The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 17, 1920, Image 1

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    The American Legion need
ocry Ni'i'vlro man. Every Mr
tlco niHHiiiMKilH Yh AiHeitMn
legions? JofiiH HnTHy Ot&Hty
Wrlto tint ftwrotary At Hunts,
P. (). lox 2)01.
'I'lm prosperity of iti&Myj.t
valley tUifumU on IrrixHtloir;,
Voto. ''YlifVlffor I ho fonmi.;.
lon . of Uie dlxtnet hm , Ijfcb-T. ,
niHi'ytlO. Director and inftny)
, iofMloiicrri(yvill be nominated at ,J.
it innnn iiiui.-iiiik jHiiHMrv iif.,-B
NO. 12 i 'i
' " i r . ' i in .ii,,TTTi,....t..n.iii i l, , ill, i.l iT?, -. . , , i i.i Iu.i'i .mi.-i- r r,.
.,-..,i.j.J, J..U Ajfu.i ,, ,.. n- i.m v.-.. . -r ' ' n,i, I, ,i .ci i ..11,11 I iii
furncd Down When First
Secures Promise of Parsonal
Investigation from Super
intendent of Division of
Rural Mails.
Tho iTopoRltlon for a lloud-Hurns
hinll route was turned down by the
Fourth Assistant Postmaster General
rtien first presented. ThroitRh thu
Worts of H. C. Jones, secretary of
llto Burns Commorclnl club, nridorso-
fcionts of tho Oregon Statu Chamber
If Commerce and tho Portland Cham
ur of Cominorco were secured. Petl-
llon from merchants and citizens
it Hunts, Suntox and If Hoy, worn
lorwurdcd to WaithlnKton, an well us
brief propnrod by Mr. Jonos, to
I'hlch tho following answers wcro
Washington, Jnu.2
Dear Mr, Jones :-
'I havo yours of oc. 27th with your
lory carefully workod out brlof on
lite Ilond-llurns mall routo matter,
1 iil alHo petitions.
"I am .taking tho matter up to
jay personally with Superintendent
IVood of tho llural Mall division, and
hu urging him ns Htrongly an pos-
llbln that lie personally rovlow tho
-holo matter and carefully r-onaldur
til tho poIntK which you bring out
lo well.
"I am nuking him to establish this
'rutin fiml linnik Mini wn r n r lm uiii.
miuit iiiuijkii mu umitiriiiitiiiL in hiil
Aft .ft. Aft - ft A -.a . .
fi iifinnrn in n nnouinn riwiv ntinit
"Very truly yours,
Washington. Jan. 9
"It gives me pedal" pleasure to
mm mo four in AtMisinm I'osrnas
.I dnitn..! t. .. H wIi.m. n ...... .u
lacii.rrm hi li.hl iii i wm m &iin n r. wm
r HRan in vntir flirAiiniiL mtinr
VTl 1 A ft - A ft A I A A .
(Hr i MiiiiR. n n i i n nniim -niaiinp
in uo remrreii lis iiiii ctiiihi liiHimninr
li l i ii ii u iiii rmiiiri v u ritiiriMiuii iuii vn
S At... .1 A . a
WflftW .lftft-
"I hope this will reault In an nc
U. ... 1 1L .1 I
twit o iii. it tin v j uuiji iisniiv
'Very truly yourn,
itrproHontativ) Sennott has been
. ..?7 J" ' . A A . A -
onto to HoiuK" l duo HcknowledKo
iiiiil nuuuiu ur iiiuiih inr iiim pitrviri4M
f a f 1 r t.
HI. U'hn li fi Vaa tkiui lAittf fhnlr nua ut.
Ilarnoy County Post of tho Amor-
(continued on page S)
ill Kun tsusiness on Lo.on.
erative Profit-Sharing
J. A, Krumholz announces this
riiK Liu, iiiiri!riHii iji irui iiuivHrHui
i . . . i .. ... ,
arago from Hubert Smith and
.(.nrrn Mntruv ThM nriul,IArof Inn
in rovlewlng his plans for tho fut-
iro of the business, Mr. Krutakolz
old of buying the corner at the in
crsectlon of main street and the
llMiwiiv. inn uniith nni-l nt tnivn anil
uho inn necurmr nr an nnunn nn in
roperty Immediately In rear, or east,
f his corner.
"Wo intend to run the garage on a
ooperatlve plan," he said, during the
ntervlew, "Every department head
in unw uh large a saiarv u inn
usInesB will Justify, and in addition
'f 'ho net profits of his department.
"in ttus way, wo can no sure or too
oyul support of every foreman, and
'0 will know that tho moro bUHlnesfl
ds department does, the moro ho will Tho plan of distributing stock
to soil each man bin share, olthor
ri rash, or on Installments lp bo paid
' f his dlvldonds,"
' ns for the erection of tho now
" (nig on tho recently uniulrcd:
1 riy nro proKressInf? nlcoly, a
Htig to Mr. Krumholz. Construe
ill bo Htarted m noon ub weath-
millions are moro f.vyrnhlt,
Would Connect from John
Day South.
Market 'Road "Needed - Thru
Hanloy Lane to Wright's
information line boon rccolvod'here
that Sonator Hurley has In nilna tho
Introduction or a resolution aakltiK
that a north and outk ljlichwrty bo
designated In thltM'irt of thu coun
try to continct with the,' Johil I)y
highway una pan south .throUKht
Canyon to IWrn, Hrrowa, CAtlow
valley and thiiH to Lakevlow thus cdn-
luectinic up thin torrItt)n'( north nnd
1 south for the benefit of frivol. Thin
, routo Is ons that Ih needad and one
that la of cohsldorablo Imnortanco (ih
! much of the travel to and from Cult
ilrornla, can and would no mtton tnia
....... I. .1... - hi - miiI In altaitii
It would 'cut off Mttclt mlleatjd nod
. brnj the territories moro elosoly to-
Kether. This route meeti with hearty
'approval of tho pooplu of Ilarnoy
; county. Otto featuro of It bulnx tho
conuecuon oi inn souiuoru roniury
with I'ondloton and Walla Wntla and
the HtirrouudluK farmlni; territory.
Another contemplated Improve
ment that should be, taken udvantni;e
of (lurltiR tho Idle Unto of tho work
on tho highway between thla city and
Cnmo, In the eMtabllshlui,' of ti market
road from n connection with tho high
way south through tho Ilunluy Innu
; to Wright's .Point, This pleco or
road can receive a dressing of gravol
at this I mi moro economically than
1 over aknIh, trhurs. Tho fact that
the trucks are oaithe ground to trans
port the gravelOw ttravel pit Is opon
and the nteam nhoYel in placo makes
. . t . . 1 .....I
li mosi unvaiiiHReaus, neiuun, uuiior
thoRo condltloiiH tho trucks could bo
had ut a moro reasonable rate since
their work Is more er leas curtailed
because of tk shutting down of work
en the highway. Thb-1 a Matter
that' should fcave serloiM considera
tion as we ant In a position to get
this work done at a bargain. A fur
thcr advantage Incident to tho lme
dlato consideration of this project In
tho fact that the grade la rwly to re
ceive tho dressing.
Sunday school at 10 A. M.
Preaching services at 11 A. M. and
7 MO P. M.
Bubjoct for tho morning Is "How
Hhall Wo Account for Jesus Christ?"
8ubject for the evening: "Decision
the Open Door."
You arc most cordially Invited to
thorto services.
It. S. lUKHIKS, rustor
' o '
Jack McCarty Is up from Flolds
where ho Is In chargo of tho mercan
tile store and jwt ottlco. He states
that country is prosperous but lack
of moisture la being felt.
Information was received hero durr
ing tho week by friends that Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Kee'lcer, of Lexington,
Oregon, are, tho parents or a now
baby girl, born on January' 13. Mrs.
Kcoler was formerly Pearl Klslc and
was county treasurer preceding tho
present Incumbent,
Where to Find News
PA OE, ON 13
nurnaDoi)d Mall routo
Joo Krumhols buys garagu
Moro highway improvements '
Community nurse work explained
Saurman resigns an president qf post
Potato Is real standby , . .
Deny report of ruthlesa slaughter
Employment service. instituted here
Mnk neetlNK
Theatre News
Poison kills abeep
Millions saved thru destruction
Crop report continuation
Bank statement
Gustavo Victorious
County Court ,
Semi-annual statement County om"
cera .
The nickel Lady
Oood cheoso splendid food
Scarcity of Teachers '
Irrigation election notice
Loalq ii lid olnSfllllcil,
Tho Green lilbbon
Churcli luinouuceinontp '
Locjl HupjionliiBH
Legal notices '
KqitjOr gtudonta
Red Cross Pamphlet Covers
, ' " . '
Many Things She Can
. Accomplish.
"Have You a Community Nurse In
Your town or County" la tho naiiio of
a plmmplet received this week by tho
secretary of tho local lied Crows, in
which the benefits derived from the
employment of a public heatth uurso
are set fortll.
Thu work dono by mich a nurse Is
also covurod to a grCat extent.
Among tho many things of which her
duties consist aro tho following, an
quoted from thu' phamplot:
"She watches over tho expectant
mother, nnd advises her In those mat
ters which contribute to her comfort
and safety, and which promise 'sound
wind and limb' to thu little newcom
er, "She cured for tho sick In her com
munity, bringing trained skill and
gentle, deft hands to supplement tho'
doctor's knowledge nnd tho family's
"81io Is (ho guardian of nil babies,
Ignorance of proper treatment Is the
biggest factor In tho high baby death
rate, and by Informing the mothers of
tho lajtcst scientific principles of child
care, many little lives are spared.
'Saving a hnby costs tho public no
llttlo; losing & baby costs the mother
so much.'
"She Is tho defender of nil children
In her community. Ily periodical
Inspection, she protects tho woll from
the nick, ami chouks tho spread of
contagious dlMeises, She aUo detects
any faults In physical development,
Hud such Inspection taken plncn
twenty years ago, one-third of our
young men would not have been ro
Jected for military service on account
of physical defects, many of which
could havo been prevented In child
hood. Who among you can answer
either to him, or to your God, If you
let your child grow up with a handi
cap which might have boon removed?
"She organizes the boys and girls
of her neighborhood Into health and
hyglcno leagues, and bestows upon
thorn two priceless gifts n know
ledge of the laws of health, and good
hygienic habits. They learn to value
and nratect that blrthrlaht of every
child, a sound, clean and strong body.
"She searche out the young man
or woman with Incipient lubercu
losls; brings him the glad tidings
that his disease can be arrested and
helps him to And the way to the sal
vation of his health before It Is too
late. 1
"She la tho 'LOOK-OUT on tho
MOUNTAIN,' giving the first warning
of (be approach of tho enemy, Dis
ease." MA It HI ED Thursday, January 15
William Dlbblo and Jessie 11. Chance
itcv. u. h. ungues porrorming tuo
ceremony in tno presence or tno
mothers of tho two young people. Tho
groom Is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs, P.
C. Dlbblo of Silver creek, and has
resided In that section all bin life.
His bride resides in tho same neigh
borhood. The Times-Herald wishes
them h huppy wedded lire.
Active in WeJfAre, Had Out,
lined Strenuous Program
for Coming Year.
The resignation of Dr, J, Slfellny
Saurman as president of tho local
Post or tho iAmerlcun Legion was
read and accepted at the woekly
meeting of the executive commit lu
of tho Post Thnrdny night, tni'
(Din Hobert M vlHiucuu, formerly vim
president oMUio Post, was appointed
president by thp 'iouuultteo, ,nd It. A.
Allen, vice vrenldOutt C. U, Itobb, of
tho Harney JfJrmnry National hank,
vaa appointed td PI I tho vacancy, on
Hip executive) pomnilttee.
Deep regret is expressed by mem
bers of the post at losing Dr. Saur
man, One i of the organize of the
local Post, h!e has alwayH been ac
tlvo in praniotlng Its welfare. Dr.
Saurman hail outlined a strenuous
program forlhe Post for the coming
year, and his successors will work
hard to carry out' the many things ho
wished to see done,
Tho doctor Ih a firm believer in tho
power for good that tho American
Logon could exert In this community
In tho way of development, and It w
along this line that he had planned
work for the Post for 1020.
Dr. J. Shelley Saurman nnd wife
expect to leave tomorrow morning
for Mnlimi. wiiitrn thn doctor linn nn
Yopti'd an offer to atllllato himself
with Drs. W. II. Morso and C. II.
Itohertsotit tho loading priictlouers of
tho capital city.
Dr. Morsts h a member of tho State
Hoard of Health, and It was through
his work with this, body when first
coming went that Dr. Saurman made
bin acquaintance. Dr. Morso atn
ouJoyH the distinction of being the
family physician to Governor Olcott.
Tho senior members of the firm nro
understood to bo tho two best known
doctors In tho slate, and thu busiest
In tho city, of their location.
A clinic will bo established on Dr.
Saurmun's I Joining those gentlemen,
which wilu require a suite of nine
rooms, Dr. Saurman la to bo tho
medical iHfarulst and diagnostician.
Owing, li the congested condition
of the caput durng the present spec;
lai aettaiM or ir.a legislature, me
SaurBMBHt:kru doubtful If they will
he'abte'toMiake their home there for
the present, s An seen . M aultaliUnd the sreeit pepper wiin ine wnire
quartern can be found, they wlirio-
will lo;
cate in Salem, residing meanwhile In
rortiAHU, wnere win nave many
At a bank meeting during the pre
sent week tho olllcers and directors
of the Harney County National Dank
were nil re-elected and will continue
for the coming year. Fred Haines
Is president P. C. Petersen vice presi
dent: Leon M. Drown, cashier; Henry
Dalton, assistant cashier. The af
fairs of tho Institution were found In
first clusfl shape and most satisfact
ory. YEAR
Discoverer Derves Vote of
11(01, tUT HOT AS m AS MEATS
Palatable.WhoIesome Tubers
Prepared Many, Ways
Tested Recipes.
(Special Information Service, ,U. S.
Department of Agriculture.)
Tho oxplorer, whoever ho was, who
introduced the potato to the civilized
world, deserves even nt this late date
n rising voto of thanks from all thoso
who are trying, to servo threo aquaro
meals, a day to their families and not
go bankrupt, Potatoes aro high, In
comparison with other days, but not
an high as meat. The potato Is not
a substltuto for meat because starch
and not protein In Its main food sub
stanco, yet It Is a food which posses
sea much nourishment and Is palat
able, wholesome, a n d "filling."
Where euouomy or health makes It
necessary to reduce tho amount of
meat eaten, potatoes can well bo used
to form the base of tho main dish
served at a meal.
In tho following roclpos, which
have been tried oiit in the home
economies kitchen of tho United
States Department of Agriculture, po
tatoes either help to niako a llttlo
meat go a long way or elso form tho
base of a palatable dish which con
tains uo meat.
With Cheeso
And Green
2 cups diced cooked potatoes
1 tablespoon (lour
1 tablespoon fat
H cup milk
1 teaspoon salt
'4 teaspoon pepper
1 green pepper cooked nnd chopped
14 cup grated American cheeso
V4 cup bread crumbs
Make the sauee, using the fat, flour
milk and weawplng. Mix the potato
insure ana cneese. rui in a uhrwh
dish and cover with the bread crumbs
and brown In a hot oven.
Canned red pepper or plmlento
can bo used In place of the green pep
per. Potato Souffle
3 tablespoons fat
2 tnbtcspopnn potato starch or flour
Two-thirds cup milk or potutn wator
1 oup rlcod potatoes
3 egg yolks, well beaten
1 teaspoon salt
't teaspoon pepper
teaspoon celery salt,
teaspoon onion Juice
3 egg whites, beaten stiff
Mix Ingredients hi order given and
bako until firm In greased, covored
baking dish In alow oven. This quan
tity serves five persons.
Potato Omelet
1 cup mashed potatoos
U teaspoon popper
3 eggn
3 tablospoonn cream or milk
1 teaspoon salt
Wash eggs, and sornrnto tho
whites and yolks. Add tho yolks to
tho potatoes and beat until there
aro uo lumps. Season with onion
Julco, If desired, and chopped parsloy.
Beat the whites until stiff and fold
Into tho potato mixture. Put Into a
woll-greased frying pan und bake
In oven until brown. Tliotr turn and
fold on hot platter. Ser(vo at onco.
Potato nnd Cheeso Molds
2 cups mashed potatoes
4 tablespoons gratodcheoso
2, tuhleafyoons fat
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon salt
Melt fat In saucepan, add potatoes,
ami mix well; then add tho milk and
half the cheese and seasoning. Put
into a greased baking dish, small
ramekins, or baking cups, (sprinkle
the rest of the cheese on top and bako
in a fairly quick oven about 10 min
utes, Potato and Egg Mold
ouns moahed potatoou
1 cup egg sauce
Mix, the potatoes- with tho ogg
sauce and season. Put in baking
dish or baking cujw and bako until
lightly brownod. Tho egg suuco is
made as follows:
Egg Snuco
1 cup milk .
tablespoon potato starch
I tnbloapaon ft
Poppor V
i hnrd'bollod or?K
MjiUft ft tbgjy "-'Mug th
;y'('(ljcd on pnt;o" five)'
NoShootingNear Lakes Since
Early December.
Carl Shoemaker Sends His
Deputies to Investigate
Condition on Malheur
Deputy Ouma Warden Irving liar..
oltlno und Special Agent Thos. Craig,'
of Dakor wero here this week Invest
igating a report that the game of thin
Hoctlon was being slaughtered Blnco
tho closing of tho season. Just how
our friend Curl Shoemaker not audi
ii report in hard to understand, but
the wurdons had been Informed that
ducks and geese were being ruthless
ly shot 'from tho bridge nt Narrow
and no regard given the enrenssetf,
simply picking tho feathers.
The gentlemen making the Invest!'
gallon visited the game reservation
und ascertained from thlio warden In
chargo that there was llttlo water in
tho preserve and what was there had
boon 'i?ozon over for weeks. He had
not heard n gun fired sluco along in
tho foro part of December. The
same report was received from an
other deputy gamo warden visited.
Tho latter said there had boon threo
"Honkers" and a few ducks around
a pond for weeks and they worn stilt
there. Mr. Shoemaker should bo
asked where ho gets bis reports of
law violation In tlia county, us It re
flects and gives thu Audubon Society
flno morsels to chow about this sec."
tlou which they uover take tho
trouble to refute when It Is shown to
bo wrong.
John Wltzoll was in town yester-'
' .Mrs. C. -A Harlan ,was up. from
Crane during tho week'. 4
Mr. and Mrs. L. M Hamilton worn
in town yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott were no,
from Narrows yesterday on buslncmf
und calling upon frlonds.
Harry Withers was down from liln
home near Harney Tuosday shopping
and looking after business affairs.
James Donegan returned Thursday
from Malheur county whore ho hnd
been for several dayH on business.
Horn Sunday, Jan. 11, To Mr. aud
Mrs. Joe Thompson, a sou. Tho now
arrival and his mother are reported
doing fine at tho Fireoved hospltul.
M M. I'onn and I). Sabala, sheep
men of tho Fields Station section,
nro In tho city looking after. some
business affairs. Mr, Doan has hoeu
a resident of that sectkst of Harney
county for many years id is ono of
the boat known stockmen of that part
of the state,
Assisting Employers and
Ex-Service Men Is
Tho exoqutivo committee of tho
American Legion mot Thursday night
and among other things, accepted tho
offer of J. O. Convlll, of tho Soldlera'
and Sailors' Commission of Oregon,
for the establishment of an employ
ment sorvlce for all cx-servico men.
This sorvlce to bo conducted by tho
secretary of tho local Post, provider
a means for finding employment for
all honorably discharged soldiers,
sailors and marines, and also for pro
viding employers with men fitted to
till the positions offored. No chargo
la made for placing men, either to
employer or employe. ,
While it la bolloved fow local ser
vice men nro out of employment,
others In Portland nnd olsowhuro la
tho stnto aro not so fortunate. Skill
ed crnftamon In nil linos, mochanlcrf,
farmers, rapchors, a n d common
laborors can bo Buppllod. Every pros- .
poctlvo employer of any kind of labor
Ih urged to got In touch with F. A.
Fesfdor. soorotavy of tho local Tot,,
Evory posHlblo effort will bo miido
to Hupply tho right Hind of man for
tho Job, with tho additional Knnru"
too ;mt his loyalty and 'Amorlrtuii. n
aro unquositlQnud.