rWnrtlay, tfmnmrjr 17, 1M0 b "t ii n I m f H ? -ii r r a i, n n vf n n a , harnby oounix , oniioo fage roun Ft The Tiiti6(s-pcrald Hm th Urgett CtrculatUn Of Any yjfwtpaper In Harney County. Manager 4 'SUBSCRIPTION RATES no Year imm ' - .. nVOANIA th. (1ir Moathi . iiiniiii"i"" $2,00 .......( ,,,,, i.uu . .7B Hatunluy, January 17, tD'JO COUNTY COURT COMPLKTKM DU8INEHH OF TKRM Tho following mattorH of Intorcnt Hiro transacted by tho county court l)oforo ndjournlng: M. V. Dodge wiih appointed county iturvoyor. , Jap McKtnnon and Frank Swyar Sagerwero appointed road viewers. Tho Tlmcn-Hornld was iiRaln des ignated tho county official papor the coining year:, .juL The efelary' dUriff chief deputy .'hr the ahenlT a. bince. was raised to 175 per iaorith! dat ing frdm Jan. 1 until further notice. o NOTICE VOR runHOATION. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICIO Durna, Oregon. January IB, '1920, Notlco Ih hereby glvdn that Aunttn I). Mabio, of 721 Hawthorne Avo., Portland, Oregon, who, on January 14, 1913, made DeBort-lalid Entry, No. 00(521, for 8 Mi ahdNttSV$, Section 2, Township 20 8., Range 28 B., Wlllntnotio Meridian, haH lllod notice of Intention to mako Final Proof by puruhaHo under Act March ,4,' 1918, to' establish claim, to the land abovo described, before Register and KccoIVer, at Durns, Oregon, on tho 19th day of February,, 1920, Claimant name as wthwsos: Kdwartl Morgan, of Burns, Oregon, Leo: Davenport, of Portland, Oregon', and Albert A Traugott ,and, Ubajil Cote, bbthof Hurhs, Oregon.1' V. 0. COZAD, Register HKMI-ANNUAIj STATEMENT Statement of W. A. Goodman, Shorlff, showing taxos, penalty and Intorost iid mllongo fcos colloctod from July 1, 1919 to December 31, 1919 and' dis bursements to County Treasurer. ltccclpta ..-v Xlalance In hands or Shorlff. Juno 30, 1919 $ 2,243,97 ACd 191G tax not Included ' 3.81 Taxes, pennlty and Interest collected for years,' as , follows: 1913 11U :. i9ir, .. ; 117 V :' . 191 Mileage and Tccs collected. ci .r- 312.13 786.73 1,806.73 101,684.61 2,247.78 104.C04.13 HTATMMENT Of OOUIfTV THEAHUUEll KSTRATKDrCattlo br,Mefl M ' " . i riki siiear oii ilnft hip. marked snl Of thn varlmiM fiindn and School Districts showing balance renin tiling lvf lAfi utul 7rnn off rlttit! also h right ribs, marked .split In 'right 'escli fund and school district oil the .list day of December 1919, com prising1 the total balance as indicated on Treasurer's Beml-Aniiuul Statu HI (Mil. ate Genera! Fund.'. 1..U.' i3,764?7 noad, Fund i.,.1...:.....:. .v). 3do9fl!.tt3' Ilahblt Fund.... v...:..:. 03.46 City of Durns.. ;.....'....,..(..v;...:?..i..Uf.::. 4,1-0 Fair Fund. .l'cddlors Dond Fund. High SchOol Ftlnd Union High School State School Fund County School Fund, High School Sinking Fund No, 48, Donded School District Estato Fund School District No. 1 3V- ' ,4 ' .6 : 7.,' 8 If 13 1 1 ., 1 13 t 14 ' ( 1G - . I'1 '' id i . ""17 DiHbiiWinents' jvj Trcnijuror's Hocelptfl. ns follows: No. 394foV1ryonrv1918 - ' '" 106.9C0.91 303 " " 1914 304 " " 1915 3r,r, ! 373 " . 374 V " 393 " 39C " '". " ' :i97 " " " t 306 " " 1910 :ic7 " . " 375 '; ' " 370 " " 389 . " " 390, -".V " 39 1"' 398 " " , " .199 .", " 1 " C 8 , ".l ' '1917, 370 'W flf'.'.lpA y . '77 '' 378 " V J' i ,.;i82 " " '! 388 " V . JJJJJJ ... .. 400 " 401" V- t! noo"" " '"Sgi'S 3(51 " " . " 371 372 '( ' ,? ' . 379 C" : " -, 380 I " "'f , 381; V ' :i83 ' JIS4 ' " 4 385 " . " 380 387 " " " 395 " " .102 " " " . u i' - ,022.85 60.70 50.02 14.03 09.21 70.88 41.81 C.CO 0,80 4 420.10 M' 57.91 7.31 95.78 ,21.53 AS 0.40 371,91 40 99 37,5 1 . 45.50 ri3.8 ..A"il. rtt't' ' ' . f - it. .MM i 21'' ...22 ; 23 1 ' .24,, ".2 , ;m27.; 88'; r 30 ;. 1 3lv I 32,' -33! 1 - M i i I f 302 Mileago und 'Fees 403 Milengo und Foes Mileage, and Fqh.i Included. In Hcselpts, paid to spec ial deputy Dy Taxw cancelled and rofundod , ' . .' ,,2,3C 78 10 277.20 5 50.47 233.01 . -359.95 03,02 07.00 '252.05 ' 1;72-9.C0 130.43 792.05 9 4. '83 ,1.187.74 . 71.77 3,909.47 44,540.3.'. . ,40.L37.fl 409.40 00.03, , 82.73 7,021.70 102.71 I. j 75.20 95,50 10.00 28,2 1 ,17.05 1,403.30 101,1 17.51 170.70 3.50 55.20 Total Disbursements Dalauce In hands of Shorlff, on Duo. 31, 1919 103950.07 2,901.24 100,950.91 Kti-Jo of Oregon. County of Harney, hh. , I htirohy certify that the foroBolng Hlatonmnt Is true and correct, its ghovil by the njnordu of this olllro. . Datd at IluniH, ihls 10th day of January. 1920. ! W. A. GOODMAN, Sheriff, . . Iy I. T. Itandall, ' . ... Domay, . a a i i i r HEMI-ANNIJAL HTATKMKNT . ' Of tho.TrdaHuror of Harnoy County for tho period of six-months, bo Klnnlng July 1, 1919, and ending December 31, 1919, showing balaucos In tho treasury July 1, 1910 und the rocelpts und dlsjiursomonts mid tho bal anco remaining In the treasury December 31, 1919. ltl'Cl'IptN Sheriff's turnovers for taxos $ 103,727 21 Sheriff's turiiovors for foes M 17070 County Clerks turnover for tuxes f l,20c!40 Corunty Clerks turnover for feoH , .. 2,31 1.48 iiinjrum on wupoyllis , Itiituni from School Districts State Hounty 517.44 2,259,89 3,182.50 SUite School Fund. ... 2.400.90 uiiuAiiuuuuii uuiimco oi s(uirrni ruuu..u , 204 17 Finos ; ISoViO Five per cent of Lund Sales , 'w" 43140 'Twenty-live per centum Forest Reserve Itontui"!"! 4,01o!o8 Assessor's turnover for taxes. ! o 780 53 .Dalanco on hand July 1, 1919 , !."!!!!!!,".' 57l ie!c7 . Expenditures tumoral Fund Warrants 43 647 q Itoad Fund Warrants.... ' 19 20flfi HJKb School Warrants... " 4 142 51 Last half 8tate Taxes "' ig'ovfi'on , School Dist Apportionment ...""!""! 663 20 ponded School Diptrlct Interest , .'City of JJurns, Spoclai Tax . . - " ' V Jmbi School District Warrants Jj .. """ 23392'fin Union High School Warrants ,...:.'.'"".'! 104 57 Korost Patrol Z''"!"'"'' ' 0.75 Total ' 1 no tjn'7 o7 Less amount duo from School District No. 45.': '' 70 J8 30; "40 41. 43 44 48 50 : 51.. 62'. 63 f.;l 60 68 .69 01 ; 02 Total 0(14,18 150,00 it...; 5,347.72 15,07 5.77 ; 2,271.97 250,00 577,25 828,84 ..r.'.. 184.05 9,45 480.96 109,18 ' ' - 303.64 384.01 381.93 514. Ill 205.42 ' '. ' 431,83 '90.67 19.02 62.18 . 117.10 . 239.73 20.06 878.4G 372.47 102,23 30.08 251.48 13.26 63.53 ' 268..18 222.46 1,185.65 1 1 192.99 636.72 39.71 156.72 15.44 428.94 242.26 58.18 612.18 167.79 494.08 147.14 267.30 78.62 3.93 011.67. ' 159.87' 131.12" 54.01 90,08 83.32 2S7.'8ti 50.10 6.12 310.20 5.71 L2S nnd crop off loft.. Jlprses one sor rol work iimre urnnded,. 7L,on Htlflo uilil vehtetl oil sliot'Idoi; Oho bay saddle mare wltlth, stfjf In f,ace branded TK commuted, .on left shoulder;, .two Mirep-yar.old colts u bay gelding, ani ro;Wii maro branded 87 with bar over 0,1 t!f!o, II. J, McKtnnon, Drewey, Oro. Save Your Eyes 1 MaaMKBBBBFi Eye trnaiWM4Uh, rwrveuwrtfi kind nJron-' bten. ' I ,lt g IwMNM iHKMrfttely ami c4enUAe4illy,' All Work GukriiBttW. MAURICE SCHWARTZ Onlemetrlst ' ' OUce with Dr. H. F. Smith 1 Stop fhafy Cold . : 0 It not checked at once it may lead. to a pro traded sick ness. 0 - 1 Our coir) curSea do the work. A dote pr tw.o, and you are O. K. again. 0 The Welcome Pharmacy fi, 14 CO Ml 1. Words of Cheer 72,010.00 851.40 4,284i02 HEM I.A.V.VIIA I, STAE.ME,NT Of tho County Clerk of HuVnoy County, State of Orogon, showing the mummi 01 me maims auoweu uyt tnu tjounty Court of said County and Slato, for what purposes allowed, tho amount of the warrants drawn from the 1st i .-' a 1 ........ . t . T nay 01 juiy laiu, m the :ilstjtlay of December 1919, Inclusive and tho amount of warrants outHtandJniriud unpaid, on December 31, 1919. Allowed on ncconnl of, ' ( Amount' for which drawn. uegisiraiioii ami Election SupfilU's Khorlffs olllce, Sularles, DeputleJ, Ajllce and travel- lllir iivti.itm.k I Clerk's olllco, salaries, deputies, Hud olllce expenses 1 niimurer'a olllce, salary and office" expeiine....;.... Assessor's olflce, duputlus and bIHcu uxnenso Court llodse, Janltdr, lights, fuel, etc, Circuit Court, Wltnpsses, Ileporler-otn County Court, salaries of Cominlsl6nern i(lit Justice Court. Witnesses. Justlm fens le. 'School Hupt'n olllco and traveling oxponBo-..r...". .. huh'k inspector, saiury of .moi iters I'enslons . . A' llellef of County Poor. Hosnltal 1'iirii il. ... , Jail. Expense of, and hoard of prisoners ...u i.ouniy or wnu animals, (0110 half refunded by statu) District Seuler of Weights & Measures Current Expenses, books, stationery, etc . wiHirici Aiioriinv'H 1111 ,, ' Destruction of (Irasshoniiers!.. ' " .'" Uofund of 1917 Itnhblt Hounty Tax.. Keller of Inllueiixu epidemic I!c(uii(I of Taxes '. MlHPellaueouB E,pousos. Iiicludlng nmoimt $0,700.00 paid ror cruising timber lauds for assessment purivisos ; IlKliways, deiioslts od. fonclni: ntn Insiine, expense of Judging . ... Coroners olllce, traveling exponas - waier wasier., salary and deputies, : liign Hcnooi.-Teucliers sa urlen c llouds Urldges mid Salary of Road Master, of 3,109.08 09719 k 2,045.30 .710.28 1,814.00 1,929.22 &O6.0O 1,012.00 400.00 1,165,00 3,701.40 170.50 15,030,00 . 22.43 . 382,00 032;85 ; 725.20 107.9.V 124.00 214.41 LV lii thec days of high prices, words of cheer a're. the ones you want to hear. We have thorn for you. ' , , t. . H Durlng the comlng'year wo will use our utmost endeavor to dls- -charge our deep obligation, to our customer,! by effecting a substan tia! reduction on the prlce?of every artlclo we sell, where It Is hu-. manly possible to do no, .' Wo can' not control the prices liutho wholesale aiarkets, but wo can and will continue to regulate our own profits In such a manner thut customers will not only hu amply protected, but will be actually favored In ovoy salo we mako, We have no well rounded and glowing effulgence of thanks to hand you In a choice exhibition or rhetoric, but wu do offer you our alncore gratitude for your patronage of the past year. It will bo our pleasure 4o, serve you even moro acceptably in tho ye,ar to come. ' ' I , . 4 Burns Cash Store rn Tell the World" says the Good Judge i 7.797.00 i 0,083.59 .Hl.liO 232.00 077.35 4,154.37 19,448,00 Total umoiiut or warrants drawn, Jujy 1st to' iieo. 31, 1919 ', 01 jToni Amount of warrants outstanding July 1st 10)0 ', ia',829.B5 1. f t v ' ' 1 nn mo r.a arrauts redeemed and cancellod to Doe. 31, 1919 06,708,'57 Total amount of warrants outstanding Doc. 81 1919 33,539.99 State of Oregon County of Hame'v ss. 1. i.nosior uaiton, County CJerk of tho abovo named County and State. nlt?ZCV ty th.?1 th? .forKqlK Ih a true and correct Htatement of he mount of claims allowed bv thn nnuntv cmin nr -.1.1 r f ..... ... mnnH.u .1l..c ,1... "I" "I ii him iiihi iiy ui .iJiiruiiiiiar. nn whu m.vnni ti... unma ..11...,.. I .1 '.lk ' . -;. , -.. ...... vvwt vu w;;;:. warramB rawu Mxa Ul0 alB0Ulltl of uuinmiiuiiiK UlllJUIH OI1.IIIO ;iISL llttV Of llainnilin 101 a ..o Hlimn imnniira nt v,.on..l I.. ... t " ' " - "' wo mu i nixed this 12th v Jhe man who doesn't v, chew this class of to ' bacco is not getting ' real satisfaction out of his chewing. ,A mall chew. It holds its' rich taste. You don't have to take so many fresh chews. Any man who uses the Real To bacco' Chew will tell you thati v Put In Two Styles RIGHT CUT ia a attort-cut tobacco t W-B CJT is a long fine-cut tobacco WIUioss my hand and the seal or tho County Court a day or January, 1920, 8KAL) CHUSTKIt DAl.TOl Everything for Everybody j. 7T- il Anything Aw Anybody 184,673,83 112,503.17 Daluimo on hand January 1, 1920 72,0 10.00 Utv that L ltorohy;.or. .Tul 1, 1010. amountB rocolyed and dlslnifaed' ijlnco 1 ' W. V. KINO County Troiisuror ON County Clork HKMI-ANM'Ali HTATKMKNT .am dttJ'rSSc"9i9.tl0" f the f:ou"ty or I,nrnex' 8tu,u of 0r8(. U'o no cash In the bunds or tho County Treasurer, s ayallablo for payment of warrants drawn on the General Fund. Rabbit Fund, High School fund General Road fund and build- ing tMnd , ;;;....: ;,t. Dy County WarrantB due and unpaid, against the ' fund aa follows: V nuildlng fundw a,,...;...., . ' ' Rabb(t Dounty fund '., , , High School fund Road fund i i 1 Mi 155,442.48 46.14 32(353.36 10.35 270.61 853.53 33,539.99 Pxcosa reaourcos over llablllly State of Oregon. County of Harnoy ss. 21,902,40 i,v -nVtirS ,i V ii ( l"Uy (,,ork of th0 al,ovo (;ol,,"y "l StiUo, do horn, by certify that the foreKoing Is a true and correct Htutoinon , P county wurran s outslanning and nvuliabln cash ronou es of t o 3 Two of tho Inrgest cominerial houses n Uio United Statos some years ago adopted .for thoT$ policy the slogan, "Tho customed right," and have held aquNy to it', tn every aV, unless tkft customor was plainly endeavoring to put over a crooked deal,Iifi view of a controversy wus taken aa right, These Koes, anniJirHea a loss of less than, one-halt of oiie per cent us a WuR , 'fo old cloawrs of'.jiyjfci, it Is useless ror us to announce that this has tjXn 'been oupolloy in business. To jroHiUvH;uHtoM4, jhe only thing wVaik Is that tf tthey have a complajpt ty brlligjt flfrect'to us, with the full knowledge that correction 'In 'each caUIR be promptly and cheerfully Made, regurdless of any loss tlmVlwy result to us. A ploased customer $aflng tltfa Btoro moans atlll othor liew customers coming to us later You can reason It out yourself. Tle iibovo Is nguln our policy for tho your 1920. Writ.. ,.,,,nUtr on ,nm ami or reeord in mv olllco, ' day oy&?.yiliSo? 10 BP'11 f 11,0 (30U"ty Co,"t' fn 'Ills. 12(1. lHhAl . ' ' CIIKSTBR DAI.TOM COuuly Clerk LUNABURG, DALTON & CO. tlUKNS, :: OREGON 1