Hatitnluy, Novcinlicr 112, lolo VAV.K TW THE ,r t M 11 H II n It A li l lHlltS'H, HA UNITY oountt, OIIHMON "THK J'AUSH IWHW' SPJJJNOU) IHIAMA 4)1-' WAR AND Sl'liW, Chivrarter Mmlo li'nninmi liy I.o.ll: Jowph Viiiicp Portrayed by II, II. Walthall i-.fl HO IT1MI V Dealing with tho war In u lilfthly Aromatic manner, "Tim Km I no Face-it,", Tfconun II. Inco'rt fliiporb Paramount Artcnvtt , wpiM-lnl plcturo Hturrlnic , Jury 1). Walthall, which will bu dLi ytaycri .t tlio Liberty tlitmtru totnor-j Term (Sunday,) h Halt! liy thouo .who , have kJikwhimI (ho prolttulunry uluw tat; ul Hi hi popular Hlory hy l.ouht! JVhmmiIi Viuu'o, to ho uho of tlio most vlUe scmui MiMirlMoluM produced i , i action of thd urovloiH cluiittcf ami . ....... . ... ' continue on hy hIiowIiik lloiullnl on "The I-omo Wolf." .i novo! written i,,,,,,. from llltf , ,)f th(, ,1(!luU. JUT -ir. vanra, wm wiiioiy re.u uno a0ld wlt, umii ( ,Mtm Wr wr central o nnritcior. mic mm in-from which ho rutoiine liliiuolf f SJI.rl,V llil....,a .l..r!..r ,,f A IMU.K Of 1 1 1 1 Q r II II 1 1 0 tl tl I I'Uf- J7irtaKan. boon.no highly popular. 'M,u h' ' 10 1,0 l,H !" ,ll1,ll,'om lmyai.1 t dm contral flKuro of "Tho orurn ronirol of t he i-om- . .. ' . M'HM In lxf..r..iif Ina V.ltn (llillli Qliilin. Wtc l'ticoR, ' and in linn Hiory no " , " ' . ' . , , is.n un u reformed man, bent on w " fiHurRiirol .Mnwlil nif.iitiMl .. tin.. .nv whn ,, iMli nUtT. A Ulioll tlO OlUlUIS Utlt! Urimirlit Ijiiivnnl'u wlf.. :unl I.I1H half of K' (Ofk UIMt MUllt VOftllff ' ,i,k5rf.l"A.4 -'.fflj GEORGE M.OOi-lAK HiL-tho -Trail Holllday ' ADTcUrrrv.w !. i. ii Wtuti u ' la rfualh hi IJoIkIuiii. l-ttnynrd lit attached to tho ciumi f fliu Allien iih a Hi'circt acont, nml lie in huroduci'd a ho rrooprt arniJH K Man Land Into tho rromdi Ilium with Infiirinullon of valuo rcnnlliin tkf. Hun oporatloiiM. Ho hoard i a rtcamfllilj; for Now Vork, and on koani thin vciuinl tm muolti with huv cral ?ianrVahl(i advonttirort, In which x Connnn U boat fluunM larfjnly. Jlira- KaliiH hln rnvmiRU and wltM Ihr lovo nf a hr.ivo woman who full J Into the niRtdirtN of u coturlo of Hun BpU. forrni a ihrllllitK narratlvo. , Tho plcturo wan illroet,od hy Irvln "V. Wlllnt undor the icrniiual Hiipor Tjjlon uT Mr. Inco. and tho photoplay vm doiiK hy Kdwlii Wlllat. Mr.! Vt)i:ill Im finely iij:iorteil hy tal r.r!eil hcrimu playnrx. utuoiiK whom irc Mary AiiiIithoii. Iii Chanity MVKon Itow, (j'arry McOarry and , (firM. J'AtJK IMOKI'Oltl) HAH MXOKIJ.KNT ItOI.K IN VMILK-A-MlNIITi: KKNUAM' with cii eli trylilK to effect an oncapo. Houiiliird oHca;:o from hlrt'hond.i of harhcd wlrh lonns a inoHt liUerotltu; ptiHuaKo In thin cplHodc. " ' i o IfNDlJIKiltOL'NU HtJHNHH Alt I'! MIIOW.V IN IMTi;i'tK niT.Tlll4.TUAt I. IIOM.IHAY" Arli'rufl Dlii'ctor ClimteiS Kulnvny Tr. n Siv:ic of IJnily. Morning In (('Or' t'ulian'H I'liHoptny pmver for Zlla. I.ocke iiuHtlonn Ii,ili'oni'.i t(nuhfulnertn and the muct Iiik lit abruptly broken up. l.Oike followH .Mck, Italcom'H wit n4M. and U waylaid by omlHuarlcrJ of the Automaton, tiikou to a deter ted warohoiMtf. hound and placed In tho elevator nhaft. All eiiilitnary muihIu tin.1 levator downward to itiihIi him. 1'lvn nUu falht Into the chitche of I ho Automaton The pldm't cIonoh Nqw York' t'onr.uiteil Htihway, during tht,' ruh hour, will ho nhowu to tho people throughout llm coun try in the tiioliiK-dt'turu film, mich iiueuQM liavliiK hueu lucorpornteil hy MarJhtill N'ollaii In " I Itl-Tliu-Tr.tll Holllday," Hid (Icorj'.o M. Uohan plc turo ror Arlcraft. which will ho aliown at tho Liberty Theatre next Saturday, Nov, 29. Itoullzlni; that there are tnlllloim of peoplo who havo read Htorlti.t of happliioKri In tho Mithway, In now. pitiprA and iiiaKazliieM, hut who have novur had an opportunity of actually neuliij; Now York h famoiiit under- Kround railway In operation, Mr Nollau docltltid to depict theso ttccmtit in an elaborate maimer, and to In clude nmuttluK bltH of Incldentu which occur at tho ticket olllcu.t and v,i-trauucH. ArraiiRemoiitH witro consummated with tho liiterboroucli L'ompauy In Now York for the oxi'IiihIvh iim of tliu Hfith Htrcet Htatlon after two o'clock In the iiioruliiK.t and a com plutu Hiihway train vnn placed at tho dlnpotal of the molloii picture peo ple. Throo huuilnitl extra people took part In tho kcoiio, In which (knn;o M. Cohan, an Holllday, hoard n tralrt'on IiIh way home 1 1 In troublcH ntart at the tlekttt wludow, for a fal woman itearcliInK fur an olunlvo nickel, hlockn llolll day'it way uiul a Ioiik Hud of linpu tlout homir.oi)rrt behind him. At tho ticket -chopper'u eiitrancti auothwr ptr- ttoti with a huiio huiullo taken tlmo to Hiiucoc tliroiii.li tho onlrUttcu, and llolilduy l.i finally porifiliiod dlMittto4 hhi way thrntiRh tho rflirijlnrr 'mob t) .llio Imju. nftor buitiK hiiick with u ..id. ..... ...i.i 1 1 . i iiii.ii.iiitii 1. 1., huVliiK llU noito l.lcklttd b i laofrllnu fOtlthfTi' iintf IiIm loot U'nininod on hy iinnifioim f0. An hj to tho Imln tlii door ' uu t !,!. . mi Hi" Irulii yihiijj ftway. lM'''iiK MMiil-liiyi and tho oihor unfoUm-.tt-H n await tho next one. An Incident nol on lh proprmn occurrod, whon a girl paiui.iKnr on1 tho train recoijnlzod tho ftunoui tietor and hIio'aid.iii and ItiHint ?il ution hU uccoptliu: a hu'iio box of candy, v.lin lt . .tho had ovldontly ruoelved fr.-.tu her not-too-plcatetl okcorl. A pov, .j.'tul llRhtliiK equipment wax Itutallctl for tho purpose, anil every detail of tuu HUbway wart clearly photoraphid, - o - iiy.i'Rom.'rrH nxjon hairv ro I'rojudlco ncnlnjit farm by.productd an dairy feed Is nearly ulway.-t around UirtH, Hiiyn H, Pino, of tho 0. A V. dairy dopartment. Properly usi'tl they do not online tho oowh to "dry up.". Hitch focdH appluH, pumpUInx, cull potaloe.t, etc. -cannot taku the place of conccntratort. They muv bo made to lake tho place of part of tin rotighiiKO and replant corn ullage and rootn. (.'arc iniint be taken to fund only xouud, well cleaned pro tluctrt, anil tho appleit ami pota'oert Hhould' bo criiHhod to prevent cliolc ln. ' lU'SINKHS IllilNDNKSS The Phiitffi&r is a -Robber! Tho morchnnt who rofunet to ntl vorllxo In the local newnpap"r In in blind to hi own Interest at wan tho ouo In tho fr.llowluK anecdote: Up at a northwestern lake riMorl lit a Aoiieral incrchaiit who lit u char acter. 1 1 l:t Htoro ban a little of every IhliiK in It. A lady "reitorlor" found there a xmnll urt little porch luntorn. film ut once bought It. onior c.iiko flocktnb' to him for tho name lantern. IIo ordered ft fow They wont at one. Finally, later, tho tenth cus tomer came for otto. Ity thin time tho merchant waH "Moro." No, ho didn't Imvo any, and what wait more, ho wnmi't uolut; to Kut any. "Why?" nho nuked. "Woll," ho naidj "can't nee no hoiiho in gettiu' the durned th1iiKt. Can't keep none in tto k, Sooit'rt I order ouo, hi tn4 woman coiiiih lu and buyM.lt." I'ubllHher.t Auxiliary Ony vvhcVj 'tlu- iTf;in Jn akhi Iho. f 'LUMBER h crookrrl. Oui rum it. t qh'd honest service, and install lionent goodo AL WAYS. . If you want any such goods and such service in your repairs or in new work, it's easy to get it. Just call us 0 1 1 pecialty Plumbing, Iieet Metal Work, Repairing Agents for (lie De Laval Dairy Supplies Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices THE BURNS HARDWARE COMPANY In our new building opposite Larnpshire's garage CALL AND INSPECT IT FURS AKE HIGH Everywhere Ifippcn ore tna!:ini? uig money. Ate OU out; o them? IT PAYS TO TRAP We te piying lop-nolch prti. Ty ui you'll lx pluied. CliloiM4 bay i unJ-f H i)'"! mi Ii n Send lor l it I'licr Utt . ..i ... f vij, f E. R.Skpner&Co. 1121 Front St.. SucitmtnU, Cilil. 50c to $1.00 MORE for Your Furs Sell them to me, and make more money. I gnuranteo to give you 50 cents to $1.00 more on each hide than any other buyer in s r -.v, i the market. Save your furs for.me. L. L. NOONCHESTER BURNS, OREGON J.'arjuiiouiit Htr HiH'ii n lillr Hfn of ItJrJi Alan Who Im DWowiiimI mill Ih Iti'ilwini'd by l.ir Tho Paramount plcturo, "MIMJ-A-WIN'UTK KKNDALL," tarrin Jack rwvir4 And UjiiIho Huff, will bo Uh; leuluro ut tho Llhory Tlicatro rnt WodnonUay. Tho Rrout huccohh nrrrnUv iicorod hy Juck riclifonl In Torn S.wyor" and "Hunk ntul Tom" two I'Araimiunt relmiHOM. Heon horo mniK wooIih uko. Hrnimu curtain to bo ijl li-nt i'U by tliln now vehicle which I xtM Ut u; u picture of unuituul mnnnth and hoatity. ounK IMck fcrtt Krtrnyit tho rolo of tho Idlo rtn ui n. rich man, rockluiM and dn afpulort who, nftor bolng ntinnllutctl Vy Vhi Tuthur, IntontH a motor oiirIiio, tmWti it with profit and Incldtmtally frnrts happlnoan In tho lovo of a pure minded girl who bofriendod him in Hike dys of advoraity. Ah tho Klrl, the niece of un innkoopor. Loulmi Huff hiiH a conKonial rolo of which tee nialtoM tho morit. Tho uupport ins unit In oxcuptlonally uduiiuato. o ilOVUim HUM Ah IXTUItKHTIMfi liiindc.iiff Kiii' I'orftirnit ."t'tv .StunM In KiKhth Hplsudu SPECIAL! Liberty Theatre TOMORROW Get the Top Market Price for your RAW FURS SEND THEM TO The Golden Rulo Fur Co. (JOli Firtt Ave., S.attlr. Wn. Write for price list and tags sn lt mi Rft ou .MOIIK MONKV Ktllt l-'l'HH 1 knww Unit tliu averuRo trappor doo.1 not Kut hh much no lu Hhould for hi fur. i. I know that tlicr In a way to rIvo tho trap pur all that ho I outitlud to, and I'm Koln to do bunlno.i that way. My way of hoIIIiik your furn for you by fomiMtltlvo bid will set you tho hlRhiHt iiihhIIiSo prlco.1. Writu and I'll toll you about my nitilhod of i?fttini; yon uioro monoy for your fur. I'UKI) UlirMI M-n. .lr. NOHTII A.MKItU'AN Kt'lt HAI.RS CX. ;l0l Dtilnwant St. Kiumim ('Ity, 5lo. Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here i Thomas H. InctJ presents I bi ai m. Henry Walthall , "This Falsa Faces" l (ftwwount Gticrafl Special Read the story on this page. Tlioiio who havo boon following Oic exploilH of Houdlui, tho hand raff IiIiik. an Ouontln fn('kn. u irnv. roBoiit HKont. in I). A Itolfn nupor Patron who havo not booii follow- tod lu Houdlni, you uro Bure or a McbU, "Tlio MiiHtor . Myhtery," will tllu oHlnodort of Houdlni should Kood plcturo in addition uu a fivo limi couch to interest' 'them In the b3ur ln mlud tlial Uoro Ih always a rool foiituro la producod on tbHo oc- Slhlii d5?.laoilo which will bo Hhown uomplnto plcturo Htory In addition ensions. A vory InteroatliiK play Ih wt Ujq Liberty Theatre on next Frl- to 1,10 rhl nac Friday nljjlit, Ite- on with tho coming numbor. toy nlnlit. I KardlouH of whothur you uro Inter- o The Otolith ephjodO repoUta the fin-' mmmmm mmammmm wmmmmmm mmm m mmmommmmb , , mm Mimm i -in -.MWFi"imM ma THE UNIVERSAL CAR Remember that when you bring your Ford car to us for mechanical attention that you get the genuine Ford service materials, experienced workmen and Ford factory prices. Your Ford is too useful, too valuable to take chances with poor mechanics, with equally poor materials. Bring it to us and save both time and money. We are authorized Ford dealers, trusted by the Ford Motor Company to look after the wants of Ford owners that's the assurance we offer. We are getting a few Ford ears and first come first to receive delivery. BURNS GARAGE BURNS, OREGON