The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 17, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    T IT H sT I M W S K 1? 8 A L T) , Tt ?J n ?f ,S,
o r,b a 6
.1 fa f. fmimn
cwnwc what sftii pan rake
'Result Of KxperimuHtA WHh Forw, ami hay at 129.09 this gives a roturii
Kttow aim uhwm uomiMCien un ;ei fli.av mar Here, ine ibibi uuiu
Pry-lund. t the Branch 84
tlott Daring The Year lH.
.VHtlon. this plot receive wa sone
good spring tooth, harrowing early
ia the spring.
Dry-laad tPointne.
The roBulla obtained from tho dry
jund nlfalfa wore very good consider-' The po'talo'crop on the valley floor
top uio ury, iroaiy season, inu i largely, a game f ehance TJlft
leld from a plot containing half an reimfl obtalned-at" Uio station during
aero of haltlc alfalfa Heeded In rows tho Hunt aeaaon, are Vary good coif
noun vu variety
Which is at uio rato or totiB per inw ljud
cro. Tho above plot was to haVii. i.Wiv ohl
boon saved for 'sow! but was Injured Hxtra Bar
to suoli an extent by this front that'll tr8ti rj0M
. wan iiuiuiy cm or imy. f Kureka
A.A.;i.'.,.A.. . 93i3
Tho yield from four acres of alfal- N,,itd ., um. ..v 71.7
fa seeded In rows 28 Inches aer 08I)t..,.: ...,.,... , .. 70i
28 Inches apart follows: aiderlng tW nwy'h. yen varieties
Flrt ctittlilK 840 wers-itrewH:lBi5ht iIWh. Thfe
BQCOiid cutting: 2r80 tt)fyt0ld la bfttafei ImKi1'1 ?
'follows: w;i.k. ' !' k
r. . c vi.'.i.i
lit- kVutiV" " T ( c
as follows:
Flrat cuttliiK .. . ,
Boco-'d cuttlHjf
, Third fitting
Thii Hum 'urtlatftiiil did .lU)t haVH A
r??? fair oh'wiicaWay Worp'antad near
aiou in B rovf 0f afitiira in rarinar yaara
7800 lb (l0y ,ayw bcpHia coimUtaut yleldar.
Total 192C0 lb nwMawc.
Or 2.4 ton per acre. Tho yield' Thfe Atinflo.ef, h proved a vary
from a nvo ncro tract seeded In the Rood aubatltut' fjir torn rIIm ,ln
Mpio maniwr avwrasoed 1.5 tona per atattta that are for . lh 8H0-
tend underlaid with hardpan ,varj lowing k a wMUMMf .MMlNwiir
Ing In depth frora 3 8 Jnchea on tho and corn llaWr from
north to 4 feet on the euth h4 k- ceaber.jMae Qf, .Jra!, oAgrl-
Alfalfa f'Hr gtNMl lrliHkHi - j Watar.' M t?itt' JfrjJBB0.'Sr'
Tho talo!4hM 'Hltan aW of iufSisStiW
land that contains a rather hlKh per, g ' , 78.7 w,,u Water li7
centago of white alkali (aodlura aul- MU 2A prote, crada FtW4r,
fato , toRether with Rome apota of lB(4 Nttrbfceh-free-Mtract and .
black alkali (aodtum carbonate), pther llijtract
This typo Irt reivreeontatlvo of nevorai " The Mnljower wada a goad
Mctlona of tho county, ao In 1914, Krowth on tho MattM darlHK the
4 acrt-a were seeded to llaltlc alfal- m9 HeaROI, fully 'U'lmr cent of the
a In rows 2S Incliea apart, with thu fteotl pIante(! R.rmlHaiH),avid grow ta
Idea of seed production. It had boon koqA b?(hj pUntBt WhIle lhH crel
proven by experiment that It wh 1m- ,,, ot on aocoiHt et
jmMlblee to farm tlila tTe of noil frot UlB KriVlh WM Mmpi rer
With cereal cropa and break oven. -silage.
Duo to tho hard front of May 31, a rate and date' of heeding toil
the flrnt crop wua cut for hay, thu to- will bo conducted with aunflownrs
tal Mold being SSO pounds. The during 1920, tho object belng(To pro
tecoud crop waa saved for seed and duco a silage crop,
thrcahed out 300 pounds of first class IH-y-html KirfHtkmH
iced from 2.3 tons of straw. ( . . .. , . , .M rt
nalttc alfalfa seed finds a ready , T,h, rotaUon serlffs has been cob,
market at 40c per pound and flgur- ducle(1 fr ""mL'er,o,'y
Inu tho alfalfa straw at 03.00 per ton re f t,iu yeHr ""'f lwn
. -1 . i nun uuiu.
No. mta
. liuvoH of lha condition of the ilARNKY falbftvl- NATlok Ah BANK at
Uurnn, In the Btato of Oregon, at tho close of bHslaefa dfi. l)cniHer;.81,l.l.l,
tl , , llffnrca I )?,.,, j j , . ,,
Loans and discounts including rediscount!) J.L ,.M89t786,87 430,78(i7
V, . (Jovermneat HecwrHkM uwueili "i , , r t
Deposited to sacare circulation (U,S, bbads at r) 24,Sltif
Pledged to, aeeare U.S. depotta(iMtr value).
Pledwd to secure postal savings deposits (pr ; , ,t -
value) ;. ; l.tiMlV.
Owned and unpledged I............ Jl9900.98 v
War Savings Oertincates and Thrift fit amps acCa-f
Uliy OWIlfHI ; - - 1 ;id4.18
, Total U. 8. Govornmeut necuMtlim. " , r v
Ortior hoila, HcarHkvi, He.: f '
Becuritlea, ether than. U.S. bbnds(not Including, . s
atocka), ovimd and unplodgdd.... a;ii(183.2il
Total bouds, soourltloa, etc, other than U. 8. -1 ..
Sticks, other than Fadpral ltworye Dank stock.a..,. f 1
Stock of Federal Reserve nank(r0 per cent of nub-L
ncrlptlon)! . , . , J
Furniture and fixtures
Heal estate owned Otlior than banking house '
Lawful reserve .with Federal Hoaorvo I)ank'........'.('
Cash in vault and net amounts due from national
Net aMouHUHduft from banks, ImnkerH, and (rustf
coiapautMi (ether than last, two Items)..!. v;
OUr blbatiHl cmlllloiialrus ar again
Wdtflrlaticlnfhe sXdrHtlntlifg phIhs of
flfiniffNhfr to iHMt the income
, ' 000,00
. 1,000.00
Check on other hanks In the aamo city or town as'
rjvortliiK bank..
' 1,84,748.42
" 1 V !"
Total of laAt three llama ..fl85il72iSL ' . .
Checks on banks located ontaldu of city or town of
. . - .. . I . . 1 ... ...... ..... . ... I i , ' . 1 . r . .
ruimriing dhiik huh inner casu iieius j-fT.' . ' i
urer 1 " ' 1,176.00
t rtot collected approximate- '
Itedcmptlon fund
from U.S. Treasurer
IntoreHt earned but hot collected approximate--oh
No tea and llllls Hecelvable not. pant due........
Crop SMueiicc
Wheat Continuous
Wlinat Print Iminii
Failed (Red wider)
Drought, frost and
1U1U Cnip
Sixty day 'oats
Karly baart wheat
, Carleton peas
m CirJetbn peas
M Karley heart wheat.
,Fall6w .
Karly baarL wheal
Carleton peas
Karly baart wheat
B'xty day oats
Karly baart wheat
Kirly baarr-whea'
Carleton peaa
sagcrats materially reduced the yield.
Yield llu.
per. A.
'.0.7 .
L . k. 1 mwt . m
, , , LtsbllltlcN
Capital Mloflk pald in ..,..,..t,...f - r- ' ,
nrpiiii mmi. ..(..... .............. .......m vr ,
Undivided mc4Ha - .V...."; 13,'26!99
Interest and aMeeuat eelleeted or credited M ,aaf
vaace of laatiWlty aad net earned (approximate)
Circulating netea oatstamllag , .l..r.....'.a
CertlSed cheeks eutstaadlag
Cashier's eheeka oh ewa bank oatstaadlag
Total of last two Items. r... a..... .
U HrecrveNeBoslta payable within 39 days: ;
Individual deposits subject to check ;.
Certificates of deposit due In leea than 30 dlya
' (oher than for money borrowed) , , .v..... ....;,
Total of demand deposits auhjqot to reserve..;. 462,444i88
Time tfrpoidta subject te Rernr( payable after 39 . ; "",.
days, or sabjeet to 39 days or more notlee, aad -'
peitaUavlags) : (x ''fc
Certificates of deposit (other than for money bor- t"
rowwl) .1...,.., .t..... ." ,.. '
Postal savings deposits A. '
Other time deposits ... jl.
Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, A. !
last threo Items ...I. 260,734.66
t'Hltnl HlHtes depo4ti(otlier than postal savings): .
United Htatwi deposits, including deposits of U.S.
disbursing ottlcors .. -A.
Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks sold fer
chuIi and outstanding ..
Liabilities other than thosn above stnted u..
' 1229.09
, 1,463.49
. ti
.ThVaeaate, (Ike the groundhog, is
eviMeing atftas of crawling oat of Its
ha)C)iirgrd:t0 the pim Vtity,
Mat, tUfl, a shadow fi&Jittoji it back
again.,' t'f,j, ', ) ,
. . Ill
It- '
: it
6licve you Oregon,.
bdlitive in your immense re-
jv,iv,vn-jiHui uiiiuercu niil
7dc8, yout waviVrf "ftol?l nf
mwmut luscious .fruits. -
Jberfd! in your men Oregon in
thcirencrigy and' ability fo convert
?0l,ftSrt??cc!,cd raw mnterinls inlo
finely fihwhed manufactured'products.
I tylifiyo the road to growth and
proipenty for Oregon lies in the loyal
patronage of Oregon industries by
Oregon people.
t s f
Home Products
AsaVcUtctl Ineluttrica mf -O
3,80Fi46 3,806.46
Cereal iRcrauKj FteMa, Drji'-Iand
Tho northern half of the station is
very spotted, alkali In both the sul
fato and carbonate form being pres
ent. This land ia used for Increas
ing promising varieties of cereals,
but tho yields are usually low and
this Is especially true fur tho 1919
eoiiHon Grasshoppers did consider
able damage beforo thoy wero con
trolled by poisoning.
Tho variety, acreago and yield are
reported below for the crops Increas-
ed during the 1919 season.
Variety Acreage Yield
Early Raart Wheat 16 1.0
Sixty Day Oats 7 0.7
Ilustless Selection Oats 7 1.3
Hnrlnir II vo No.' 26101 7 1,4
This completes the report on the
dry-land Inveatlgatlons. Tiie next
section of thu report will deal with
crops produced under Irrigation.
Latent Bulletin: Tho high cost of
living is still the H. C. L.
Tho hoht way to pruvent thut pre
dicted panic Is to keep your money In
circulation. Start tho good work by
Hliooting another subscription our
riemonceau 1 to be made presi
dent of France as a reward for til a
work In tho war. Lloyd-George, how
evir, can hardly expect our English
counIiih to make him their king, and
Mr Lansing, It appears, Is not gluing
his eyes to tho presidency
Iinwiiro of the follow who Insists
that ho Ih aa good aa anybody else.
You have hla number from his own
Nineteon twenty In, ayar of great
possibilities Uut thera'a an oeean of
kjicc hotween possibility and actual-Jly.
Yes, wo might writo columns on
thu evils of wood alcohol booze. Rut
whal'H tho use? If a toper wants to
dlo that Ih a quick and effective meth
od, and bo's sure to receive a "men
tion" In. the press.
Now get busy on your new Income
tax. If you have a yearly income of
a million dollars yqu can hand over
tho tidy little nam of $663,030.00 to
Undo Sam. The Old Doy is not a
bit backward.
alittds It Is somewhat dangoroua now
to Invllte your frlond to "atop up ana
name his poison.
We nnwar lo enjoy the rare dls
tlnctlon of belne the only people on
earth who ban put tho finishing
touches to a war and then can not
make peace after It Is done.
A Paris soereHK predicts that 1920
will be a year of turmoil In America.
Iu that, .however, wo find ,some con
solation. 81m didn't predict that it
would bo worse than tho year that
has paused.
nosh! Dame Fashion has been
handing us anothor thrill. Women's
skirts, sno says, are 10 uo suurmr
than aver before, And now we
ifiiow (ho .price of necktie will sour.
Want to bo the moat beautiful wo
mun in tin world.. sister? Take your
dally bath u mllk.and sleep between
).in..u uiit. and vnu will be us nutty
as the ParU dalny Who advocates' this
method of beating the wruiKiea in
the race of life.
No longer can we oven question the
godliness of our preachers. Any man
who will give his time for the miser
ly pittance thoy receive in entitled, to
a doublo pair of- wings and a special
etat in heaven.
That hundred million dollars. John
I). gave away Christmas morning Is
it tho rate of one plunk for ovory
peson In tho United States. Wero
yi-u plunked?
I ho cost of food ia 92 per cent In
x cas of 'what It was five years ago,
a wo haven't noticed' any ipropor-.
1 .ttto shrtnkutjo in tho American
r- ' '
in the light of tho Christmas. fat-
Ad OHstavo defeated Joe Prime ip
their wrestling, bout last Saturday
night, winning In two straight falls.
The first fail waa won on lift min
utes, and the second In J6.
Roth men worked hard, aid fought
clean all the way through. Prime
fell a victim; ,on both falls, to the
dreaded toe hold, It seemed Impos
sible for the Argentine charujptoh
to get his opponent on his back. Al
though Outitavo had him in several
tight corners, the Canadian waa al
ways able to extricate himself, by
drawing up hi legs and suddenly
shooting them out. Opinions are di
vided, but many seem to think that
Prime showed more real aklll, and
class, whllo Gustavo's etronght was
greater, Only when his husklor
opponont got tho Prime pedal oxtrem
Ity In an unbreakable (dutch did tho
Canadian wonkon,
Two boxing preliminaries wero put
on by local boys, Clyde Jofforlea box
ing Jimmy Peterson, and Harry
PhilllPH taking on John JepHon. a
Hitmv dfincfi l'Ivoii liv tho .athletes
ami their managors followed, i
State of Oregon, County of Harney, ss: ;
I, Leon M. Urown, Cashier, of the above named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is1 true to the beat of, my knowledge and belief,
LKON M. RROWN. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before tae this 16th day of January, 1920.
A. W. GOWAN. Notary Public
. Correct Attest: P. ,C. PKTKKSKN
3..V. R MOTOR. Dlreatara.
1 .
- - ' kr i..
' Mil iV wjBSSktlrtWfTfflVK nrm44 'i&&yiz&m. Ji'im
-JAMtt J. MIU.
its pelt is bringing tho
highest prices ever known
"Shubert" Wants Oregon Furs
And Will Pay Tltosc Exlfmly Hlglt Wri
tnnk iovi iaiac im I0 4iny 1 1 lint io.mti.tii)tn tutr
W Psmd. 9W I w.M 25.M 1 22.M la It.Ot 1 15.0d ft 12 I H.CI to iSllll.Mts S.N
mmiam l22.wtoi8.11l1g.wtoM9il1iiitti1.itl Letts mimto m
Wint, JiWtot0ti75to3,75 3ilttl7S2Jltol.75tSll9 IJt
Fall iStto 1?S1 1WU 2J5lmitml USto lJil 1.7Sto IJt
8 KU N K
tiiSril rmimUvi' "v!', vf!lTlT-M
BUck lMllt 1WI IJItl tm 75lto JJf ?.NJt WJ
Short llttto Ml iMH 731 7i$H 17S iNtt $ij MJte 3JJ
N.rrew JS$to 5.25 5.WI9 151 IN to 331 JJJto Ui
Broad 5.ttto 4Jt Sit to 31 2.7Sto 2.2S 1 2-tltolitl littt JS
A sUpniciit to UBEinr will
result la morc money "qHlckcr."
,25-27 W.Austin Ave. DeptWSChicacp U.S.A.
The ' Successful Farm&r
Raises Bigger Crops
and cuts down costs by investment jn
labor-saving machinery.
Good prices for the farmers' crops en
courage new investment, more production
and greater prosperity.
' But the success of agriculture depends
on the growth of railroads the modern
beasts of burden that haul the crops to
the world's markets.
The railroads like the farms1 increase
their output' and cut down unit costs by
the constant investment of new capital.
- With fair prices for the work they do.
the railroads are able to attract new capital
forexpanding their facilities.
Rates high enough to yield a fair return
will insure railroad growth, and prevent
costly traffic congestion, which invariably
results in poorer service at higher cost.
National wealth can increase only as pur-
railroads grow, . ;
Poor railroad service is dear at any &
price. No growing country can long pay
the price of inadequate transportation , l7
facilities'. 'r
i "
arfwrltiemeat ApublMed by tiie '
Thote dtvn'nff information wnotrwig the railroad im
'etijiH'mfiy obtain (ittrntuxf by writing" to Hit Hocta
(Uw p llailtcay Eioutirti, C( llroatlway, Ktto'Yerk,