F. , - - - : - 1 i - T II Id T I NT, M H - II 1-3 It A Ii 1 III! II N H , II A R.N T O O II X TV, O It 10 (! O If i 't TV. Important Treasury Decisions Regarding Government Insurance promlanu prior to July 2K, whun (tin doolidon roiiulrltiR jiay mont of only two monthii' premium wont into olYoot, upon wrltlon mipH cnllon to tho Hit run u tuny lumj any in om! mint paid tti oxemiH of two tip- piled towari t ho payment of future: premium. Kr example, If after w, policy lnul lapsed for nix montlm, m man rol'udnted and paid hIx montha TAKES BIG CHECKS TO GET HTM ONES u.. ,.,!, ,,, fci iii'omlttnis inntoad of two, ho ninyi SuTenuSSX S Croi,U f0r twt niM m' ill urn - Many (lovornniont tug In nil tho premiums for tho time In which ,thnlr liHUrnuco wn lapoHd, nro now asking If nny of that.monoy will ho rt'ijudod ofylng to tho fact sthitt, now)iily two m out lis premtumn (the mod'th of lapsatlbri and tho 'mouth of' Mintutciu(mt aro re quired, v . , ' 'i JhlK-ouHgtlon bnd .,Tnt boon mih wrwr Hm,p).'uow TroiMiry DocIhIou wlilehWa ML W .. $Vtf on rptntatoiiien'lf4 iMmnnco nny murfi nan puuj vi amount grewler titan that now retfiifrtd. on wriltQii Mpi'llrution by tho inaivcd or a beiioMehnw, tli sqwui of pro niluin paid hull nrnilluu ToAvarda the immvM f future, pn. milium." Another tmporinxt TTurv ,. :lIn rvetily Iwued irvl1 that "Whrt any insured whtn lnir MrtMf lik re.Mi ttrnihm(il bv lape or cuncilat Inn, ftxieptinf (but j nr Mm whjok If yinv.rt1. kImM. with-J hi hh ff. time unc within tlnvo ml-' under month nuecffcdln the month or discharge, tender to tht llunuiu , of War Hl..k lUHurui.ro th premium roijulrtd. ciirli lnurm-o xlia II ho I doomed to be rcinotHtrd and a writ-, toil applft'atlon ami statement of good ' health shall not ho mptlm!." 4 ,aiot ltunortant of all porhapi Ih another Troannry Decision which kIvch men who tiro not ollplblo for rolnsitatompnt tnulor oxIhIIiik romi-l latlomt ono moro clmneo to roinmnto. Tho prpont rnllni; urovldot that In Hiiranio lnpttml or oaticollml may ho rohiNtated within lhtcon montl.i 1 aftor tho month of dlm-harKo provlO liil, tho IiiMttrmt Ik In us good health as at tho date of dlm-haro or at tho dato of lapHo and provldod ntich la Hitranro han not bn lapMcd for tnnro than ono ynr. Tho now dfclMlon iiurfiirmh tlilw tlmo limit until Do oombor lOin. It tattH that "Vcarly ronownhte torm lnurauri may he rolttHtntcd at any tlmo Jicforo Uorenihor 31. l(ti a, provided tho In- Hiuud In In an fjood hualth an st tho i t:rr't tato or niu (llHchr;i', or tit tho ox- jdratlon of tho nraco pt-rlod, which over In Ilia lator dato, and no utatos , In hla application." ! Thin monnH that ovory until uIiom Insnr.inco haw lapsed nr hcon ran collctl may roln.stato heforo .lantiary ' 1st. ulthotit a plolcal crimination. Plcnao rIvo n much publicity an pon hIIiIo to thin ruMiif,'. A Merlin of (' Mxlon. iHiifd by th, uirecior of tin Iluroau of War Kink Tho ttrovlnlonn for rcluntatotunht do not protect a man until ho act ually rultiHtuton. If ho waltH ho may not liu In oh flood hoallh uh li'o wnn at tho tlmo of' dTcliiirito and conno iiuoutly may not bo ftblo to aocuro rolnAtntoutont. lion t put off rolnrlntenu'iM. Do it r.owjl L, BATTALION OF DEATH HEROINE A BRIDE ssk Mm' - ifH-Hr I rvnrina-i V WITS Clii'C'iR mo popular tor that wlnttir Hint, bum kind, bit; chocha tiro noccHi.wy in tho pur rhtiHU ot naiall check- In - Ihlrt day of It. I'. . TIiIn Miappy con tvtno of k ii trap nnitrlnl in I'ltiolt and whlto tnnko ltd own pleanlni; a.tpiral to all voiuon, iilic "It 0 il nt Portland. .Vttowber 17-22. il be in hJcgeat llvoatook htiw tt iti tho well," ho May. o DO.VT I'liKli TIIAMCITI. INTL. I or nvo ynnrn thin llunnlau ulrl foiiKht at tlm front with thu tn inotm "Ilatttillon of Death," mmto up of women warrior. 8hn w,m twice wounded ami twlco decorat ed by the czar, and for nix months n prluonur of war In Ouruiiiny. Now Hho Iiiih come to Amorli-u for iii" iiappmoKii nf an A iltiirlmt ik lltttlli tli.. ...I . Insuranco.w.t;, tho approval of the. f"o nV Gov ici, 7 m .' . Secretary 'of the Treanury provld.wi L L. more liberal condltlniiB for reliiMtato- niont of "lapsed or cancelled ItiHiir unco. The provlnlotiR of Treasury Decis ion No. 17. allowltiK olKhtcen montliH from tho dato of dfxcharKo for rein Htatomcnt upon poytnont of only two months' prehuman on the amount of lure wn taken on board the H, H. wiinnca upon tier arrival at Now i ork. " ltril.NH HI'IIHT TUIl'MI'IIH Many u man - and woman, too limUti thero'H "nothing to he thank ful for" In IiIm - or hor -life. And then thaukletf omm are not all near the bottom; they art not all poor, lonely, lorrow-ladon. Indeed, you'll find more who "have uothhiK to be thankful for" In the middle wnlkx 'of life than elKOWhero, ;oml, houoMl , folk who have not met with a men Hiiro of HiteeenH, a taste of rot'ilmex and iiulto a few uuronllsed druaniN I'robnbly It In ImcaiiM! of the dreaiiiN thrtl they feel o WiniiUlenn. They hoped for too much. Their air onHtJoji were too luacnlflcuut. too airy, ami, too felily nupported by etien;y and will power. Hut beeailnu they hoiied .for iniiolu Kalued lltt,le, tney aro come to I him l iiiiiikmiMviiii: time with "uothhiK to ho thankful . for." Of courro they err. The IIvIiik It lakiM niiirn titan Mtorm wltli tsuram Ice. cold mud and every thin human be lug ban much to be thankful E category or weather to oven "o Huh lire, tho KreatHt thluK " . " ,n..L". T",,'8.t'': nhaNo the h ilrh of the bovH who live "'Hh, to he thankful for: Tho ' ' , . away out o tho world and o far r.f "'" ho wantM .r. a job, another o re a Z m e y p y,, w aa ",,r,,M- N," of ,""n n,B,,b ,hu MnR l 1,",,kr,"1 f,,r- ..1 . ... i1.',1. 1 "... trip from IlurtiH Haturday to amiliito y. children, a home, an appo- a aiaieme to health a ..i ' "'' fratcrnallzo with the Ma.onlc . n ST 'couht t within three calendar mnntloi follow. " K , MrlliK they plan ,)k"' w' ' . 1 " tiiK the mouth of illHcharKe. After the three monthx following the date of (Uncharge have elapsed, a to Institute a Chapter at llurur. nnd " f(,r H' lK'th and breadth of In the lutorrlm luimo or the more " i"u "'ik oown uiiukh tor cottraKcous have taken a dip Into the w'-l ' 1,11,1 " Htntoment from the app Inn ho ho """'!" Thow who 'Z tX twav If effect that he In In ax Voml health L 1,10 ,r,l' Wur,) N- ' ",,n,1 , ' .. ou vnn. 11 'hat way; Jf . N. Jamlnon. Dr. B. F. l,i 'r U npnwiri. mluui rea- nirn r, , , -.. - " ,rr Smith. IMiiih.M Fuulknor. Joe Thotn- " ,,,r uiauKiutuesH, Ko out into or Is o later .1 t, w III ' Pn. " Hdwurd Tho boyg the hiKhwaya and bywayn or Hi) oer is mo later oato, win no re- ... '..... , ' , vir mw i,i iniin.ni 1...1....J quired together with a written utinll- "i'"""' V,u. rwiu rouK" rmHmi fur r,,ln. ,....,..., I ii... "Hit 1110)' lllttl It) COtlflUUlO COIII had moulder- world and xeo the human IioIiikh who have Iohm than you and he iiiiuuii iiir riMiiniaiimeiii at 11 l ie ' y: ' ' : tininkfiil Tlmi f .. unr,. t ......1..- ..t . abln lmh mill nut Innm tn I'nt I Ii mil inailKHII. i mil ih one Httro way or j:: l'-; rs'tf vsii t a. vm n.i.n 1. 1....... ..... ..... . 1 too map. inue .Aiouniain Bnitto. , i nu, muni ....... ...... ...... 11.;.',, , if, . 1 vlco eighteen montliH or more, and' " 0 who are thereroro barred from relit-1 '(IVH IlKAT J()()I COWH Mtatement under tho former ruling, I a ppeclal blanket ruling Ih made, Tho :iC cowh toated In 'Heptem- wlllcll iiIIowh all iiv.knrvli'ii .......... - w t.. . f 1 u iMvn w ( iiti f)ti tin tt 1 1 j 1 pi 1 j i t uiiiiiU jiif 11 intn II relntato their liiHiiranco before Do- milk containing 24.fi3 poiiudH fat. comber .11, 1010, provided that each Tho best herd .gave an average of i WISI3 AND OTHMItWISI-J applicant Ih In as good health iih at 8H0 pound milk yielding 13.71 ArlHloeratle hootleggerii object to dato of dlHcharge or at oxidratlou or pounds rat. Tho best Hlugle cow pro- tho name. They prefer not to he the grace period, whichever In tho.duccd H70 poundH milk carrylng-SB 1 recognized at all, lator date, and ho Htate in IiIh appl- pounds rat. AnHoclatlon moo bought eatlon. Of courHo It Ih noouHpory 3 pure bred cowh, built 'i. hIIoh and Apparently, however, that much that ho tender tho two months' prom- mild lfi loaferH for beer. In giving heralded drive agaliiHt tho high cont litnuf on thu amount or ItiHurance ho out tho rigures K. U: WoHtover, feder-, of living hT'Htlir In the' hitruldlng wIhIioh to rolntaio. and rjollege dairy eMeiiHlon epeclal- Htage. .Moro action and I omm bluf- aijrvlco myn who roltiHtated their Ut, nskn all dulrytneii who can o go, ting would bo welcomed by tho man liiHiiranco by payment of all back to tho Pacific It,trnatloual Livestock ' who pays I ltd rrolght. power. TIioho who kuko too Hteadlly upon the larger pOHMeiiHloiiH or others are' thoue who chorus: "Wo have nothing to ho thankful .for." -ir. PARTS nvcrythtng in every sphere is made up of Parts. The better the parts, the better the article upon which they " . arc uiuu;neu. Pfif.l" nr.ro.t;ntifK nr wnnlrnnct millinnr anninil' UL Innn I!f.rx 1 t , ' - - - 11 wui.iiwiD .ui.ii. ngnuiaii tlb iuii mc and useful service of the combination complete. Our department, consisting of th standard brands of national and international trade-marks on reliable parts and accessories, is at your service. PARTS FOR DODGE BROTHERS CARS PARTS FOR HUPMOBILE CARS PARTS FOR FORD CARS UNIVERSAL GARAGE AGENTS FOR DODGE BROTHERS CARS' Associate Agents for Hupntobile Cars Mrs. Hennessy Sya It's Grand "i'm Always Goinrj to Kcop A Bottle of Tanlac in My Mouse," She Says. "Thin Tanlac. hi tho Rrnndis med icine 1 have over noun or bear . of," wiih tho blntonient mado by Mm. IM I Hi llenneHsy or ton HttrrlHon tit,, Beattlo, WiihIi., whon Hho ca'N'd at llartell'n Drug Sloro a few days ago. "Tanlac ban entirely, ovorcoine my troubloH nnd built mo up In every way poMHlhld. I am hiiffurliig no more hut am onjoylng llf, ntid w.mt to rei ommttud Tfinlnc to overybod. .' eontliuied Mm. Hnnoy. , In npiMiltlnt of her condition he fr' tnklitK Tiiuluc lit said: "1, .T f . d HUfh ii v. rul pain- tn tuj tnmnch liit I d il n i k".. Aiiut I 'van to . h.i i a pliumiiit d.i . I wiis dread- tuilv nervoim and iun'b'-, and tuy i n uiiiilo!i and whol yMem wero rim Ui'WII iiiiti rv nil it iMU'i. wmw w' ti'ry tht 1 wtiK Mitupi) mlMCHblo all 1: ftlllH. "Vou tny not bullovw It, ' ) con-. tinned, "but I actually loal fifteen poundH In thro wek. nn uvurnge of five pffitntlrt (1 week. I had no njv petlitt wlmtuvcr nnd what I did cat did not agree with mo. My food wouldn't dlK( i'd tbal canted me to Imo sour ftoittMch. Gh would form on iuy utoinm li and would blont 1 up nnd prM aUit my lung " til Ii or it lr mttl nt v braatlt. 1 wan alo coiutlpated and fruiiuuntly had jjillttlng hondarhoii. "1 road In tho papara where Tan Inn had given audi wonderful r- nUHH 111 1 lilPV .HIUV llUtll Hifi- iiMHi mlno io 1 doolded to try It. Ami to my pomplol aurprlHo I began to Kt hetlir nt once, and now 1 feal like another woman. I have taken 1 !Hti bott'o. of Ta"lnr and have been entirely rmtorod to houlth and I can now onjuy ilfe. Iy nurvca ate . tint u.id I hvj no j. nhtttover 1- my loninrh, I have forgotten how II foaU to have a hwndaohe or dlr.r.yi Hpoll. I ntartejl to gain In weight at once and am gaining all the time, j My appeUto in butter than ever and ( I can hardly get onought to eat. My, huth.iml atiys he Ih afraid 1 will eat ill in out of hntiMo ami home. I am now coloring a good night' sleep ev. ry n.iit, nnd 1 will alwaya keep Tniilni in my homa." Tnulne Ih Hold lit Durun by Iteed llroa. and In CraiiO by Vale Trading , Co. Adv. m fti IT. 1 fwrnimmanir rim d Mh modern lidy ... j - tlial in order tfi inainlain u:x homo nnd do her work properly she should hnvc labor-snvinff pod ,.ijp.e-3av ins equipfnent. Cookinff atff Wasliirjj anl i-icanjB . Anticipating your needs in this respect we hnvc put in n stock ol mer chandise intended to make housework cask; and home mors comfortable. We vill ba gfad to show you what vu mean. Come and see us. m I I Uecoraltnt y If you buy it from us, it 's worth the price I. S. GEER & C 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS -with water rights for sale Blitzen River in tracts of Acres or more. Reasona , prices--pne-fif th cash bala easy terms, six per cent i terest. Eastern Oregon Live St CRANE I omnativ OREC r., PJiiXPERTLY blended cho ice ' lurkish and choice Domestic tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi nate bite and free them from any unpleasant cijjaretty aftertaste or unpleasant ciaretty odor. " "HI 11 H IUII1 liVJ.itXI" I Whai yda pay out yoLirntod money foJ . . 1 is cigarette satisfaction and, my, how you do. get it in every puff of Camels Camels win instant and permanent success with smokers because the blend brinRs put to the limit the refreshing flavor and delightful mcl- R. J. REYNOLDS TOI1ACCO COMPANY, Win.tou.Slcn, N. C, low-mildness of the tobnrrns vetre tiining the desirable "body." Cnmeli are simply a revelation 1 You ma) smoke them without tiring your tastej For your own satisfaction you mus' compare Camels with unv citaretta in the world at any price. Then! you'll best realize their superior quality and the rare enjoymentj they . provide. if.