I'OM TWO TMK V I MJC S H KR A Ij I) Hl'RNH H A RN R (50 UffTV, 0, 11 K G O If HtttnnUy, January 10,- IPSO ft r if' ' 1 I A. V KINK HUIM'OHT Wit Mil. It AY IN NKW TAltAMOUNT 1'lUTUItH Jlorlrt l.w In K.collont ltolo OppoHitc tno Htiir In "l'lnyltw " . tho tiuinu Young, piquant niui talentotl. D'irin I.oo Ih tho lonrtltiK lady for Clmrlos Hay. tho Thotnns II. Innt ntnr. In Itln newust Paramount plcturo, 'TlaylitK mo uamo," winch, in to bo proiwnted tit tho Liberty Thentro tomorrow night. Miss Loo la ono of tho boat act T9ttnea of tho younger nchool of film lamlnarlort anil an tho daughter of n rancher In thin photoplay. Hho np jumra to oxcollont ailvnntapo, "Plnylnu tho Onmo" wuh written - by Julian JoiionhBon, and Is natd to ho tho most linpoUIng ntorv that linn boon given Mr. Hay in a long time. MIhm Loo Ih dollghtfully cant nn a bravo, roHOurcoful Arizona girl," high- HVlflted and filled with tho vim and rigor of tho cattle country. Others In tho nupprtlng cant In clude Hobort McKlin, who will ho moii ii h a rough ranoh roroman Lillian Lorraine, im n httlturnv nlnnp I bo bright whlto way and Hilly Klnior an a prizefighting valot, Tho ltuu tioiiH are Btrong, tho attnoiiphoro con vincing, and tho theme of tho atory raoHt wholoHome. vouch for the itatemeftt thit . fjnW bettor photoplay than "Lh TkaW Kin' have boon produced within the hint twelve months. " , Mr. Hold Is. a man of varied ao complllmuttt8 and nn, all-round athlete, all In ono He won hU spurn by playing loading man to Qeraldliio Pjnrrnr In hor famoUn Artcraft pic tures. Ho ia mora than alt feet tall and wolghfl 185 poundH. Ho ha a attracttvu bungalow In Hollywood, California, which la a rondoisvoiiH for all literary and ooroon folk In tho west coaRt Htudlo. Ho Is an expert cook, a fine inualclrui. and an nil roithd, thorough young American gentleman. Mr. Hold will bo neon In "Lwa, Than Kin" nt tho Liberty theatre, nuxt WcdnoKday and It la Raft) to pro diet that he 1U bo greeted by capac lly audlenccn. SQUARE LOW HECK NOW HAS FASHION CALL WI8W AND OTIIHBWMH I'OOLIHH FOLKM IN TIIK CITY -o- WALLACK 1U2ID. l'AMOIJH SUHKKN HTAIt, IH MAN Ol-' UNiyUK 1'KltHONAJilTY Cfh'bnUcil Parrtinoiiut IMityrr InMnn ,. f Many AcromplNhmontH Sew l, ., I'lutttw. "Loxh Than Kin." ,A. thorough arllnt, poimesHlng a ,'jdagnotto personality nnd nplondlil ftusvitcoj. Wallace Hold, tho Para mount ufar, Ih ono of tho foretnoht fcfroen playcrn In the country. Mr. J!eld. who will noon he oooti In th'n flJty In. "Loss Than lCln." Itln latest flarrlm; vehicle, Is distinguished In , nksunier and appeanuice, not onlv In motion pictures, hut In aotual lire. Hm U a gentleman In nil IiIn portray al, hocnunu ho Is u Kentloninn by birth, breeding and limtluot. pur folks in tho big city aro a fine, consistent family, to bo euro. Thoy alt around the house and yowl about tho high cost of living, ahrlok at tho prices tho farmers, rotallera and commlflHlonmen are charging, and then trip lightly to tho phono, call up tho grocer and tho butcher and order them to send. up this, that' and tho other food articles without a question of prlcol Thu grocer or hutchor chargeu what ho ploasos. Ho adds it percent age for the telephone, for the tolo rhoue girl, for the auto truck In which deliveries nro made, for tho gasoline, for expected now tires, for , his garage Dunning, ror mo auto driver's wages, for tho wear and tear and perhaps for another machine that must noon follow this ono. Then, tho chances are. ho wIcIh nnothor per centngo as profit on tho money in vested in payment of all 'these de livery oxponscH ho is put to. What a dllToronco from tho daya of our fathom nnd grandfathers. In tho '70m and '80s you'd nee dad on granddad act forth from tho house on Saturday evening, market basket) on one arm, wife on tho other arm. I They proceeded by fool, or rodo If they had market or Old men aro becoming' young again, young men are getting kid dish, uid tho kld are assimilating nil of tho wisdom of mankind, Wlmt will 1fl20 ttrlnir in iin nt this Ifmvn? Mnctlv what wa much nut Ih ml gather in no more, no less, Lot's begin now. Got n fresh ogg, young man? Tako It to ono of tho big cities and trado it In for u now suit of clothes. tho popular progrum ror juisu is I n nnl .(pints. Ua tnifrtr .init tiav Mm Iiw iir.i .....n, .uv.., ...u .w I. Ml ...... Tho smile that won't como off Is I of little valuo to tho world. It .is founded upon nothing and in gauged by itn origin. Hadium is worth $3,000,000 an ounce-and In accoptcd on aubscrlp- Hon at this olllco. It's easy to beenmo famous thesn days JtiHt stick "Prof." boforo your name, hitch a fow capital letters un to tho tall of It, and then break into print with any old sort of a. d, f, statement. You'll succeed and will have plenty of followers, Wo sure enjoyed that Chrlctnins turkey because, b'goHh, wo roHol- utoly decided to not oven think of the bill. Th este fot null w'i iniro-rtm-Hil trm low sjuar neck which ton immediatp fancy oi th wntnon wMiu'ir with th" rHiilt thai ill n" trock 'irp iMnr fash ioned nitnllnr to iti on hown rtto Th rnrdPrt vt'DlsiIln" -mrt rnll.drapxn nkin nr popular innl urM of tali nw iirfjsM Think carefully as you cross tho threshold of tho new year. It may aave you some painful thoughts as you consign it to oblivion a year honcc. . : Tho government Is prohibiting so many things nnw-n-day one wonders when It will place a ban on matri mony. That, however, might bo a means of Htlmulntlng tho marriage mnrket. since human naturo Is prone lo want that which Is prohibited. 50c to $1.00 MORE for Your Furs Sell them to me, and make more money. I gaurantee to give you 50 cents to $1.00 more on each hide than any other buyer in j ' the market. Save your furs for me. L. L. NOONCHESTER BURNS, OREGON How could cougroKs do more than a buggy or carriage, to the . iHow with tho end of Us (erm In ir nmrkiit Inutility. Afrlv-1 Hlglll How could tho poor prOHO- Inir tl.,.rn llu.v .nnv.i.l frn.n olnll n CUldrS llO OXIXlCtcil tl) Jail HlO VOfV I I ........ . ... ..A. . slitl! or counter lo countor, pricing " w "' """-m , meals nnd foods as thoy wont along,' Novorl Qullo out of the (uostlon! and gradually filling that basket with : Therefore, exit the uiiitit oxtermiu- good IhlngN to eat nt .reannuahln' ator Id u halo of cniuutlage. dlplo- prices, lisunlly there was i bargain matlrally hnlsling woman Into tho or two In that banket. neat of glory from1 whence he fled In jjvon tho four legged wolves aro crossing (lid Mexican border In nh's against American stock. Hut that, wo regret, can hardly he charged up to Carrnnza. 'It la great to ho u dad ClirlHtmai bills float In. -whon tho fit flPwPiT-i Jt. .... WKkAA B . y r I 1 1 1 1 I I ml mamt i i kW . W ft '.Wa.i .Till f HimiiMiMI ill I i ii i - w - - . - . "VALLACE REID .In hi new photoplay, Mr. Hofd plltys'two parts that of u no'i.r-do-vftll. who -eo rfin;e in Central America afor being dliiowned by hi family, urn! that of LowIh Vlckor.-t "a young .Vow Yorker, who becomes 'a rofugeo after ho .him accidentally killed a man while defending the man's wife. Tho resemblance be tween tho two mc'i Ih ho startling . thut ouu Is mlHtnkon for tho other, .1 1. I.. u. tA. At.. . imiii mil ri'Huus in mo execution or a daring design of Vlcker'a after Leo's dentil. to.asiuniM tho namo and htatlou of the dead mini, and to sub Mlnito hlnihelf for him In Now York. This situation IoiiiIh to many surprli ing dovelopmeiitM. It appearing that Leo's past was highly unsavory and that Vlckera i compelled to reap tho )--" ii, ovlng or thu othor man's wild oats hni lusurod. . it-K t'i iiierio cliaracterlzatloiiH In Hits plav hh among the best I havo over essayed." mild Mr. Hold, la a recent Interview. "Tho Htory or tho photoplay Is ono ofabsorblng Interest and affordH Hjilondld opportuultlim o a highly capable cant of players. The character or Hobort Leo, a hcoiiii droly young American with a repre hmiHlble past, Ih antipodal to that of udwiH viuKora, a bravo young Amer ican, who accidentally kllU a man and la compelled to flee tho country to OHCupe conviction, "Tho .contrasting elomentH of the two characterizations aro Hufllclontly Htrnng to place both In bold rollof and thoy afforded many opportun ities of which I naturally mudo tho inof.li I think all of my friends will f like this plcturo no leas warmly than "The I'Mrolly of Franco," In which I recently appeared. "Tho production Is ono of the highest standard and rellectH great credit upon Donald Crisp, the direct or. Henry Kntunl. tho photographer aH well mi upon thu oxcollont puoplu who aro nsHocluted with mo In tho - cunt. Miss Ann LIUlo ban a elmrui- log rolo vhlch will add greatly to her list of admlrors throughout tho country, and taking it nil In all I will .- t - - Whon thoy returned homo thoy hud what thoy needed. If thoy didn't have what they wanted It was their own fault. No trouble over wrong deliveries and poor grades of goods at high prices. Nor did thoy pay the grocer for a lot of expensive dellv- lerhv chnrgoH, And pcoplo lived well In those dayH. The food was not put up In brilliantly printed packages, but It was us good, or better. If an article didn't look right dnd and granddad didn't buy It. Our high cost of living wouldn't ho anything Ilka as high If father and mothor wont to markets iih all fathers and mothem of over :i0 yearn ago did, llut whether wo know It or not a snobbishness has entered our sys 'leuiH that makes such direct action In buying imposslblo any more, and therefore wo Hit around supinely and tutllely yowl about the horrible way the money Ih going, O r phoi rn:i:iti.v(; in puiilicitv i Legs. Thau Yxn' Oh, Joy) llut ICh a scream I Twisting tho tails or tho profiteers In our great cities Is tho fad of tho hour. It's groat sport, because the twist ers soar In tho spotlight of publicity and the profiteers are never hurt.. Flmt our public officials of the country announced with a mighty bray a campaign of extermination against tho profiteers. Prosecutions by the wholesale were p4anned, Jails wero to bo fllld to overflowing, Congress Htood upon its hind legs and hollowed lustily. Tho prous of tho great cities howled with glee. It pluyod tho story up to tho limit, and our noble prosecutora reveled In tho spotlight, or publicity, Hvurybody'B names waa in big typo and nil wero deliriously happy. Hut that waa all. Nothing happened. Of course not. for ovorvbodv Mh urnllteiirliior. nml everybody linn a vqto at tho next 'election. , ' i , dismay, , Hut tho women wero bravo. What mere man could not do they would : accomplish. Thoy planted both root In the arena and looked around 'ror thu re porters. No publicity, no extermin ation. Thoy gel the pub. llut wait! Boon thov will discover' thut tin) great houses that Hold them their HoaUkliiH, nnd their gowns, and all of their other finery, aro profltoera or prontoers. And everywhere thoy turn thoy Will find that their miliMihnrH. mwl their relatives, and their friends, and even their dear and loving hus bands are gouging others to the limit of gouglblllt. Will thov send their own hubbies to prlsouT Impossible! ! Much a thing would-bo torrlblo, shocking, and ho embarrassing. llut what can the dear things do? Ah I Hero it Ih. Advlso everybody to oat Iohs, and wear lesB and then ir everybody eats more and wears more it's every body's own 'fault, and no ono In par ticular is to blamo. Great scheme! ICh null less, and can be, worked as long as the Hpotllght continue to shine and the public Is willing to be gulled. Profiteering? Surol Everybody's doing It. And the Jails aro still empty. Dariium wiut right. xmry Get tho Genuine and Avoid Wast,-. Ho an )itlmlst( Mndolluot Per haps you can annex him this year. No, don't nhk lis to divulge the names or tho first bridal pair or the new year. Just wait and keep on guessing. i Itomemhnr. brother. It'a 1020. Wo mnde .tho xamo mPttnKo ourseir. Keep moving! 1021 Is Just around tho corner. The wlo man plans ror thu years to como. Tho root prattlus or those that havo flown. Do your Hhnpplug early, Only twelve mouths until Christinas again. o I'Ol'lt MILLION DOLLAltS There comes a time, wo rear, whon good busliiofls Im not so good nu It may room. During thu past fiscal year wo Hunt to other countries four billion dol lars worth or goods more than wu re ceived from abroad. Thut Ih our balance of trade, and It Ih called good business. Hut Is It? While wo wero sending theso enor mous atocks abroad a. scarcity wau Doing created in this country. Ko long iih an article Is plentiful It can generally ho purchased for n reasonable amount, but the moment It begins to become scarce, UP GO ICS TIIK PUICK. That Ih what Impound. Not enough foodstuffs and other articles were left In our own country ror our own uhu, and wu aro paying ror it today with the wildest and most 'iihhIiiIuo era of profiteering tho world nan ever known. And thu exporting "Interests' have the monumental nerve to tell us It Is caused by underproduction. o STILL JOE CANNON WITHOUT STOGIE Tliotnurt Slum, retired railroad mun or the Pennsylvania Lines, now lvinn ai luillaiiapollH. lad., proves, that every man haa ,o "double ' All Ills life Mr Shea haa been uihuukon (or 'Uncle" Joe Cannon, llltuotH congressman and national figure I2veti with, out Undo Imt'sj fatuous black single. Mr Shou, as pictured here, bu,ur? out ,thn claim. O. W. CASH MARKET! burns Hotel JtSuiIding NOW open for business with a full line of FRESH MEATS ..Cured Meats, Ham, Bacon, Bologna, etc.,( soon By establishing a market we hope to better serve our past patrons who have been taking meat from our auto delivery. Oltman & Withers FINE MONOGRAMMED STATIONERY Wje have a choice sample line of fine box stationery which we will print with any monogram you wish. Fine for gifts at any time. Priced on a reasonable production cost basis from 1.50 up. We sell only printed-to-ordcr stationery THE TIMES-HERALD Job Department Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TRAUGOTT, Praprleter REAL ESTATE Bought sold and exchanged Farm Ranch and Building Loans BLUEPRINTS LOANS MADE ON APPLICATION DIRECT INVESTMENT BROKER Pkane er G125 Wm. Farre Burns, Oregon Practice Before U. S. Land Office and the Department at Washington, D. C. REAL ESTATE BROKER Special-Desirable Stock Ranches TNKUKANCE-himiro your hay nnd property in tho North British nnd Morcnntilo or Colonial Firo Underwriters Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here J. gay 'k'mim 1 BPrT "JFII. -li'.'.-a