The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 27, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Saturday, December 87, lftlt
TrllB J I M KB - H KUAll) BURNS, II A tt N K Y . 0 6 V N T 1 , O H E G O If,
ip1"""" "
' rinnrv fllnvnncor' la 'homo from hln
hool at Nnmmv for tltd hblldays.
Mlja TsTnrn Martin 1ft hntnn frnm
Icr siliool at Nnmnii to spend the liol
.1 11. Wonvor HDOtit tho hollrtnv
Iorloil tit town with UIh many old
Imo frloiitla.
Mr. mill Mrs. S. Albursnn worn In
own for a fow daya during, tho holl
i,iy purlod tuklng in tho foBtlvitios
nil visiting with frlondn.
QimrlfT Goodman roturilPil thn fnr,
art of tho wcok from an official
fllt to tho central Htatob. lie has
cen absont for eovoral wuoka.
Mm. V. A. Goodman liml thn mln.
fortune to fall on bo mo Ico-covcred
ftcpn lust Monday, and aufforod a
rncturcil nnklu as tho result.
tm nnil Mm. T? T. lint)
:rom tho ranch at Wagontlro during
:ho week taking in tho holiday fw
IvItltM Tholr daughter, MIhs itotha
s now In Cullfornlu.
Lloyd Johnson was up early in tho
week from tho ranch to visit tho fam
ily and wan accompanied on his re
turn by Leroy who aided him in 1111
1b up tho old cowa dtirlug tho time
the boy Is out of school,
II. A. Watson, "Shorty," expects to
vo tho first of next month for a
ifalt to his mother In Mlmiowrl. He
i not neon his mother, for 25 years.
hen he leaves there' he. will zo to
orlda to remalu until hprlng.
'Mr and Mrs. Cortes Elliott snout
krliMiimi In tnwn rnlawlnv innimlnl.
iacex and taking in the sights.
Mr and Mrs. -John Darney were in
from the fHrm this week spending
tke holidays with their llttlo daugh
ter who Is hero with her Kranritnrttli.
r 'Mintlo" Fryu.' ntondliiK school.
Clufl. Wilson w.4 t 'torn his ,blg
warts nor Dog Mountain last Satur
day llo Htuted that thu winter suit
tl bin lino, hut enmo on too soon for
kU ii'uiirt us ho had couslderahlo ho
vtri'tvl to accomplish In tho way of
d-H ! jpinont of his plans before thu
told rather caino on.
M Charles Lewis, prosldont of
tb Vithors club, Aiinouucen thnt tho
tr.z loll raffled by that organization
was ho n by Mlsii Klldn Gcer. Miss
Ctr t to bu congratulated on her
gooi u k, us the dotl Is a beauty
and i1 h is been said that tho ladles
h.w tn never outgrow tltolr Ilk-
Ic; r dolls.'
r . --J im
was a Batlofactory arrangement and
mot with hearty approval, of tho pu
pils, Sqhool will not bo resumed un
til Monday, January 5. . , t
V" k I,auo, formerly of Lakevlow
bu' r .'. a resident of this county, was
0 c-r r un hln ranch 011 Hllvur creek
( rM nas. Mr. Lato now owns the
1 h ur ranch nnd while he In not
lo ta'. over uctlve miiuiigeiuent and
poi)islou until sprint?, ho Is on tho
ranch ,tt present. Tho Kontlemuu Is
ut old time friend of Judgo LuveiiH.
"A bolt from tho blue sky." Is
tho way Secretary of Commercu
Joshua W. Alexander, of Gallatin,
Mo announces his recent ap
pointment' to All the vacancy
caused, by tho resignation of for
mer Secretary David Itodflold.
Secretary Alexander was con
gressman from Missouri, but was
at his homo visiting when thu call
camo front tho White House for
tho coufereuco and uppolutmont.
Ms I.eoua TlioBiUMOii took ad Van-
Ijpo of short vacation llils weuk to
v:lt with relatives and friends at
D.-i'iv v Hlin loft Monday ovenlni!.
loins out. by way, of, Crane and,Juu-. Ma,lwl'utiKilh, u,W.'f iJW,
tnra rolurnlng home "this hiornTng. kiitiwn that eVorythliiK'conected with
Mr. and Mrs. Goorirn James wore
ilownt fronr Uielr homo near Harney
to "tAko In thu Christmas dance ami1
to Visit with relatives mid friends.
yThe TimcNrHornld desires to calli
attention to the fact that new advor-
islug rates iiierftlouod In our Issue a
a few weeks ago will become effective
me ursi ihhiio in me new year uexi
required beyond those zones, It is
not necessary t hut we again go Into
irsi ihsiio in wio now year- 110x1
. Tho subscription rate will ru-i
'tliuiHftmo wlthlittthe llrst three!
I zones but additional postnKo is'
yoIk In Tonawa'ma building are so J tho printing business has advanced
1 'omen 10 naving i.eonu nrounu Tim iui'hrM of th nnhlln m-inml
lh.i f othliiK seems to go qulto right inrrangocl for u Christinas treat for the
' Mil) 1b away. Hillilruli fin U'liiltutHiliiV fifti.riwwiii at
windstorm In Grant county Inst ,U'?l.1t.!!"0 U" v5f """".'."."V".?..!?
Su-. av evening did. considerable , " "1 " . '
tm :ige
II'. bur
Ttif rllwf a! lh Unllf i) SUtn aro more hS fn.lLlrd,
iwtly on klf, ef l( tli rllwr of ilw wotU. TUy
lly n ImiIi lor ronparU
rrr a ytirlr ImBic m
n nliirr niuilrr ikal liirMli mil
Sn. Indeed, tb lrHo I sajr twn MIMna MriMcooK
tifd. rd illll II ilo-t aol ipmiM!li jUm rouawt M
Men hero apa AtMrlitn railay,
Utni lltut Un4i Ctmmlmi,
to telephone mid electric
Thu Htorm lusted only a short
tu Canyon City, but shook the
-M with HUtllceut Intensity to
f.'ars for thulr safety. Tele
llnes In the Izoo country, bo-Ilaku'-
a, d Canyon,, and several
smaller lines! running into
11 wero blown down, ,
M- itutt Mrs. Harry C. Smith ara
hcu from Portland whore they went
qui a while ago to uttuud a con-Vf-i'
011 or Ford distributors. They
expcMoucod some, vory dlsugreable
weu er during their Htay In that
part of tho state and wero glad to
b lack In Hums. They went out
In Ui Ir car by way of Bond, but bo
caim of tho unusual snow storm de
cided to return on the train by way
of ( raua. Mrfinu'nn nrrlvfld home the
fore part of this week from the rancln
on the Owyhee, He -recently iook a
hfar . of cattlo over to place on tho
rum i for tho wlAter and returned to
iptri tho holidays with his family.
Mr MiGowan stated he had to mako
one long drive with his stock without
water, the unlmnls having to gp until
tin' following day without a drink,
tWhon they came within u mllo of the
river on thu second day. although tho
weather hud been favorable und a
quantity or snow had fallen, the cat
tie could not bo held back and rail
far ut In the stream where they
urank and then drank some more.
- .-O' ' 'I
"ilends in this city have recently
heard by lotter from the Androw Ir
win family who left here lust fall to
take up residence in Baker. The
children and mother are all homesick
for Hums and their many warm aud
cherished friends, oven though they
are nicely situated there. A clipping
from a Baker pupor showing th
standing of high school students Is
in tho bunds of the force at this office
and It places Andrew Irwin at tho
bend of his class.
J root
v.11 win vour com
fotMmtoe when four
LttiM Murine for Ked-
t& ir; iKluid Burnlsg
YOUR EVESoMhe Eyw or Eyelids:
JUamcdy CO,, I
madu up the refreshments while the
boys were permitted to put up u treo
und ouch child allowed to plucu one J
present upon It for a school mate. Ui
Ask Any Doughboy Who
Was "Over There"
and lie will tell you that American ruilroad.4 are
the best in the world, 1
lie saw the foreign romls in Englund and
France, the best in Europe and in other Con
tinental countries and he knows.
The part railroads have played in the develop
ment of the United States is beyond measure.
American railroads have achieved high stand
ards of public service by far-siglited and courage
ous investment of capital, and by the constant
striving of managers and men for rewards for work
well done.
We have the best railroads in the world we
must continue to have the best.
But thcy'niust grow.
To the $20,000,000,000 now invested in our
railroads, there will have to he added in the next
few years, to keep pace with the nation's, business,
billions more for additional tracks, stations and
terminals, cars and engines, electric power houses
aud trains, automatic signals, safety devices, the
elimination of grade crossings and for recon
struction and engineering economies that will re
duce the cost of transportation.
To attract to the railroads in the future the in
vestment funds of many thrifty citizens, the direct
ing genius of the most capable builders and man
agers, and the skill and loyalty of the best work
men in eomjMilition with other industries bid
ding for capital, managers and men the railroad
industry must hold out fair rewards to capital, to
managers and to the men.
American railroads will continue to set world'
standards and adequately serve the Nation's needs
if they continue to be built and operated on the
American principle of rewards for work well done.
9Jto adwMemenl i& publidied by .the
&6&otiatioiiof8hiilwai) xcadivedi.
Thou dnirini information concrrninj tht railroad tilu
atiun may obtnin literature by tcritufj to Th Ataxia
tion of llaitway Eiecuttut, 01 HraaJiray, New York.
Weak Links in a Strong Chain
That's Just what Imitation parts are when they become purt of your r ord
car. They Jopk strong enough, but the motul Isn't thero--the strong,- dur
able Vanadium steel that goes Into tho Ford chassis and every tord part.
Ford narts are speclully cust and heat-treated, each according to Its use.
cars and trucks. And our garage Is euulpped to give careful, vrompt t-ord
some nood' Just 'toughness."
Ford metallurgists have boon studying these problems for slxtoon years
and know Just how ouch unit should bo made to endurtl a maximum of wear
und tear. They know that best results can bo obtained only by the ubo of
special formulas for different parts, and that honest Ford parts wear from
tttlrty-llve to one,humlred per cont longer than counterfeits.
We carry complete assortments of gesulno Ford parts for both passenger
Some reqiilre a hard, flint-like wearlug surface, others need resiliency, and
8erv,Co!Vom minor adjustments to complete overhauls. Drive n. It's
better to bo safe than, sorry, Come" to tho Authorized Ford dealer for
Hon the I) H 1 O O LIGHTS1
Insist on Genuine Ford Parts
50c to $1.00
for Your Furs
Sell tferri to me, and make more money. I
gaurantqe to give you 50 cents to $1.00
more oh each hide than any other buyer in
litik&A the market.
Save your f urs for me.
Burns Hotel Building
By establishing a market we hope
to better serve our past patrons who
have been taking meat from our
auto delivery.
Expect to be open for business by '
Monday, December ,29.
Oltman & Withers
We have a choice sample line of fine box stationery
which we will print with any monogram you wish.
Fine for gifts at any time. Priced on a reasonable
production cost basis from $1.50 up.
We sell only printed-to-order stationery
Job Department
Inland Empire Realty Co.
. A. A. TRAUGOTT, Proprietor
Bought sold. and exchanged
' Farm Ranch and Building Loans '
Phone 3 or G12S
Bunts, OregeH
Wm. Farre Burns, Oregon
Practice Before U. S, Land Office and the
Department at Washington, D. C.
Special-Desirable Stock Ranches
INSUItAN.CEInsuro your hay and property
in tho North British and Mercantile
or Colonial Firo Underwriters
Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here