. :J&'-- . .. . . m ., n n II n A If i HntHt4tf Jimy to;HW) Tub "I lines-JieralcL -1 Hi Tke -Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Harney County. JULIAN UYRD a - Manager . i " ' SUBSCRIPTION' RATES OaaYcar A. $2.00 MohIa4 , ItOO Car Mo.lt. mm 75 Bnturday, January 10, 1020 How to Answer Audubon. Tho Audubon ,8ocioty has called tho Governor of Oregon down for nl Iflwing tho Statu Qaino and Fish Commission to diaehargo W. L. Fin lay. A letter addressed to tho gov ernor under dnto of Dee. 31 has been given tho press for publication und a py furnished this paper for that jiurpoBU. Wo have publlBhed'it. Wo 'also wish to stato that wo are Rind of tlila opportunity of proving that 'Mr. Flnloy Is of greater importance to tho Audubon Society than to the stato of Oregon thoreforo why should ho be kept on a salary when ho doesn't nttornpt to conform to the Iirogress of .tho state or to Hoberly consider business development. Tho lotter to the governor recites tho Incldont of Mr. Flnloy cqmbnt lng certain monoy Interests that havo Itecn sooklug to exploit tho bird res orvatlons or Malheur r.nd Klamath lakes and Intimates that thin Is re- sponsible for his removal as State Illologlst. The Society should make an Investigation of these assertions und sco what there Is to them and ' whether It would make any differ ence should Mr. Flnloy continue to i hold his statu position or otherwise. They should also Investigate why there. Is oven a suggestion of making komo change- In conditions surround ing those bird preserves nud whether or not they are really going to ho Injured should certain dnvolonmont take place. Kcully, tho big State of Oregon, with ho fow people nud such an area of undeveloped country where hun dreds of thousands of pooplo could bo taken care of and made self-supporting, Isn't likely to allow the Audubon Society to run Its affairs. .Mr. Flnloy may he a noted naturalist, but wo have people with other vis ions; they can see starving Immunity they can fee possibilities of develop ment that will bring about a wonder ful change In economic coudltlons; thcy can see where tho crowded, half xtarved people of the largu cities may be brought to the big out of doors und earn their living, ami In addition add much to tho wealth and produc tion of tho world; thoy can see whoVo Kiieh a course would muau strong, healthy children being brought up under right conditions a new race of human beings to take the plate of tho "alloy rut" and tho "thug" who has known nothing else be-. -nuao of being brought Into the world under such associations and Hiirrouudli.g as to make them noth ing olso. Why should the Audubon Society ttttempt to dictate to Governor Olcolt what ho should do In connection with Ills duties with u commission that Is : created und financed by tho stuto of Oregon to take care of Its 'affairs that are entirely local and of com niorclal luterost to this state? Does the Audubon Society try to toll the big fishing Industry of Alaska' or the ro.lumblu Itlver section "wjioro to bond In?" Doe.i It think tho state of Oregon Is financing tho Slate (Junto rind Fish Commission for the benefit of bird Uers without any consider ation for Immunity? ir this paper had tho answering of this open letter addressed to our governor. It would -simply toll the Audubon Society to go to h 1! o Convention Postponement. Tho proposition of postponing tho convention of tho Oregon State Cattle mid yortu Association a couple of M-ooks later meets with tho approval of many of our people. While tho llrst week of May would ho Just as woll so far as local stockmun are con cerned, it 1h rather early to expect nil the roads to bo In shape tor I'omfortnblH travel In curs the mode of coming by the major portion of ull those who will attend from other parts of tho state. One Individual who discussed tho matter with mom lieru of thq association during tho week recalled tho fact that nr i tlmo of tho session last May In Dend mo roads between this place and .('r. r rr miiy wero not open to travel, Tho writer also recalls tho fuct that. W. A. Robertson and some of his neighbors In tho Drewsey country, hud rather u hard tlmo getting across wJth their curs when they started to Dead. The luter ditto would bo niuch bettor May 20 and 21, ; Things do movo when wo ouco get thou sturteil and now Is u good time to keep thorn moving. Tho Irriga tion districts are on their way; the saw mill flltuutiou is receiving fuvor nblo consideration und work to tho ond of having all nccessury data in reudiucss for the promoters as soon ns spring opens is under way,, Tho mill people have noeu tho govern ment officials and havo recolved en couragement from that source by be ing assured of getting all tho gov ornmonl timber that Is ready for cut- TnUHSS' RelretkUi ui Nullai 'r lHI-Murinc for Red ion fir&Ufj nta Soreness, Grnnula JrZ cHoaItehlngaiul Burning YOUR EYtJof the Eyes or Eyelids; "t Drop" Afttr, th MovJw. Motortaf or Coll vfJUl win your confld. AiW Vour DniaaW focMurtoo when your Wt Nd CVu. . mmiu Kv UfHiidy Cu,, CbtCazo Him dial no en mi lift thnv dostro and at u prlco that is natlofnotory. Lot'a keep tho good thing going forward Burns, must koon. up Its end of Atlie procession and tho business men will do it. o -. , My,'4 ' COUNTY COUIVT IN' - -. GommlsHlonorfl court liirir'boon In session slnco Wednesday with iill llio throe mombors bolngpreitou Kur,l ior In tho weok Judge LfMi?"11 considerable boforo hlmJnjMiM" matters und iirobn(F,,wn18f bWI, consideration elsewhere. Tho court .lnrln thin nPHHloil dri 19 Jury list for tho comttiK year ami Kfciom other things transacted tMKatnimg wusi- 'neB: . , . W. G. nardwoll W.M r.ppoiniou 'stock Inspector for this ytir. J, L. MoMUUon waa. fmna con tract to keep tho roads of the Drew soy section In repair. Tho assessor waB grantod an add itional deputy" for n period of two months, also traveling expflnsos, ,or hlmBolf and deputy while engaged In Christian Schopor road ordarlod viewed. . i n....inu n nn.l tlntntilldo rnuil nr finr.iit vinu-nil! aIho Mtnn order , for Hotchklss-Douognn road and tho Chip Smlth-Doucgnu road. WITH AN ACCIDENT W. T. I.Ptnr had one of his legs pcvorly cut In nn accldont on Wednes day afternoon. Tho Timcs-uerata has not received a very definite stAto in nn i nt iiih iiccldont but from Infor mation wo understand Mr. Lester Willi ili-lvlnc diiwn a hill when bin team ran away and tho wagon was more or less wrccKcii. in mo smasn nn ti mink it from miii of thu broken wheels Htruck Mr. Lester on the shin In such a manner an to cut mo noun open for about eight Inches from which he bled so bad ho became very weak. Ho wns nlono nt tho tlmo and lost consciousness; upon regain ing consciousness he got on a homo and rodo n distance of sumo two miles to secure help. The Injured man was brought to town latu that night nnd Is receiving tho best of caro. Tho other leg was also moro or loss bruised and altogether Mr. Lester had a very Itc-'o'-'tg experi ence. i:OI.Vi: Kit !OKH TO 44. . Ml WITH IIIUKLVI'K S ISTI.MATH it I). Cooper, ongliuor ... charg" or tho preliminary work on the Silver r-r.iik Irrigation project, leaven m day for (Horn with tho plani. sped ficatlons Rd estimates of coititrue lion of tho complete storage xiu' dtK trlbutlon '.y-lcms of tho water tiidir tii.it piojcct. The estlmiitoi and idn'n iirfvo boeh! approved by tho hoiiriTqf; directors' stato engineer for np'troYa!.' This Is I of the district tin I mow go to thu the object of Mr. Cooper's trip. Mrs, Cooper accompanied him. tt IOOAL AND riHWONAL. Thos Vlckors is In town today. I. Welnsteln, tho I.uweii morch.iut hits gouo to Portland where hd Is ne gotiating for a big stock of goods. He expects to bo absent soma three wooks. Peter Cloinous, one of tho pioneer stock men of this community, is very sick at his home in this cltyr HoiJutn been In poor health for soiho time, but only recently took to his .bed His son, Cnl, arrived last night from Pendleton, having been summoned because of tho serious condition ol his father- Iteports from the homo this morning as to the patient's con dition are veery discouraging. M. A. Modle, one of tho oM time buckitrons of tho country, eauie In from his ranch In tho Cntlow country yesterday. ibu Oregon -r l.. r IRRIGATION i I 5L l i 'Rt ii'i AregAlled i '.in Wet." and "Dry" Lands nro Hlfrrer atcd Bid compAnikh givh aid K!brnnry ID Dato Hot fefNlcrmln. lng Jh'orHiritloH of Dl 'Wet!', ImimU JHstritii ' ,(Catlatd froM Ht M LI it? Uottor lights, more modern homos, which means water- nnd bow er. It la an important tlmo In tho hlfltory of Uurna, Lot us bo up and, doing. Lot's tnko a personal Inter est in tho affairs of the town. Lvt's sco that thu Commercial elub Js a rent representative organisation of tho town that reflects tho Hontlniont and the host thought of he btisinnss inorosts. Let's get behind tho city authorities nnd tako a personal Inter oht In the affairs of thu town, In that connection by co-oporntlng with thorn and letting them know our desires. o- COUNTV MU8T WAIT TUIt.V H)K I'UHLK) IIKALTil NI'HHK Qualified l'crsons Kurd , to Find Demand IIxccmU .Supply (Continued from page 1) of tho desire of your Chapter to nil' dertako this work and I can assuru you that tho Stato Tuberculosis As sociation, which Is tho organising ugency In Oregon for county pnblle Iieallli nursing will ho glad lo co (pernio to any extent doslrilui with oui Chapter In establishing thU vork In ilarinty county. "The' next step is lo find proper ly (tiullfli)d public health nurno fur you. Thin Js not an easy thing to do. Tho demand ull over tho 1'nlti il Scutes for good publtu health nm'Hxs to take up county work Is far In o.v cuss oft thu Hiipply. Vou muni know that thu nurse in order to intallfy as a public health nurso inust have taken t... . I - t .7 1 . . posi Kranuaiu wora in puoue neaiiii nursing In some university boforo sho Is competent to bo placed In the coun ty and also must show a record of successful experience. Wo do not i.Kfyiif ins Sports in the Snow We have the goods for all kinds of sports if it is to your liking to get the'-benefit nature provides for you in the great climate of winter by the vigorous exercise needed at that time. SPORTING GOODS Steel and wood runner sleds and skates are on sale here at the lowest possible prices consistent with the quality you demand. Our goods are guaranteed and their service will please you. C. H. VOEGTLY The Hardware Man" rri .iflxn in i-.l ii nn Miirnpn tint nunllfld by tralhlng and experience. I will tell you what I have torn sevorni oin or cobntlerf 'In tho BtaW ivlilch'iare. liiunt Him work., that it Is much bettor to wnlt until a goc-d nurso can bo found anur iiiuh siari Ihft Wflrk rlsht thuh to nWco a poorly niW.nned nurso who might do injury to ti6 .causo. In toHdi with Hcliools lit nm tonlilllir In tntlnh With tltO schools and agencies 'all over tho country ho an to got hoiu or an pos sible candidates for these county po iiiinnn uiul will find you a good nurse at tho very earliest moment. "Very truly yours, , "JANB 0. ALLKN,' It. N. t "State AdyispryVNUrse." County CoHrt Action Now should tho demonstration prove to us, as It undobtedly wll, that such an bfllco Is as vitally nbces sary to tho welfare ot our community, as any qthor county offlcor, and we might sugkest that It Is possible that wo wilt find-it more no than somo, if we will takA prompt action with the county officials thoro Is no reason why tho nurso sent lioro Hhould ot bo rotnlnod. Tho State Tuberculo sis Association, which Is organising this work In Oregon nnd will finance tho demonstration will surely send us tho best nurso obtainable for It, so by keeping this nurso on the Job permanently wo will bo getting only what Hamy county Is entitled to tho best tjiere Is. o MOOHK DANCM lOHTPONKD A.f A. Traugott, acting secretary of tho local Moose lodge, announced to day that tho dance scheduled fdrjioxt u..inrinv iilvht wnnldf lie indullnlto- IV postponed. Inability to et net Ion by mombors of tho organUntlon Is ijlvMii as tho reason. o FURTHER PROGRESS ON MONUMENT. Vurther progress was mndo toward getting a community monument for men who lost thulr lives In the coun try's service, when tho Mothers club nnd the girls National Honor Guard appointed committees to work with tho American Legion committee on this project. It Is expected that tho Library club und Commercial club will also make appointments nt their next meetings, and tho combined committees will proceed to draw up plans on which estimates of tho cost of construction can lie made. Tho Mothers club committee has H V K It L I N J the l A I N T K It House Painting- Auto I'antng Sign nud Pictorial Painting INTHUIOU DKCOKATINU PAIMJItllANGINd. AND TINTINO Staining, Graining und Marbling FIK8T CLASH WOKKMANBIIII' .x .... YOU arc tho consumer; tlic most im portant link in tlm (reat industrial chain. Whether .or not Oregon factories sliull growj whether or not the producer shall 'get a fair remuneration t'er hU prod ucts ; whether or not there shall be work Nnd. prosperity and happiness in Ore gon depr mis on you. The ! U squarely up to you. It U your Individual responsibility, These, things arc not possible without a market nnd you can Insure that mar ket' by buying Oregon products, Associated Industries of Oregon for Its mouthers 'Mrs i Ja&es Dalton and Mr. JaniesJ,taWhie,'.flnrt tho iimmix riuriJ liait ;unMlntml Mtft. Waldo Oecr,': MIbb Bllen ,?aeer, and Miss LellaEgII',C8pta!Hiuoi)ert.,M. Duncan and F. A. FsaWr cottBtltuto the committee froiw Uo leoal Post of tho American Legion, fi'i A meeting .of ,thd combined com ;nlttoes will bo .called as soon a all the, organizations who. are expected to havo made their uppolutmeiUs. Il jT i .BU't LM H 1 nanroUMtaff ami iron ' All WotGwtrtmt pBeNKtritt ,! OMee w(di Dr. J, 3: Save Yojyir.Eyes WoMs In thwo days of-high, prlcos, words of cheer are tho ones you wnnt to henK We havd them ot you. During the coming .year wo will use our utmost endeavor to dis charge our deep obligation to our customers by effecting a substan tial reduction on the prlcq of every article we sell, where It Is hu manly osslblo to do so. t. Wo can not font rol h'e 'prices In tho wholesalo markets, but we can and wlU continue to regulate our own profits In such a manner that customers will not ouly.be amply protected, but will bo actually fuvorod In ovoy sale wo make. Wo havo no well rounded and glowing effulgence of thanks to hand you l choice exhibition or rhetoric, but wo do offer you our sluqoru gratitude for your patronage of the pust year. It will bo our pleasure to servo you oven moro acceptably In tho year to come. Cm Burns Cash Store "I'll Tell -re says the The man who doesn't chew this elites of to bacco is not getting real satisfaction out of A His chewing, A small chew. It holds its rich taste. You don't !wivQv to ( take so many k 4 fresh' chews. Any man who uses the .Real To bacco Chew .will tell you that. I ' Put Ufi In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a start-cut tobacco ? VVB (aJT is a long fine-cut tobacco BBSSSSSSSsiBSSBSSSSSSjBrBSBSSS Everything for Everybody Two of tljp. largest commercial housea In the United States some yeara ago adoptod for their policy tho Blogun, "Tho customer Is right," and havo hold oqUarely to It. In every cuao,' unless tho cnatomor was plainly endeavoring to put over a croked du), his view of a controversy waa taken aa right, Theshous'fB aniipunfv; a loss of less than one-half of one per cent as a result . To old castomera of oura'. lt is useless for us to announce that this has' alway been our 'policy in business. To prospective customers, 'the only thing we ask la that if, tljey have a complaint-they bring' It direct to us, with the full knowledge that correction Ih each .case.'wlll be promptly nnd cheerfully made, regardless of any loss that may result to us. " A pleased customer leaving this store moans still other new customers, coming to us later, You can reason it out yourself. Tho above Ih again our policy for tho yonr 1920. LUNABURG, IjUllI Stop Go ld ' If not checked at once it may lead to a pro tracted sick hese. 0" Our cold cures do the work. A do or two, ,-and you are 0. K. Kiri Vs o xl he Welcome Pharmacy of Cheer HI the World" Gopd Judge Anything Anybody DALTON & CO. r 1 OUKGON . ,i 1W