The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 15, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    VMS fl
Mil m n m raa iviivmnBr.r mri.
Traveled All
Over the World
'Athletic Artcrafr Mnr Hcun News
pnprr IJrMirtcr Whoso Optimism
' nml Hmllo Help win Success
DouKlns Kulrbankn' now photoplny,
''Say, Ybuiik Follow," Ib ( iih
IxjIiik, porhnps, t ho most novul In
which ho over has npppnrod. The
Htory wiih written hy Jomiph Honn
hprry who also directed tho plcturo.
An ailmlrnhlc cant or players nppoar
In nupport of tho popular Artcraft
In thin photoplay Mr. Fairbanks
portrays tho rolo of a wlde-nwnko,
optimistic reporter omploycil In a
nmall city, who winn distinction by
Interviewing: a tnllllonalro who not
only has never boon Interviewed be
fore, but who nnnounccd that ho
never would submit to rcportorlal in
quisition. How Mr. Fairbanks,
known an "tho younir follow," Rots
to tho nilllionalro and obtains tho
Htory ho Is after, is said to bo a
highly interesting development now
to modern motion pictures.
IIIh success with this assignment
prompts his appreciative city editor
to give him another and moru jilrfl
:u)t one. Ho sends his "young fel
low" to a . neighboring town, whore
ho is to exposo a fraudulent schomo
In connection with a big factory.
Then enters in quick succession "tho
MW PICKPOJD j,i j-fov Could Vou . fean?'
Admirers of "America's Sweetheart"
'Will Kind Hrr Newest Vchlrlo
Ono of UntMHMl Intrrrst
Tho loglon admirers of Mary Pink
ford will find her now Artcraft photo
play, "How Could You, JeanT", ono
of tho best vehicles in which she has
boon seen slnco "Kobecca of Sunny-
lift .. . . ' - a
hnpplnecn in their mutual love.
Tho plcturo has boon Hplondldly
produced undor the direction of Wil
liam I). Taylor, and nn unusually ex
cellent cast of supporting players,
fully up to tho Mary IMokford Art
craft standard, has bnoti provided.
These include Cnsson Ferguson, who
is tho vlr-a-YU to Mary IMckford,
Bpotllswoodc Altkon, harry Peyton,
Luclllo Ward and others. This pic
ture will bo displayed at tho Liberty
Thvatro Saturday, November 22, and
It is beyond (mention that tho capacity
of thin commodious theatre will be
taxed to Its utmost.
'llellevo Me, Xaiitlppo" AfTords Para
mount Htnr With Anotlirr !
IlKhtful CliaractrrltAtlon
-vllllan," portrayod by Frank Cam- brook Farm." This Is u delightful
k)au, said by .Mr. Fairbanks to bo story which emphasizes tho truth
perhaps the bestntortrayer of villlan that oven aristocratic young women,
roles in tho country. The reporter when Impoverished, will find them
itnd this arch "villlan" havn several solves equal to every requirement
encounters which provo diverting to Imposed upon thorn hy their now on
(ho audience as well as to IIioho tnk- vlroumnt. oven though circumstances
Ing part therein In tho plcturo. forco them to earn their livelihood
When everything Is at sixes and as ordinary houso cooks. This charm
norens, and tho efforts of tho young Ing photoplay la based upon tho novel
Toportcr to exposo tho fraud ho finds of tho samo nanio by Kleauor Hoyt
rampant In tho vicinity, aro nearly Itraluerd, published serially somo
frustrated, "tho girl" appears and by time ago, In a leading magaaliiu and
lior aid all In set right and tho report- later appearing In book form with
or wins his fight. There aro many great success.
thrilling situations, In all of which ' Jean becomes a cook In a literary
tho Falrbankslan methods aro con-' family, living In the country, and her
tlnually in evidence, ho that all ad- leisure houm aro devoted largely to
mlrera of this nthletlc star have n'repolllug tho unwelcome affection of
treat in store for them. It will bo J Oscar, a, houso servant, and to con
ahown at tho Liberty Theatre to-, fldlng her petty troubles to Henri
morrow night. letta, tho cow,' Hho meets Tod Hur-
Aside from Mr. Cnuipcau, Marjorlo ton, tho sou of a grouchy millionaire,
Daw, Kdytlio Chapman, James N'olll who instantly falls In love with her,
and other eapablo screen artists ap-and who, when ho learns that Jean
pear in Mr. Fairbanks' support. Tho Ms a cook In the Homier household,
play was excolleutly produced and tho ' bribos Oscar to resign his position
photography, ty Hugh Mcciung, is, while ho takes his place as hired man.
exceptionally flno.
Tho next Houdlni episode comes
Friday night, at tho Llborty Theatro,
as usual.
There aro numerous thrilling t net
dents and nmny pretty bucollu scenes,
whlfh nttoud their courtship, and
when both come to. a realization of
their own masquerade,, they find
Appearing as a wealthy manabout
town, Wallace Hold, who Is starring
in "Ilollovo Me, Xnutlppe," has ono
of the best roles over portrayed by
him In his motion plcturo career. In
this characterisation Iteld uses his
favorite expression, "Hollow Mo,
Xaiitlppo," once too often and while
It gets him Into temporary trouble,
It serves to win him the companion
ship for life or a very splendid young
western girl.
Tho story or "Ilollovo Mo, Xau
ttppo," which will bo shown at tho
Liberty Theatro next Wednesday Is
based upon tho play or tho same
name by Fredrick Dullard, -which
scored so decisive a hit III Now York
flvo years ago. As George MacFar
laud, Mr. Hold makes a wager of
120,000 with two friends that he
can commit a crltno and elude tho
police for one year. Ho accord
ingly forges a check for f 100 and be
comes a fugitive from Justice tho in
stant it is handed over tp the pollco.
While the country Is flooded witli
his photographs bearing tho stato
Is "Ilollovo Mo, Xantlppeo," ho goes
nient that his favorite expression
to Colorado mid for eleven months
remains In hiding on a ranch and. Is
only discovered when ho Inadvertent
ly replies to tho question of a young
woman, tho daughter of a sheriff,
whether hp Is hungry, with tho state
ment, "Ilollovo Me, Xauttppe, I am."
Tho girl courageously arrestH him
herself, and subsequently develop
ments are exceedingly dramatic and
Interesting, Tho situation In tho
play are both novel and effective and
with tho admirable support given
Mr. Hold, this photoplay stands out
with eameo-liko clearness as one of
tho best characterizations of his
screen career.
Already tho little ones of till
community aro. beginning to wonder
what Bnnta Claus will bring them
this Christmas.
Daughters aro making vollod sug
gestions, and the sons aro openly (
bidding for parental favor hU this
time. I
Mother has her secrot desires, and
father Is chocking up to see If ho eun
afford a new suit or a pair of hIiooh.
Tho family oyo is turning to Chrht
mas and Is bright with expectation,
Yulotido Joy is hovering in the offing
and all arms are oxtonded to it.
Out what will you give? That Is
tho old, old story tho ono which
onch person must detormluo for him
self. Our local merchants aro ready for
the rush, They are prepared to sal
Isfy every legitimate demand. Their
selections aro especially appropriate
this year.
Our advertising columns will kop
you In touch with tho situation ia"h
week, Tho choicest and best or all
girts will be round thoro.
You want it, tho homo town hus It,
and tho homo paper will tell you
whoro to got It.
Everything irt every sphere it made up of Parti.
The better the parts, the .better the article upon which they
are attached. '
Pour accessories are a weakness pulling against the long life
and useful service of the combination complete.
Our department, consisting of the standard brands fi
national and international trade-marks on reliable parts and
accessories, is at your service.
Associate Agents for HupMobile. Cars
Hut Tanlac Helped Him Mbrn Than
Treatment Here, In Europe,
and la Houth America
Tho rollowlng Htatomcnl, whloh
wuo made, a row daytt m'o by II. L.
Finnlgor, watch makorflor tho Nath
an Dohramami A Company, livii g at
an Plato H(. San Fnuiclttco, Cnl. Is
both Interesting aim remarkablo.
Mr. Finnlgor said:
"I have been treated for indigo's
(Ion in Franco, Italy and Switzerland
nml In North and South America, in
fact, nil over the world, hut Tanlac
Is tho only thing I have ovor found
to do mo much good. Always after
eating I would have such awful
cramping pains In my stomach that
1 could hardly stand H. I hud fal
len off in weight until 1 was scarcely
more than a frame of akin nnd bones
and my nerves wpro no shattorcd
that tho least llttlo thing would irrl
tato and upset nie. I could not
sloep to do any good and would gut
up mornings moro tlrud than on
going to bod. My strength and en
ergy had about nil loft inn nnd ninny
n tlnio I felt like I would bo compel
led to give up entirely.
"IJesldcs taking everything in tho
way of treatments and medicines, I
havo tried all tho different hinds,
of diet, also tho rest euro, but never
got moro thnn a little passing relief.
Uut tho way a fow bottle of Tanlac
ban brought mo out is moro than I
ran understand. At tho time I be
gan taking this medicine I only
weighed ninety-eight pounds, but I
now balance tho scales at one hun
dred and olghteen, making a gain of
twenty pounds on flvn botUes of Tan
lac. After finishing my first bottle
and about las If of tho second I could
see I was- getting hotter and from
that tlmu on my Improvement was
very fast. I can cat Just anything
now nnd nover suffer a pnrtlclo of
distress afterwards. My nerves ro
In excellent condition so that I now
get eight hour.t noo-J iiound sloop
overy night. I cot up mornlnga now
ready for a good breakfast and a full
.lays work. I usually put In an hour
or two In the mornings working in
my garden before going to tho store,
which would have been itnpossiblo
for mo before taking Tanlac. My
appotltu is flno now, I relish every
thing I eat, and am enjoying hotter
health than I havo In years. Tanlao
has cortr.lnly boon n life saver to mo
and It'll n roal pleaturo for mo to
rocommond It."
Tanlac Is sold In Ilurnn by Hood
tiros, and In Crane by Vale Trading
Co. Adv.
WHEN ybu have
any cuttting to do
you went a keen edge.
And Keen edges require
good steel.
That is the only kind
of material we believe
in celling, so you can make
no mistake in buying your
cutting tools and instru
ments here.
Our stock is very
complete, permitting a
large field of selection. Let
us show you.
If ymi buy it from
u,'it 's worth
the price
I. S. GEER & m
M ' ipl
5 WVW.sV P"BMa
Wiii.fl', n that Iff vain i in J
t,' the ctsarittf anil do t
" not txptvt primiumi M
W X. orcoupantl J
vMH ti h iVi,W
C'iljjlUjI ' of SO rHrrlr. or fen
lutl pfk'ty (3frt ciittt in a
ifo'M" rrmi!ir.rn Ihi
f pi!'". cstlon fat tho ipnir or oftic
u it.1 . 1. 1 rtr- i
II tflii,W! - w
20,000 Acres
with water rights for sale on
Blitzen River in tracts of
Acres or more. Reasonable.
prices one-fifth cash balaiu
easy terms, six per cent in-
terest. .
Eastern Oregon Live Stock
crane Company orego
If you want to know what rare and
unusual enjoyment Camels provide
smoke them in comparison with any
cigarette in the world at any price!
CAMELS are a cigarette revelation any
yvuy you consider them! Take quality,
or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that
wonderful mcllovv-rnild-smoothness you
never before got in a cigarette smoke! Yet
Camels are so full-bodied and so full-c
satisfaction you marvel that so much de
light cmld be put into a ciu:.'.-!
Camels expert blend of choice Turkish
and choice Domestic tobaccos makes then
so irresistibly appetizing! And, the blend
explains why it is possible for you to smoke
Cartels liberally without tiring your taste!
Kop will prefer Camels to either kind
of tobacco smoked straight! '
You'll realize pretty quick, too, that
among the many reasons you smoke Camels
is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga
retty tiftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor!
Once you know Camels you won't
take much stock in premiums, coupons
lifts! You'll prefer Camel quality!
R. J. REYNOLDS TODACCO CO., Vinton.3!eiy, N. C