TNI T I M K - M 10 R A I, D Btf KNI. HARNKl' OOUNTV' OREGON Httnnlw, January 11, 1MO FAG TWO THE WHITE HEATHER" IS DRAMATIC PICTURE OF INTENSE APPEAL VKaurlco ToHrnuHr'M imtCHt Fill , HtM All Uio Kl cmuHt of JrcHt Hcrccn Thriller Having all tho blottionts that mnko toe tho HttcceK8 of tho IiIr Hereon pro action, Mnurlco Totirnour'H latuat FiaramoHnt-Artcraft npeclitl picture, "TaIio whlto Ifonthor," will bo shown Hi tho Llburty Thontro tomorrow might. It Una an ubuiulruico of high ly flavoroil action, lino outdoor not tirjcn, and u grlnpluK tory which works out to n powerful climax In a Fxbmnrlno fight hotwoen tho horo and tbii villain on tho ocean's floor. Donald Cameron, heir to a Scotch i tliUi, would ntarry n woman of tho poerago for family rcaoiiB, but bin rcl marrlago yenra boforo t'o tho feowsekeeper at tho castle Is an Ira pediment. He repudiates his wlfo bbkI child, depending upon tho pe culiar circumstances of tho marriage t make Impossible any proof of a fc&al ceremony. ' Years before, during a trip on hla twather's yacht, tho Whlto Heather, h had acknowlodgod"'Marlon Hutno ua hbt legal wlfo, boforo two wltnen mm. tho skipper and mute, who had r&td a contract of marriage In tho yacht's log. Subsequently tho yacht wan Hunk near shoro, To provo her claim, save her good J uamo anil sccuru tho rights of hur ea, Marlon goes to court, but In the abrtonco of proof Is dufoalcd. Cameron decided to mnko suio qf his position by getting ponscsslon of tho yacht's log. Also Alec McCllntock, a admirer of Marlon, decides on a Uko oxpcdltlon. Iloth uion don diver's suits and descend to the wreck Intent on recovering tho record. They tin Jtt 'JHDBIB the blood to the local ForasL office, which In turn forwarded them to the University of Nevada for chemical ahaiyHlH. ., 1 Tlin itiiAAt) nnmnrlsed one band which iiad been wintering on the deHertt and had been brought. Into the ranch to. bo fed hay, On reach ing a point near, or on the ranch itself, the sheep "In the lead became Hck, and the entire band wan corral imlr The forago at this season of the years Is entirely dried up, and cohse quently polsoH from the range plants Is out of thhe question. -Lakevlew Examiner, MiHkms Saved by Killing OH Wild Beasts IWh AJoxaiMh'r ami MaM IIhIHh In A larMmnufitArtcrMft HaccImI MA1HIUK TOUHNKUH'H TIIK WIIITK HKATHKIt" ami returns tho boy to hliPmother, trouble onsueM. How this simple huntsman wins her love and she cotnos to the full realization of her lovo for him and publicly espouses him, Is told In a sorlos or highly dramatic situations, filled with thrills. Mmo. Cnvnllorl Is splondldly sup- IMUHON CAUHKH DHATll ok hiikki in iiaunkv MiihhpI HiUMlern Iionos Mon Than IftO Head of Hlicop on IIIn HIIvit ("uh U. Ilnnrli Arnold JoIiiihoii. or the Lnkuvlow Oaragu, Tuesday returned from tho Manuel Sanders ranch on Silver creek In Harney county and reports that on Friday night of hist week about ICO head of Mr. Handnrs' xlnm dfuil from poisoning, and that since then others had died. The source of the PoIhoiiIuk had not been definitely determined, and as a result Mr. John son brought tho stomach, contents of one of tho sheep and a bottle of Taking the estimates of farmern and stockmen thoroielves, there has boon saved to them during the past year not less than 16,000.000 from tho hunting of predatory' wild anim als by (he United State Department of Agriculture, In cooperation with the StHtes. The work Is done by the Murean of Biological Survey and such agencies as are designed by the various States. DurlHg the past fis cal year about .12,000 wild animals were killed HHder the direction "Of the Biological Rurvoy by a force ot between 400 and 609 skilled hunters. Indications are that still greater numbers were killed by poisoning, though no actual count could be made, of animals thus destroyed, Kxtenslve poisoning operations were conducted In the great sheep growing sections of Arizona, Color ado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyomlug. This was followed by a marked decrease In the numbeY of coyotes, particularly with a corres ponding decrease In tho losses of sheep, cattle, pigs, colts, and poultry, Htockmen say that On many import pint ranges and lambing grounds tho former heavy annual Iohhoh- have ho come uogllglhlo or have been outlre ly eliminated. As an lltuitrntton, there Is an urea about 76 miles In diameter In witosteru Colorado where sheep owners formerly reported an average loss of rihout 26 sheep n day throughout the nennon, I'oUonlug operations have boon conducted through two successive seasons, De struction of predatory animals Inn been so thorough that shoop now rangu freely, sometimes unattended for several days In succession, with out loss, l,nsss throiiKhhotil the area are nominal, LLNR CRVPvLlERl Love's Conquc a comu toguther under wator and there Ms a Htrugglu. In his effort to cut thoxplpo which brings air to bin rival's helmet Donald xuvor his own ami Is drowned, while Aloe recovers tho marriage record, and wins Ma rion. UNA CAVALIERI WEARS JEWELS WORTH MILLION IN LATEST PHOTOPLAY ported by capable players her vl-u-. Vlt being Uourtonay Koote. who will j be seen As Atuiorlo, tJie plain hunts man, who wins the proud Duchess. Tho picture was directed by Kdward J oho and tho scenario w.t written I by Charles K. Whfttalcor I Dramatic Moments in Secret 'Service' FninoiiM Diva and I'jirummint Htar HhowH Matchless gems oh dlsmoudu In "Love's ComiueNt" .Major Itnhrrt Warwick Piny Fine Hole ,lii Zlg Photoplay Mmo Una Cavallerl, one or the reigning queens ot the oporatlc stage n'd widely known as "tho most beau tiful woman In Kurope," Is the much uavlAd poHwessor or an array or Jewels which tow women possess, it Is said that those JoWolu approximate 91,000,000 In value and contilnt or pearls, diamonds, ruhlos and other precious Htoues in vast variety. Most or these gems will bo worn by her In her portrayal or the Duchess Glmnon da In "LoVo'f Conquost," which will bo ahown ut tho Liberty theatre noxt Wednesday, Jan. 21. Tho beauty and talent or Mmo, CRvallorl. which added to hor fame aa diva, are employed to tho finest advantage In this superb photo-production. Sho is seen us (ilsmouda, an Athenian Duchess, masterful and beautiful, for whoso hand and riches the neighboring nobles are vleing. tiha spurns all offem of marriage and dovotos herseir wholly to affairs or ntato and tho care or hor rour year old son, Whon. through tho trickery of Prince Zaccarla, one of hor suitors, thin ohltd HuppoHodJy falls into a well, whom a Hon la confined, tho grlor , HtrJckfju mother, vowing under tho ahadow oMJia (Jroas to marry tho man whOKaVea her child, sho ro jiounfjosi t her vow, whoji a ulmplo huntsman or plobfan birth roBeuuH i There are ninny tonne situations In thq new Paramount Artcraft spec ial, "Secret Service," dlrocted by Hugh Kord, with Major Itobort War wick in tho role creatod by the auth or, William Glllettot and which will be seen at tho Liberty oil Sunday, Jan. 26,. Among those, perhaps the most striking is that wherein the two brothers, LowIh and Honry Dumont, meet in itio varnoy iiomo In Rich mond during the siege or that city hy the Federal forces in the most stressful period of tho Civil War, Lowis Is on secret service, arrangt Ing to send a message to the Confed erate commander which will result In laying Richmond open to easy capture by the Northern troops, Henry gains tho Information he needs and allows himself to be cantured by tho rebols. 1 Ho escapes and gets to the Varney homo. The escape been per mitted by a Saorot Service man wjio suspocts the two are brothers and splos, Ho thinks they will betray eno another. Dut they ure too shrewd. Honry whispers to LqwH to shoot him. Ha rofiiBOH, Henry shoots himself tp mako It appoar Lewis did so in capturing him. Thus thy plan In saved but Henry payH the forfeit. , Tills Is only one of many similar suuauoiiH , winch abound .in this striking drama. A wonderful, cast has bfien snloctod, the lending woman iiuiiih vuiKia Jiawioy, 1 ' j 1 Pr?nts Qob9 ARWfCK A Paramount Artcraft Special Liberty Theatre Sunday, January 25, 7:30 P. M. Usual Prices 50c to $ 1 .00 MORE for Your Furs Sell them to me, and make more money. I to give you 50 cento to SI. more on each hide than any other fruyer in gaurantee 00 ve you 50 cento i. , iji the market. Save your f urg for me. L. L. NOONCHESTER BURNS, OREGON O.-W. CASH MARKET Burks Htl BuiMmf NOW open for businett with a full line of FRESH MEATS Cmi MmU, Hum, Imm, BeUgna, tc.r n By establishing a market we. hope to better served our past patrons who have been taking meat from our auto delivery. Oltirian & Withers FINE MONOGRAMMED STATIONERY t We have a choice sample line of fine box stationery wljich we will print with any monogram you wish. Fine for gifts at any time. Priced on a reasonable production cost basis from $1.50 up. We sell only printed-to-order stationery THE TIMES-HERALD Job Department Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TKAUGOTT, FrK-let0r REAL ESTATE Bought sold and exchanged Farm Ranch and Building Loans BLUEPRINTS LOANS MttDE ON APPLICA TION DIRECT IN VESTMENT BROKER htm, tngM Wm. Farre Burns, Oregon Practice Before U. S. Land Office and the Department at Washington, D. C. REAL ESTATE BROKER SpeciilBeeirable Stock Ranches TNSURANCR-lnsuro your liny and property in tho North Ih-itinh -a. ml Moroaijbilo or Colonial Firo UudorWrirors ' Ladjes' Monogram Stationery Here i