, T T1MII MHAi B W g f Him t A AH int. WHO WANTS TO LIVE 400 YEARS? gonor Louis J. Abltla, Moxlcan lecturer niul philosopher, hns coma into uulto u bit of publicity by an ...,,w i!ii' n now ucticmu of longevity. ii. ..,t mini can llvo 400 years Just nn ivislly " 110 no-w nuuiBKOH to exist tlirniM IH9 niiuuuii mreu-ncuru unu All una mUHt do to attain tho modern Mothuisoliili ago Ik to cat liotliU'K ul vogouiwo ioou, cnicny raw vlto ami oais. rin conor scums to bavo over looked tlio fact thnt tho horHO lives upon it mot consisting largely oi raw oiuh, a low earn tu raw turn unu .....1. vnciitiiblu rounhnco as liny nml strn'v will kIvo tho body. Tho horso'n hill of fnro, Is according to thu doc ,,,u nf Abltln IbiiK Hfo. Is Ideal for joo ycnrH. Hut whoovcr hoard of n ln.r o living a tenth of those years. At twenty Dobbin Ir i llkoly candl date for tho PnstUro of Agod Equina, i hi il noma human beliiK ban lived 400 yenr on raw oats nnd rlco tho real of mtinKliui win continue uouiu i,. ilin liiimnn ability to do so. An it why should tho human being Man' to llvo four conturlo7 lispoc iu imi a diet of raw oats and ricol Can ou Imnglno n moro monotonous oxlslcnco than otio founded upon tho hIiimiuo of plo, caKc. lonuonoin sieaa, roast hoof, fried chicken, bam and egg:i and wheat chkos ior ureaa v.i. frtenda and fellow cltiiens. the real goal In human life should not lo tho mere selfish collection of tlnvit, months, ana years. t.if. U Intended for more than men living. It Ib given us for DOING. , t ui.nt ir wo lived 400 years and at (ho nnd that was the sum total of our achievement living 400 years? Of what boneit would that bo to tho rf Vmin. absolutely none. It wrro better to have lived 40 yearn of a life crowded with achievement Hum to .have dragged through 400 of an existence dedicated to keeping nr.. In Mm hnriv. History has written down name -n. r. iinmn nf mnn who In less t'lpn 40 yrarM did moro, und greater things llnui Methuselah necompiisncu in an hli hundreds of years. ti.Ij iinnn nni iiinnti that WO should mnko no ondoavor to llvo long; as loi'K as wo aro useful to tno worm. ii. ,n If mnnii Hull (itir COftl llll'IH I il'.n ...vi.,.. . . . . should bo something moro and higher limn tho uccumulatlon or years. 1M...I-.I urn mnn who llAVO lived 400 ftTlll 111 t..n ihnn so. . Theso aro the nu n who huvo qulckonod tho stream if progress, elvllUatlon, democracy. humanity, justice wmcn nan carrmu Mm ilnrknoNH of MetllU- Uriah's time t6 tho brightness of our tlav o One Year Ago-AnJ Now m BBTTHPSWUnPHiiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI Edward Cooklnnh.im. Oreaon War Loen Chairman, who sends Armistice Day greeting through, local Liberty Locn committee. TALK IT OTMK AND TALK AGAIN Wlann aflvlihfirN ntr illta ft dloputu there nro usually two sides to tho question nt lssuo, wun raoru on bdlh. It each Is willing to talk It over doBpaBslonutoly It Is not difficult to offset an nmlcnblo oujURtmoiu. uui If ono or both uro stubborn, thoy. como to blows, Ono gets llckod, and tljo other Is punished uy mo courts or his conuclonco. Talking It over Is a good thing, It Is a Jewel to bo fostorod and encour aged among our people It brings to light tho good and tho woak polntB or both Hides, Inculcates an element of Bolf restraint Into turbulent dlu positions, and preserves that spirit of amity which tnipplles tho miiishlno of our community llfo. Talk It over by all means und If at first your tnlk does not succeed, talk naain. 11 HAD Oi l'' THE HUSH WMl AlfV WIM If, as we are told, "the wages of sin Is death," It is a long time over taking somo of tho hardonod old roprobatos of this world. n.n. font npNInvnil)Pr 11. 1918 the armistice was declared, and tho wrrld took Its flrat doop bream in fr.ni vnnra Tn n nf America It was a happy dav, for It meant that tho enemy bad given up In defeat, and that many thousands of lives wcro saved wliu Ii otherwlso would have beon led lo tho field of goro. Tho men of our armies were joy fill, because It moant homo and froo dom again for them. n. vnr hut Hiich a year! Then wo thought the blood of our had made tho worm saie ior dimocrocy. Today wo find 11 kP i.,.. In (In. Mi rno nf illHinteBTatlOB. Jealousy, hatred and suspicion of ono anothor has boon ongenuereu in ho i.nviirntiiniltH Illld llflOtllCS Of KUT- opr No ono trustH anothor. Open discord Is everywhere llussla is a seething cauidrom, the Ilalklna are a melting pot, ami mr l;ry is a living bell, c...t fiininmiipv nml the confer iie of Paris havo produced not . a ni. n m honor and Juslico, uui rauier dh tuiiK and Flume. 'n.n nonno nt iiaHnun la a mlSllO iri r a phantom of the brain which ifns not follow Its own cqnvlctlons. Wo see a cessation of armed con flict, but no where Is there tranquil' Europe Is pauperized and a hotbed ef KfiluVinvlam England Is staggering under a mountain of debt and the burdens of thu Irish question. America Is tottering on the brink of revolution. . Mnvim In In nornetual eruption, mid tho lessor nations of the western hemlsphcro are smoldering wun un f tkt tin1 nnnltnl nrfi at CBCh other's throats the world over, and governmental threats Und appeals mike fall upon deaf ears. Profiteering is rampant and no agency seems powerful enough to hock It. . ('ollcetlvq sanity Is nowhoro to be r,1n(l- . . ..n . Ono year ago wo exclaimed: "Safe .or iloinocraeyl" ..... , Today It Is tho survival of tho flt- t('Ht, Hut this condition can not last. An 1 1 d must como. Tho greed of tho capitalist and tho arbitrariness of labor must be curbed. Tho agency that will not volun t rlly Hubmlt to reason must be forc t d to do so. Tho government must tuko action, 'rustic as tho conditions may wur r.tnt. , , w Tho man who considers hlmsoir i n ator than tho pcoplo must bo rushed by tho nation. Thoro Is no other nltornatlvo, ir v aro to proscrvo tho freo country our forofuthers bullded for us, Tlioso whom tho gods would dos roy thoy first make mad and Amor H'i it a madhouit today. 4"t' 'Permit mo to extend itr'tt K Inss to yourself nnd youh ctti- k?v, ami to Join with you In the culuhrntlni of thu first un- nlversury (f 'that day destined 4 to becctno ir.umorablo In his tory, which commemorates tho glorious vlrtary of our country and Its allleH In the great world war. I again congratulate the O people of your community upon the overwhelming success which r thoy achieved In tho Hovoral f Liberty Loan campaigns. The record of your district Is a last- Ing monument to their s"lf sacrifice, and will bo nn InHpIra: tlon to Amurlcans whenuvor their country again stands In peril. On this occasion shall r. o not ' plodgc anew our lives and for- tunoH to our country and Us In- slltutlons and resolve, to bear our obligations of citizenship today with tho samo serious and hlghmlndcd uutorprlnu lliut was shown In llfo dark days of A Mm war? Let us not Klvo less freely to our country now In tho facii of domestic peril than wo f gavo when It confronted foreign enemies. On this anniversary wo cole- urate tho fulfillment by our sol- A Horn nml nallnrH of their oltll- cations, but our citizen army Is not vet discharged. It has uh- s. tftitmui nlillputtnns which must W '"-V bo nald In lull. 4 Your record during tho war Is 4 undoubted assurance of quick response to every call of your country for flnanclul support. 4 l ain suro It Is only necessary to remind your citizens or tno deficit In Oregon's War Savings A mirit.i to maUo curtain Its 4 a i.rntitni KiiliHiTlntlon. OroKon 4 W u. " 4 has nover failed. -4 KnWARI) COOKINOHAM. 4 Director War Loan Organlza- 4 a tian for Oregon. 4 Annrchlsts, bnlsliovlstM, agitators und Hcalawiigs generally In Europe nro preparing for n grand rush lo tho United Btutca ns soon as tho war time reatrlcllons on ItunilgruUon aro lifted. Pickings on tho other oldo aro slim nnd anything but Juicy, nnd'tho vi. r tioro rooms briKht and ontlclng to tho hungry hordo of Hods. Amlrlca to them In n land flow ing, with milk and honey, and they would gorge themselves to repletion. Hut the government should koop up tho bars and head orf tho rut-h of mtesirablcB, and those who liuyo ai insula v..' . . .Aft. . t..l.t ready round lougmuni noro miuuiu .bo sunt back to the shores from whence thuy camo. , We linvo room In this country for all who would como with tho slncoro Intention of becoming good citizens nnd living In amity and In accordance with our ojtabllHhod systom of gov ernment. Hut there Is no room welcome for tho agitator nnd tho dcslroyor. Tf Mm vrncn InrrnftRrt continues. business men will soon bo throwing un the snoiiKO nnd looking ror rat Jobs. I In largo cities -scrub woman aro rirnlvlntr ft.l and 14 n day. Minis- tora and collogo profosaorB rccolvo nearly as much. Hero Ib n mnn who really ought not In do allnwod tn llvo. Ho hns ovolved a problem that reduces to mental chaos any man who trios to solve Its Supposo, ho snya, a plpo, with n boro little largor than tho thickness of a man's body, woro pierced through tho earth, nnd a ladder ran through tho length of tho plpo. AsRtimo n man starts through tho plpo rrnni 1. (union tn an aiitlnodeatl Island. )lo descends tho ladder, feet fnniinmii. nml Im U irnlnir downward until ho reachoB tho center of tho oarth. when ho roachcH tho contor of tho earth ho, presumably, will thoncoforth bo going upward, until ho omorges at tho antipodes, Hut how can a ladder on wmcu ono is descending become a loddor on which mm In iiRriwiilliic? Furthermore. how could ono go up a lAdiicr teoi foremost? Commercial Traveler No longor can wo say thnt nothing Is fliiro but death and taxes. Agi tation discounts thorn all. FALL LUSTER SPARKLE IN ORANGE AND BROWN Tim ulinvn wan ri rolvod as n tolo- gram by Leon M. Hrown, city chair man of tho Victory Loan unvo. Sky Pilots of Present Day In Mmnu Tinnl WO have 1)0011 UCCUS- ...,,...i in rnfnr tn tho tiroacher as "a lUttlu V w . . - m sky pilot." Tho name.siucK, wiieuici i, .iioiiumi inn nriiiniier or uui. v y - Hut It remained ror a preacimr iiimnlf to Justify lu raci me arpouu- inn tin nil oil In Inat. .tw'i . . Lieutenant Maynaro, a cnapiaui In the United States Army, curried nW I It tinnnra in a cross country dis tance flight, In which ten uvlators lost their Uvea, , a. a iiiiv niint he is a nronouueed rnn hi. fai ronulred nerve and Judgement of an exceptionally Mnv ir tm ran nreich as well ah ho can fly he should be able In time to tell the truth to tne average cuuire- gatlon and get away wun u. Score one ror ine say puoi. WIHK ASI) OTHBIIWIHIJ Cu.rv Inrcn makeH for KOOd Or OVlli with the steering wheel in your own 1..H.1. Tim Winn man turns It With care, but tho fool glvcB It a twist at random. t -,.. n win la a nilshty force and can be fanned Into, a terrific gale. But without perseverance n becomes but a transient gust of wind. nil.... ni unnnk Willi nf Othori tt null jw" - you forgo a bright and unbreakable link In your own reputation. Think it over. y i.. i..;. I., t im mult hut dims the glories of the! future and renders futile the conquests ui to life! J To speak fluently In public Is a rare gift, but to say tho correct thing at tho right time Ib ono of tho most precious of all horltagos. Thoy toll us that orators uro born, and not mndo. From which, no doubt,' wo nro to assume that Homo hud soup boxes Mid Jackasses for progouttors. I man admiros a protty woman, but few of us havo tho courago to ten our wivuij. The Plumber is a -Robber! Only when the man in side the PLUMBER is crooked. Our aim is to give honest service, and ' install honest goods AL WAYS. If you want any such goods and such service in your repairs or in new work, it's easy to get it. Just, call us Our pecialty Plumbing, hect Metal Work, Repairing Agents for the De Laval Dairy Supplies Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices THE BURNS HARDWARE COMPANY In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage CALIi AND INSPECT IT - In Its ninth year of. growing suc cess the Pacific International Live stock Exposition will be given at Portland. Oregon, the wook of Nov embor 17 to 22 under tho root of a now pavilion covering 7 Mi acres and representing nn Investment of nearly half ti million dollars. Throu thous and puro-brcd animals In the cattle, bono, shnop, nwlno and goat classes have been entered. Bloven states nro represented In tho exhibits. Coincident with the Exposition will bo held tho oxtonslve exhibits and practical educational program of tho western Dairy Products Show. The annual convention of the. Western - M. 1 ...III Dairy instructor's Association win also bo hold In conjunction. FURS ARE HIGH Everywhere Irnppcrs ate mnliinR big money. Ate YOU one cf them? IT PAYS TO TRAP Wo tie pyf"8 top.nolch pri. Tiy ui you II be well plctitd. CUcini4 (toy i under 10 ntrd no lit-rntr. Send (oi Free PiiceUit lodty. E. R.SkrnrrACe. Be 123 1121 Front St., ScraaMto, Calif. T- ..Mm. vlrl thU COB- fur ii, v vwmmw. r tuna- Visa an anneal which HlortJ rail tn niorMi. oace the. 1 III H .. W rich fall coioriui cne i A brown reivei coai i. ! J lirnarn II tOBOCil off with a oraage hat and scarf . a i. uh auiuMa colors. II Is "the snappiest ouim oi ibb mwii. Get the Top Market Price for your RAW FURS SEND THEM TO The Golden Rule Fur Co. 603 Firit Ave., Seattle, Wn. Write for price list and tags 50c to $1.00 MORE for Your Furs Sell them to me, and make more money. I gaurantee to give you 50 cents to $1.00 more on each hide than any other buyer in . Save your furs for me. L. L. NOONCHESTER BURNS, OREGON . unnc UIUVV IY1H Vllllfl 1 knew that the average trapper does not got aa ahould I for hla furs. I know that there U a way to give the trap pe! ill that lie Is entitled to, and I'm going to do business that uOl liclowart) m. nn" v..., Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here Ladies' Monogram Stationery Here I'MHTIKfl WITH DKATIl (inn nr tlm most nathntlc poison Ing cases In tho history of this coun- tv tin a limt tinoit brouKht lo a happy close by the recovery of tho Innocent victims, . . A Detroit piothor. in a moment oi nthurwlse. administered deadly, mercury to her two little danaiitnra with the intention of end- lug their existence. . Thav warn rnived. however, by the prompt action ana ueroio enoris ui physician ana are now cmiuub la behind Iron bars. UV " " 1 The lesson Is one wnicu snouiu ue taken Into every home. ni... im antiralv too much free A,n in thm Manner In which people uwu " - - - are permitted to purcnaso nruga mi a polsonoHs nature. In a majority oi numcn jum . fi...i iimui. iiniHonn standliiK on pan try sholves, in bath rooms, or lu other pl"ceH' hi i Ynv.rui.lv thnv nre within the roach of children who know not that death lurks in those wnoeem iui It Is the acme of carelessness, and comes dangerously near 10 emmnm ii. . . inlli it An line, fintffii ahould not be purchased at will. They should be accessluie oniy ihtoukh i of a practicing physician, and thou i,i t.n knnt undor lock and key, Tho person who employs drugs with criminal liuoiu . ...in. uurirt nml ilriiHtlc nuiilsh- ment commensurate with the crimo, and no maudlin sontlmont should ho permitted to intorroro. n.ti.ii. with flnnth hnfl hocomo Oil' tlroly tpo froquont In this country. It is tlmo for tho puiilshino.nt to fit tho crime, . -o Itoud tho wanteds. You want tho things they advertise. . THE UNIVERSAL CAR Remember that when you bring your Ford car to us for mechanical attention j that you get the genuine Ford service materials, experienced workmen and Ford factory prices. Your Ford is too useful, too valuable to take chances with poor mechanics, with equally poor materials. Bring it to us and save both time and money. We are authorized Ford dealers, trusted by the Ford Motor ' ' Company to look after the wants of Ford owners that's the assurance we offer. We are getting a few Ford cars and first come first to receive delivery. - BURNS GARAGE BURNS, OREGON