The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 10, 1920, Image 1

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    ' " r,v. -TvT ' ,vr ' VpH'-''t '' r- " " -'" '' " ; '7-.''y, v',"t "
Tlio Tliucs-Ilcrald goes rc
Litnrly to more homes in Har-
The Times-Herald , is u,oM
established friend of life pcopU
of Ilarnoy Comity vhcro it ha
been a. weekly visitor for thirty
years, It's Job department k
equipped to nerve your noed
:V ' .A.
key uoumy tiiRH any outer
Lewspapcr. If you wis to
flrtMtclt (he people hh these col
lunus for your adveruemett,i
Wet" and "Dry" Lands Are
cbruary 10 Date Set for
Determining Formation
of Big "Wet" Lands
Wednesday, January 7th, 1920, la
red letter day In tho history or the i
cvelopmcnt, of Ilarnoy County, for"
n Mint day inn county Jiuigo unci
ounty ('om.nlbslonors, with the con-
nut of Air. C. .11. McConnell, entered
n order rutting the ho culled "wot
.nds" from the "dry lumh" In tho
ropoitcd Irrigation district rtar'ud by
tir .McConnell aome tim ago.
Iniirodlntoly follow;. this Judge
. C loons signed tho tiiml order
.omitting to tho pouplii nn option
determine whether the "big dla
let ' or "wet dlatrlct" ns It ba.i vur-
niftly boon called, abould bo created
uder the name ot Harney Vulloy
rlgatlon Dlatrlct, and aot auch olec-
on for February 10th, next.
"Dry DNtrlrt" Order
On Friday tho County Judge and
omnilsslouors signed tho order ere-
ting tho "Dry District" Harney
naln Irrigation Dlatrlct, No. 1, and
to election In thut dlatrlct will l
old on u date to be aot later, but
mo time during February, accord
ig to Mr. McConnell.
The thing that miikea thoae event
f auch Importance to our county la
lie complete harmony with' which tho
rdora and other steps relating to
io creation of theau two Irrigation
latrlcta were ontered Ir4o. Mr Mc-
onndilVeWesentlnir thufdhitrlct that
lrt started to orKauliut ajad;tkut' ln-
Ituded both wet and dry.ltwts, Under
l.o petition known as the H. M. Hor-
on petition, very gosieraasiy 'sonaen
id that the wet Ian4a ahatifi be ex-
lluded from that dktfrMj ami there-
Iy paved the way. iasr harmaaloua
nd Immediate aalsM lkiM' to-
rard the developmHM of iwpt the
urgcat irrigation, afetrkt la the
CoBipaHieii FaH In Lhtr.
An important faster Id bringing
Ibout what la conlMently -believed to
libjtstLtt-th old order of things
Ind thu beglimlog of. a greater pros-
Icrllty of thl.s eommuaity, wuh tho
ttltudo of thu -P. L. 8." campany ami
l.o wllllani Haaley tympany. These
two big concerns hatj fallen In lino,
ti fact took the leatl. la the big uu-
lertaking. Kgually creditable hus
.'uii nit' pure ui oimm in promoting
lie harmonious and ueffuerted action
liking to the development of
lie onnntrv.
I - . I
There now relating to h doae but,"1 ' vimiHur, w
io tormal orgaulMttoa of these twoIIlul Croaa, from Jane C. Allen. It. N..
y meauB of the affirmative' vote foriHlHlu Auviaory urH. i wiwiu t"
m rnhnootlvn llUrt.. at uln...
iohh caueu ana iae HMiion or
lourda of dlrctora.
State Ktiglneer'ti Approval
This done the dlreetora In each dla-
rict will then prepare or have nre-
red tho necwary plana for reo-
Iiniuuon and win aecuro oatlmutca
a thu coat of constructing dun.a for
lie rc-HcrvoIra aiwl digging tho nocea-
iry uiatrihutlon Hystems. A In rue
art of this work bus ajready been
lone y me u. h. iteciamatlon 'Du
lartmui.t and the state unKiueer'a
Itllce so that there should bo little do-
Iiy in that respect. wlion these
Iuiih aro ubm.tfd to tho state eu
Ineor for bta approval and ho has
lltecked tlwm up and approved tho
luns theNJthtdi4rits will vote tho
k-ceBsary Hm to carry out the con
Iiy Juk, lt i coafiieatly predicted
re will ae a smell army at work
In brlnaJa to frukien the Diana
inA dreauM of years and In truth the
lountry from Haras to Lawon, an
tri-.i of llt,89t uerM will "blossom
h the rM."
Will Sums . ke pace with thla
Kouderful era? BuaJnesa men and
lltlzons of Baras, a challenge hua
Nen thrswn iu your face; Are we
hum. to K7 Soon this development
Mil bring hiiftdreda and thouaanda to
pur gates iinxieus to link their for-
tLSVki fuTuTi rV I i;!'111''"'1'' Wc- nd Mrs. Waldo Goer,
uiich and. future with oura If wo canMn, Sh(,ov . Mrs. Jack
miireaslHMHwlh an equal aplrit of
iu;ress aua eveopmuTu.
Other Tmprovei'ncntM ConiliiK
itny thjirgs, along tho line of tnoil--miiroveHionts
in this city havo
ndediipoin ,.thla action of tho
te of thVA'Ooy. Wo must tueet
uo. Ikittpr and more sanitary
mubtrbo ccnaldored In tho ,
future. Aro wo oqual to1
ConUnuedt on page fourj
I" "5V
i 1. 1 .1 . . i .
Conducted by HarJd Hum
bert, Secretary State
Sunday Schools
Thu union ,ov(intj)liilo campaign
In progress' ivt tlio Prusbytorlah
'Church has vattrActed unusual Interest.-
Tim uvanglllut to Harold F.
.Humbert of )?orltym( oxceutlyu hoc-
rotary of thu intordahomlnntloual
Sunday School Association for tho
stnto 6f .Oregon, Mr. Humbert's
home Is lt Portland. The average
attendance at the services, acqordlng
to tho actual count of'-HeV. II. H.
Hughes, hua been 118. "Mr. Humbert
la maklnic a most profound Impres
sion upon air of hla Ivearern," says
Kov. Hughes. "He la. preaching most
powerful sermons and In hla dramatic
way presents the word; of God moat
clearly.' Hla gospel1' aonga. are real
mnasagea of l6ve and pOwfiy
v The special services r.tb closo
on Sunday. "Go to Phnltliy School
at one of the churches In Hunis," la
the slogan for the Jon p'eJoek, hour.
It la hoped that, a recent attendance
will bq'reuched, The. subject or Hov.
Humbert's eleven o'clet;k',erinon will
be "The Voyage of Life," At three
'.n ml 'ng Tlon from the
QllIirtat i. ta ua followed hv an
I," U a
o'clock In the afterstten a song aer
atldrcaa on "Tho tlreut Divide." At
the conclusion of thu afternoon moat
ing tho Harney county representative
on the executive committee of the
Oregon Sunday School AbhocIhIIou
will be elected. The flcrvlceo at 7; 30
on Sunday evening Is to Include u
song aervlce led by the great co.nbln- i
cd choir, ut.d vl sermou on "Thu
Christ of the Common People."
Hvery citizen of Burns la invited to
tho services. '
County Must Wait
Turn for Public
Health Nurse
Qualified Persons Are Hard
U Find Demand Exceeds
Kncouragcment has been given to
the movement which has for some
tlmo been under way to permanently
establish In Harney county tho attlco
of Public Health Nurse by thu enlist
moot of the support of thu Il.Irun
Commercial club and the Public 1.1
brary Club. Asldo from thu numer
ous Individuals who are backing this
movement originated locally by tho
Haruoy County Chapter of the Hod
Croas. every llvo organization hi
HuriiB Is In line. Tho llrat stop lit
thu work has been tnkuu, the noU It
to secure a nurao trained und ttuall-
tiled for this work us advised In a let
iter jubi ruceivou ny won layior, wir
. S ft S, I. ........ .
POar tl.Ut Mamey COUUty IS Oy 110
meaus a pioneer lit .Wils neiu from
the tnuo of Miss Allen's letter, a por
tion of which is quoted Mow, uud
starting na late as wo have It will be
necessary to take our' place In lino
and wait to secure a qualified nurao
for oven tho demonstration period.
Mr. Don M. Taylor,
Soe'y. Harnoy County Chapter,
"Dcnr Mr. Taylor:
(Had to Cooperate
"WhunJn Seattlo last week at Di
vision Headquurtera, Mr. Kurl Kil
Patrick alao took up thla matter with
mo. I nm very glad indeed (o know
(Continued on
page 4)
Mr. and Mra, Charles LowIb onte'r
talned aeyerul of the frlenda of their
aon Karl at card a and dancing Wed
nesday. Earl was then expectlugtto
bo called to Uaker In the servlco'of
tho state engineer.
Tables for tho game of 6Q0 were
aet, Miaa Lulu Hayea und Don M,
Taylor winning the flrat prlnos. Other
guoata were Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mc-
Mrs. J. Shelloy Saurmau, Mrs. JacJ
KlHlioy, Mlssea Ellen Goer, Uoleno
Dalton, Helen Purlngton, Ilda Hayes,
Idbhio Krlchosky, Moswra. Henry
doer, ObaH, E. Djllman, Qr'h, Ilohb,
and F. A. Feaaler,
Iloforo and ufCTcard8 tho guoata
enjoyed dancing., A delightful
liuicji wna fiorvod at twelve, folbAvurt
Y m(!lt '"ineing. . m?WW Vnv
'i'B w ' l' Vv', .3
IIIVMKH t utu ui ; in imii. 4n . J'.ili l in
,soou to Uuvo'IiJh friends.
Social Time Enjoyed by
Rcbcknhs Join Brother Ledge
in Banquet at Annual
Hurncy l.odgo, No. 77, and Hylvla
Itebokah Lodge. No. 43, 1. O. O. F..
had open houno Thursday evening nt
tho Odd Fellowa hall when .they
brought together tho wives and hua
banda ot tho organlxatlona f.or one of
tho moat enjoyable aoclal evonluga It
baa been tho good fortune of tho
nowapaper man to attend for some
tlRiii. Tho occasion being tho Instal
lation of the oltkurn of tho Odd Fel
lowa Lodgo.
Dr. J. V. Ooary, Dlatflct Doputy
Orand Muster, presided at tho cere
mony of luatallalion which was com
pleted during the session of tho lodge
proper. Tho olllcers for thu coming
term are: N. 0 Henry Chrlstonaen;
V. 0., C. W. LuwIh; treuaurer, Albert
Swain; secretary, Oua Hard well;
warden, Jumea Hhepard; conductor,
Jan.ea Hlchardaon; lualdo guardian,
Karl Hagey; otttaldu guardian, John
llodd.'r; It. a. N. ., V. W. Gould;
U B. N. 0.. Hart Sllor: It. 8. B., 8. S.
niuu; u n. n, L'ii ciiiiui, i:iuiuitiiit
... .
wm. McAlllstor.
. t .f;, " " "ni. 1 Vi,e. . 1
attend, therefore tho Vice Grand and
hla supporters aro to be Inatalled at
a Inter aoaalou.
Following tho regular lodge aoa
alou at which several new candidates
were proponed for Initiation Into tho
order, the visitors were Invited In,
The canvaa had been at retched over
the carpet and with thu Hggluatol.
Hobliiaon Jazz orchentra, augmented
by the volunteer aorvlcua'of Homer
ItceU will, his Saxaphouc, the young
people- and sdme of tho older ones
too danced for a while. Later a,
aummouii waa announced iron, the
banquet roqai where tip hi, ,IllcHly.
waa in charxe that the chicken pie
and other good things, lacluding
many kinds of salads, sandwiches,
cakea, olives, pickles, coffee, etc., etc.,
was ready for thu guests. There
were so many tho dining room would
not accommodate the entire company
so some of tho younger people volun
teered to wait, especially as the' or
chestra waa still playing and the
canvtiss bad Improved with some wax.
Lot. Dunn Dr. Geary, Marlon Horton
and aoniu, of tho others were given
first honors at thu (able which was
served by several of the more actlvo
Tho affair was one that Odd Fel
lows will remember with pleasure
for uiuuy days. It served as an In
troduction to many of tho younger
men who havo recently joined thu
order and mo incident 01 mo uau-
quat ' brings back old tiiuca to
older inembora. These feeds are
be more frequent In future.
I I . , ! I I. II I I ....II.. Ill I I
' '
Have Bttn Planning on Well
1 .
Irrigation. .
Such Project Contemplated
by Geological Survey; Ap
propriation Made.
F. 0. JCelly, poat maator, afore
keeper, US. CommlKsluner and gen
eral "facHitum" of Catlow, was In
town thlaVweek. Mr. Kelly ia one
of thoHe fellows that sticks when ho
gets a notteu and that's what's do
ing over (hat way. By Kelly stick
ing that territory Is one good cltlseii
full of energy and "pep" to tho
good not that he Is the only one
but he's certainly one of 'em.
fit discussing the future hqpes and
naplratlonfi ef his country with a rep
resentative of this paper Thursday,
Mr. Kelly Jet go the Information that
they have received encouraging in
formation from the U. ft. Geological
Survey through Congressman Slnnott.
It will be remembered that Mr. Kelly
and soma of his neighbors have been
hoping to secure government aid lit
sinking an experimental nrteslnu well
in that ralloy. Luck seems to bo
with them, na according to a letter
from the Geological Survey to Con-
grcsaman Slnnott, that department
has In mind Juat auch a Job and Cat
low la the objective point. However,
thla letter recited thu lack of suffic
ient funds available at that time as
hut little wna to be had. Since then
It la noted an appropriation bill with
auch an Item hna gone to congress,
which would Indicate early action.
Mr. Kelly reports improvements in
that territory right along. Ho states
thut one of his neighbors has a very
complete well drilling equipment out
in linker county that will bo avail
able 'for work In the Cutlow country
at once and that If thu government
will signify Itb intention to aid' In an
experimental well this equipment
Uuyw.hjtUHMitftt ' ee and that It will
..rsUfcH!. a mc contract but Just
assurance 'of a. reasonable sum to get
It going.
Tice scull hasHMmpiefM n
gatlon -project that has taken hits ki
some of his neighbors several years
to construct and this will be available
for tho coming season for quite an
Mr. Kelly has moved his store and
post office to hla own. honteptead.
where be expects io do some Improv
ing, He was accompanied in by Jtwwo
and Robert Hrudcen and Aubery
Hclntlvfw have received word from
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith, who left
hero last week for Wlnlock, Waah.
In reaponso to word that Mra, Smith's
mother wns sorlously 111. Tho Smiths
arrived at their destination without
accident, und found tho Invalid atlll
nllve but very low.
Thirteen New Members Ad.
mitted at Last Regular
Tho. local Pout of tho American
Legion Is growing fast, bill not fast
enough to Mlilt tho membership com
mltloo, who aro out for 100 por cent
of tho aorvlco nton In Harney County
for members. Any person who ser
ved iu the Army, Navy or Marino
Corps or the United States or any of
our allies (provided ho was an Amor
lean citizen before entering tho Allied
aervlce, and is again a citizen) be
tween April 8, 1917, and November
11. 1918; la eligible to memberahlp.
Thirteen now members were voted
In to the Post at the January, meet
ing, which is only unlucky because
there were not more, according to the
secretary. The new members aro P.
J. Farrelly, a steam shovel man for
the Pacific Hrldge company; It. L.
Haines, formerly city marshal, but
now ranching near Diamond; Darius
Smyth, commonly known to his
friends as "Hungry," alao of Dia
mond; William U. Davis, a young
rancher from the Hllvies country,
who Is adjeunrlng nt tho Doll A for
tho present; Harry S. Urown, tho
prominent young rancher or Crane;
Floyd Hakor, ono of tho looal hoys;
Edward Goodman, sou of Harnoy
county's doughty sheriff; C. L. Web
ber, a truck drlvur on tho highway;
Win, L. Mcneiy, another rancher from
tho DiamccMl tenatry; Ralph E. and
Clarence II. MeKlnnon. brothoru from
tho, vicinity at Van; Horace Uurdott,
who sorvert In tbfc Oregon Infantry
in tho ear'- v- of hla onllatment
and later put in time on tho machine
guns, und now Uvea nt Crane; and
Loo Miller, of Lawon und Hums, who
la well known to all tho homo people
ProBpectlvo mcmbora are advised
that tho application fee and flrat
yeara dues are each two dolluru, tho
application too payable nt time of
making application, and .dues after
election, Chucks should Ho mudo
buyable to F. A. Feaaler, secretary.
The next regular meeting of the
Poat will be held on Saturday. Feb-
uary 7. Plana aro being mado for
u big dance on St. Valentine day, to
which the public will be Invited. It
U, expected to he a cestume dance,
Y Supt. Obll ShattucK of tho Experi
ment station, loft yesterday evonlng
for Wcshlngtotr, D. C. to remain for
a month whore he Is called to consult
with others' collected with agricultur
al work and to make out his annual
report. Ho was accompanied by his
wlfo. They will bo absent from thu
station' about six week-
0 !
Mr, and Mrs, II. A. Kiluu left Wed
nesday evonlng for Crano, from
whence they will proceed to Florida
to spend thu winter months. The
Klleua hud ben visiting at tho homo
of their iiolco, Mra. C. Culver Pago,
during tho Chrlatmua holidays,
Where to Find News
Irrigation election called
Stockmen take Convention load
Kelly bus good news for Catlow
Odd Fellows Inatull
American Legion Post growing
Muat wait fqr nurao
Evangelistic campaign attracts
Shattucks go to Washington. D, C.
Eiitortnin, u' r)0 'Ed dtnclng
Library cjnb meets,
Theatre nowa
Foollah city Folka
Profiteering In publicity
Four billion dollura
P. L. S, to unjoin loaao
Rockefeller and othora
Hriothaupt agricultural agent
Audubon would retain Flnley
W. 8. S. sale $124,000,000
Editorial comment '
County Court in aosalon
W, T. Lester meets accident
Engineer goes to Salem
Further progresa on monument
33,000 Oregon medals
She greeon ribbon
aaa hotel sold
Loglon entertains
Home wedding at Mt. Vernou
Local Arm makes big fur salo
Charles Brieeo married
Two masquerades coming
Dndger akliiH not valuable
Workman on highway hurt
Mothers club electa
Cqiihuh quea,4;nH "shod furmoru
Want song I ( O. agon
Another fan. y Ji r
Notice of In jut ,n oloctlQU s
Roost your I wn
JNo'kuIh and classified.
More than motiontiMn, milking
, ..'' -
Olscn Selected Chairman Ex
ecutive Committee.
Buckaroo Meals Expected to
Make Favorable Impres
sion on Visitors; 9Mw
tUockmen of Harney county will
take the lead In loeklag after the de
tails of the coning cenveatloH ,of tho
Horse and Cattle Raisers Asaeelatlou
of Oregon. Rurna has been seraeted
as the place for the annua! conven
tion this yenr and May 6 and 7 were
designated us the dates on which It
Is to be held, but a postponement m
A It. Olson, of tho P.L.S. company
ns o meinour or. mo executive cohj-
mltto ot tho state organization, ap
peared hnforo the Commorclnl club
nt ita regular weekly meeting last
nlKht and opened n discussion of tho
affair, asking for suggestlona und co
operation. It waa conceded that
the proper people to handlo tho de
tail or tho .convention wero tho
stockmn or the county and tho club
pledged Ita support uud aid in over
possible way.
Mr. OIbqii was selected as chair
man or nn executive comtnlttco to
arrange tor tho event, and will select
his Own committeemen, which ho
naked lime to consider. Ho Intim
ated, however, that lie would select
them with a vlow or tho body being
representative or tho county, city.
commercial club uud all other Inter
eats. Tho discussion botoro club Inst
last nlaht developed the big under
taking assumed by thu citizens or
Harney county In heeemlng hosts to
the Htockmeu. Tho convention Is of
mora oriels national Importance and
.Is attended by delegates from' all over
the United States which lneludes'mR
connected with tho U.S. Department
ot Agrculture and Animal Husband
dry. It means that Hurna mUBt tak
euro ot peoplo rrom everywhere, and
must be prepared to Jiouhu and enter
tain them. It doesn't n)ean, ncces
mrlly, that wo aro to give thorn treo
rooms and provide rood for them
rreu. In all llkllhond thera will bo
at least one thousand additional peo
ple to euro for within our little town
during tho period or thu convention,
therefore wo must make preparation
In advance.
No only Is this n rosronslblllty to
tho town, but tho on tiro country must
realize that thin Is a compliment to
our big stock Industry. Thu Huluc
tlon ot Hums an tho convention city
bucauso or tho tituess or things In
tho center or a atotk country. Tho
dolcgutea will expert stock country
l.oapltulity. Iluckttroo tneala will bo
auro to make a favornhlo Impression,
Preliminary stupa wero taken look
ing to accurlng ca8ontlu! things tar
tho accommodation und comfort of
guoata, und it la hoped to soon havo
things moving toward definite planh.
A stack ahow hua boon suggested
na n reaturn during tlto convention.
Thla roaturu will bo Incidental and
not for competitive purpnaoa, but to
show tho class or stock. This ahould
bo given Immediate attention by
Htockmeu who havo show nninals. in
ordur that I hoy may ho put In condi
tion to creditably rccprcsuut Harnoy
county atock.
No definite (Into will bo llxed until
tho local representatives or tho uk
sncatlon have had an opportunity to
consider It and tho tlmo to tho
olllcera and directors of'tho orguulzu
lion. Tho object of placing tho dato..
lator in May than tho tontutivo dates
above is tor tho purpemo ot making
auro of good roads. Practically ev-'
ory dologato In Oregon and from
aome of tho neighboring Btatos will
make tho Jouruoy to tho convention
by automobile, therefore It ia im
portant that tho roada be in good
Mra, Waltor E. Huston was t.oatesa
to tho Library club at ita mooting on
last Saturday afternoon. Following
tho business meeting, tho maniben
had a short social visit over tholr'
sowing. Light vofroshmonta wero
Tho next mooting of tho olub will
bo hold at tho homo of Mra,. Win
Oownn, with Mra. Charloa Holm us
Joint hoatoHB, on Saturday. January
Dole Smith nnd family havo. nil
boon suffering from tho opidamic. of
colds now provalont.
Nolllo Rood Is oonfluad to" his f.oniq
with an attack of lumbago.
-i.u a J i.