TAOIJ TUN in i, T I JW K S It K K A Ii n R V n N S H A, ft N Y C O If N,T V , O tt K 0 O 1 ftttttinJuy, Pikn niln i A3 Iir JT JLVUJL.A - To riiider. attractive tfr ptople som ' thing, that a man cannot drive, smoke eat or dress his wife in. i But, believe us, if you once get the SAVING HABIT, four figures in a bank book will look more enticing than a little wire-wheeled Sedan or an unnecessary trip. A LITTLE MONEY put in a SAV . INGS ACCOUNT is not a talent hid in a napkin. It is earning all the time; like 1 heart beats its work goes on t whfjtyty sleeps and even Sundays the capital is grow ing larger and nobody complains of broken laws or long hours when its Money that's Working Make Your Start Right Now ! We will be glad to do our part and give you FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST ON YOUR SAVINGS First National Bank Burns, Oregon UAL LOCAL ' PEIWGS Adam George wan up from Luwcn during the week. W. B. Johnnon was over tram hln Silver Creek home during the week. J. W. McCulloch camo In from Ontnrlo today to Join Capt. R, M. Duncan In noma legal work on which t ho firm lit etigHgod. Peter Chrlntenunn a n 1 Honry (Inorgn worn among our vWltorn from Foreman Judd WIho, of tho P Hunch, tho l-iiwuti neighborhood during the The hoy'H leg had been broken below week. the kni'o by u horae fulling with him. Jerry Dillon wan up from the Lawen neighborhood the fore purt of thin week. Jenntncn Caldwell wan lirnuehl tn the- King honplttil Innt Monday by Will Kolcohbock wits grootlnR hlu friends In town tho olbor day. lUll Cutterson took In the slfchts of this city one day thin week. fc nmtaStn uanp X3 Jtio o? JU))(t' SROUW MUM RAU 'K '1 ' JttKiea Trospsr of Catlow Sh kt tliu, Kinge ROKpuai, recovering irora n Her'ala operation. " It. J. Williams nd bin ftona, fisrry and Kdgar, tho latter accompanied by hln wlfo, woro over from their Silver Creek homo Iat Sundny. Tho ChrlHtroM entortalnmont at tho Prenbytorlan church will bo rcn dnrud on Wodnvudny ovenng, Deo. 24. Tho program 1h bolng worked out and Hantn Olaua nnd tho old (Ire plnco will be n part of It. V. P. Wrny, of Wniy'n Stage, wbh In from Mend Thursday night and remained over yesterday. Mr, Wray In not making regular trip acrons from Hand nt prcfont but contus when he nan niinlelont load (o Justify utid will continue thin until tho roadH aro such ho cannot get through. Tito Mothers club Chrlntmna nalu will bo hold ut tho Commercial club rooino on next Saturday, Dec. 13, afternoon nnd uvenlng. It Include rooked fvK hand nitulo gifts mid t'lirlKtmu'i decoration, dr. A renl llvo Suntn iMauH will bo t fouturu of thin kiiIm. ' f. f). It.-fd nid Mr. Mm. Al bert Myor. of Drwo? wre titnong our vlnltora this week. ArllH Hood formerly r.-Aldft'd In thl "ty, being n on of Kohort ltecd of Jmittirii, lie In now ur.gnged In the barber bunl iioji) ut tin way. Some aiiow una falluii during tin imH few t'aya and tho woilhur ban been quite cold, tliu thermorneter re- .Literlng uh low n o bolow rtro. They limlitt on lelllng u.i thul wu Amcr ratiM aro a dying nice. It may bo true, brother, It may bo true, but the r.Uo of our grocery bill myt no, HER FIRST MOVIE IS DAD'S FAMOUS STORY ONLY 21 More My h. n , contiderinK ftuuAble ChriiimaH Gifts tor your wives, & mothers, daughters, sitters, sweethearts, come to this store and inspect the line of exceptional values 8 s y5 SILK SWEATERS, 5 5i SILK BLOOMERS, 2 STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Harney County National Bai November, 19X9, RESOURCES Loans and Discoi?nts Bonds and Securities - United States Bonds - Furniture and Fixtures 1 ;,f- t- Real state Owned - -. . . - Stock in Federal Reserve Bank; :- neuempiion runu Cash and Exchange r1 ,':. $ 856)9 1, 2,S 314, i Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits, National Currency' LIABILITIES 3842; $ Other Liabilities SILK STOCKINGS, DeiHHits- ETC., ETC. y Wl' M 1 Iliirrv mid Mm. Hmllli tnnlr llmlr .Mnrricii.Montiay, ni mo i.oronn ho dopiirlure thl-i weok for I'ortlund in f tol, Chnrle h. Horh mid Miss Mubot their Kord Bedim, the objert bolnif to I gratiincr. Kuv H. S. Ihinlies of Ii attend a convention of tho Pup' iToanyiorinn enurrii ijerrormtiij; tho )f?(nt nil ovi-r IiiIh terrllorv. Hnrr ceremony. Uoih nre roMdont of the koeim rlsht In touch with the nfrulni Drowney country where Mr. IIohh In of the Ford orKMilzutlon itud there nn employe of the P. h, H. Co. Ills fore the UtiniH finniRo U In h position hrldo wh born nnd rained In that to kIvo ltd cliKtomerH the very InteHt vicinity. The TlmcH-Ilenild wlnhort In all HiImkh conuerllng with tho thorn a HUccedHful and happy life. IiumIiidxh. , FOUR-IN-HANDS KNIT CRAVATS GLOVES SPEAKING OF FAMILY "IES" , Jf the youngsters wear out Dad's why not trive him half a dozen new ones? I SUIT I I CASES I BOWS . DRESS CRAVATS SHIRTS tfiilliams-oglmann Clothing Company SOCKS MRS. E. F. SCHWARTZ & Masonic Uttildini; 0. '4 V, V. . , H ' I 'i h 26,C 10,9 2,12 728,; $812; ) STATES DEPOSITARY OREGON STATE DEPOSITARY ACCOUNTS INVITED Her daddy a-srl oellt and draaatut, hsr nether a raMoua atrsafl, thta llttje mlM, Hopo Davis, will im kr flrst aovle and (etlllht eatarUlaneat or her alrtaday. She la the daitgh tsr f the late Ktchard llardlns Davta; kfir nether balsg Keaale McCoy oh the atase. Neither or Hope' parents believed la the ole for kiddles. Hbo will aet, "Holdlom of Kortune." her father's at and greatest picture, PAID LOOAUS. Keep Prosperity at Honie this Christmas. Sports in the Snow GET THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT We have the goods for all kinds of sports if it is to your liking to get the benefit nature provides fori, you in the great climate of winter by tho vigorous exercise needed atrthat time. SPORTING GOODS Steel and wood runner sleds and skates are on sale here at the lowest possible prices consistent with fche; quality you demand. Our goods are guaranteed ,and their service will please you. H. i OEGTIaY K; , ; "The Hardware Man" . "V v ' . w Now (lirlilnniH iiovelthiH for ladloti and children arriving dully at Mr. K. F. Hchwartz'H nlore. Whet) Hluk ko to KIiir'h hoHpllal. ItoMt (Miitpped HurKery In tho Interior mill Kradualo uuro In charge. ll-22lf. Order your fruit when for ThnnhM' kIvIiir and I he holldayn now, Call ut Pago's Sweet Shop and cample them. ll-l fill; jlltHf NATION A I, HANK iW IfuaNH. CAmrM, and Hrari.uri jlO0,fW. "IIK HANK rMAI VIAKKH Vdt'U at f HAI'::." iCCKItlNTN 1NVITK1). The nurun 0rwj; has ordered five uddltlonul nelco'Msht plant a for local distribution. It you contem plate tho purchase of your own light ing plant, pee the Hums Oarage he fore tboy are all takes. Adv. tf Patlenta receive tho heyt of care at the Flrcovcd Maternity Hospital, flip 3 l-'IUHT NATIONAL HANK OF HUUNH. CAPITA l AND HtlllPI-UH SIOO.OOO. -TIIK HANK THAT MAKKH YOUH f f ACCOUNTS INVITKH. REDUCTION on ALL MADE-UP Millinery Some good Values are shown which will be of interest to patrons Mrs. Lelah Ijiijla At ,the Schwartz Store TLB r HLHBtai WPggagfedBJ ' -GAMES le,' DOLLS Py-ra-lin Ivory Ladies' Manicure -Seti Stationery Victor and Edison Phonographi a REED BROTHERS Headquarters for ii S5 T- We Court Public Opinion ON PRICE AND QUALITY OF GROCERIES We published our business on the principle of being fair with our customei-s, giving them full value for the mone ythey leave with us. t We have continued that policy throughout the years we have been serving you, and we are pursuing it more persistently tyan ever in this exasperating era of price inflation today, In our .efforts to keep prices as near normal as possible we are selling 'at a closer margin of profit than ever before. But wq NEVEK, Jbwer the standard of our goods. age. On this high plane of commercially we solicit your patron- We take LIBERTY BONDS AT PAR IN EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE Farmers Exchange Burns, Oregibn i " ;v ' .JATE FRANKLIN, Manager A, OTTINGEH, -Proprietor -; -r See the choice line of Monogram Stationery at this of , I; it