The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 29, 1919, Image 1

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Urly io more k&'mi& iCtj.;
Je, Comity than W
- M
L-irkiwDcr. ir yea wm m .-; fc
been' wee-titf Islie 'fjWairtr
ivtfti the people tkwtejfU ....v -mJia
for yoar adverkemMt. ''. : 'f
years.VK'e Job dcpsrtMMMat .It
equipped t mrre year m4
NO. .
. V ft'. . .an.- dt . .
. . . . 0 ,! ........ v
- 'J 1
The SIlvJos river IrrlRation protRkfekd 'pf n JrrlgnUon tlltiilrt
d Is K0lB o be constructed V,ithfaha t4dev.elopoAorit of n reservoir
furthor dolaV if Tiretent nlnDH Rltft-.nsaVfi Wo it nnw. -All Hn rnaV.
m to bollcvo they will mafurcK Th
.a n4iniM iuu iiuu lut'ic in Qfcii ion-
n..ifir t.lvn Htnck ComTianv and this
Wlilliini Hnnley .Company haVe come
eot ileflnltuly and stated they will
utdcrtako tho responalblllty if tho
Mopleof tho district are ready to go
lo with thorn. They are ready to
Wgln tho construction of the reer
ip mul couiDleta tka Mtlre syateai
of irrigation junt aa seen as an Irrl- ed tli&nV o.H successfully arid at u
ration district caa be jreperly formed inucVjesH cbst than'6thcr Conccpisi
and tbo organization in shape o do All 'his company, wants in au pppor
tlncsa. tunlty to prove Its cenccrjt'y and n
Ur. Ilanloy and Mr. 01am, the lat. ohuA te do its part In this i,i?Rort
tft tho local rcprwwitative, ef the P. nKBopra-;'' WB cpntr''
L " C3.. made these factt clear to a MrMOWen Hald the settlement' of tho
fathering rf men at 'the'Cofaerc!M ,rH had glyMnhe an oppor
cinb rooms In this city last .Wednes, intim do this.' He said we'shou d
toy forenoon. The, law had been bavj harmony us it in Hbolutuly
dUcloacd to a few InaivleUttls heforti heeiiwiry to the smcccsh of tho under
ke inectlng aad It u .aaggwle! taklhg we are .starting out with a
Ucn that tho matter he Ukea w with new lan"r ,ni1 and tb0 dcl,sr-
larccr number of the water usera atitoii to get somtwhere; a new
of thin community. - p ai'of penlng. up this big country
C. A. Swook opened the discussion -
t tho mooting oa Wednesday fore- , ?M geuUewan dlaeuued iMldent
Htntlnr It wan the object of ally the plan of disposing tae- Janus
Sow prcwont to disease the hound-
tries of an Irrigation aiatrici whicbii w"kv-
indudo all. or eractlcally allHeeW, he believed It was tho biggest
f tho adjudicated Irrigated land of
the Valley, which wouW be practic
ally tho anmo as the former "big dis
trict" oa petitioned for by I'. 0.
etth mill othora. ezceDt it was Pro-
livrcu tu . w ., w - - ; -
ts west Mdu or the 81 mew river ai
Warm Springs and Potter swatap, and
te exclude uome of the landH near the
Uko whuro tho owners had expressed
a desire to be excluded. Mr. Sweek
eiplalnod that hu was Informed both
the V. L, S. C. and the William Jlaa
ler Co. would come Into this din
irlct with appreilmately 26,806' and
10,000 acres respectively, If assured
of being protected and glyeu proper
Mr. itHtiluv omsib his remark by
mjIbk wo all ksow irhal- we eught
to do. Wo have hethered along for
jhlrjy years and nothing of a con
rtructivo nature yet accemfelkaed;
present progressive aaetheds demaaea
e do something. He stated that If
m gel together ea avgetteral plan qt
trrlratlnn thti aaUtaicaliea Ol IBB
?ater Is oolvbd,.e wuilwavn-aolvedUt
mr Mtrainniinir ut a miim a io f
orlty when we baad ourselves'
,iI)iaf tnr Ihi. mtraoaa Of an DCOnOBl- I
lal dlstributloB of the water uuder a
proper system ,of aterage. , - -;
Ur llnntAV uld k had dlsCUHHed
lbs problem with Mr. Treadwell, Mr.
Olsfti and Mr. Nlefawl of the P. h. 8,
Co. and thoy bad decided to take the
responsibility of flaaaCkm ana- en
muctlng the project if given mHh
actory usaurance that an organise
tkw would be formed that would
he them support. He explalBed'the
Wfonslblllty of ;the andertakMsrand
ibswed that the lands owned by the
two comnanles would bear the great
er portion of the burden of coat unaer
a, bond Issue, therefore they would
' . . . T (Will
step have twe memeers wja-
nirliinn nmvUa tar an -advlsecy
beard, which shoald be eieciea, aw
lies, i ,
" In IIiIh connection be called atten-
TU I. M r 1 IM I1IJ1U.1I u. ....
nfl. .f.i.i i.m ri.vTuar i.iiti liiul t...u
7.' 7 . . - ...... ,.t-
.... I t-.A li ...nlniiulo TIiIm
Mill J IKI1LH I.U BUi if r-' - i
mi w i rvttia I
v .nut. ii.i la rnr in I IllirilUDU ll
- , . - m i
vim, ulinli ml iiiui itihiiih in tuuiiui.-
It. IfnnlAV
i i . . ... ... Mn.inn linitnri.
li .W iiiniifiiiT ill.. iirnnuiiL uwM.tu
. . . ... ...I f tlia
rv ii.i i. ruin iiini. i l i u
iikui"ii iiiiiiiin ttn liiu i,.v.v
n,i .1.., . ia r.,,i ih..rn l water
' . 7 . l..,. I ,.
niu fii,iitr,.rt, lu .uuiirrii. iiu i uuii'i
. ii.. ..t..t.
.i ,i i i,wi ffiti
.- - . i.
i. i
ii M null iiinr ft Hiiriniin nut nww.
,r 1 1. , i . . ..An m,a nin uiil iiimii n ij
.. . . ' .... ....,..... i
- ....
- - . i - . i
i . . . . n r r n ii i i
" - - " . . .. I .
ih inifiu.k nr Tni. niii.HLitiii iiiul ..i.. i
.. . - . ' - ... -II I.. ..,! I
n - ,
. -- i .,j
raniiii h r. f i, ai innn i m i'.iiiiiiui mill
. .. .". l..l...U In u mnrn "pnnomlcal fiXDSnse
-. ' . . .iii
Droneriv distriouiea. .
r ....... . I
Mr. Hanley said brf hesitated to
. : " - w .
i hi. a. i . . AWMf.s i an l
in vi uini t ii r u 1 ii him miiiui iuiivh i
; . - - , I
nniifio,,.!..., ,.,in. t, nffnirH nr tno
S"" . I
. : . . . ... n i.i
iimrv. nn ii.ii ii ii iiiilv . iiu iv.. . I
uum IIKeiy 00 llio mat juu "
. . .... . -7 .. . . , . ... .t.i 1
ft fS Mm nniinlwll ritll Wlllllltll L 1 1 tl I
llufo Mi. nl flrxliirr Iff 1 II fl I11IL1111UI 1
. 1
r ... ...r -
h B ncdKhbora. . , .v -
w , . w ... . .
; Jir. Olson announced that the
Aclflc Liye Stock Co,,was reay .to.
imiijwiniiru whh h. iH!L(iirBiim ui Hi
tmpnnttht work, Thoy wore proper
d 16 kmmu (tin ri'Miimmlhlllf v i
UieihUte te noctsHary oiiKlnuerlK,
legal 'arid bAiiding conncctlonn o
make, the undertaking a Bueeettfl, llo
stated, his tjompnny .had had 6xprr-
tRce' iti'-'thh punt with ovon larger-
irrlgrttiori projects than the one ncces-
sary -lM thiH valley and had work
under the 'agreement with the settle-
thing ovor started here i aa under pre-
Irrlnttlnn oVMlam tho land wau too
valuable to hojd for stock purposes,
so 'colonization was the best plan.
Mr. Olaen closed' ,lil rumarks by
sayJMc It was proper to confine the
boundaries to the land that would
hax'eUe stand the expense and until
It wm deuonstrated there was suffl
clta4v aiaa)UH to cvcr'an additional
aererjlfthfjftlleMt would be
bettervnet to pYi8e
lie further said thaCjo put in the
project, with the reservoir, 'and com
plete distribution system was a atup
esidfUs undertaking1 and meant the
expenditure of big sums or money
which must be carefully handled to
get ,160 per cent values for tho ex
penditure. Sam Mothetskead was asked to ex
press his views an?he stated it as
his opinion that the Pacific Live
Stock Co. was In a posltloir to handle
suah enormous project more econom
ically than with ileas per cent waste
than asy concern wltblntrhlpfknow.
iui -u caiAMrsd to oiHers. tie
te-1,.,.1,1 Unbud always advoeaUrdtha one
ji.i.i.i l.. .1 .... Im nmililn'l naa ullorn
.ii.trirrn roulil lin formed with
out conflicting.' Mr. Mothershead
said he was active In promoting the
one district started last winter but he
aW realized it was too big an undor
taking for small men therefore ho
looked upon the plan outlined by the
companies favorably.
Ted Hayes, another of the active
men engaged in farming and a water
tutor, expressed -himself faverabk te
the plan and thought it should go.
Jake Welcome, said It was Just
what he had been wanting to hear
for a long time and he was ready to
KO. , ' -fcv.
Sh. T. Hansen nd'othersxprefJ
- - '1 I illl..- .Mintil.iTl
laenueivss in biiimhwi
u.t bBlia,lnnkd Ilka 'm. witUiar. ,
The awlkJSMrt was' furUwdlseasHsd
by Chu.. -M. -KauUciwr, Charles W.
lMejJ. W, Biggs u40. A,RwMk;
MT. r auiKIier iiJU no nnu iiu uiiovi
interest; not having any land 'umler
the project, bdt from an engineering
standpoint ho conHlderecTtlfo'ono dia
trlct plan tlte'ohly feaslblo one.lrT
Ellis said he was Interested only as
a resident of Jho .community hut the
plan outlined looked, llko a, proper.
alint inti nr inn lirnnium
. . . . . .
it. tiirf.i.u uniii itA iini mvL'fivu rnv.
orod a one district plan and gavu his
reasons. Ho am suld It wits Juat to
nv.nfini. it in (hi) lrrluhted land until
such time as it .was found thoro was
HUrpiUH, JIO ,IIHU SIWHJO i.iiioivi
there was a surplus but had iiove'r
found any way to ascertain me
n,n....l Mr n veil nnintnii out LIIBI-
niMwv ;.. : rw- . - - . - -r- nil im lunii rvo(i wouia oe
from the name eourco or wator suppiy
n.. iiriinm mnrn innii
j ui. nt .mtin nn nrcrnniznn wiin-
w - r . . . .
ntarfaraucn. wnuir 110 wuuicu
i. nuaru.. nnaalhlu arPO nl tUrnBY
u l ... - - -
i . i 1 1 ....... i . -n. nmrk ininn.iani
A hh.. nnnii d m . v u n nan
vvr ...- ..... ..
mi vm iiii.i uli n tv ...
lui. nrlrll llttir AnmilfH ' 'IIHMHUUIBl
. f tha meal concerns iinaa-
ui. or. nnuiriitinir wan certain ia
bulk .,.-... -.--w ... , . . , .. .
nsnn a 11lll Wnm not BO
,n1t n.nnnlT.H
wr...'. .....
A commIt,tep wu nnaiiy
i.ii ... i i .. i, i iM ami i am tn fiirniiiB
iviai ann a r im i uh hi iniiiiuu t,v vi ;
invb v w - j
nnlslii lwi atilimiTTAfl IO 111
nronor auinoruiuu t uuuu.
. A ait
.,,,i uiaimi in tim nnnnincr nara-
7 - j . . . .-
1. rtinin" ir innH inuaL
. ,""7i. nVlv onnnumtaiation
I11VIJ1 UIJ1U L i rllU VVHJ -' f
it.. ,iMv,.m(i r tun linnn m irii 11111
tMiniftn nf im Hiivififi irritruiion
VKy,??Y.JJ.WV - VW
, , . ifiii,tia iiaur
to aii ooncerneu, 'iius wni"si,'
toltti country. .. ,
Keep Government Ifisiurance
Harney County Chapter, American In comparison, with commercial In
Red Cross, at a recent executive meet-' ,urttnce and am both thoroughly can
ing elected Itobert M. Duncau Chair- t tQ the geernB1ent Insur,
man. of the Home Service Section, I : r" v
ami linn M T.vlnr Horrtil.rv Ilnlh
are ex-service men and were elected
particularly with the Idea In view of
a atulafl lea av AV.aaAffwlral Man Itt VA.Inutflt.
Ing their government Insurant, and
in transforming It' treat the war time'
tp.a.peUee time term. Theee gentle-
reenihave In vestiiMled 'this Insurance
an, insurance, .s an ..investment,
6 1 II I I H II M 1 1 1 1
w iBBmmmmmmmmmmmm
m JstssaS sSsmflsBsmmmmmmm
:: He says the greatest source of regret, (upset;atiay, -j
discouragement, miaunde'wtandinf and'.diiiappoint- X
:: ment is LAST MINUTE HOPPING. ; '
xne eairy snopper iinus luiauiu uu picu i x
V eetion : complete stockSi clerks aletf, ttq'. 4 - f
Buy Oregon made goods
Keep-prosperity at home this Christmas-uy in jBijmsA
Compliments i- ," I Vejr U' " ;':
arps, Commercial Club
l,l i lYl iTl II i 1 1 1 M II M II I law 1 1 II ,l j II M 1 1 1 Ml
Innulriee from eaUervlce men or
from defendants or bsneflclarlee of,
aeceasea exaervice men snuhiu
addres te ekheCthe above men
'Tfey will prompt-.
ly reply giving, full data requester aei
collection of payments, forms crTI
policies etc,
1 U ' H M U H H L theo
''fOl? vM.,Ur.lfJ rWf
Local Shop; y
mnA urMalvsWlmL . v
5Aop VVoti i
;sWf "I
. ;
Chri$tmm$ joy f A , J I
f i
, 1k.. I...
May:;Toir1ciilMiMM and
Ps;W Umm
" Tho Durna Commercial club moot
ing Inst night wan oiio of tho best
that It has enjoyod borth in numbers
. i ii I . r t-H.
II IIU enillUHianui. Vi. m, rnuinuvi,
Vice President,! occupied tho chair
and tho business was transacted
with dispatch.
Tho gravel used' on llio Central
Oregbtt. Highway, Burns to Lawen,
was, opetily dlsoussod and satisfac
tion was expressed at the action of
Chief Engineer Nunn bt the Oregon
State Highway Commission In send
ing Dr. Losell, the analytical chem
ist of tho commission to Burns to
study the gravol situation. A com
mittee of tho Commercial ciuu anu
members of tho county court will
wait on the 'gentleman and present
onr views.
U. P. Swlgcrt of the Pacific nriflge
Co. of Portland was present at tho
meeting and In a concise talk con
gratulated tho Uurns Commorclnl
club upon their work, bade thorn to
proceed to uplift tho community and
not let discouragements or iacK or
attendance, deter 4hem. from accom
plishing the object they had In view.
Mr. Swlgert was for soveral years
president of the Portland Commercial
club and he offered his assistance to
the club to get the slgnltures or
the Portland peoplo to our petitions,
not only because it would help Burns
but of benefit to Portland merchants.
Secretary Jones has prepared a
petition 'to bo presented to tho
Fourth Postmaster General for a
dally mall service between llend and
Mums, and It Is expected that our
Senators and Hepresentatlves will aid
us in this much needed reform.
Cbbid around for Tourists received
the attention of the members and wo
can expect to Hhure In the tourist
profits that must need puss tnrougn
Burns, for If you tnko a map, you win
note that Burns Is Hlluated tu u di
rect line between Yellowstone" Park,
and the wonder of Oregon, Crater
The secretary In . a logical and
vlgorpus spebicu called the Commer
cial club's attention to tne amount
of money sent from tho city and tho
community to large department
stores (and mall order Iioumoh. He
advocated them, and through the
club, the community, to keep this
money at honie. buy their rooms from
thejiomo merchant, and uuiiu up tne
f CiMatiiioliw
Canes Lns to Sttckwei
ISkortiightednMa of Postal
iutnoriues iesponaiDic.
,WIIUm Byram arrived ovor this
week from his ranch on Canyon creek
with a herd of his cattlo to feed for
ihn winter. Mr. iivram iikou to
i-ntnii thla u'nv f rnfllllilltlv Ulld inutlV
of hs neighbors would llko to bring
stock hero to feed during tho winter
but because of lack of roads and
Jlrect communication as In former
ays they find it tov their udvantugo
teriiend their stock into Idaho to
. In, former yearB, during tho time
the' malt' route were, maintained bo
tWeen this city and Canyon the stock
met were In a posltlon'to bring their
niniii.nvar um thov know the roads
were kept open and theyceuld leave
tneir sioqk on pastere in uuur yhi-
ley and neign.borimj( ranges uniii
unnw lima, hut now thov hnvo no
MMUrance of being .able to get
.. . v.. i.i. ii. i. -ji .. t. i...
larpuBII Willi mir nim mm iiu nun
brought over ins pure urea uurnnms
a rnnth earlier tnan-no wouia oiner
WIca.' Mr. Hvriim still hai Rood nas
tturej'aC'kome but .he feared that if
might' not, Ue.nhlu to 'dq'so hitor, there
rare Ne'wreouiiiuutiu m iuuu nv ium
3W 'days, longer than neyoasury ho
. ...... ii
f.wwrtgiguvjunofls upon mo pari 01
ka rovernmoiit postal authorities Is
Trpt'.qnily' rospoiiHlblo for limdoqunte
autii' service but( also for inconven
ience and oxpehtio to individuals
other than meroly the dollvofy of
2.oii '
It'seoms a pity that men aro com-
mviln.l il.Mniiirli 011 oli flrntriitlniirti
yUllQU MHUUpl. mw.. . .
to send their money out of their on
slate and take their hiock nrounu
such distances to feed when It could
be avoided by tho OAtaljIlshmont of
a needed mall route,
A (Contrlbutod)
Mr. arid Mrs. William Stirling en
tertained at a four-courso dinner
ThankselvlilK nt C o'clock, Placo
cards wero laid for William Hanley,
Key, B. S.'Hughos and wlfo, Mayor
Ohnrles H, Leonard and ,wM(. Pro,,
G. P. Hughes. Misses' Cohstnnco
HiiKhos and Dorothy Leonard Mr.
and Mrs. Stirling. Music, conversa
tion and Jokes by "Undo Bill" rur
nlaledtbevenlNg'H entertainment.
Engineering Work Depends
o;i Weather
EAery Acre Sold Will Carry
1 Full Water Right and
Have Ditches.
The Pacific Live Stock company
is going to begin active work tovrux4
disposing. of tho 10;000 acres of land
mentioned last week in its settlement .
with tho state land board of (ha
pending suit.
Sunt. A. H. Olscn wus lit tho city
tho foro part of tills weekand dis
cussed tho proposition with, several
people. Mr. Olson Kavo poKlllva
asauranco that the lauu wouia iia
sold Just as rapidly iik possible.
Mr. Olnen also stated it wan tha
desire of the company to dispone of.
the land at once. If weather condi
tions, will permit thu Kngiueerlug
features will ho worked ouv una .
fall In order that thu tracts may be
ready for sale at least by early
spring. It Is the intention to lay
out u system of ditches, rouda. and
everything tbnt will bo boueflclnl to
making .the land attruclivo to tno
Every aero to bo sold will carry
a full water right and will bu pro
perly lulu out wiin necessary uiicbw,
as wel aMrWUtcncfl. ino irayia
wjjj ba se arfgnge ns to provide fer
readafmaklng them easy of, arrow to
T .. .. . . .... ... .
1110 puuuc uigiiways. li tacv m
promises to bo one of the best arrang
ed sales of real estate ever u.ttcmptT
ed lu this section. The fact that the
company feels the land Is too valu
able to devote to. stock raising la a
feature thai Indicates breaking up
of tho big holdings of the concern la ¬
this valley ,.and the., colonisation,
bringing In many families au'd" (hue
adding to the poptilatlba of the coun
try. This also iateana greater and
inoro Intensive production.
Mr. Olaen said' It was tha hope at
his concern to dljfposo of tho fin
unit of these lands at once. If they
can all be sold out during the com
ing spring It will suit the cesajaiyr
much bettor than If tho Kale ahoul a
contlnuo longer.
The only p6sslblo druwhaCk Uh thn
quick sale of these lands It would,
appear to the writer Is the prloe. Mjr.
Olflen was not In a position to ut&U
what the prices would ha. Of course
tho land will bo appraised In accor&
anco with Its producttveuesfl aui
each tract will bo priced on such
basis. The long term paymenta will
be attractive in the purchase of titers
lands und will be a feature, yet. the
prlco will govern to more or loai ex
tent tho rapidity of tbo movement of
this land to small holders. . ,
o 1
Where to Find News
W Page
Sllvles Irrigation project will he con
structed without, doluy.
Kcop government Inaurnnco.
Successful mooting of comriif-rrtiil
Lack of communication ciuihoa loss.
P. L. S, Co, would soli land ut once.
KoooKi? Pagv "
Theatre Nowsv
Tho slaters Faith
Third Page
B. Frank Ir,wn Talks . t.
Frank Ilolnz Dies , , .. ,
Foarth Page. . . v
Flrt dofldlto Irrigation, propaslttojn.
On Christmas morning. ,k .o .
Firth rage .
Somo recont real estjit tranarei-.v. .
Red Cross Christmas seal sale. , ,
Boxing contest u draw.
Sixth re , ,
Wo could but wo won't
It produces Produce
Commercial club Hosolu(lou8(
Notice of Hearing
fteveatk Paf -Clnsslllod
Legal Nows '
MbjhtJh Pe
Local Happenings.
ONLY 21 More
i . 1