ptrj to More Heatee In Mar- Pjihuit .(Jim M fiMHi4 Mm4 of the fwila ot Harney .Oetinty where it k '. 'beck n weekly visitor for thirty., .years. ,' Job department k .'eTjulppod to utm yollr BoeeVs, i -i . i . .. reach the poofH UHMe eol. ;.mii.i for your advet-tlMMMNit. ,1,. , , , , , VOL. XXXIII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREQON NOVEMBER 22, ltlt NO. 4 SETTLEMENT OF SUIT INSTITUTED BY STATE AGAINST P. LS. CO. Fraud in Obtaining Land Wat Charted. yw unco mnumi urvro maimm Disliarged Service Men Given First Choice in P. rchase of Land. SCtitmcnt of tho HUlt instituted by lie r'ate ngainrt ho Pacific Livestock conijany In 1914, which charged fraud In obtaining possession of ap proximately 18,000 acres of land In Haricy hnd Grant counties, won ef- .f tf. Wednesday through a conipro- uln by which tho lompany pnys Lho gtftte " c buaof $125,000 and agrees to ti row open to sottlcmcnt 9857 tcrts of lnnd at a price to be- fixed .by n representative of tho state, a rejri'i'fttatlve of tho company and a third member to bo named by tho first two. The following official ntatcment of the Mttlemont 1b Bade by Edward F. Troadwoll, attorney for tho com pany; For some time wo have been nego tiating with tho officials of tho ntato for a settlement of tho pending land lult with tho company. A sattsfact ory bahlM of settlement has finally boon urrlvvd at, which has beon sub mitted to tho state land board and been approved by It. The substanco of tho settlement In' ' that tho company shall pay tho strite .one hundred and twenty flvo thous and dollars and shall at once place on tho market and soil about ten thouound acres of land In tho neigh borhood of Darns. Thl land Is to be Hold In small parrels of not moro than 320 ncrcs, payable In InutnllmontH In ton years, Discharged soldiers, sailors and mar ines aro to bo given tho preference In tbo purchase of tho land. Tho land to be sold Is among the best of tho company's land In the vic inity of Hums. It Includes the com pany's lnnd in section. 26, 22010, sec tions 26 and 36, 22-32, aectfoa 36, 23-30,'scclfORK 16, 26, 33, 34 und 36, 23-31. sections 2, 4, 7, 10. 11. 24-31, sections 12. 13. 14. 16. 18. 24, 24-31, sections 12. and 13, 24-30 and suction ( and 7, 24-32. The luud is. to bo subdivided, map ped and ditched at onco and a rigor ous effort Btade to sail tho land at once. Tho'fact that the matter hasi the approval of the slate officials and I will no doubt huvo tho approval of Ibn peoploof Hum Insures the sue-. t Lean ui uiu toiiiuiui i The thing which huff actuated us In weeing to this settlement Is the fact l. .. , n .... r..l MvA.IIaMftn k a rrtl. rlnced us that years before the com ptny hud anything to do with tho i-ronerty. certain irregularities occur ed In connection with the acquisition of the nronerty from tho state. Most of tho nersons cosrerned are dead son no good would come from going Icto details in the matter. While we felt that we should not be punished for tho faults of others and that wo hod a rood defense as uoaa use pur dinners of the property, still much of the satisfaction of owning the pro perty would be lost if the title was In anyway tainted We preferred luvruiore (O oiuku u nuiiieniuiii uivh (Continued on pago 87) Where to Find News First Tage Settlnmnnt P. 1 S. suit. IrrlKatlon to have consideration, Contractor lenses quarters. Mbkoiih have big eats. Uuys big stock ranch. Timber men coming. Kilo inubKuues tiarly.' i Tbles accepts chullenge. A. It (', executive meeting. Motion pictures of resources Mothers club bull. Farm loan man here. HeceaMi 1'aae Theatre news. Third Pae Aliens real menace. Bermonetto fo,r today. PMrtbTsit. Kdttorlal uqmjaaent, The green Klbbon. Corresnondence. . Seurcus of questions. Club wok HUDsorted. Colonization company sale. eelon urges bones. Treasury decisions government, Inaur anco. BuniB spirit triumphs. Best cowa beat. Don't fool thankful. Classified. Push yourself along, 11 HcvMi Tm , , ClasslAed adverttseasMts. v Ucul HappenlBt. . . IRRIGATION DISTRICTS TO HAVE CONSIDERATION Pet'tion fhi- DiVnVl NnmLr - i wmm- www m m-wm MISIMVS OneOr-4Ml Re-Adver- 'f (Xl tho lftHt wsslon of tho county cltrl. the tcundato of the supremo cuurf in ' ills Adclnlon on irrigation IJlM, No. 1, wu placed on record and later through the request of C. B. MtConnell It was ordered that tJib petition for this dlstrlcl be ro-ndver-tlscd and the matter by taken up uorore the court on January 7, 1920, belli i: tha rt'ftulflr form nt 11ml The petit)on8 for tho big district and hIko the Lawen district will bo up before the court on noxt Monday morning ut which tlmo the attorneys will ask for their consideration. irrigation matters are of partic ular Interest In this county and tho people are awaiting tbo outcome of mo uuempiH to form districts. Do lays are becoming quite Irksome and are going to have hard sledding from now on. o Contractor Leases Quarters in Burns Captain Morris, of tho Pacific Drldgo Company, contractors on tho highway between Burns and Lawen, has abondonod tho camp Just cast of town and loosed the Oregon Hotel building whuro ho will house his mon and mako IiIh headquarters during the tlmo of construction. Captain Morris stated to a representative of this paper tho other day that tho company would likely mako this tholr headquarters during tho ontlro tlmo of 'operating in this country. Tbo building loascd will houso a largo numbor of men and is equipped with kitchen and dining room, ns wejl as- sleeping quartern. It Is con vealent and an Improvement upon tegt life at thjs season of tho year, BMtriM belRf yioar the garago where reBairfktajrwkH and othdr muchln- ery may .... tHH a . WW. IWI id. Masonic Lodj Has lig Eats Local Masons wero agreeably sur prised at tha regular communication taut Mnndiv nlht. The stewards served roast pork sandwiches, mash ed potatoes, gravy, and coffee and doughnuts, instead of the usual menu at lodge feeds. Several of tho old-timers were pre sent to assist In the work of giving Frank W. Thompspn, of Lawen tbo Muster Mason degree. (lood cuts are to be a feature of lodge meetings during the winter. 1MB .I""'!"; In . ' J ::' ' - It's a Poor Ruli That wen-. RSW-ve cor At of IVoWm or -fWAUifili iwm iv vim rinM-tiwi Wis Rxl VCAR Local Nan Biys Big Stock Ranch Archlo McQowan returned the fore1 part of this week from a visit to tho whoro lie Iioh purchased a stock ranch. There aro 300 acres of deed ed land In the tract and Itils well de veloped, cutting 600 tons of alfalfa hay each season. It Is an Irrigated ranch In the heart of a big rungn country whoro Archlo Is sure to make a success of the stock business. Mr. McQowan bought the stock with the place and Is this week starting his bunch of some 1G0 head of cattle for the ranch where they will be win tered. He had been looking for a larger ranch for bis stock operutlous ever since he disposed of bis garage business ut Crane. This purchnsu will add to his plant and glvo him room to grow. Mr. Mcdowan spent several years on a ranch und knows tho gamo. fin four - t':M- lugtug ti at Statu? A Town that is Good Enough tb Live in is Good Enough to BUY in. M Work Bolh Ways . Timber Men Wire Intention to Come A. C. Wolconio of tbo First Nation u 1JUllk( yo.tor,itty received n nolo- grura from K. W. Burnetf stating hn would be hero about next Monday 1 with Interested parties to make an Inspection of tho timber adjacent to Darns provided the weather coudl- tlpns wvro favorable. Mr. Wolcomq 0Ht a ronlv that the timber territory . Is still clour of snow and everything , fn Vfinililn In Innklnir nvnr Mm trnrlii It will bo remembered that Mr. Barnes was here recently und took options on a consldorulile amount of timber laud near this city and stated at the time that It he secured a sufficient umouut to Justify ho would have men of means esclablluh u saw mill. It Is hoped the man will! be favorably Impressed and tlirt our hopes will be rnullzod. H. THIES ACCEPTS EVANS' CHALLENGE Will Meet in Six Round Bout Thanksgiving Afler.ioon at Tonawama. Dutch Tlilen and Young Gvnns will meet In a six round boxing exhibition at Tonawnnm on Thanksgiving after noon. Tho tnatlnco Is hold in re sponse to Kvnnn' chnllango given after the Armlntlco Day bout. Instead of being dlsplcnsud with tho Armlstlco Day bout or Its after math, Dutch's sontlmoutu scorn to bo quite tho coutrnry. for ho camo to American Legion ofllclnls to got thorn to stage this meat. A nogatlvo voto by tho Legion's oxocutlvo committoo prevented them from putting on tho show. Two mombors of tho Font who had an actlvo part In tha last program huvo consented to porsoually tuko hold of tho coming event. J. A. Krumholz and K. A. FcRsler, the boys In question, hnvo signed a contract with tho boxorn much tho sumo us the last one, in which a deposit has boon required, guaran teeing tho nppoaranco of tho boxorn. In addition to tho mnln event, the boys hnvo planned series pillow fight, blindfold boxing match, and four-riia-frce-for-nll. A small purse Is to bo glvon for each of these events. Tho frcc-for-all lu a popular stunt In tho navy. Knch man wears but one glovo, and must hoop tho knoo and toos of ono foot on tho floor, as woll as tho buro hand. Navy mon say no ono can got hurt, but thoro Is plenty of fun In watching ovon if the roforoo does have hls'ltands full. A guard ring Is to bo placod around tho boxing ring, and no ono but tlm boxers and seconds will bo permitted Inside. File Messages Early at Phone Office Jamos Itaycraft, of tho Iutur-.Moun- tain Tel. & Tel. Co., Is In receipt if a icuor rrom 1110 wotcsru union Tel. office ngont at Juntura, advising the local telephone office that It will be necessary to have all night letters dolvlered at Juntura before 6 o'clock In the uvtinlug to have them sent on that date. It appears the office there Is closed at 6 o clock In the evening and Is not opened until 9 o'clock or Inter the following morning. Night letters filed with the phone office ut Burns later than 6 o'clock do not go out of Juntura until after the open lug date the following day. Local patrons have wondered why their messuges aro delayed and this accounts for It. Thu fault Is with I liu Western Union and not the local telephone people. -7 it A. R. C. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETS; ELECTS OFFICERS Community Nurac Will Ba Secured. HOME SERVICE BRANCH MOST ACTIVE Urge. Reinstatement Lapsed Government Insurance by Service Men. County Manager Don M. TaylorV reports that country returns In tho Bed Cross membership drive are plow coming in. To date, $089.50 has been reported from tho county, with, eovcral districts still out. Bcturns should be font wthout do-t lay to Don M. Taylor, Bed Cross eat rotnSry, Burns, Oregon. A meeting of tbo oxocutlvo com-, mlttoo of Hnrncy County Chapter, American Bed Cross, was hold at Tho Tlmes-IIeruld offlco Thursday evening when tbo officers of tho or ganization wero elected for tho ensu ing year. It In tho intention to se cure tho services of a Bed Cross com munity nurse m soon ns possible and) do Homo activo work in tbo school and several communities of this coun ty. Tho homo service dopartment of. tho organisation will bo tbo most act ivo and x-nervco men and their families are to receive first consid eration. Viltli this in vlow the selec tion of the head of the homo service commlttco was mado nn America Loglon momber. The work for the noxt six weeks In that connection will bo to urgo the reinstatement of lap sed government lusurnnco among the service mon who have allowed It te lapse und the conversion into other Insurance as provided by tho govern ment. An Interesting story In con-, ncct Ion with this may bo found else where In this Issue under tho heal ing of "Important Treasury Decision Bcgurdiug tlovernment Insurance." The officers of the Chapter are:' Chairman, K. 11. Cnnscr; first vice chairman, Mrs. Julia Smith: suconii vice chulrmunMrs; I. H. Holland; third vice chnlrmun, Capt. Bobt. M. Duncan; secretary, Donald M. Taylor;' treasurur, A. C, Wclcomo. Tho executive commlttco couaisUf of Julian Byrd, chairman, Joe Thomp son, Mrs. Julia Smith, Sum Mothers head, Bev, Father Francis, B. "PL Conner. Mrs. Gruco U. 1ampshlrt, Mr. 1. II. Holland, Charles W. Bills, Mrs. Holeuo Biggs, BobU .V. Duncan, C. W. Drlnkwuter Sidney McNeR. John Graves, Joe Morris, J. C. Cocn, M. llorlon, M. J. O'Connor, Gee. Smyth, Fred Haines, F. (J. Kelly. dipt. B. Al. Duncnti was made chairman of the home M'rvlce com mlttio und ho will Rdct tho com mitteemen to servo with him. o To Take Motif Picffwes of Our ResoMt ces Is Plan I KollKnian. the nhotoKnipber, ar rived hero from 'Portland Wednesday to continue business In hts line, Mr, Bellginun has a moving picture cam era with him and Intends takeuc Homo pictures showing the resources of this section, One portion of the picture will show thu activities on the hlghwny, unothcrd portion wlM bd devoted to vluws of several of tlin big stock ranches with tbo herds. also tho sheep Industry will no doubt huvo a part and ulno the timber re sources. Thu Puthe people Will re leaso this film when It is coropleteA. O 5 Mothers Club Ball Aclvortlsliiir Is out for tho Mother Club annual Thunksgivlug ball. Then Indies huvo beon cIvIiik this function for a number of years, and buve made It one of the lookeu-iorwura-ue events of the soason, Plnnn this veur Inrhnlti unnrnnr'iata decorations, uad serving punch an4i Hiinnur. as usual. A hustllna floor committee will bo on the job, whose) duty will be to see tbut cveryow gets acquainted und has u ftnpd tieae. e - FKDKRAL VMIM l.OAV APl'ItAIRKR IN XH)NTC Tho fore pnrt of this wock the Fea oral Laud Loan nppralser arrived la this city, und accompanied by V. (O. Coiiud, who Is secretary of tbo locdi organization, and other members oK tho nppra(slug board, left for the south part of the county to Inspect somo land upon which loan appli cations have beon made. t