The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 27, 1919, Image 1

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ho TlmON-Hcrnld goes n
" Tho Tiines-IIcraM Is an'J
established friend of tho people
of Harney County where It hm
been a weekly visitor for tlilrty
yoarH. 't IVn Job department '
equipped to sxve yoar noedk
irly lo iiuirojiomcs in Har-
County than' tfny other
.uitminf. IT VOU W1RI1 CO
1 iL
NO. 9
1 ltfii 11 "
1 A T
inna1 aid State L?r.islation
Preliminary? Report on, Work
Conducted at Experiment
Station in 1919.
c i. c r
p jDi'iu in uci vice -um-
eputcd in Malihg Final
Proof (or Patent on
I . A - . A I I
ff11aattM A IrtnHlnn 11
U ww- - f "
Cross, ir garnering rii posaiuio
on national nnd etato legislation
1.. ...- ..!! ...t 1. ......
arc gr.111 tod to men who served
country In a military capacity
16 and lmv, as well as uurmg 1110
k 1 .. u 1. 1.. .1 H t.HM
uay been accumulated, out it la
iiu tlitii rmtn limn In limn
ntf rnW lllWn KrUlltillC CBtlCC nl
tllcscs to soldiers and sailors will
emitted, both national and local.
An t or Congross passed in r 00-
r, 1919, entltlod all men, honor
' discharged, who during either
Mexican or Gorman cmls nerved
a military capacity not lens than
days, to calculato Huch period of
. ...1 . 1. 1 . 1
Ircd to mako proof and obtain pat-
on honiostead lands. Tho total
A I - - . 1 I H U
years, except in tho case of applt-
yiiiH 1 iiiiiiu ink. i&jui uiiu u u , nan
Hiui cu 111 umnu mini wiuui aim iu-
IH IlIltlfllL IT III'III t. ft. 11 A Fill TDUI (1
homcsiena. aciuni rensoenco 01 oniv
srr rnvnrinr lwu vuam aurviuu or
.. . . 1 '
uiremcnin. eic.. enu us uuwmbu
Mr. Sam Motbernhead of the.
Cross and U. B. Land office in
By compromise agreement in tho
or tho State of Oregon va. me
I, H rnmnany an han riAflfl TTlon-
ln these commas, nearly ten
a a V. I L .
1 ha nfTnrnri rnr ua a nt a nripn m nn
by agreement between repreaen-
n . l1 I . 1.
t. iinmrn inn r mhmth. i i uuiil 10
. . A A i 1. 1
ex-Borvice win oe Kivon n ibhuu
0 days to Holoct fluch of this land
thev may deslro.
Mr. A. It. Olsen, manager of tho
I. a nmnanv urlmn IntAr-
. . 1 1 a : . .
. ... ... ' ... . 4 .1
uie an euriy sexi spring uh iuey
. a I. JI..IJ.J
in nn iirvvn unci huuuiviuou.
is the desire qf the eonpany'
M.. UMalH..J MafUtiniit a)laV
uirhii niiiLinuBU. - .iilbuui vsv j
tell these lands, all of which will
ibraced by tho irrigation project,
tboio who will actually settle on
land, mae tneir living wieru-
lonmnnivAii and the comnunuy.
Jana moreiy for mo purpoHo o
inrinn ifv niir nirrniueiiL ilia
t 1 A 111 .n. V.
than ono fourth of tho total pur-
nrleo. nnd coroplotlon of pay-
1 11 mil in anrnn nviiF it riMriiiii ill
vunrn nl hIk ner con t internet.
m'A.tnt tiriu nnw nn i nn miiii-v 111
coninany to demana ho groni an
tin I nn MAn n tin Innilo WMIirfl
-vul MWIW Tw " - w
ri1 hArnn m nnnrn 1 r va ri'nu 1 lh
obtained. Tho company, I am
A ...111 1 I .1 a nn n till aA1
O. Will UH ItTlUll IU HUU UD D-U
ihla land.Thoy, as they have shown
r n ilin . lmAa Will HlDl nfllV
conscientious, Industrious worx-
wiio win nrnvft tbe seat cuizens.
Mr. oiaen further stated that the
1 11 11 1 1 ti aaj nirn nv himiim uau a.Am at. u
r M awu aa-awj waw-
m. - A M a a
Tho Hod Cross does not wish to
to keep thorn poHtod so that tney
Tho Christmas exercises 3af the
I'Hoyiorinn cnurcn woanesuay wvuu-
woro nttendea uy a mrgo coiiKru-
Mati sii.ii'iwfiii fllfl flwtlr
IH VltU - " ' "
Tl t r -y . t n 1 la Vltilll IITla
V'VWIMI " - " -
ft A Ktin TTllirllflU A
Mon for tho rollof of Armon
n 1 r .Hid In about $7.00 golnu to
i r OHt dlutrosalnt,' condition In
fny'Obll Sfmtlucki Subt';)
Upon UHatiuiliu; ohargi) bf tho Rtu
tlon ojirly In Kohrdary, thu wrltor
found coiiUltlons vory unnntlHfuctory.
Tho major part of tho fall work ro-
inalnud to bo completed In tho spring.
oiuclent help wa almost i!irip6i&lblo
to socur'c, tho prlng whb cold and
bnckwiird, the precipitation for tho
pant threo yoars far bolow normal,
with Indications that nagorats,. grasH
hoppors and late spring fronts wero to
bo uuusuully numorous.
At tho opening of tho farming ttoa
son a careful survey of tho moisture
conditions on thb dry-lind summor
fallow was mndo, the roRillls showing
that (he soil was lnolnt to a depth
varying from 9 to 10 Inches, below
which the soil was so dry that it
would wol stick to a null.augvr. It!
will be woll to bear in mind this fact
when checking over thq dry-land
ylolds, y.
All, tho hind to bo, hftnttttni under
Irrigation should havo been fall
plowed. ' This, howam, yimi uot
dono; henco dolaye'd' tlto-Heoifing of
tho crops until It bocamo necessary
to Irrigate boforo seeding.
Taking nil factors Into considera
tion, some of tho results nra excep
tionally good, Homo only fnir, and in
a good many cases the reniil( Wfo dot
ropreeentullvo, duo to the Inolliclont
work of tho Irrigation Asslstunt who
resigned by rdquost August flrst,
Some of tho principal linos of In
vestigational work conducted nt tho
station aro ns follows:
Dry Land.
1. Variety trials with cereals,
forago crops and roots. Tho objoct
being to soloct an'd dovolop early
maturing, hlglj yielding, drought and
frost resistant TrajR of good quality.
2, Crop rotattoM, thu objoct be
ing to determine the value of crop
sequences In regard to yield aud fer
tility as compared with continuous
' Irrigation Kxpcrtmcnt,
1. Variety trials of cereals, for
ago crops, and root.
2. Crop rotation.
3. Duty of Water trials on cero
als. forage and root crops.
Tho results of this trial rthould bo
ef interest to all of the "water users
of Harney county.
4. Increaso fields for tho produc
tion of the aost promising varieties
of ceroalH, forage and root cropH for
Tho first part of tho results ob
tained will appear in. next "week's is-
suo of Tho Times-iieram ana win ue
worthy of attention as there will bo
some Interesting comparisons botwoen
dry-land and irrigation farming.
Rov. Harold Humbert, general soc-
ulora nf Ihn Blllln iRlltlrfnV flC.hflOl
mini . w - f . -
association, Is coming back to tho
. t a
Presbyterian enures on unoy, Jan
uary 4th. Tho young man .is favor-
.Mu vnmAmhnrnH hv a tarorn number
of Burns peoplo who were fortunate
a. a lnH4
enough to near mm on ui
spring. Rov. Humber.t Is- 6ne of the
finest spenkors and singers ever
i,.fii in nitrtiH nnd lt Is honed our
people will tako advantage of this
. .. . . . !.j
Visit to near mm ukhiii. t
Tho llrst servico win oq on wuuuuy
mi.nlnir TnniinrV 4. find ho Will alBO
luuiiimiip ....-- rf I ------ 1
hold unother service that evening.
Tho young mnn will remain in tho
city for the on(lro week following,
a AlfAB Atsmiifio
110 HUH 5 Hurviuwn y
Congressmen Train Crew Shows Yanke Democracy
II a 1 1 r on d
trainmen are
proud of tho
fact that many
of tholr co
workers h a vo
. climbed to Im
portant posts
In national life.
And such gov
ernment offi
cials ft r o al
ways proud of
the fact, that'
tlioy wore for
mer tr.ilntnen
Wltnmia Four
congressmen nt
Wanlil n g t o n
from threo dif
ferent b t a t o s
and all of
whom still hold
tholr union
cards, recently
donned tho old
I WM "V Tl aJ asBBsah, ' All .. I
Lift I ,JSKI te.zM'& .a
anaaaarrr Baa -rrnaT . a Maaawifaaaaafrt aBaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaarsi rm .Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai AaBBaaaaa
aimmmmm m bbbbbbWm t ,wwiV"if i a
aaaaaaaaBaaaaat. 4aaaaaaBa1a--w.BrfaBaaaawaaaBiBaaiaaa.aiaiaaai
- " , - - .m ...... . m ammttmmm aaaaaaa.
AT1 11 1 1 IM 1 BBlBBWanaBl bBBBKaVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK W im I BBBBBB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarvaaaai aBBBBBBVVBBBBBBBBl m -
jSXMNj HbIbbI ' kLtl IbbbI iaBBBHSmliB rjiSmkm
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbBkJB K(fljRH SLHT-RvbbbbbbbbbbBp '
ljjjjl jllllll jjjjjjj 11111
work clothes,
took charge of
a train nnd ran'
It Into Wash
I n g t o ii) sin
proof that
CongrcHH d I d
know how to
drill with rail
road questions.
Thp vnglucor. la
t ,CbncroiW'm a"n
Win. I Curss
o f Mlnncuoia,
tho f I reman,
Con gresnlnaii
John a. Cooper
of Ohio, con
,d,u c,t or, .Con?
grefismdn Wm.
P. Uurko of
P n nnsylvanln,
and brakoman,
Congress man
Patrick Mc
Lane of Penn-
, sylvanla.
r i
Feeds 100 Head of Stock,
Sells $4500 Worth of Hiy
From SO Acres ot Alfalfa
Tho Tlmes-Horahl ban urged from
time to time thu advantages of alfalfa
flelds and occasionally finds ran) fig
ures to back up Its assertion that thu
alfalfa man has tho best of the other
farmer in this section.
.This weok wo had a neighbor, who
has what In termed a dry farm, as
it Is not situated on thu river but
docs got nomo wutor for Irrigation,
g(vo a discussion of his operations
for tho past season.
This man baa some 80 acres in
alfalfa and this season he disposed
of 4,500 worth of hay besides hav
ing enough 1oft to feed his 100 head
of stock. Ho sold twelve head of
steers, that brought him over flOOO,
and had Just brought In 18 turkeyu
that day which he sold to local peo
ple. During the season ho milks a
number of cows and tho butter fat
Is shipped to an outsldo creamory
which soiids a good slzo chock ovory
What farm along the river with
that amount of ncrcago In uso can
mako as good return? Is alfalfa
worth while? Or Is the present plan
of overflow meadow land tho p'ropor
way to prosper? The Irrigation
project will solve that problem.
kkhvick mkn HitouLi, join EFFORTS BEING MADE
"Every ox-sorvlco mnn In Harney
county owes It to himself to Join thu
local Post of tho American Legion,"
said Captain Hob Duncan, vice pres
ident and. cxocutlve commlttuomn.
o ftho PosL while discussing tho work
the Poat has undertaken, "We can
net hope 'to be really strong and of
beneHt.i'ovourselven and the commun
ity until our membership Is anuar
100 pur cent as we can muko It. 'Tad
secrotary can give fho boys all In
formation uecessary in making ap
plication,".. o
Tho Times-Herald family was ono
of Hovornl In this city to rocolvo a
turkey from William Hanloy on tho
this occasion, tho turkeys having
day boforo Christmas. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Harry Golden played Santa Glaus on
been brought In from tho OO runch,
whoro tho doldons are in chnrgo. It
wus u most enjoyable Christmas gift,
and this ofllco surely appreciated the
kindly remembrance
State Superintendent Churchill
announces that the questions for tUe
examination of high school student
who hnvo been taking tho bible study
course will bo sent to the principal
for uso an January 10. Tho examin
ation will bo In both the old ond new
Tcatanionts, Thoso desiring credit
for Hlhlo Htudy should bo prepared
to tuko tho examination.
Horaco Hurdott, ono of (be Harney
county boys who was among Uncle
Sam's fighters across the water, has
but recently returned and lias again
taken his position with the Eastern
Oregon uivo hiock vo, ai uo i-.
ranch. Tho young man was a mem-'
her of tho army of occupation and
recelyod his dischargo only a. tew
weeks ago. Ho mado a record in get
ting across, as he was but six days in
Camp Lowls and went direct cast to
Camp Mills, bolng in ?runce within
sixty duye from tho data ho loft hero.
Mr. iJurdott was on tho front for n
long purled, spending 19 months
ovr seas. Ho was slightly wounded
nnd placed in the hospltul for a short
tlmo, ' I
'vn 1 :
1 imm, "-Sp 'WSP:
Oregon Anti-Tuberculosis
Society Requested to Make
Several actlvo public-spirited or
gnnlzatlons in thb city are cooper
ating In nn effort tb secure a county
nurso. Tho campaign, originating
wth tho Rod Cross, Is bong actively
supported by tho American Loglon,
Mothers club and other live bodies.
Tho presont plan Js to flrnt prevail
upon the Oregon Anti-Tuberculosis
society, which bus In other counties
fostered this work, to provide thu
county with a nurse for a porlod of
demonstration, to bring Its vnluo to
the attention of county ottlclala and
tho public. Tho vuluo of such ser
vice, as lifts been demonstrated In
other counties that now provide for
thu maintenance of li county nurso
in tholr annual budgets, is almost
Inostlmablo. Tho scope of tho work
Ib unlimited,
This nurso maintained by tho
county would not only be oir hand
for practical nursing In .tlmo of epi
demic, but could train others through
tho provision ot a nursing course
not only for enro of tho Blck In such
emorgonclcs, but nlso for provoqtlvo
and romodlal work In their own
homos. Sho would bo pruparod to
train school students and others In
Klrst Aid, to confor with toachors
and mothors relative to tho henlth
and physical training of tho children
and to supervlso such trulnlng
throughout" tho schools of tho
county. "
Tho position Is not Intondod to su
porsodo that of county physician, but
covers mu;cll mat lUO cuuiuy jmyni-
elan can not bo expoctod to do. In
miny casoa, a county nurso would bo
ablo to glye valuablo asslstauco to
tho county, physician,
Undoubtedly tho gonorous respouso
of Hnrnoy county to all calls mado
upon It by tho Red Cross in lta sev
eral drives for war tlmo nnd ponco
timo rollof fnnds, nnd to the Oregon
Anti-Tuberculosis soclty In tho sale
of Christmas seals, will hove con-'
Blderablo influence toward inducing
the active cooperation of tho former
organization, and the pioneering ot
this, ork In Harney county by tho
latter. Public splrltod cltlzenB who
Iwlsfci td.xald In this cauBo can bo of
considerable help by writing individ
ually in its support to Dr. David N.
Roberg, socrotary, Stato Board of
Health, Portlnnd, Orogon, and Mrs.
B'do Qrr-Dunbar, Selling building,
' I
To Be Hosts at Liberty and
. i . Supper-Dance.
' ' ,
' r W
i t
Harney:6ounty Post No. 63
Han Big I ime at Regular
January Meeting Next
JtJBt by way of n bit of a roturn
to (ho Honor Guard Girls, tho wivee,
mothors, sisters, daughters, nnrl
sweethearts of thu American Legion
boys who huvo dono so much for
thorn, slnco tho sturt of tho world,
war, tho "budifles" aro planning a
suppor-dnnco In their honor.
Tho regular monthly meeting of
Harney County Post No. C.I of tha
American Legion Is scheduled for
Saturday ovunlug, Janunry third, and
thu program of tho ovonlng an out
lined by tho entertainment com in I Hea
ls ns follows:
During tho buslnoss meeting whlcli
commences at 7:1(0 p. in. at head
quarters, tho Hums Commercial club,
tho ladles will bo untortnlned nt tho
Liberty Theatre where a special at
traction, "Tho Woman Thou GavcsC
Mo," will bo exhibited for tho Ocea
nian, tho young ladles bolng guests oC
tho Pont, Aftor tho meeting which
will bo- timed to closo with tho show,
tho ladlos will bo met and escorted to
Tonownmn Hall whore tho ovonlngn
good tlmo of dancing and dining will
Formal Invitations will bo sent onf.
to all Honor a'unrd Girls but In order
that non.o of the mothers, wives, Bis
ters ampBWeethoarts will bo mlsscil
tho members aro ruquusted to bring
thorn nnd In tho meantime to seo tho
entertainment commlttco for show
This Invitation Is, of course, ex
tended to visiting membors and tholr
Indies as woll us tho membors of thu
local Poat.
Membors aro especially requested
to be on hnnd early for the business
mooting, as sovoral matters of Im
portance are Bchedulod for debatft
and action'. '
Connection with a public sorvleo'
corporation ban Its advantages at this'
tlmo of tho year, as ovory ono of tho
young ladles In tho telephone offlcw
can testify. Mnny peoplo mako It
a point to remember tho efforts
for better service made In. tholr be
half, and tho telophono olllco person
nel Is especially thanking thu Wil
liam Hnuloy company as ono of these'.
Last week William Stirling, treas
urer of tho company, gave each' oC
tho glrlB Christmas romembrnncoH
In tho form ot ton dollar checks,' aa
tokens of appreciation for tho court
esies rendered during thu past yoar.
Tho following, was clipped from a
rocont Issuo of tho Portland. Thu
victim formerly resided In this koc-;
tton nnd Is tho fathor ot Mrs. C..H.
John Day. Whon tho forests wore
burning last August M. F. Wllllnms.
a homosteader of this place, helped
out tho forost sorvlco with his auto,
taking flro fighters nnd tools into tho
mountains, for which ho charged tho
modost Bum of $M0 t cover Mo o'
penses of tho trip, saying ho did not
wish to profit by tlio trip. ' NoV
cornea tho department of Internal rev
onuo nnd taxes Williams $12 for run
ning an automobllo for hlro. 5
Where to Find News J
Tho Ladles Library club mot ftt
tho homo of Mrs. Nnto Franklin on
hi&t Saturday aftornoon, with Mrs.
Franklin and Mrs. Wnrron M. Sutton
aH Joint hostessoa. Tho program on
Japan wna contlnuod from tho prov
Iouh meeting. .
I Tho iiuu will moot again next
Saturday at tho homo of Mrs. W. Iv.
1 Huston.
Alfalfa farm pays big.
Christmas turkeys from Hanloy.
Put ono ovor on "Tobo."
Horaco Durdott home.'
Dlb'ie study examination.
Telophono staff remerabored,
Gather data on privileges.
Loglon will entertain.
County nurse wanted.
Shattuck dlscussos handiacps.
Singer returning,
Library club meets.
8orvice mon should Join Legion.
Whon our eyes aro opened.
MlBsIng rolattvoB sought.
Short miscellany.
Illustrated news.
Somo "Thank You" ads.
Local and poraonal.
Local hnpponlnus.
Now Irrigation .petition.
Lognls and classified.
Somo "Thank You" ads.