Hatm-day, Jmmary Hi, IPftO T II 8 T I'M K - If K II A Ii If PACK FOUR mi ii i ii ' Kvon tho Htono deaf man haM much The Times-Gerald, San Diego Man Gaiiv25 Pounds G, O. P. and Dems Women Leaders Hm TVn largest Circulation Of Any Ktrfper in, Harney Ctrnnty. ittwlnr tho hew system tof tH.vs.tlot: In Germany riuh, yman fortuno ror which to ho v ai K ui. ( ' will lie reduoto.fllwristno'thlng.by not hear iho M""l,i""bJ0 u0' Ja' 1926 And eVefMnlHBth he can tlfld' mjAc nowlng InHMcd upon o , no rollor, foV'tho Inherltcti'd" tug will, grWnlng- kl.d3'fqulrn lrtg and tym (jlonti up tjio rest. , pmitnn lacaraUid public. i 1 - ri-T - , Ji , .-p,- JUUfcH KYRD MttRer -WJB2ClilPTlON RATES 0m YVw t .(..... ..... SZ.UU . 1.00 .. .78 v.1 tttnn SUlurdny, Juminry !H, 1020 Lwn As50ciatrt n Hilds Annual Meeting Was In Poor l4 Health T 7 A rf. Twelve Years of Which He Couldn't Work. "I havo goinod twonty-flvo pouudi) In weight attd nm Just as full of en ergy and n Btroug as I over was nlnco I began taking Tanlac," said 0. 1. llickoll. who resides, at 4458 Loulal I ana Street, San uiego, uai recently, r Tkl nnilltnl llHHitlllK Of tllO StOCk' . tlll,ll l Mm fnthnr nf thrt DUb- 4T i ( uibnuii au w - . . Advocate, ipawirri Fnrm Loan Association, was htdri pa Jojiuary 24. The following mfXcur "wore oloctcd: J. C. Foley, prmbJvnt; Qlbn Clemens, vlco Proa-fcfet- V. 0. Cozud,' seerotary-treaB- The directors nro: J. 0. Koloy, aim fttfmons, 11. 11. Maoo, M. SSXitrorl, O. L. Shlnglodeckor. Imh committee: Jup McKlnnoii. Ji 3tl. Culp, Fruhk Sweuringon and V. C, Cozud alternate. TDtcii'ilhrnl government hns loaned avfanacrB of llamoy county npprox friwle 51100.000. The organization offers spc'clul In- iT-n ii im idamI It ap fit fi 1 fiu I f , i. i Mo no-n i In ii (C. SSr , n oF ii,..ir h Xtod. I "I l- tried lots jf d,lront kinds Bhrtr Jarms, pay off their imiotteol , ,, ,., r., .,..- ,tu uhd iiurchasq add tonal stock,"' - V .w inoMnht to eroator wi-any go. d. .i-d went to Oonycr. Colo., Hi.eonmi " ie.tii uni wiiiu- Usher of tho Kaulkton Faulkton, S. Dak., In which stnto ho rcntded hoforo coming to California. Continuing, ho Raid: ( "Twelve years ago while In Mitch oil. 8. Dak., I Buffered a gonornl breakdown. It Just scorned that my whole physical machinery wont wrong nil nt once. I lost in weight vory ntpldly, and, of courfio, my strength went also; I had ncarcoly any appe tite nnd became ho norvoUH 1 could get but little Bleop. 1 wan aluo bHd mo any good, and I wont to Denver, of medicine!), hut none of them did Hpt'.IM llt49Jt jo kmu t'V'l U. Colo., In Hoarch fo health, and, while Maw aK fifee cxpmiHo Incldotit to greater prjwlumVni. o- fjtWW i:(M)KlNO IH HKCltT i 4)V DKI.ICIOUH (JKItKAIiH "f Women Iwulern In the two big political partleN ar now busy lining up their force for the bg preeldentlal struggle this year. On tho left Ib Mra. John 0 South of Kentucky, chalrmun or the National Republican Women' 1'arty. On the right, Mra. George Bm or Chi cago, chairman or tho women'i division or the Democratic party, and one of tho twe women nindo a mnmter or the national ezecutlre com mittee on arrangement!. Mian Mary Foy of Los Angelee, was the other. Mra Haas has always been one of the staunch suffrage leaders of Atuerca Mrs. Un Fc-SeawcirJ Died Mrs. Edna Klne-Simwcard, wife of Don Seawuard, died at tho tl.cro I Ix.'Knn In wad or III) vnoi Vanlao do'?tg. and one nm- I kIiik hoHpltal laat Sunday, Tho Im rvad ol wan ' Hlip-tar t mno I do- mo,utu CHUV 0r her death Wan blood fC'r'n't'irilt'i Z!XVtiTZ- .r.n'" - U t nd'to nifiCna fn .lhr. mul my III for weveral weekfl but hf-r cond -nppetlto began :tov Improve. In all I Hon wan not. coniddorod HorloiiH. until iUtn meul and ont meal are nmong took olght bottles or Tan ac wwie in snuri " ";, " w .,,t,n f p,.nHU. uiui whn 'Denver, ami the way u iium mo up n.u uBmh.i u ....n. ...... Al caoked n.ake delicious brenkrat was remarkable. I was ?oon able- to o tlila city and wna mil wenty.nve wrrj:i'8. The dislike which many , go to work again, undl worked years old. MrH. Soawoanl camo ofr StVaveTSr ' Ihom Ih becauno they steady for lxU,m months, and then ".m or honm On at k ; J - , -rten served half cooked and in.no noro 10 - - .m i ; ",r. VJ u Ju , mm tm. kM .1.. I.. .1 t t i.i.. ,,..n iinr iiL'tift iifiv iiiiii initi linn nun iu uinun p iiiiu iivi iiunwuini un K ' S; t e mo t u a - 'Htong and an, not bit nervous". a7 r ,'0' ,"5CS0 nf U"' SUdH. bu? when will cooked m never troubled Mi ton.tlpatlon Mr. Heawear, "SSndw jr ,rvi.d w tk cream or rich milk uny more . H Is a ploiuiiro to recom-, cIhIi o J ro Ii d el. Mrd. Sea thy Oullclous, and there are few , mend Taiih.e, when if did so much for. wear w hon, I n n.H ...w.. .... .i i.i.. i M.tvu.. ,iv..ii nii.t in i:v. iiMnarrled to Don Heawoard on Juno , SSin illc ouh Vonnneal mUHhiwho Is In tho same condition I WaH.';,19U. Bho leam a young hp he irae people uho IU euim or com- Tanlae Is oold In UuriiM by Howl. l"f ll"B,mm' lo, n,H,ur" 'vr,,u; ZX Svel teSoinJ o Si" am 5tHrotherH and at Crane by fho Vnle j ' V ' e , 8 Urvlv.rt r ky of -wiiiftr. iiriiiv' tiin unlnTrndliiK Co. Ad. y l or motlioi'. t so MHters Ami ono doing fine at tho homo of Mrs. I. It. Holland, For Spring flK- namt, or tew? of -wnter, llring' tho salt (Trading Co w1i:t in a boll and stir Iti tho rorn-i isval Vti:)' nlowlvv Do careful not to IiC it BJvwJJy Improved when It Is cooked tear U hour or ovor night. This rj;jr siuwi in mrvuii inn. ii n,4.. , v-v mi Imop. Cook the porrldg at , "Jf ' ' 30 mlhuhfo. Tho 'llavor 'In L TIio theory In advanced from tlmo brdther, Thu rtlnoral was coidiicted Monday afternoon at tho lluriia" cpm , otery, ltov, ueo. wnrci oi uio waza roue church. -o Horn Wodnoidny, Jan. 25, to Mr. - V .... .1. tfc tac or the stove or lit a llroletml would be proft rnbb? to th- throe com- fhu inother Jil1 Jlru ru,0!il nfptv.vT. I HUHU.V rurvii in -nun uDuiurj, ii uiu Kur oatmeal porridge, use 2vj cups wumi amount of rood is lo im Mn, otTtOlitl outs. 24 lovol tenKpnoiiH or United '.Union Department of Arl Mnli. atiO 5 or G cups of water. Wb'iu i culture rood HiieclallHtH ritatu It Ii hard tlw-uwtur Ih boiling, Hllr the rolled to hw tho advautngu or two Very uiu.:rVnvly imp U and, cook the por-jhearly iiiu;i1h over three' o'r'dlnnry rYU'j fir one . hour, or still butter, omw. I axvr Mlxht. I Thu best physiological ovldoncu luif 1 o , piles twit moderate Quantities of rood taken nt moderate Intervals are morn ! Cmw DKHKUT roll COI.D DA V. caMly and completely dlgi-Hted by or - . i dlfmry peoplo tliitu larger (uautltloH ' ".'"- . I trtkon at long Intervals. 1 1 the rood Surnv day, after u light- meal, try ' onllnurlly cnton Is considered excex- j , ' swfclriR u Drown Hetty with cheese lvu and tho nlm Is simply to rodticol Ant rtjfsff. It Is nuro to muko a hit iho aniuunt It would ueein nmro r- w.Wh Vu raiiilly ir thoy havo hearty ',0"u' lo,mal(o all tho meals lighter U!c5ifvH. Tho following recipe for "' " om,t ' Tho veiv fact thnf Z.V ir.h.non tried out In the home oco- Iho, custom or eating ft iiumher of .vj ncwhut kitchen of the United States 11 " long nceu uimou fJinrinioitt or AKrlcnlturo: , universal. Indicates that It mut.havi aVinvn He hhrnntu Ifiv tVeilT Mllfitd ii ni)l ch in n deeii uurth- JuaillieH, -var taking dish. Subsoil with cwajinoii, also u little clove, If de hUm. mm) drown itugur. Scalier hoefh; JlJitjlv haveu mild full cream rbi. vgr each layer or apple. VI)b Die dish Is full, scatter bread 45v vtlr.ntes Hero In tho nowost In first showing of real spring millinery. It Is right back to the transparent models so popular for thu last few seasons. With It's , double brim of tullo one painting up. the other down, and It's crown or checked ribbon In 'dull tones It pleases tho miss who must have that touch or spring first. Pat Crow's Kidnaped Baby Weds oT Agrlculturu: I iurnai, ukucuiuh uiui ii must uavtt tty with ehccMw-Arraugo f0"11', dvnutKW wjilrh Instinct. Dors or bread crumbs, and 'n-01 "Hon experience, approve and .. ... imiii iimi 1 O r TO Till:! VOTKIIH... ,. j K 1'1 While I do not assume that I mluht ir the top and bako HO to ''o generally desired as a candidate ..l. ...in., n... .iiui. iii iimi for Clerk at 'the comlni: iilectlnn. Ii ol wa3w so that iho pudding will not nowover, noon encouraged oy baru , purlieiilar rrjends to muko tho Cf xireterred. this may bo sweeten- ra(T ro1 another term to such an ox 0 vlfhinulassos mixed with an euual tMl lIlt I fuel Justified In saying ror ,awwnl of hot water and poured over 1110 honollt or Hioho, nnd otherK who 'W-top, u huir cupful of moloses he- ' ho Interested in making up tho iviK jraiMlch.ut for a quart dish or pud- Mining ticket, that I sl)all not ho u (UrA. candldato, since certain competent ointsu may bo used instead or but-;"oryjco boys" havo been proposed rr "kn u Blmllur way In other apple 11,1(1 ' v,ow ot t"t our couu- udllngB, Avplo plo made with u ry successrully relied upon their pro NwdI finely shaven cheese over tho 1001,011 ' UB l,i0 r war ' 'el t ewjned apple and baked In tho usual ' Hulto so deserving of publjc way 'tu Tfikwl hy many who are rond positions such as this, as aro thu ser of Ouiobo served with apple pie. ivl(!0 nJn ir compotont and some who o .havo been mentioned aro beyond W.lSiK AXU OTIIKRWJHR ' loubt well qualllled. s. iianiiranliHr tellH iih that mout 1 w,Mh to tBko t',,H muH ot tlmilk viomoi w5SJ rltlai hS loved thai ,,n t,,w ,1(,01l0 of """1 ?"tyror Ours however Lists o U,oy ,,,lV0 ,,ouo for ,no t,loo,,,,P hSh owoor, insists on In 0 thH offlco w,ch ha(j ,)fieJ u ' that I expected, both educational and Anil still, ir the reds overturn the IrplUoliIo. and made pleasant by th9 Rimn-iiniuut. wo can use the other 'loiia c0'(,7 ' . 1 lui Tu all or this mad rush for fk -presidency, wo note thut the Iiromd movie actor Is not to bo de- tUti-4 from the glory or his curoer. ' Sncu'lcTng of modern discoveries. fuyw long Is It nlnco you re-dlscov-j hNT many in (his comnuinlty except the: vroaiihors would really llko to Ki a truthful answer to that quos tht? We wouldn't. Save Your Eyea1 . OTiinmuor, young mun, if you j hrunlc into print any othor way v.uj Uiko a last desperate chaucq sitsiV iljfonin a cuiidldute for prosl- 0 yimtr.y to loan on Irrigated farms tal rum'licH ut (I per cent Ainortl. .v W, -plan 5 to U years time, You frifox u -.iHh(cnlt)n nnd buy no stock. Ciwa ibviui )f:J7,n00 to one Individual, : rnr.d lupo--dU;lc service. Muko yomir jipjdlcatlon now, Ifnnioy Conn tylAlMrma Conipany. Ad.tf, . ; n hi mm. Eye strain causes headaches, 'nervousness and other trou bles. I fit giasiieH accurately and scientifically. All Work Guaranteed. MAURICE SCHWARTZ Optometrist OITice with Dr. 11. P. Smith v v-Ed.wa,rd A' udhy- J". Omaha and Chicago, famous kidnaped Ml ot 20 years ago, was married recently to Miss Margaret, Carry or Chicago, And with this social note came a news Item which will lii tereit thousands of newspaper raaders of the land, because the fa woua Pat Crow, who kidnaped Eddie Cudahy from, his gome lu Omahn, and held the young baby ror $26,00 ransom, wired his mK gratulatlona lo young bridegroem. The latter prices that msW Crow la now reformed and la working with the Salvatlod Army in New York. Photo shows Cudahy and Bis bride and (lower), Pat Crow aa he , today, Alfalfa it IlWSE EST ALFALFA SEED Vnn,i!2!?puUl.t,?.n ,n th Northwest for the last 10 years The Chas. H. Lilly Co. Wm. Faire Burns, Oregon Practice Before U. S. Land Office and the Department at Washington, D. C. REAL ESTATE BROKER Speciai-Deairable Stock Ranches , lNfeUUAN)pi?-3ii8urc your hay and propci'fcy in tho' North British nnd Mercantile ' oi V60ii Fire Undorvritor 4 v OUR RELIABLE Consider the egotism we adjective our heading with. REAL SERVICEABLE PLUMBING is something you seldom find becayae usually a patch isn't nearly as good as a confident mending or a new part. WE WILL NOT PATCH UNLESS we know that it is the best service we can give you. We get to the bottom of the trouble and repair it accordingly. CALL ON US WHEN YOU NEED WORK IN OUJR DIRECTION DONE QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY. Radiator repairing a speciality BURNS HARDWARE FINE MQNOGRAMMED STATIONERY We have a choice sample line of fine box stationery which we will priiv- with any jnonogram you wish. Fine for gifts at any time. Priced on a reasonable production cost basis from $1.50 up. We ooll only printcd-to-ordcr stationery THE TIMES-HERALD Job Department Evcruthino for Everiibodif Any thing for Anybody Two or tho largest commercial houses in tho United States some years ago adopted ror their policy thu slogan, "Tho customer Is right," and havo hold squarely to It. In ovpry case, unless tho customer was plainly endeavoring to put over a crooked deal, his view or n controversy was taken as right. Tliesu houses announce u loss of less thnu one-halt of one per cunt us a result. To old customers or ours, It Is usoless ror us to announce that this has ulway been our policy in business. To prospective customers, the only thing we ask Is that if thoy have it complaint thoy bring it direct to us, with tho full knowledge j that correction lu ?cl. asewll he promptly and choorrully made, regardless or uny, loss that may result to us. A pleased customer leaving this store means still other now customers coming-to uV-fcit$r. You' can reason It out yoursoir. t The above, is -again AJUM'pollcy for tho year 1920. ;-' '"v - . LUNABURG, DALTON & CO- BURNS, :: OREGON MAVK. V(M11KKN HNl'MKItATKD? if not, or If you luwirany.aouSt, fin put 'this coupon hud mall to r Wr A. TKHUALL.BUjl'KRVISOU OF CENSUS WASCQ, QRKQON. On January , 1020,' I was living at adaross given below, but to tho bust of my knowledge 1 havo not boon enumerated there or anywhere olso, Nu mo Stroot nnd No. Oily