in 'WTO The Tlmwllcrnltl Koe r WoM . j... i . i w- . .iv Olio tlBIOS'IIorAld Ifl JM V ulariy to ihwi!uu y s'.'mct. ' established friend of tW yiigi f..i,t' than Mir ntlta . ' ,. Ji,iViji k 'at HHrncy County vrh4Hrtowf been ; weekly victor fMirtip 'yearn. ' K'ii job dcyartoiinW quipped to MYve joiw a fcjhin. Jt .uA I.. . TL"I, ITBfl ...ii iho neonfo fur TOW VOL. XXXIII 'URN5. HARNEY COUNTY, ORIGOf, DECEMBER f , ltlf Plans Meet Unan imous Approval MNERS HAVE CONTROL Present Petition, Including Practically Same Territory ns "Big District' Has Over 70 Signers. T . ' gallon district plan hub mic 1 1 tho meeting of several clt! tfvt a 'he Commercial Club lust .pk mot wlih such unanimous apprc ill mat ii iookb mam iKTurauiu. -jj, vt (lie petition Jw pub- J. , 'Mr i-'xic wmi tne nnracn f - 7' ir. j:ao lent1 owners ittaiNI "hows It lt atcepted byl Kactitaliy every inamuuai .resiuoni .im- lunil within tbti boundary. Uses. In (net 0D8 who ate not In. ex-' wt.od their desire to come in ana, pttltlons arc la coarae of 'prepare ties to iernalt this. Tbe organisation of as Irri ..llnn it iHtrlct In n to Uf people of this section and sot etirely unaersioea mm Herald, therefore, discussed the sub Jk with Capt. Koht. M. Duncan, one f the attorneys active, iti tbe forma Un of the propoMMl elfartrict, la order ttat It mlfcht present the method of edure'lhat lin reaer may uii hnw It Iii arouaat about, tno Mftsuards to 'the land ownern and their absolute control of tho district. The present petHlon for an Irriga tion tllBtrlct, which", by-tho way, MTcrs prnctlcnlly tho sarao territory m that embodied In ha former "BIr Dltrlct," of last winter, except oow'e kmln bordt-rlnK tho lake and Includ- tor ome in tho Potter Swaran get-i Hon, Is stoned by practically nil thV bind awnertf within tho boundary. H vlll l 1 reenteil to tho county coijn i tirnvittinn Ih niudo hecHtise tliero U no way or excluding land that lias bcn lukeu in. Sorau of tho land in tho neighbor hood of tho lako and below Lawen was noi inciuaoa in tno psuiiun u huso of tliero being some objection to tho former petition which included Ihwe hinds, therefore they were loft t. A public mooting was held at Lawcii Wednesday at which several ( the land owners of that couitnun Hr s'Kiiod tho petition and othorH who woro not included expressed u Ml express.. ; 4eMn to coma in. tii onccoHsary eiln to co mo In. setilloiiH nre bolng preparoil at urn, .m i" ihuku Mn w 'v. ; Upon favorable action of the court ' . iiiAua lniuiu in iui inniiKii u. uti... nniitinn ot thu January term .hVirwlit order an election after Ire wt'oka notice. Three directors tre to bo, elected. "An excellent feature of this pro owd district," Hiild Captain Duncan In discussing t, "Is tho ract mat Oft of tho pettlon slgnera agree there Hhnll bo a board of live com aUalonors from among tho laud owners. In addition to and working with the three directors. This board kUIih all (juestloiiH of assessments iialnst lands In the district', deter mine the price to be puld for. liny had for reservoir site or water right wcesKary to iho projavt. "This board of commissioners will iho pans upon all other nacwtsary fturMi of the project, Buch.nn the lcatlon of reservoir altos, eaaal Nations and like matters. These ladings will be submitted to the ilrectors who shall adot tho rccom radutlons and make them legal. This step Is prompted by the ex Xrhinte In other such organlzotione whftrln a small board of directors have been arbitrary In their actloua nd liuvo incurred dobti that might RlVn i all 'M- UIMIII IIIUIUBU) I nm. r.t ,i... ii, ui hn ilnnn hv udi u board will bo tho preliminary Driirf.p-.tlm.u nt nrimiilztttlnil. ABCOr- I talnlnL- nuriiiiinrv rllltn BllOUKI IHH cost to exceed a Hmall amount per (Contnuod on pago 7.) o Iry- Weakly Mail Service Willi reunion to uio county co. r , doHlrable production i.nd t th riKulnr January tonn nnd tft J J" aun, Ut,g bred Into thorn be that ino thOho 6wnlnp nd adjojtlr.! " y cwn,n,t, UH rammer JnR t.. loundar os of th PropoiMd . f Ji 3olMo o thw,t. pro dUtri nmy bo Included upon their m w, ,H cglll,,iercd lit FrnmorH" filiation without additional cost. Jj; 2J--Janurtry . Thl tirnvl nil H mtltlo heCHUKU t iero. WBUn i-."'-, lh ..L-nnt at Crano tolopliono.nsurpriso.i at " " - tin aften.oon tho announcement Uk, tra.n service on the. Crano line u'kii . .1 i... .... m.t 1 1 rrw inn iiri'MiniL Oil ivt'H IJiirni a trl-weoHly ", . i.. . n o or coai HiinriuKu. , - kot BUor waH onJoyort - train will como UP to Orano , . nolh,JOrH imd brciiKlit woll ...lay. Wednesday and Friday, i J" mU'oit f "eftts." A fontm-o (or Ontario on Tuontlay.- 'Y'u"0 .i,. Vuh th.a p.r.cndiioo of Mr. i mill t-ln ii ri! ii V. I . n nm.nuMiMi "i'lm rnnnntlv i I in ikiiiit unit !" p-.t I I err bi iy- i i , tho tlnio to niako a Brojitor- . r a uiuiy limn sor.yico wujm JAMES LAMBHIRE BUYS MAIN STREET CORNER Irrtthtwn to Establish Grag on Site When Weather ' Permits. .p. 9 A ' f in 'T.tirrAntihlrn la M$Vl(44$Xif?ot the.ljrh'H comtir rornirly- ')tuoWn" na the Goo. Fry vornor, vilViy occtipiun ny uiu late Trlbur.e. . Mr;. LiMnpRhlro purchiiKod tho brick 'hulldlng on theoorilor, und nUo tho L't-ttntw) iYf nu1lfip- thn Mitli'n dlNtnncii back to th6 jnext at reel, wh'lcji bIvqs hi in quita n jot or grotuni. A 'I'lirt T liimn.llnrnlrl m nil n Inmilrv as o his intentions In tho future anil . iiir.-'L.niiiimiurv'niiiii uu viiiiii;uiiiiiii;i establlshiiiK hl& nragc ..buDlneBi, .on this, ilte finally WiVy'iV present ho would riot bepln any 'Iniiirovcmeiita, bucause of unsettled wo'nth'er condlr XlOtlfl. This js ontf of the nioit attractive buslnenH cornlTH In town and will provo il t;ood Invettibont i'or the pur chafer. ' ' o Smut Wheat Foui From J 5 to 20 smut resistant Tar letles of wheal have been discovered, .bred out or selected 'but, reports H. M. Woolmcn, federal Inventlgator of Mruil rflanaA. wkn Is locatod With 'the department of botany and plant pathology at tho orogon Agricultural college. Although theo wheats are called "highly resistant" to bunt or stlnklntr smut, much yet remains to he dono In solving the smut problem. 8om of the varieties are In small (inanities and several years mum elapse before they can be sufficiently multiplied to help much. Many of Mm rivilHiimt n ml In) mil no ntralilH Farmers Short Course ob Advertisiig Receives Widespread Attention OltnGON AOUICUIrfUAL COI i.vfiK. rrinVALLIB. Doc. 2, With r;." lho ,. .. ,t0 t.IOHor V,:,... ,i.v homo nowsna- -"7, -"r " .": ,, ulnK adver- - . . .. 4n fa Till nrOilUCH. lO UO H-nicta "V,'"":r",' ",,,. '...i Jy n Wm attention by tho fflnners, mid valu ublo -support by tho newspapers ot lho state. "Tho valuo to the farmer of theso discussions on advertising cannot bo emphasized too strongly," says Hom er I, lloberts, a former news wrltor for weekly papers In eastern Oregon, and now an industrial Journalism student at O. A. C. "Advertslng columns of the home newspaper open a way to cheaper and quicker market facilities. The coun try press Is the farmer's traveling salesman. It will sell his alfalfa or clever seed ami grains. I have knew et a farmer who had an 'Improved steal ef wheat that he wished te introduce to hlet neighbors, fie ad vertised. The eupply was eahausted after the Urst appearance of hi ad." r'ruit growers will flad thU eeurse ef practical value In obtaining a aulck and seasonable market, Mr. Roberta predicts. He has seen tho plan worked out In the Brogan peach and apple section in Malheur eounty, The producer advertises his prices III1U lllw " ' ' ..n. l.rvn nhnro of tho cron and the Hme the, iruii win o rwuuy, j bis own neighborhood. The man ...l.n unlla mirobrod livestock Will learn the advantages tho nowspaper offers in placing him in touch with the buyer ho wants to moot. The art of wrltlnp; advertisements that sell, tho preparation, of copy for tho press, and many other points of practical interest (o tho advertising farmer, will bo oxplalned byC. J. Mcintosh of tho dopartmont of Indus trial Journalism. A Himi'lllHH PAUTV Mr. and Mrs. U. D, IJakor woro river Tliursnay K m. v..u.. . company o. nm B . - . - iiiunn .' - dancing and muslo midnight 'digiioiied of tholf faipi'-'JiiU iWluh- .'-.J..-,.,! .....I lin .Wfirn 1)11 lllO OVO Of iiunn'V" i , r. v .... ! I II., .It. ll . I ...1 milt n 11111 II itfllio i-wntor. , It ljrovod a itrawoll .lit ll.n' Tf nvtivilllliu. ' ' ' . MOOSE DANCE DECEMBER 20 Tho' Loyal Order Of -Moose Lodge No. 1228 held tbelr regular meeting, Monday evening December 1st, 1919. Tho Moose have plunad to have a. nodal Invitational dance at tho Tonrt wama Hall at burns, Oregon the night of Saturday, Decqmbor 20th nnd are extending an Invitation to all members and their friends. An elab orate poultry supper will ho served tho evening of tho dance and every body Is assured of n good Utile. .Monthly Htnokord and athetotic evontH will bo a feature of the Mo.oho during tho winter months and good, clean, sportnianllUo piiHtlines offered tho people 6 Harney County. Later Announcements will bo made for thts onter'nlnment. The next mooting of tho Mooao Lodg" will Thke plate at their Hull In Uuriis. Monday evening Decomber mill. 1010. All rtioriiherx and for nier meinbora, also visitors are In-' vltcd to attend to propare for the J goodt time regularly assured during the winter months. 1 tit . rj 1 i ireStern KCClaroatlOn - i r.nM.J ASSOCIdliOl rONKf lB I L ru. vaunt ,iav vn Tho Western Reclamation Associa tion has been organized as a result of the Conference held November 21 and 22 at Salt Lake City. Repres entatives from -thirteen of the reclam ation states were present at ho Con ference which was called for ho pur poso of crystallizing sentiment In tho Western 8tates Iri faVor of somo dc 'flnlto plan of furthering Federal Re clamation. Tho Association decldod to request ot Congress an appropria tion of $2C0, 000,000 to replenish tho reclamation fund, Provision was made for an executive committee composed of one member from each Slato to carry out the recommenda tions of the association. State Kn ghicer Percy A. Cupper was elected a h executive committeeman from Ore gon. The first mooting of tho executive committee wan held In Ball Lake City following thu Conference, and It Is proponed to hold the next mooting In Washington D. C. soon after Uio con vening of Congress. It Is proposed to raise tho neces sary funds for carrying on the cam paign by voluntary subscription, Ore gon's allotment Is $.1,000. Tho im portance of this movement to Oregon can hardly he ovoroHtlritntod. Any substantial addition to thu U. 8. Re clamation fund will not only permit of additional construction work by thu Reclamation Service, hut will also greatly Htlmulate Irrigation un der tho Irrigation district plan, which Is proving so Hiicr-ossfiil'lu Oregon. It Is holloved that tho movement will rorelvo the aupport of every Irriga tion and (fraiiuigo enterprise In tho Slato, on account of Its fur roachlug effect. liven though a project may not bo In a position to directly re colvo fedora) aid, the fact that thu Reclamation Service Ih In the fluid CUM! STUFF? ;7 i i LIBRARY CLUB HAS SEAL SALE Tho Hod .Cross Christmas peal'sale will bo conducted by thn ladles of tho Llbrury clu'b. Tho dccjslon to aid In tho fight against tuberculosis was mndo aCtho regular bl-woekly meet. lug of the club last 8alurdiiPqM tho mcmnors wore ciitertainou at tno home of Mrs. Warren M. Suttori, Mm. Sutton and Mra, Nato Franklin woro Joint hostesses for tho day, entertain ing with a' Japanese program. .Mrs, J, flliolloy Biuirnmii, Mrs. Sut ton, and Miss 'Helen I'urlngtoii wero glyoir direct cllarge of tho salo iiitl will have hboths In the Scliwart? nloro aJid Hoed IlrotherH drug storo every afternoon next week. Tho a'Ie lias already started, art two days of this week were' given over to It. The next meeting of the club will hd held nt tho homo of Mrs. Nato Franklin on December lit, with Mrs Franklin and Mrs. Sutton again tho hostosauu. Mrs. II. 8. Hughes was 'made a member of tho club at Its hist meeting. will maku It much ousler for such projects to secure the 'necessary fin- . t . auce irom private sources, wo are undoubtedly entering upon an era of unprecedented development aleag the linos of irrigation and drainage, aa by putting up a united front will now bave an 'opportunity or greatly as vnnclng tho cause, It seems that an opportunity ia now being prosented whereby Oregon may bo able to secure her full share of federal development, particularly If the Irrigation interests xlve whole hearted support lb the movement In itiated by ho Wesern States' Reclam ation Association at tho Bait Lako City Conference. o Plan Rabbit Drive Sunday, Dec, 2Jst V 8. Illologlst K. . Horn rlnirco of tho rabbit poisoning cam rnlgit In this county, In forms this paper that tho people of tho Ryo (Jrtiss community propose n rabbit drive for Hundiiy, Dee. 21. With tho present snow and prospcctH for njorri. this should not only provo a lot of fun for those taking part, but also otloctlve In destroying a large num ber of rabbits. t In former yonrs tho rabbit drives have proven successful where thoy woro properly conducted mid whero the pooplo .took an active part. Mr. Horn Is here to glvo his serlo) atten tion to the iost ruction .of thesn pests, nnd whfio it Is expected tlit) poison ing method Is going to ho lho most effective, yet tho drives aro advocat ed by him as another moans of get ting rid of them. In addition to that phase of tho (mention, tho "drive will direct more attention to tho cam paign itiuf keep up Interest and on thiiHlasm, , o K. W, Purlngton arrived homo tho lattei4 part of last week from a trip to outside polntH. During his ab seiico ho visited In Pendleton and Portland. t UNIVERSAL GARAGE TO HAVE-NEW HOME SOON Buy 100x140 on. Main Street and Highway; Stone ' Building. .''A'Krumhoh, manngor of tho Universal unrnge announces tho pur chase by IiIb firm of tho 100x100 northeast corner nt tho Intersection Of Second street with tho highway. Captain A. V. Gowau wbb the former ownor of this slto, on which the gar age plans to erect a modern f Ire-mid frost-proof stone structure. Mr, Krumholz stntod that a stock company would ho formed and stock sold to department heads on a plnn that would call forth tho best efforts of every man. Tho garago firmly be lirvun nun inu iiiiiu nun luiiiu yvuuu Harney county Is going to advance mid take Its Mace In the agricultural lieves that tho time has como when world. 'We Jiavii faith In Harney county," said Krumtwlz, "Imjcuuso wo bcllovu no ono Is narrow enough to place anything III tho path of progress out lined by tho companies und tho peo ple." Contractors aro working on plana and specifications for the new build ing. Hauling stones for Its construc tion will start as soon aa possible o : - Sweet Shop in New Location C. C. Pago has moved his place of business across tho street to the Htono building of Mrs. Reed's, betwoon tho Reed grocery and the Masonic build ing. This was mndo necessary when James Lampshlro bought the bulld Ign In which this business was for merly housed. IiNv Mri 1,,IK0 1,0 1,1 n l,0f,,,,on lo 'nm. imt(or servo his customers In his now location as It gives him more room Whon he first onguged In huslnoss ho didn't have n bakery In connection, but this purl of his IiusIiiohh Iiiih, grown to such proportions that It required more attention. In his pres ent iuurters he can do this without interferlug;'wlth his sweet shop una fountain biiNincss. ' "' - Mm. Mildred McCnrmack and her brother were over from tholr homo noar tho head of Harney lako Thurs day. o County Enjoined from Paying for Cruise All InJitnctlOii Hiilt was. filed with Circuit Judge Dalton lllggs the fore part of tit Ik woek enjoining tho coun ty from paying for thu recent cruise of tlmhor made. This has caused considerable comment and iIIhuuhhIou from tho outset when thu contract was awarded. Tho writer does not, know enough jihout tho case to go Into details and hIiico It Ih In court prefers rerrnluliig from comment at this tlmo. Thu matter comes up for Ontario ou next Thursday, Dec. 11, when it will bo found whether temporary Injunction will hold or be dissolved. Where to Find News First Page Irrigation district plans approved. Tri-woekly mall service, Jitmes Lampshlro buys property. 8mut resistant wheat found. Farmers short courso on advertising. Surprise party. Moose dance Doc. 20, ' Western roclamatloi) association. Library cub hns(soal sale, Plan rabbit drive Sunday, Dec. 21. Sweet shop In new locution. County enjoined from paying crulso. 8uwm'lll men Interested In proBpocts. American Legion buttons nrrvo. Universal Oarage to havo now homo. Arthur Turner hurt. Second Pago Theatro Nows . a Third Pago Correspondence. . t Fourth Pago,.; Ktlftorial. liauk statement. Siirprlst) party. p, . Local and personal. Fifth PaVo ' : ' Local and personal. Living to eat. Hlxth Pago Now Irrigation petition. , tiovonth Pngo . More property changes hands County budget. Hllthth Pago Hank stutomaiit. t Buljodulo, of expenditure?? " ' ' .Ninth Page ClusfliriQd Ads.' LQgal Nows Tenth Page .Local Hiujlicnlnga. Sawmill Men Are Interested in Prospects BARNES BRINGS ASS0OATE Talk of Mill with 3QOAQOO - -. Feet 'Daily Capacity anal; Will Investigate More . Ne?ct Springs B. W. Rnrnes. the man wUte .fcms neon securing options on uiuiirtr te tho north and west of tlila v.Hs-.nuai . ,..!.. , , j. . , JflJf , ortland he d J SartlM? fJ &TSt Hall, of Chicago, one of the tm.-rr-fr:- tcrestcd In the cstnblUhmiutC C :u, vnw mill at Hums. The gentlemen uttenipledl .'trt into tbe timber regions in wbtafasiir were InlercKted but the snow ' deep to penetrate far in the tains, therefore an Inspection of the question. However, Mr.7UK announced to citizens of tatkcfkx-Mfiate bis company was Interested itH 2lar establishment of a mill and! nhPMikH Mr. Dames secure sufficient mHmm on suitable timber by sprlnc wliwn could return and inspect itu VLUm' would surely etablUtb.a Wit' vitK. with capacity of not leee vtha M(. 000 per day and-would' ematos w workmen that would maao -pailM?aa payroll for Burn. In aiUUMtai tan this, ho pointed, out it would, mummum increased population of the Uhnm. .ktwH more prosperous times. Mr. Hall was particularly jwwl with tho prospects for laaflMtl&tarif action In constructing a resernKfr-iArr irrigation purposes und feelH thwcitrj coming year will bo an epoch jfcj.ffjr- history of the big Harney county v.Htk much construction development. The gentleman wa,s given nftmr mice of the loyal support of cfre Jit& reus of thli city to his tuuIfHAttl-inv of the establishment of a saw nafll w It meaiix niucli to tho cotiuiiuntT, American Legforr Buttons Ai'tivc Attention, service monf Tfi Amoricun Legion buttons are. Kicsrii Tho secretary of tho PoHt wlW 3ro sell them at actual cost. TRi? "JVfttr. oven pays thu postage and Ininminra on thu package. ' Thoy nr JJ2tfcj beautleri,"uud every "buddhv" s'iCl'? glad to have one. Write to the secretary Htcntsy County Post- Number Slxty-Ttixv it you can't got in to neo him. . ALLEN IN CHARGE OF HIGHWAY WOJSK Capt. Morris, who haa- Btsi tm charge of the highway worir b eVwwu Hums nnd La won for Uw PudUas llridgo Co., the contractors,, wat: ceutly called to Portland' und 3tc tt. A, Allen, one of the sub-coalnKityaiinsu is now In charge of tai anttiw. wtiric. The chemist sent here by tfefuAuttct Highway Kigltteer hiade shm1m tlon of tho gravel for the tfMwny betweun this city and La wok matt'JuN ored tho valloy gravel, thererts Use Ht,oam shovel has been trHtMtani from the Kdwards place at lvr swum of tbe foot hills, to the pit awclta present operations on the grastitt. ' Mr. Allen will continue writfc Jtaa gravbl hauling contract. Arthur Turner Injured by Engfce Arthur Turner wns soverarjE- Eanila-. ed and had ono leg broken ihl awiut Ing by getting his clothing' eaoct iu tho bolt of a big gaa onglne Ut usum for watering stock at hlK'funu 1ucsA adjoining town. Tho uirfifsimt man wns alono at the tlmoorUwjic cldent and was rescued by Ufs wiOa accidentally going out of the Ovuti and hearing him groan. Ufo o's-atw had becoma' so ontangler In the lnult and fly wheel that it had LtupuKl ito engine, othorwlso ho weuhL VSHAy havo been killed. When fiuil tils clothing had been drnwM w sttpiiZ nhout.hls neck ho was suffucatllie It was necessary to cut the, clathvu. oxtricato him. At lltt it was raporjed he hr w ernl rlhfl brokop and wu here nnlly but upon bolng bvough tjto king hospital and oxamlnod n tho doctor the only honpn broku wwi!uv hla-log uour the, ankle, ' He i Ing moro froth sovero hnilHes hack, than from tho rraotur-. ' ever, . " puriy jui n " "