The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 20, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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i" i 1A0K TWO
T JI N T I M 10 S If K It A L 1)
JJ t It N S
Hitttml.Vi Docrmlx'f lit), igi
Work Went Hard
Wfth This M..
Associated Industries .Would
v' Educate.
Anxious to Encompass All
Oregon Industries in Assoc
iation That Is Now Two
and Half Years Old.
1'OHTLAND, ORK. -Two yenjrn
and u Jiuir atto CO untorprlnliiK Iuh
luess moil orKunlztMl to promoto tliu
nmrkotlUR of Oregon-nntdo goods.
Today thoro nro 1!R0 Oregon uiumi
r.tctnrorn who uro Intorustud In tho
orKunlzntloli known uh tlio AHHOclntod
"Many people do not undurHtand
elm purpntio of tlio Associated Indus
trluv." said A. 0. Clark, inaniiKur of
the orKiui font Ion, recently at his
htfxilonartors In tho Orison hulldliiK.
"Sonic think wo are discriminating
against Industries outside of Port
land. Wo uro not. Our member
ship could not have grown as It has
Sharp Pains i n Stomach
Made It Hard for Boiler
maker to Stoop and
"Cramps, would almost tlo mo In
knots boforo I, tried Tallinn for my
trouhlos'sald J. II. Uiildwln, of 'J'M
Elliott Ave., Seattle, Wash,, In speak
ing of his romarkalilo chailga In
health. For twenty yearn Mr. llald
wlii has hooit a hollornmkur and Is
employed In one of Seattle's largest
holler shops. ,
"When n man has nurferod for
four yours with stomach trouble like
I had," continued Mr. llaldwlu, "It's
a pleasure to speak of tho medicine
which stopped It all. Everything I
I ho worst sort of griping and cramp
ing pains aiiday. Most of tho tlmo
gns would form In my stomach and
cause mo to bloat up and nress tin
In my chest and make It hard for
mo to got a full breath. Sometimes
whllo I was at work I would havo
cramps In my stomach which would
almost double mo up and I was al
ways bothered when I tried to bend
or stoop over. It all mado mo nerv
ous and restless and 1 couldn't got
enough sloop to keep mu fooling
strong, and I would Just Ho In bed
nnd kick around for several hour
within he last two years R this were oVory n,K,lt( T , t.onilon k t
true. Wo are anx bus to encompass ,, , WIIH (JH, , , t , , t ,
nil Oregon Industries In our organl- uml KoUhlK K()11ril,y ru ,,,wnu
yj,iJ011 , , , , "l hnd been reading about Tanlao
"in our campaign to eCucato the ',, cUUnl to try It and see I t
poop lo of Oregon to tako greater lu- woul(, ,10, ,,, Jny C80 , , ,
trosl In homo production, wo have , ,)0 HlllTrHig about like those who
received the liunrty co-oporatlon of 00 woj of Th1,,1u.. To Iny HUr.,rlH
tS, nrnuii nf tint ulnl.i mill ni'nrf nf. . . . . '
...... , .. , i.uiiuueuce(i io improve r g it away
Streslvo organ zatlon of business men un,i waH M()0l ,,, , , , ft, ,
ami some Individual concerns. I, and I can oat anything I want now
.ami u never hurts mo at all. Those
rgnni2n-j8loomiK ,,, (0., ,ol,lt,r IU) uuy
reconeu , loro nn, Hll. lf KUH ,,UH JU,( (ornu
nnty or ,,. (ll my Htt,naol ,jIH mVt,
hnvo upokon before nearly ovory , t llover ,lllrt8 , nt n
tlon and havo everywhere
inViirltiiu rjtuttiiliaii flui ulni1
..,.w.. . - " W,K in my Htomarii tint pa
which m miowii iiy mo iiicreiiHiiiK ue- Kmo 0ll f ,y (,I0J), ,
iiiuiu iui wiukuii iiimiiv ' iroill I Iiilt fnmrrl,ililv
- - r j t
To tho Taxpayers of ifarnoy County:
Notice In horoby glvon thai tho County Court of llnrnoy County has
iixon Monday, oacotubor 'iv, iui it, as tho time, and the Court limine at
Durus, Oregon, an tho placu whr-ro tho Onllmnle of motiny jiroposod to bo
ralsod by tuxtillnn for tho uituslug your, lliao, may bo dlsounsed with tho
nald County Court, also, when and whom any taxpayer siibjoct to such, (ax
levy, whop made, illiall bo hoard for or nmilmit any nroiiomul tax levy
Remixed estlmntes or (ho tt mount of money proposed to bo raised by
taxation for tho omitting your, IU20', by llnrnoy County, Oregon, and the
purpose ror wntoii tno said r.Monoy is proposed to bo oxpondod, to-wit:
l!oiinty Court!
Salary of County Judge, por dlom of Comiulsslononi, oto , $ 2,000.00
Circuit Court:
Salary of Bailiffs, reporter, Jurors, witnesses etc 5,000.00
.in Mice :oiiru
Foes of Justices, coniitablort, Jurors, wRiioshos, oto 500.00
HherllT'M (Hiiro i
Salary of Shorlff and deputies, Iravollng and ofllco expenses 8,000,00
Clerk's onico:
Salary of Glork and deputies, and otllco oxpousos.., .'. 6,000.00
Assosnor's Oftlcoj l-
Salary of Assessor and deputies nnd ofllco oxpniiHim 5,000.00
TmiNiiror'H Ofllco:
Salary of Treasurer and olllco oxponsos 1,500.00
Hiinor.'nteiiuoiitN fllilcct
Salary of School Superintendent and ofllce expenses,...;, Z 1,800.00
Coroner ortlcn:
Foes of Coronor, Jurors nnd witnesses ,., 200.00
Htnrk InNrctor:
Salary of Stock Inspector , 400.00
County Health Officer:
ato disagreed with mo nnd really a..,ary , "altl, O Hcor . ' mn
didn't imiph U'linlluir I !. i.nvl.l.i Hll,Ury OI ,lcftlln WIIROr ...s....,,.......rtv....... 100.
St lot for If d l eat I would liiivn I U,Hr,(,t Hri,,w f W,,,Uh it
or iioi, lor ii i uki uni i would litivo I nri,. r,i..v'- nr ...... .
llnrnoy County's pro rata share of expenses.
Widow's reunion!
Allowance on account of Widows pension law
County Charges:
Hospital charges, transportation, supplies, burials, etc....
Court House!
Salary of Janitor, lights, fuel, euro of ground, etc ,'. 1,600,00
County .lull:
Hoard of Prisoners, Jailors foes etc. : 000.00
Library: v
Library fund 150.00
Refund of taxes , 1,000,00
Registration and Kloctlon .. ; i. 1,500.00
Uounty on Wild Animals J!,u..,...... 12,000.00
Audit of County Records , 450.00
Advertising dolltuiuout taxes ; 100,00
Water Mnster, per dlom and oxponsos 1,000.00
District Attorney's office, expenses 200.00
Destruction of OrasshoppoVs , w 4,000.00
Destruction of Rodents, Seiulrrels, and Habblts,.... 4,000.00
Advertising, connected with Chamber of Commerce 1,000.00
Miscellaneous ami Incidental oxponsos not enumerated 5,000.00
Proposed reduction of (leneral Fund warrants outstanding 5,000.00
"Tho labur problem In Orsgon i fe7d mm now and havn in on i c ol,n, HpIiooI. teacheni. Janitor, fuel, supplies
would b completely solved If all tho ,0Vt,rHi nouiidH In w iciit u . i . !l ''ovy "",jy ralne the amount. . 0008
people of Oregon would buy one-half Z "jKf I I o stee a, ' , 8ttw .A,"rku Appropriation
W tnwr purrhHses from Oregon pro- nK rm.k ... ,,.,,, , i,,., ,,,., necessary io raise mo amoiini ; 0010
. lMOftr. or In Inverse proportion If I that my hatioflll from 'ruiniin Iiiiv" I I,wn,lH ,M1 ThlKoa. milurr of ICuiuliiifiHtiir. mirvtu'. ooiiMlriia-
oni-lmlf tho people would buy all ' i,,,,.,, mr urwiii.i-n i n.,.....i.. V ... !
their goods from homo uianuftictur- would be and I believe that those
.... . i i n i j UohoIHh aro permanent."
"Politic or the labor pro .loins do TalIlB ,H H0,,, ,, , ,
uot oiitor Into the policy of the or- ,ro., ni, ,,, Cranu ,,y v, f ,,,.
Kantotion. W are Him ply trying 1 1' !..
. ...1,..u ,1... ..,.11 t .1... ........1 'till.
ii .iiiMUBU iiiu i;ii ill nuiiu
nnd kIvo ouch soporato community
lt tUar of tnto-wldc proprlty.
'T6o riMOiirvm of tho state are mi
iQUfllwd. and It only remains for tho
IniBtznxM mmi of every oommunlty lo
pit hr and hooal Oregon pro.
unuts until wu Iikvo one of tho big
gMt jproJueliig stutos In the Union."
More Kings Coming
Total to bo raised by taxation on (lonornl Fund ?7C,400.00 '
To raise this amount It will bo necessary to make a I
iovy or 0050
Hstlmato Stale Tax M 30,000.00
Levy necessary to raise tho amount QOC.'I
County School, apportionment of ... 110,000.00
i,ovy nocosnary to raise tlio nmoiint 002a
Hon. repair, lumber and general expenses, Including
minis io cooperate with Htato Highway Commission..
Levy necessary to raise the amount '..00 J I
Ity the PixlmNt
ROARLVo a D Pt)itoirrn(i
If Iho' truUt niut ho iQjll,' vr
Attiarlenim aro a iiieor liuneh.
The conguiiier 1h stuKorin uudr
ii wiiu aro. uroi iKaio o or nronteor-
T1m king of Hpalu wants 'to visit lux Hint smlliiK. and yt Ih doing
d IIbUimI SlBtw nuxt yonr. I ot "ilng to check It.
nnn ih- m.imii' r iih- r0r" ' H' lrfce of an nrtleto.
- ' Bnd ruah right In and buys IL
Tk hlng and iiuon of Win llol- whother n noods It or not. Tho
gwni Havo oo;n. vluwoil and goim. jgrwiler (ho cost the morti doiirmluod
j,Jo illtto thw prlnOu of Wales. ,I(J ' hvu It.
Wo noor AiiiorlMiiiM are un titsnliiMl ur r",r l'r,' !,nmlttoos. halooll
wo poor Auioriouus are up laninsl ,lh govon,im)lltH, ,K,,lty, talk
it for n ract, and wo might Just as 'jointly ami lay down on tholr Jobs.
Mnll l'NC6 tlio uiiwlc and gut It over' Our publln prosecutors emit dire
rltli. ' threnti) of punlihmeutK to como
Noil ywir will bo as good a Umo!M?.,1n, o como.
, 1 iU' finish our tooth In our rago.
ns ny olbpr. Hut lot uconomUe , ofr fw pounds or surphw .toiun
on Uiln oemiit or ttnie. ilu public, mid then go home and ror-
,Wiy not lump thorn all togtthor 'l 11 lR !
tht kingn of Spain. Italy. Sweden iV" .I'10. f?r?",,!(!r KW0"H ''K1'1 ."
Norway, tl nmorer of J.maii. the ""w" l "'. Knowing
lrisldunu of Franco and
Krand duchess of Luxenib
nftiy f Hit I irt Im .(! Ilu. L,u.u.h
In-nooked heads of foreign lands? J) H " 'l j , t,,,, 1 ? nt 1 "'f 1 10
Lot's make It a grand sweep. I "'T h,,,"1 'i' '! ! ,"K. ",0
llrlns them nil over in a bunch, V'?,' w1", ''";'lHlont In out
look them over, lot them size us up, ,,llooV' 'Ll ' u a ft '""ro snarls of
to 7. rw million verbal bouquets ",R0 ",,l U,0,, Im,(,kl' ,ml,,, ovur 1,10
Lack and forth, and thou send them uo,lu
homo rojolclng In tho fact (hat they 0 .
hav A;eu tlio huts of tho suvagos ' Some moil go up, and somo go
-who l(Iclod tho royal punts off tho down. Hut others, you know, Just
kaiwir. ' laze around. Wo havo 'urn,
'lotal amount or tax levy 0101
'total to lie raised by taxtitlon
Statement of probable rorelpts of Hartley County for the
yar jusu rront sources other than by direct luxation
Interest on County deposit .'. ,
Porcontutn of. Public Laud Sales
Piirniillllllii nt I'di-nyl ll,..l,.lu i
Jtopaytiient of one hair liouhtytn 'Wild Animals Iiy Stato..;.....,..
ouacBiiaiieoiin receijun, inciiinm riorK'g-. fuuK......,..:
. 500.00
Iiiiiiiii ilu, i,,u " io mo none, Knowing
C h Ilia t l o n'"1 w wl11 Uuwl "ilKlitHy. but Hint
,1m iVl"' ii .. 11 wni "ov,,r K I'oyond a few gusts of
" m" ' i'lmrinlcss wind.
Tolnl probable receipts other than.tvcatloiu. .V 12,000.00
( hlch sum derived from jiro'lmbls rorolpt will be'
imod ror the rduollon of IndobtpdiiWMi, and for other
UHMN to which llipy caipproporly he applied.
Tolnl amount of proporly lUtijd on tax roll ! 12,028,a4!l.00
Amount lnvloil to bo raised by tin City of ljttnin , ...5,8-ia.oo
Amount lo1I to h rnlsml bv Silver Crok Vallty Irrigation Dlstrct -l.207.BO
Stnttfnoiit or spoolnl School OWtrlct lovlns on Die with Couuly Clork:
DUt. No. Amonnt Dlat, is'o. Amount
I I0.80i.a0 24 OI8.00
ico.oo so
1 J. An ... . . .
i,itf.iMi os ,. IMT.fli
ll - S'L45 114 75(3.20
p fifiu.sp :i 207.12 1
J ! 12.85 3D 510.07
074.70 ,40 203.80
- ...... 14I17.S2 41 .'. 171.54
22.2r, 4 4 , 337.05
,. 005.4(1 45 , 1,844-18
770.00 50 1,271.1111
: - 3,252.00 1 a 1.092.02!
(518.00 r.i: ... i nr." us
You will, pleiuio tttliu tioltft Hint the amount o fwarrnuts oulHtandlng
. iiiiiiuu iiKiiiiii jiiu evoi-Hi nintis on tioroinijor l, IPISJ, and lie amount
of oasli In the hands of tho County.Troiuurer of llnrnoy County available for
urn payment oi sunn warrant, was on nscviuber 1; 1011',
Warrants outstanding
' neouiubor 1, 1010,
tloneral Fund 17,055.17
Hoad Fund 1,287.81!
High School Fund 390.1 1
Knhblt Fund 10.35
HulhUng Fund , AC, 14
lJatod at nurtlB, Oregon, this 4th day of Uecombor, 1010, under tho
direction and by the authority or tho County Court.
' County Clork.
Amount In hands
of Treasurer
Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here
1 20?
000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of 80
Acres or more. Reasonable
prices -one-fifth cash balance
easy terms, six per cent in
terest. .
Eastern Oregon Live Stock
kane Company okegon
Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes, Nuts, all kinds
Celery, Squash, Orangqs, Lemons & Vegeatables.
iwgwrasB --- Groceries --m&gB
-sa -Dry Goods and -.
-- r Shoes
Fairbanks, Morse gasoline engines & Pumping
outfits. . yinjmills, Pumps & Cylinders;
i . V
Ranges, Heaters, Barb Wire & Nails.1
Vale Trading Company
Also Vale and Rivemide CRANE BRANCH
The Price of '
Pork Chops and Bacon
Here are reasons why the fine,
fresh pork tenderloins and pork
chops, or savory ham, or crinkly
. bacon, which you enjoy for break
fgst, cost much more per pound
than the market quotation on live
hogs which you read in the
An average hog weighs 220
Of this, only 70 per cent (154
pounds) is meat and lard.
So, when we pay 15 a pound for
live hogs, we are really paying more
than 21 a pound for the meat which .
we will get from these animals, even
after taking into account the value of
the by-products.
But people show a preference for
only one -third of the whole the pork
etiops, fancy bacon, and choice cuts
from juicy hams.
This means that when we are sell
ing Premium bacon at 43'2pcr pound
wholesale nnd Premium hams at 30,
there are other parts for which we get
as low as 0 or 8 per pound. Tho
net result is on average profit to us of
less than 1 a pound.
The choice cuts are higher because
of a demand for them.
Another thing: Only 35 pounds of the
entire hogor about 1 6 th is usually
marketed at once. The rest must be
pickled, cured, or smoked. This takes
months, and adds to the costs which
must be met
Swift & Company, U.S.A.
1 ffiX SHOWi1
HI! . HA -V ff
i vCi2.osry a a
et cints i fAio rax thc
ii of ctNi-ron LAnoR
t lM C(NT HtMAINl '
a., rtffir jr
Do vnii know what It iiieann to II vo up to a rQpututloii for I
Wu know know tlmt It immtin oonstnnt vIrIIiviico loat wo penult
tho QUALITY of our wuron to bo lowered.
H iiIho moans unvarylnR urteny and attention to each and
oyory ctiHtomor.
When you trudo with this groat Family Store you aro assured
of thoHO two udvuntagot! protcctloM anil service.
We Hollclt your cuntota 7lth thin nuftruutoo,
Brown 's Satisfactory Store
Duma, : : : : Oregon
III We rarry koocH HdvertiHed on tho "Homo Products Pmro"
We now excel where we
used to imitate
Snid the lady as she finished
her first green turtle soup
"It's almost as gaod as mock.
From imitation of Eastern made goods, Oregon
manufacturers have advanced until they now sur
pass their models.
RUY HOME PRODUCTS. Not only because it
is a good tiling for the state and for you to keep
Oregon money at home but
Because they are Superior
Associated Industries of Oregon