i 1 X I 'K si Tho TlmciHcrnld goes -regularly (o inoro homes in Har ney Comity. Hum imy otlicr newspaper. If you wish to reach tho people uso tlicso col umiH for your advertisement. The Tlnins-Ilcriild Is an Jd established friend of the poeple of Harney County where it has been a weekly visitor for thirty years, IV n Job department le ciultiieil to mtvo your n.di'. VOL. XXXIII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON DECEMBER 13, 1919 NO. 7 uOUNTY ROAD GRAVEL FROM BAKER POINT Allen Making Good Roads Near Town; Highway Work Held Up. Following the decision of tho stnto j-hwny people to abandon tho linker Hit gravel a ml tako the vulloy , ivol for thu highway, Mr. Allen, sub-contractor who N placing the ivel covcrli t; on tho grauo, took n ontrnct from tho county to gravel ' r miles 01 road from tho inter f lon of th liuio starting ohhI from '1 run for 11 distance of four tulluii. ililfl work lion been going forward f 11 short time am) much of It In ...I-.-. I t- . I - . 11 IMUif! IIUIII Jl ICA num. n .1111111 i to tho end of the dlstnnco con- Med for. Whon thin plcco of ( d Is completed to conneet with the .10 icnillliK iioriu 1 ruin im uujr will he tin additional pormnnciit I and or tnu sumo character an . on tho troot in Hums and the il k allng out 10 thu north. It I In first class roud. Mr. Allen htiH completed n contract Bruvel'i.g the road loading Into Ili'il A ranch from tho county I to thu ranch house. This Ih 0 1 1 r f'.m tho Ha mo gravel pit. o 36 Below Zero at Experiment Station h he thormomotorH have boon work I i, over limn in thin flection of the I untry during tho punt week. Out at tho Experiment Station it linn rout-lured ih low as 27 bulow. Hero l town It has registered an low ax II below at tho government elation at tho court houso. Tho cold snap h s covered tho entire country nml 1 'ople in tho largor cities of tho coast ml wostorn portion of tho northwest ' live Buffered ao they aro not In tho .ahlt o( experiencing such weather. lore wo don't mind It provided tlio uoodnllo Isn't too low. Lut night tho experiment station 1 'rmomoter registered 30 below una "1- government therinnmuter in tho "v wiih down to 23. ThU in thu 1 west reported 11 a long time. Doctors of Firm Seek New Fields Tho many persoual friends of Drs. J. Shelley Saurnian and Dr. llrunot reKret tho departure of these two ex cellent professional men from this community. Dr. Saurnian goes to South Amorlca whoro ho assumed a rc-ponslblo position in a hospital wi'ilo Dr. llrunot roturns to Now Ycrk to roHiimo his practice thero. Dr. 8aur:nan gave up his prncticb Ifrb with Dr. GrltlUU ut tho begin mi b of tho war and took his place a rosorvo In tlio nitvy whero ho did h part until tho armistice wns L iod when ho asked his discharge tlut bo might return homo and ro iume his private practlco. Upon re turning to tho Hold ho found tho work loo hard for him and he Induced Dr. llrunot, with whom ho was associ ated In tho navy, to join him hero during tho last summer. , The attractiveness of tho position la South Amorlca Induced Dr. Saur mm to consider it and as Dr. llrunot had practiced In a larger flold for merly and tho furthor fact that his .'family profor returning to tho city, h is arranging to closo his practlco h ro and Ioryo. 'T Saurnian has been in this bcc- for a conildernWe timo and dur I hi t period mado many warm per- 1 friends. Ho Is. a capable young nrofesslonnllv and his friends w ho will make good in his !';-(, flold of labor. Although Dr. met has been hero but a short 0 ho bus 'gained the high ostcom ot thoso with whom lie camo In con tdft and proven his ability aa a Miyslclun and surgeon. Many of his friends aro urging htm to stay. r 0 James Raycraft Buys Faulkner Residence Charles M., Faulkner disposed of his residence property the fore part of this week to James Raycraft, tho Tel ephone Line man. Mr. .Faulknor re cently purchased the Sault resldonco and moved IiIb family Into that and thoreforo bad his former homo for ale. Capt. Robt. Duncan and family occupy the house and Mr. Raycraft la consented to allow him to romaln thereuntil spring as Jim has his pres ent homo flxod for tho winter with his wood and supr'Iot'i t:.ie.ra ii willing to lot Capt. Duncan remain us housed aro scarco. ni n .1 , .,M ,,in,m As far as possible homo-grown foods t00rStl10 Tnffirt tJ hffhoriS omd bo utilized, al&qugh it is al Wizen, has boon confined to his Homo onuniitifil that coiiHideriiiilo 'or somo time, suffering from rhoum- Inoat oasentmi that couBtaernbio allsm. His frioiids aro pleased to continued on naco 4) note ho la bettor nt, this timo. (Oontinuou on pago ECONOMY IN BEEF PRODUCTION COMES FROM BETTER BLOOD Good Herd Bull Is First Step Toward Growing Better Calves. The use of nioro mid hotter pure bred r.iros Ih 11 dependable method of decreasing tho cohIs of rib roasts 11 ml bocfatonk, because cuttlo of bol ter blood ninku more economical and rapid g'llns thiui do their serub unecstored rivals. Uuylng a good herd bull U the llrHt step in growing better cnlvoH ut much loss cohI per pound.' In common or native cow herds, culvos Hired by purebred hulls WSIK'I O" " llVUrilKU UIJUUl l.ll pounds n head nioro when ono year old than youngsters of the same ago Mrcil uy t10 uvorUg0 ru 0f scrub bulls, and thoy will soil fur about 2 routs 11 pound more as Blockers nml feeder. Two-year-old steers sired by goud purebred bulls weigh on mi avoruito about SOU pounds a head more than steers parent ad by scrub bulls, mid sell for about 4 cants a pound more as Blockers and foodors. This difference In price of thu two chtsacH of calves and steers applies not simply to tho difference In weight but to tho total weight. For In stance, in the ensu of yearlings scrubs velgh about 300 pounds and sell for about 0 rents 11 pound, while grades ut tne samo ago wolKh about 425 l noumlH mid soil for 11 cents u pound. 1 t'NTwu-yenr-old scrubs wolgh about G25' pouii lu il head mid, valued at 8 cunts 1 a pound, will bring $ 12 11 polco, while gn:d" (fto(ual ugo wolgh about 72G pounds mid, nt 12 cunts a pound us miockers mid fooderu, bring 87. I Good Care For Hull j Tho bull should bo tho host cared' for Individual In tho herd. Not only should, ho have tho proper feed, but ho should nlso ho kept In a separate paddock or lot and should not havo thu freedom of the herd except dur-l Inn limited seasons of tho year. Uu! lo ,1 special lot can bo provided, soiub means of giving the bull oxer Use should be Uuviucd. Ni'U to th- bull tho cows merit can-1 ,1 i.tuint'on Ilreedlnc cows ui large, roomv, vigorous typo, possess Int strong cohstltutlon us Indicated by a wido, (loop conformation, with n good chest or heart capacity, stro'ig clean-cut muzzle, bright oyo, and alert but gontlo disposition should bo choson as foundation stock. Cowi of good quality, that prosper on limited feed rations, as indicated by their uniform tleshlng, loose, pliable aklu, glossy coat of hair, and, in gonoral, animals which are not coarse or rough in any respect, should bo selected for breeding puriiesos. Such cows usually produce sulllulont uulU to nourish their calves proporl. It should bo tho aim of ovory beef own er to soloct cows for tho breeding 1 herd which will. gradually nnd con slEtently Improve tho uvorugo of tho progcucy. At least theso aro tho recommendations of tho United Staton Department of Agriculture ab set forth In Farmers' Bulletin 107H, "Growing Ueof on tho Farm," winch has Just beou Issued, Thero aro threo gonoral systems of handling beef-breeding hordu, Ih re spect to whether beof, baby hoof, or dual-purposu operations are the ends sought. Tho straight beet syatom is primarily adapted to reglons'twhero pasturo is idoutlful and cheap, this syatom botng more widely followed In tho United States than either of tho other two. Tho baby-beef system Is a highly specialized lino and is peculiarly adapted to rogloim whero a plentiful supply of fattening toons, is grown together with sutllciont pasture for the summer maintenance of tho breeding herd and nursing culvos. At tho present time the L'onM IJj.t Is the region best adapted to llU sy8tom. although it Is practiced Tho dual-puiposo system is Allowed oxtenslvoly In many soml-dairy dis tricts. According to this plan all tho cows aro milked and the calves aro raised on skim milk ami supple mental foods. Often tho dual-pur-poso idea resolves Itself Into trying to mako dairy animals out of a strict ly beof brood. Dual-purpose calves, as a rule, do not possess tho beef typo characteristics of strictly beef bred calves, but when thoy are grown out and fattened properly thoy mako Yory satisfactory beef. Cut Feeds Costs to Limit When foods aro high in price the uso of cheap rations is especially de slrlblo for tho maintenance of the brooding horu. Cows raised for the production of calves only can he fed. very cheaply on silago and dry rough ages, combined with a small quunlty of protein-rich concentrates, although by tho substitution of leguminous hays, tho costly concentrate may bo omitted. Dual-purposo cows kept for dairy products as well as calves should receive feeds nearly Idontlcul with thoso provided for dairy cows. P. Pitts on Injunctions With profuse npologlos to W. Shakspeare. R. Kipling, Dean Collins, nnd others whose Jealously will no doubt 110 aroused by these lilting linos. I'eskyus IMtts has n homcstend location In Ilurney Valey, Kongo 32 K.. Klovatlon llout 4200. Tho Rxporlment Station Is close, and Old Pitts' visitation Always results in somo bright dissertation. "I see by Tho Times tho Herald as well Them laws and Injunction 'gainst tho II C of L Ain't lining no results nnd us common folks pay A bit more for llvln' day after day, Tho' they Injuucts the miners from goln' on sttrko, An' thoy go buck to work which thoy don't Beom to like. "That didn't holp, 'causa wo'ro payln' a prlco For conl by tho ton which I'm sartln s twlco As much as wo gave before thoy lnjunked. It seums to tne somehow wo'ro gottln' bunked. And now hero In Harney, Instead of a mall Six days a1 week, thoy try-weakly and fall. "This lujuuctlu' fashion inusta started with .booze, And only hist week we lnjuncted a cruise Of timber In Hurnoy, ho'h wo won't hftvtu give flout eight thousand bucks for tho crulsu. As I live When It co 111 os to Injuncilu' no one's nothln' on us Ask Cutnck, the crulsor, and hoar tho cuss cuss." Dropping his heels from their high nluvatlon On the side of the stovo as ho ceased his oration, Ho brushed off a tear of commiseration For tho poor county cruiser Had grounded 011 shoals of ACCIDENT CAUSES LOSS OF VALUABLE ANIMAL Last Sunday ns Claroncn Young wan approaching town on tho grade Just over tho hill with a load of wood, fotno boys catno by with a horse hitched to several hand sleds on which boys were riding. This fright ened tho team Clnronco was driving and thoy swerved off tho grade, up setting tho load of wood which fell in such n way as to pin' his younger brother Joo under tho seat. Tho boy was oxtrlcated without Injury hut tho team ran away with tho front wheels of tho wagon mid ono of tho mules was thrown down mid had Its leg broken. Tho aiilmul had to bo killed. 0 Christmas Eve at the Presbyterian Tho Proshytorlan church will cole brato Christmas In tho old fashioned way.. Old Santa Claus will appear with his pack on his back, through tho old-fashlonod flroplaco. A fino program is bolng prepared. Special music will bo ronderod. A good timo is promised nil the girls nnd boys. Spond tho evening nt the Presbyterian church.- At sovou o'clock Christmas Uvo. o C. II. Leonard loft for Portland this morning, going out by way of Ilond with Frank Dibblo. Mr. Lcon ard'goes down on somo legal business and will bo nbsont for u week or more. Hl; EMPTY STOCKING llt OUR MALL ) VW CHANGE FOR A "tfEAR jrrnc & -AUD ENOUGH TO PUY I m every qRAHD'Wie JFmssgb whoso wood navigation court regulation. Anon. j FEARED TRUCK DRIVER FROZEN ON FUEL TRIP Soma of tho trucks mado trips to tho mountnlim north of town Tues day to aid In bringing In fuel. Ono driver was missing on that night up on taking Inventory nt town mid it was fcarod ho had met with bad luck and might bo In danger of losing his 11 fo in tho cold, Tho next morning somo jot tho boys wont out to look for hlm.but ho had come In during tho night. r-o Into that ho didn't report. 0 Joo Wllkorson had the misfortune to hnVo his log broken yesterday. He was returning from tho hills with a load of.wo.od and was walking be side Ills wagon when tho team start ed to leave tho road. In attempt ing to reach tho linos he sllppod and fell milder tho wheel with tho result that both bonos In 0110 leg Wcro broken, Mr. Mathows happened along Just aftor nnd at once un hitched his own team from bis wagon arranged tho Injured man on a bob slod which ho wns trailing behind nnd brought him tb a doctor without delay. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clcrf nro guests at tho Hotel Lovons nt pres ent. Thoy havo turned thu Alvord runcb over to tho P. L. S. Co and suy thoy nro now looking for a homo, Tho P. L, S. Co. hns'leaspd tho ranch for a period of flvo years and thu Clerfs will make their homo olsewhero. For the present they will visit. o Hurt C. Jones, oocrotnry of the iluriirt Commercial club, left this morning for Portland where ho will visit with his family. EXAMiNAT ?NS GIVE r a Prrrcjfci nnrrvur rawa ARMY OR NAVY CHANCE Sinnott Can Send Annapolis Three and West Point Two. . Thero hns novor been a better chance for an eastern Oregon boy to win an appointment to West Point or Annnpolls than there will be this month, at tho competitive' examina tion btfltiK held for Congressman X. J. Sinnott by the U. S. Civil Service Commission on Deoember fifteenth In the following eight cities: llaker, Ilend, Klamath Falls, La Grande, I.akovicw, Ontario, Pendle ton and Tlie Dalles. Congressman Sinnott writes us that he will have an opportunity to designate from tho successful candi dates at this examination two endet shlps and four nltoruatoshlps for 1020 vacancies In the Military Acad omy and for tho Naval Acntlomy heLnrt k truck moved. Such Is life la will havo the designation of three nils country. Interesting but not lirliinlhula n nil MIliA tilfiml nlAd "liaaA' in iiiuiiram nuti kiiiv tiuui mtinit a nn doalgnatlniiM will be made on the basis of the grndos made In the com petitive examinations held ut the postoltlce In the elalit cities named boglnultig at 0 o'clock A. M. Decem ber ICth. Thoso who compete for the Mili tary Academy will be examined In the following suhjocts: Algebra: Covering ground of first yoar high fchool Alxabra. Qooiiietry: Covered by first live books of Wotitworth of Hills Plane mid Solid Geometry. Urammiir and Composition: Cover ed by eighth grado grammar school work, also composition of ono bun- droil words on one of the two given subjects. United States History: Covored by eighth grado school histories, such as Harnos, Montgomery or similar worku aencrnl History: Covered by any high school history, such ns Myers, Swlutou, Uarnes. or similar works, Including Ancient, .Medieval mid Mod ern History, mid English History from lOiiO to 1800. Candidates for tho Naval Academy will bo quoHtlonod on Algebra. Oeom otry. (Irumiiiur and Composition nnd United States History, as above, and In addition on the two following sub jects: Geography: Covered by any eighth grade school geography. Arithmetic: Covered by any olghth grade school arithmetic. Problems in fractious, decimals, mensuration, percentage, Interest and proportion. Timo allowed for Military Acad emy examination ZYj hours, for Naval Academy CVa hours, or for combined examinations 7 hours. 0 Postmaster Gould Has Resigned The Times-Herald loams that Mr. ind Mrs. V. V. (luuld sent in their resignation and the poAtmnitorehlp for Iturus is open for u now pnt master. Mr. Gould informed (his paper that thoy had nskad to bo re lieved as soon as possible. Under late rulings a successor must tako a civil service examination as the old rulo of appointment doos not apply to this olllce. it Is a hard posi tion to fill and requires not only clerical ability but physical as well and long hours. o Claud Mclvln, a wood hauler, had his feet frozen yesterday while coralgn down from the hills with u load of wood. o Where to Find News l'AQB ONE' Cmiiiiv ru id has Baker travel. Juiuf- Kur.ift buv Faulkner hom. I'. J'iiu on iiijuititiou. '.a u itirni ri-iutuI oer northwest, lOcuaoniy in beef preUuetiou. aii below ut station. Christmas ovo at Proshytorlan. Accident causes loss. Rouusevelle gets postolllco lease. Find economical feeds, Feared truck drtvor frozen. Examinations for army or navy. Postmaster resigns. Entertain frleud on anniversary. Fred Iseuhagen dead, Dr, Geary roturns. PAGE TWO Iron heol in peace. Progress in Harney. PAGE THREE Theatre News Loaves, .fishes and turkeys. AuQthor day of miracles; PAGE FOUR Highway contractor hus our grati tude. Peaco at last. Teachers examinations. PAGE FIVE Tho Green Ribbon, Wise and otherwise PAGE SIX Now irrlgatlou potttlon. Another Jog ahead. Sermonetto for today. PAGE, SEVKNT Home Sweet Hanio cartoon. Legals and classltled. PAGE EIGHT Locul happonings. SNOW STORM GENERAL OVER NORTHWEST Portland Reported to Have IS Inches of Snow; Ties Up Traffic. According to telegraph c Inform Hmt 1nt Wdfltlaailnv flit, rananl anVt storm wan general all over the north west. Portland was reported with IS inches of snow and struct ear trnlflc puralyawd. What few train the late fuel restrictions will nertBlt to run have been stalled and late. .Mall service supposed to bo thrift times n woek for we fortunate pe pie living In Harney county Ha been Just whon wo could get il. N'o attempt has been made to confertn to any schedule so far as one can see. but Just go "catch us catch can" very agreeable. However, we havo plenty of hay for the stock and no one objects to the enow ae.it means more molatar next season. The fuel queation I serious one, though, as tone art very "shy" of the necessary wbre with to keep fires going. o Rounsevelle Gets Postofficc Lease Information ha been rovud bf the Burns post office that tb' "pli cation or hid of J. R. Ronneevell U house the pott niHce ha been accept ed. It requires 11 room II by 7 ftei, with such equipment us Is neeeawirf and the Uasu eovers ten years front March 4, the rate being $63 por year. Mr. Rounsevelle has men at work 011 his. building between John Gem berllng's mid no Odd Fellow bnlM lng- but pre-ni weathr coudltloni are unfavorable to rapid work and h is liundlcappeil. . o Entertain Friend on Anniversary Dr. nnd Mrs. J. Shelley Saurmaa entertained Miss Helen Parlugtoit nnd some of her friends at a COO purty Tuesday night. The aaonsloH wns ono of tho young ludy's anniver saries. First prlzo wlunors were MUrt Helen Anderon ami Don M. Taylor. Other guests were Mrs. K. K. PurlnR ton. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Holland. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. llrunot, Mr. and Mre. A. C. Welcome. Miutw Kdith Xaino, Mnrauret Whealdon. Hazel Frees. I.lbble Krichesky. Iona Thouiaoa. LteUt Kcll. Evelyn Uyrd. and Mew. c. E. niiinmn. t . l nana, mn Tar tier. Em-. ' owle. Leonard Loi htr and P. A. Feesler. Alter irds a delicious luncheou wa kerved. Fred Isenhagen Died at Ontario Hospital Fred Isonhngon died nt tho hos pital out at Ontario tho latter part of last month. This Information was brought to Tho Times-Herald tht week by Van Embroo. Mr. Uonha gen and his wlfo camo here last sum mer from Dallns,' having traded for a. farm in the Sunsot section. Thoy established their home there at. 1 stayed during the summer but tr tirst of November they accopu l . portion w.'h the P. L. S. ro t 1.11. fliari 01' I lie UiuiU ruiuii .' i . li.ul heea tun .1 hirt 1 '1 tore Freds hu.'.UIl f..llil ' htarted for i'ortland aftor .irr . for the euro of thulr things stopped ai Ontario where he'ni.ii'"" wont au operation and died inter. l)u wife has gone to Salem where her parents reside. o - Dr. Geary Returns from Portland Trip Dr. J. W. Geary arrived ho'nd Tuesday from Portland whero ho had been for a short visit with hlu family. Ho said things woro tightening up not only on curtailment of train ser vlco but also on food. Certain re strictions wero practiced in Portland as to tho amount of certain article of food 0110 could purchaso nt one time. Dr. Geary was pleased to note tho attitude of tho citizens of thi seclon' toward the irrigation project upon his return homo and hopes to seo it go through to a succeiuitul sol ution. It will. 0 Lloyd Johnson came up fi,'i Hi' ranch at Lawen yosfardav t.i in , soma hoof and othor nurpu-v 1 1 tho family. 'Tr goes !: k day to fetid uis stock. 1 j tho irrigation dUtrict 1' f.lnu go this time ..etl Ik rnd " iu , ' bora will profit by u