The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 20, 1919, Image 1

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The Tluios'IIoraJil'-notij'; rn.y
Iuhiil.v to more ItuiucN InHlar
cy Comity ttuiU any "other
Tho TlincH.HcraM is nn oli .
nstnutlHhcil friend of the people
of Harney County whero Jt lms
been a weekly visitor for ,thlrtf
yearn. U'h job depart met b
equipped to MWo your iitccta.
CWHIMPW. If you wMft to
Licit tho ncopW um those col.'
tuns for your advertisement.
' ":,)' " . . . .f. ,, , i
I "IT." ' --"-.-,....'AJr . 7T -''-a. TjuT
lilT X. Merrv 4Si
cdney Czad's, Farm Scene
of Slaughter.
fectiveness of. Method
Ehould Induce People to
Give Active Support; Bi
ologist Horn III.
ItHnlnciHt Horn. In charge of til
kbit poisoning campaign n Harney
tnty, recently made up a supply oi
m mid with the aid of Rodney
tad put sonio out at the farm of
Ei latter One ounco or poison wuh
xed wttli alfalfa leaves and scat
ii round a hay stack that had
kn fenced to prevent the rodents
km getting in. itiuH inuucmg mom
Iu more reudliy to tno poisoneu
it. Tim following mornlnK thuy
L-ked up 232 ld rabblta right at
eicene of the-polttonhif and durliiR
tt dn and the follewmg day Mr.
d found quite a number mom
ti rabbitK luimeaiateiy nurrounu
Ihn vie I ii I tv.
Mr Cozad eatlmatea there were at
hit 300 rabblta killed from una one
Into of nolMon. That certainly
lovi the offuctlvencMS of this meth-
ana should induce eopie 10 give
ilr uctlve Hupport't the work of
terminating the peats.
No only la the farmer interested
thin work, but also the stock man.
tual ntimtrvntion on the rantce has
hrlnccd atock men that the rabbits
f very daatructlve to range grass
pwquently they are Just as active
I the work of getting riu oi laeni
the homesteader or the sage brush
0ne only han to notice the great
ntlty of huy these peats dosroy at
Icea whero they can get o mom iu
lire the itreat destruction they aro
fiwv of dolngt
IBIologlHt R. B. Horn Is confined to
k room with Hlcknes. lie uau 1101
fcn feeling well for several days
krloua to taking to his oeu uui nm
want to quit tho joD, me iinie
flillvn wnrV nlonif the J I HO Of
lermlnatlHB the rabbits is here and
Mi thut overy day countB. tie nau
leady mixed some poison and made
lappllcatlon or two ana was rwmy
more hut he had to give if up.
blendid Program
br Christmas Eve
ll nrlnnillrl nrnirrilTll haH bGOIl RV'
Ke by the rrefloyienaii v"-
llhriatmaH Eve. wecinewaay, wv
ler 24th, at 7:00 o'clock Bharp.'
Whtk tifniffntrt nllnilU?
otig "Joy to the World the Lord
frayer by the Pastor.
lecltatlon ''Christmas Greeting"
rertoil Richardson.
lecltatlon -"Good Will to Men-
try Thompson,
fierclso The Primary uiaas.
bcitatlon "My Dream" Mary
ont; by tho Primaries. , ,
lecltatlon "My Gift" Virginia
ecltatlon "His ChrlHtmas Gift"
Knea Davln.
lotiu Dorothy Leonard.
fntf by tho Primaries.
lnoiclso "Su Llttlo canuies."
lecltatlon "My Speech" eo
KGrolun -liv tlirpn irlrla.
net MarJorlo iiyrd anu juhb
I "Tho Christmas Aid
Id 'iviirtolto.
"Tho Serot."
by mo choir.
Ml Yo Faithful."
,vr tho school by Bnnta
to All OuiS
Burns to Be Base
for Airplanes of
Forest Patrol
Accordlug to InforWtlaH gleaned
from the Porllnnd Journal of jreeont
date, .Hum 1b to be em of the haaeH
from whlch airplane' )MtrelliHg. the
foreww of the northwest will operate.
This work Is to eertr fvvar'gt' ara'
of titular and (he bik hero )s to he
contiiwtOcl ha an auxiliary with the
laudlMg Holds at The Dalle and La
Gran do. Tho plan Is to have this
service inaugurated during the flro
season of tho coming' year.
The story In tho Journal roclton
that more than otie-linlf of tho ntnnd
lug timber of tho United States Is to
bo thus patrolled In 1020, which In
cludco 80,000,000 feet of government
owned timber In national rorosts.
KuglaHd, with Population of Thirty.
Five Millions, Hun Aiym Tliree
FlftkM That of Oregon.
(m f;'Jfc" Horner.)
(Prom The Winday Journal)
Tho Oregon country, commonly
known us Old Oregon, was tho llrst
territory the Upltcd States acquired
on the pacific coast of .America. It
comprised the region bordering on
the Pacific ocean from California on
the south to Drltlsh America on tho
north, and extending eiwl H? rur llH
tho summit of the Rocky mountains.
The area of Old Crogou was nearly
as large as that of the llrst thirteen
states, and it was much larger than
that of tho German empire In Europe
at the beginning of the recent world
war.- From this vast domain were
carved the states of Oregon, Wash
ington, and Idaho, with a part of Wy
oming and Montana,
There 96,099 square miles In tho
state of Oregon, which Is more terri
tory than tho combined area of Now
York, Massachusetts, Connecticut,
New Jersey, Vermont, Dolawaro, New
Hampshire and thrco other states,
each of which would btf the sue of
Rhode Island. These states support
a. population of more than twouty
one million, yet the pqpulaUon of
Oregon is leuu than one million. This
data Indicates Oregon's futurp pos
Tho kingdom of Greoqe, with an
urea of 46,522 square miles, Is smal
ler than tho. combined area of (he
following seven Oregon, pountles:
Harney, Klamath, Lake, uaaer, uano
Crsok and Malheur.
v.aoh nt tho following Oregon
counties is larger than the state of
Connecticut: Harney, Douglas, Lake,
Klamath, Malheur.
Tho coniblncd urea of Harnoy and
Malheur counties Is greater .than the
area of any of tho following .states:
New Hampshire Vormont, Maryland.
Each of Harnoy, Lake or KlamaUi
counties Is larger than tho state of
Now Jersoy.
Tho area of either uarnoy or mai
nour county, combined with that of
nv mm of twoiuy-inroo ureguii
counties Is groater than tho area of
Any of the following twonty-(lvo
-t,.nn fmtntlnH 1h laruor than tho
nimdn Island : Harnoy, Da-
nvw ------- - -
kor, Clackamas, crooK, uoos, uurry,
JefferBon, Josephine, Kiamain, wiap,
nnl.riim milium. Grant. Jackson,
Lane. .Linn, Malheur, Marion, Mor
row, Tillamook, umaiuia, union,
Wallowa, Wasco, or Wheeler.
ml.. AOOO umiflPA inllou nt Mulhour
county would accommodate the king
dom of Montenegro ve m
Connecticut, with 538 square miles to
Bare, while MassacquBeim u
Rhode Island would lit in Harney
county with 082 squaro miles to
UuL nt finrhln. 23.0G1 SOIiarO
miles, is less than the comblried area
of Harney, Mainour anu umw u-
tt..u..'v mifi T.nkn counties repre
sent a Inrgor area than that of Swit
Oregon is largor than tho com.
Serbia, Switzerland and Montenegro
ith Connecticut uiruwji m
KiiKlnnd. with 3C.OQO.000 Domtla
tlon SSprlsw arw only lliwo-f fib-
. ' ',4 r,ttnrt i it iiliili iiiKiiitivti
eigon wini " :-,-;
f0 ::,o)d Connecucui um
"Sure; There, isia'Santa Claus"
Last Thursday tho trains over tho
Crane brunch resumed the regular.
runs of kIx times a week. This has
helped this community wonderfully
In the way of bringing the mall to us
more regularly and In less congested
' O' "
W, L. Finloy, state biologist,, has
been removed from office by the Or
egon fisli and game commission. It
Is announced ho was not able to work
In harmony with the commission and
for that reason va,s fet out. Ho was
given nn opportunity to resign but
failed to tuke advantage of it,
Tho First National Hank of this
city has started a savings account de
partment and anticipating tho ap
proaching holidays tho Institution
has brought In soma ulco now crisp
11.00 and 2.00 bills. Theso aro not
vory plentiful In circulation in this
vicinity but will likely become so, but
they aro fine to start a savings nc-
count for tho "kids" for a Christmas
:r. .i I
Mrs. Loucl Reed waii abxo'nt freW
the switchboard of the, local exchange
of tho Telephouu office last week be
cause of Illness. She has resualbd
her place.
Word Is received from what In
termed tho "desert," out beyond and
south of the Wagoutlru country, thut
the snow Is about 12 Inches deep.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Welcome v&iit
to Crane yestorday evonlug to meet
their nephows, Wesley and Alfred
Welcome, who aro home for the hol
iday vacation, They have been at
tending Columbia' University.
An examination, of applicants for
certificates to teach has been in pro
gress In this cltyslnce last Wodnos
day, We aro Informed some nine
applicants are taking the examina
tion. Ilocauso of the long distance
with bud weather autl unfavorable
roads, examinations wero ulso held
at Drowsey and Deulo.
Monument for
Service Men
Is Discussed
Th'o Jothiirs club met nt tho homo
of Mrfi. J a fnes Luiupshlru Thursday
afternoon', with Mrs. Lampshlro and
Mrs. Roy Moullun as hostosses.
Reports from tho commltten In
charge of tho.' nunual Christmas salo
Indicate that It was a fair success.
The nubJeVt of Joining with other
jiullc 6rgfi)Uzulions in tho orcctlon
of a. suitable building and establish
ing a children's playground, to norvo
as n community nionuinont to tho
111011 who served during tho late- war,
was brought up and received connld
erablo discussion. Tho building an
planned would ho meant to servo as
a public mooting place, nud also for
(ho nccommndntlou of such organiza
tions as eubscrlho to Its erection and
maintenance. Among thenu, ns sug
gested to (Ho club, would bo the Post
of the American Legion, (ho Library
club, and tho Commercial club.
A gymnasium Is a feature of tho
structuro thut was suggested to the
club, an quarters for tho liurns
p u blfp library.
The Mothers club was given to un
derstand that lutluuntlal men aro in
toroHted In (ho proposition, and It
Is 1Ulto pritadblo that encouraging de
velopment may bo expected later.
Mrs. Daltou Glbba and Mrs. Win.
Gould are to. bo hostesses at thq next
mooting of tho club, at tho homo of
Mrs, Glbbs.
Governor Outlines lluMno.n fo- liv
, makers, lint Does Not 1'liue Any
Hcht riot loan.
Formal call for tho convening of
the stato legislature in special pohhIou
In Salem on .Monday, January 12. at
10:30 o'clock, was Issued by Gover
nor Olcott Saturday.
Tho call sots forth live questions
for consideration by this session, as
Workmen's compniisaton, soldiers'
educational llnuuclal aid, tho restor
ation of capltul punishment, legisla
tion supplementing tho constitutional
provision for statu guarantee of in
terest on Irrigation bonds and ratifi
cation of tho foderal aniondment
granting suffrago to women. No re
strictions aro placed on tho legisla
tors as to the consideration of other
quoHtloiiB or ns to tho length of time
to bo. consumed by tho session,
Orpgon Dally Journal.
Where to Find News
Kills over 200 rabbits,
Splendid program Christmas Evo.
Uums to bo nlrplano baso.
Slzo of stato shown.
Mouumont for service men.
Fiye 'questmi'iB for legislature.
14tl censuii biggest ever.
Slx'iljnes a week mall.
Fnley "canned,"
Start savings department.
Solution of labor problem,
More king ire coming. 1
Peealmst. Spasms. ; ' '
Tli 6ft t re News
Scientific distribution of farm pro
Anti-rabbit plans. '
When tho giant stira.
Tho Groon Ribbon.
Good old American stock,
Now Irrigation petition,.
Something to do,
TTiniA Onrnnt Ylfimn nn
vw.ciasaitiod. ' T
Local happenings.
Canvass Made During Next
Information Gathered Is for
General Statistical Purposes
Only and Will Be Kept
Tho Fourteenth Decennial Census,
to which President Wilson han called
tho attention of tho nation In hla
proclamation, Is to bo tho htggeat,
host and most complete constm or the
United State ever taken If tho plank
of the Census Bureau do not go awry.
Supervisor of tho Coiibub W. A.
Torrall, of Wasco, Oregon, haa an
nounced that everything will soon ba
In readiness to begin tho cunvasnlBg'
campaign that during tho mouth ot
January, 1020, will cover ovory aa
nion, every cottagu aniT ovory hut ia
the Second district. Two hundred:
thirty-eight enumerators will ho on
gaged In making the count. Every
person will be enumerated and inn
names, ages, birthplaces and occupa
tions of all will bo sot down mid for
warded to Washington. ,
Many other questions concerning
home tonuro, cltlzonshlp, marlUl
status, literacy, box, color and race
aro contained In (ho population
schedulo which tho onuniorotors will
11)1 out from tho answers given Uioel,
Farm Questions Important
Fanners also will bo askod the
questions contained in tho ugricul
turn schedulo relating to tholr farniH.
Theso questions cover farm tonuro,
farm produrU. vuluu of fa.nn laud?,
buildings, implements and improve
ments, Hold crops, gnrdon product,
farm expenses, live stock, poultry,
bees, dairy products, improved nnd
unimproved laud, farm dralnago and
Irrigation in fact, all phason of the
farming Industry aro covorcd.
Questions as to telephones and
olectrlc lights, gas and water nlanta
also aro Included In the group of In
quiries which fall under tho general
heading of "farm facilities," the pur
pose of tho government in collecting
Information of this character bolng
to show tho modern improvements
Installed on farms during tho past
Information Confidential
Tho information gathorod in the
coiibub is for general statistical pur
pose cannot bo used iui a basis for tax
ation, 'Ndr can such Information ba
used to harm any person In any way.
This Is pointed out in tho president's
As a matter of fact, tho Idontlty oC
individuals is lost as soon an tho
fllled-out schedules aro received at
Washington, For upon reaching
thoro tho Information la transferred
,from tho shoots to cards. ThlB is
dono by machinery and uamoa are
discarded entirely. Moroovor, ovory
person connected with tho taking of
the consua la prohibited by. Fodoial
law from divulging any Information,
given thorn in tho porf ormanco . of 1
their duties.
To Find Most
Economical Feeds
Finding tho mpst economical com
mercial feeds for farm llvostock nnd
poultry la tho big Job to which a statu
wldo conforonco of farmers, colloga
and fodorul ofllcora and mixed food
manufacturers Now Year's day ut
Furmors' Weolc. Production, stor
ago and feeding forago under Oregon
conditions will bo glvon , attohtloa
throughout tho avooIc,
0 7
Mr. and Mrs. Frod Otloy wpxq .up
from tholr homo on tho Itilto (bo'Coro
part of this weolc. Thoy Voro up Mo
consult a .-phwiJoioH on tfccojmt
Mr. Otlcy's hoTtlth,
u, -no is Invited to bo present.
v ;