
omployeea Hi addltlohatcomponaatlon
to the employ con,
The Income Tax doca not apply to
-amount received under accident and
health insurance, or .under work-
nien'a cempouantlou laws; and' dam
ugOH recovered by null or nettloment
for Injurfea or, slckneaa la nlao ex-
Tlpa received by waltora, portent
and othera are taxable Incomo for
ttch donattoua are in recognition or
service and are not gifts,
A pension paid by an employer or
L ? n
la taxable
'income, a wkiow who received pay
wonts lit recognition of Ilia hitv coa
jnoilia in recognillOII Of (110 HITVICUN
of her late husband, may construo
Jiuch payments as gifts.
.aw T ifv .Tii h. .r
earn oy services, mere nro many
other siiurces of Income. Ho must
ncui ,, annual reck
onlng the
gains he mndu in business nnd other
ventures; also tho Income that hla
money rind property earned,.
Unmarried men and women who
nro bread-wlnnera for olhnrs are
grunted special exemptions on thqlr
nniiiiriKB hoiuiii uKurniK ic iuluiiii;
Tax new being collected. Although
a return;tiHUst bo filed by every un
married lierson, and by every married
person Mvlng apart from wife (or
husKand) , wkoVad a .net- Income at
SiooO'or more during lfWUreeognl
Hon it uade In, the law of the neaiA
burdens carried, and relief fro, ex
ceWsive taxation as especially Pfe-t
In addition to tke ordinary persen?
al exemption' of fl'SOS, an ad4ltlBal
exemption of $1600 Is granted to
"heada ef families"; and there la also
provided an exemption of 20; for
each dependent ( Under 18 years of
age or who Is mentally or physically
(Infective. The $200 for eaeh de
pendent may lui claimed by any tax
payer who Is the chief support of
such dependent-, This Is not confined
to dependents who are members 'of
tho family or relatives. It does apt
Innlll.ln nlh.r. uflin urn u.rnlui, Ihklr
Includo other who aro earning their
living, and It, does not apply to thu
wife or husband of the' married tax
payer, oven though nuch 'person may
'(Continued on ) aga 4)'
EVentually Will Be Used to
. Accommodate Growth of
Jparmers Exchange.'
'j W(o i'tiinklln, mnnngor of tho
FilriilflrH lCxcliiuiKo, nnnouncoH that A,
ihtilldltlfc mid also tho Htono atructuro
lit which tho Harney County Abstract
Co. Is hotiHcd.
Those buildings formerly belonged
to (eo. Fry nnd nro well put up
ritructures of atone nnd brick. They
Join tho preaont homo of tho Farm
ers Exchange and eventually the add
itional space will bo uacd to accomm
odate the enlarged bualneaa contom-
Mr. Ottlnger is a resident of Ban
Francisco, He haa made several
trips to this place and always ex
pressed his faith in the future of tho
fountry and said when thlnga appear
ed to he right Jio would make fur
th'r) Investmenta hero. Tho rocont
action of the peoplo In taking hold of
the irrigation project and tho evi
dent assurances of tho development
of thin territory prompted Mr. Ottln
gor to mako thla additional invest--nent
In order to havo thu necessary
room to enlarge tho business. .
Tho Farmers Kxchungo haa mado
material gains In business during tho
short time it has been established
and ita management sees an oppor
tunity for a more extouslvo busluosslHo camo to the Pacific coast in 186S
. . i .... . . . . i .... . .
'w n,pn" t0 ,,nvo Mlc, trprlslng
,,, .b1a . i, .. i .-
Mr. Ottlnger lu a man of affairs and inulncd for three yearn mining, rnout
Is (Inanclally able to carry to a Huc-,lug with gratifying success. Subso
cessful conclusion any undertaking he quontly ho went to Huoiiok AyrtM
starts, With this additional floor. where he romalned for efghteett
apace In tho very host part of tho bus- months, working In pnrtnorkfp
Inesa district of Hums It gives tho with an uncle. He followed nifntcjc
fltabllahm,ent a chanco to. grow, i until 1878 in the Hlack HIUm anal
Mr". Franklin, the local manager, Nevada a:4 later came to WWet
Iran not Htnted definitely what wlll.Ilori In-'the southern part or thia
be done in the Immediate futuro but ounty where ho remained for a tlaui
m6rcly stated that Mr. Ottlnger had working nt his trade of stone tiiaea
desired more room for the business j for Dovlne & Todhuntcr. Ha u
and that possibly another store will Interrupted on hla journey unrthwHnsl
be .abided should It be found ueces-iby Indian troubles and fc itmW
sary, , ; until 1880 that he finally arrived fk
Tho purchase oi tho now buildings. Harney valley, locating after m ytr
will give the property a frontage of or two on Poison creek whenr bo te
about 76 feet on Main street. , since resided until retiring fro im
: o farm to his city residence.
Grteme 1000 Ff J Str
rkrMca ii First Year
Students from Every State in
Union Enrolled in Present
Training Course.
. During tho first year of Ita exist-.
I J" J fVlS b7 the Ford-
mice, the Ford Service Course, or-
Motor Company, grauuulud nioroj
than 1000 service men who camo to
Detroit from Ford dealers In various
purls of tho United States to learn I
the proper and most efilcleut way to
repair Ford cars. It Is thu Intention
of the company to eventually have
every .service man nnd mechanic em
ployed by Authorized Ford dealers
come to Detroit to take the course.
Appointments are mado
the Ford branches, one of which ends chased the Joseph Hill ranch on tvt
live delegates each day. The tlmo Inland Just abnvo tho Embruo brisks
occupied la one month, and It Is dlvld-l This property consists of 400 arr
ed between theory and prcatlce Tho of ilno meadow land thut faH aim
students ure paid by tho Ford com- abundance of water. It ha fxMt
pany for their tlmo a pnrt of which devoted to wild hay and pasture ciw
la spent dblug actual work on cars lug tho many yeara Mr, Hill ha ewx
1 it the factory. In the, present cluas ed It as ho has boon engaged in tk
uro 120 students, aud every stato la stock luminous. Capt. Duncun lwje
represented. to seo thla property doveloiwd -with
Tho oxpondltura of $150,000, tho now system of Irrigation -wkkfc
which was the cost of beginning thia .will follow tho construction of h raff
course, Is looked upon by company orvolr, thus making It much raers
olUclala h a good Investment because .valuable.
It will help to give standard sorvlce Tho consideration for this transfer
to car owners. I was not given out,
' A real "big league" slock sale
i whiek SS Poland-China sows at
kuette 'averaged $15fr4.84 for a
tetal et $57,096; and which buyers
v Irons all ever the mid-western eorn
Welt' attended In a special train
-furnished them from Chicago, was
stated Jan. 9 by William Wrlgley,
Jr., at Oreen GableaFarm, near
Lake Geneva, Wis.
Mori pork to the pig, more pigs
to Mie litter Is Wrlgley'H formula
for lowering the cost of living.
Hog breeders paid $G6,97& for
tho thoroughbred bowb, establish
ing world record,
Sows bred to Tho Clansman. 28
In number, sold for. an average of
. $lt3'.-t2. Tho top notch or $4000
wan paid Tor Long Lady by Kmest
Mcslbersr of Norway, la., seven
otlior unlniulu uold for $2f00 or
Mr. Wrlgloy'n Poland-China
JCUira,Bro Tlio Cloiani;i. fnv wlllcll
lie, rfUtl 'SHw"00 luid ha:i : ifuticrt
im.Qflqr or $0,oy0. and Tio ivit
V,H,r, 41 ycnaig hone, for vihlch
Xtf'JfiUi $Sooo.
Succumbs After Illness
Few. Weeks. ,
Came Around Cape Horn in
1868; Settled in Harney
Valley in 1880 Mined
and Farmed.
I'etor Clemens died at hla lioraa
In thla city thla morning, February
7, after an .Illness lasting only , a
few weeka. Tho funeral will be held
from the family home tomorrow
afternoon at 2:30 the scrvico being:
conducted by the Masonic Lodge oC
which ho was a member.
Mr. Clomena was born in Lorraine,
France, on July C, 1854 and Ills par
ents loft that country almost Immed
iately following hla birth and locat
ed In Montreal,! Canada, whom thor
resided during Peter's early boyhood.
few months In California but later
w.,, i vii.i,i. n n ...i...... i.
In 1883 ho was married to Jriai
ThOraus and to this union was Irura
three sons; Clay, Cat and Olwi, tM
of whom have grown to manhood sii
are well known to tho people . W
community. He la also survived toy
hla wife.
Mr. Clemens was a member mZ
Hums Lodge No. 97, A. F. A. M.
He was esteomed by hla wldo uctsr4-
tauce nnd will be mourned .by mmmt
pioneer people. IK hud s;q
valuable property In this vjrfmry
hla big farm on Polaon rreoic (h
of tho best developed in tho mitten
" o
A. A. Traugott of tho rnland Km
plro Reality Co. this week annamo
ed that Capt. H. M. Duncan had pwr-
H ' LllK
Haw m
Rfl3 illBaBBBT '