The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 15, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    r AOS TWO
fMtttfdnjr, November 15, lf)n,
Vo tho Kdltor:-
A fow wouks hko, thoro appear
ed In your i)icr, an article under
.tho JioittlliiK of "Protcmt of II, C.
&.ovuiih, County JikIro, uKiitimt ontor
Sng Into u contract by tho County
. "Court, to erulso tho prlvuloly ownoil
4 1 in lie r lamia in lluruoy county," and
as (JotnnitrtHlonurH wlio hIkuihI tlila
contract for tho Cruliio, wo would ho
illumed to havo you publluh tho fol
lowiiif,' In your paper;
' In tho .protost, Mr. I.uvimih ntato:
yjrul That tho county will dorlvo
' o bonuflt from mien a orulHo,
AtiHworhiK thl will Hay that two
bows iiko, Mr. Caldwoll appeared bo-
loro tho County Court and nuked tho
j bounty Court to havo tho prlvntoly
ownc timber laudti of llurney coun
ity crutaod and 1 wan thon, un I am
taow. In favor of tho privately ownod
HlmK'r Iniuttt of tho county bolnjj
1 find that there aro but fow coun
Ua in OroRon, having an much pri
vately ownod timber land as llarnoy
county ha.B, which has not had a
ceanty erulso and as tho matter now
tandH, tho amount and valuo of tho
timber rcHourcea of llarnoy county
a a matter of moro conjucturo.
After thin erulso han boon complet
ed, wo Mtlll havo doflnlto Information
KMrtulnliiK to thla roHOiirou which
may ihj used at any future tlmo and
! which tho public In generally In
terested and thon all privately owned
taabcr lands of tho county will be
Vaxttl uqually on a standard market
Of course tho amount of timber
a the various tract of land differ
ad It Ih certainly tho oqultahte
toscUiod to fix tho valuation valuo on
Hae actual amount of timber on ouch
aarctl of laud.
Article Two of Mr. Loreim Pro
t Ktaton That there aro no fundi
vallablo and upon thin aimwcr do
a?enla and culls for a clout; Invcstl
qcailou of tho financial condition of
nha county on tho date tho contract
wa untorod Into. Tho facts aro uti
Tho HudRot woh prepared and pub
JWiuil In December, 1918, and tho
cimouul of taxes HubMoquoutly lovlod
fey Uio county, did not exceed the
aswiount provided for in hucIi budget
tay ton per cent ns provided for under
Khtj law.
Tho levy for county purpnic for
tbv 'ar 1918 was not Kreator than
kat of tho proceeding year, plus
"rtx ver cent increase which Is pro
vided for by tho constitution.
The accounts of tho county wero
p!rtod and balanced to December
31t 1918, by W. K. Huston, account-
Tho summary proparod nt that
lme Hhowed that the rcscourco of
thft county. In excess of all Its llabll
it kit on Dec. 31st 1918, amounted to
.. . .
iiuwevvr mis summary snoweu a
iencu against the County general
fund, not provided for
in budgot 20,03,16
Showing amount available
in Ronorat fund for ex
poiidltttro not Itemized
In lluditct 8,430.08
To this should rightfully bo ndded
certain warrants drawn on Gener
al fund during tho past two payment of State High
way inatter.4 ami which aro pro
vided for In tho $.1:1,000,00 nmiofm
mont for that purpoHo ..
Ah a check on tho above, I find that
warrants havo been drawn on tho
guttural fund during the year to
October 1st.. 70,501.09
Amount provided for by budget for
year 70,0fi0.r0
Transferred from rabbit bounty fund
Itccolved from Stato on bounty ac
count C, 197.30
deceived from Clerk's foes
Halanco remaining uuexpnndod
in General fund.. 13,002.05
On Dec. 31st 1918, thoro
ra outstanding unpaid
warrants against Glin.
Kami amounting to 134,410. GO
on "hand In Gon. Fund
W lato 25,485.66
-Awiount overdraft, Gon.
Fund Dec. 31st 1918 8,923.94
"Tho njudgot provided a total to bo
a for general county piirpoos for
1S19 of I7C.059.50.
In consideration of this matter, It
Immaterial to dotormino how much
of levy for general county pur
'pomm lias been collected to this
iMfer the lovy is mado, tho payment
ef taxvs is rcgardod as u legul cer
tainty mid for that reason, we must
aawnu that tho full amount of tho
tevy has boon collected.
AVhllo it Is trim that the budget
fehbwu 'thttt the county plans to ox
nnH the wholo amount raised for
general purposes, the expenditure
aaeea not bo made for tho actual Items
uih4 In tho oxact amounts sot for in
Yat budgot and we find tout the
vawrt aas mado, what may bo classed
am "Knnergonny Krpondltures" for
certain Items not Included in the bud
get and'iheHO items must first be con
sidorod In arriving at tho standing
f the General Fund account,
Amount overdruft Oon. Fund, Doc.
31, 1918 $ 8,923.94
SinierKency expeiidltureH paid out of
Gen. Fund during the year
Iiilluunza mntters
'Cranshoppor extermination
Snnlrrel oxtertnlna'tlon
h l.lSSr.OO 12,039.22
On G?n. Fund outsldo of
budget items 20,903.10
Against this debit Item, we find
11m following amounts duo. to tho
5nural Fund:
lalanco uiioxpeudod and
muit-odcd in refund' of
taxes $ 2,000.00
&1vortlHlug delinquent
Ikxuh No. longer to-
yulrod 300.00 J
xnc'ideittal and iiildcellauo-
ous oxpoiiKcs 5,000,00
Proposed reduction of gun-
oral fund vurr'antH 5,000.00
' 93,104.34 93,104.34
And in lino with this deduction,
tho County Trcusurcr has issued u
call for all General Fund warrants to
October 1st, lll, and informs mo
that ho has tho cash on hand to
fully cover tho same.
From tho above, It can be soon,
that the county has and at the datn
of tho contract In quostlon, had no
liabilities not provided for and that
there remains sufficient In tho Gen
cral Fund to cover expenditures for
tho remainder of tho year.
Mr. I.ovens also states in his pro
tost That "Tho cruise of tho Oro-
on and Western Colonization com
pany's lands In Harney county re
duccd, rather than raised the assos
meat on their lauds.
Anworlug this, I will say that us
long as all tho timber lauds of llar
noy county were assessed on an acre-
ago basis, tho valuation could bo
worked out with a reasonable equity
by tho County Assessor, but when
tho Oregon nnd Western Colonisa
tion company appeared before tho
Hoard of Kquallzatlou. asking that
tholr assessment be reduced to con
form to u privato timber cruise which
they bad mado and which they sub
mitted to tho Hoard of Kquallxatlon,
It Is, in good business, Incumbont
upon tho County Court to check up
such a private cruise before adopt
ing It as a basis for tax valuation.
Mr. Loveus further states In ills
protest That there will be bo raa-
torlal gain to the county to have al
I ... -B ft . . t a . i . t 1
i-uuiuy cruise maue, oui iae unoer
cruiser's reports are beginning to
come in and I will glve'a few con
paritons, showing the Oregon and
Western Colonization company's fig
ures from which their assessments
has boon based und I will also give
the figures which have beea given by
the cruisers and which we have bad
checked by the county's checker.
O. W. Col. Co. claim Sec, 6, T. 21,
11.25 2,900.000 ft
Our cruise shows,.. 4.880,000 ft
O. W. Col. Co. claim Bee. 17, T. 21,
It. 21 .. ... .6,200.000 ft
Our cruise shows... .8, 135.000 ft
.0. W. Col. Company claims Sec.
19, T. 21 It. 25 . ,5.000.000
Our cruise shows 7.8115,000
O. W. Col. Company claims fioo, 31
T. 21 U. 25... . . . 4,700,000
Our itrulsa shows 5,005,000
From tho reports eomltu; In, I ho
llovo it wilt bo found thai a 0011111
crulno of tho privately ownod timber
litnils of lluruoy county, will muku
a material Rain to tho county's tuudii.
ItoforrltiR to tho last paragraph of
Mru I.ovetiH protest Itegtrdlng no
rumlH with which to pay for cruise
Hy referring to the above summary
of tho flnanelal condition of Harney
county, It wilt lie found that Mar
hey county did have the right .to
outer Lnlo a crulno and the records
of tljn proceedings purloining 10 tho
contract in quuiitlou, hIiowh, that it
was tho unanimous opinion of tho
county court tnai tun cruisu iuiouki
ho made ns a resolution wuh passed
at tho September term of court,
which term of court was attended by
'.ludgo I.eveiiH and Commissioner Mc-
Klunon, Commissioner llass, myself
not being presold as I was In Califor
nia, In this rosolullon It was slated
that It wan to tho Interest of tho
county that a erulso of tho timber
lands. Hhould ho mado,
This samo resolution was again
adopted at the mooting In October,
which was attended by Commission
ers HttRS and McICInuon.
n. "L. HASH
It requires many people to mako
up a community, and In that com
munity aro many shades of religious
and material beliefs. It stands to
reason that there Is and will always
be much variance of opinion.
Never are two people found whoso
vlows aro Identical on every subject,
nor oven on any subjoct. Some
where the dividing line Is found, nnd
thero tho community troublo begins.
Knch of us Is prone to think him
self right und all others wrong. Ho
Ih human ' nature and will always bo
11 lit tlioro is n common ground
upon which all may meet, a forum
from whlnli tho community xplrlt
may ho developed to tho highest
degree, Tim! Is tho iiroun of free
Mpnoelt mid nubile iIIhciiiihioii of com
munity affairs.
Win ro many am Railiered together
and each gives his vIowa 11 h ho seen
them, tho majority Ih roauoimbly Hiiro
I) arrive at a proper conclusion 011
any nubject concerning our local wol
(are. Such a course nifght bo employed
to 1:0ml advuiitngd In thin community.
Tho craultiniH of pur local peoplo
aro filled with excellent ldoa for our
collective advancement. All that In.
required Is an opportunity for them
to HoOioard,
Shall wo nupply tho opportunity?
An AutorjV,
Most folks, If asU.i.l (( iiiuuo the
highest mountain In Colorado, would
say: "I'llco's Peak."
Yet thoro uro no less than twonty
six mountains In Colorado which aro
11 Id 1 1 Kit.
Pike's Peak Ih generally thought
to bo the highest becaitso It has
buen extensively AMY KIU'UKD.
This story, by Jon. I.e'j l.fnhln,
has a moral:
Thero may ho twenty-six sloroj
In this town equally us ood as yours.
Hut moht folks, If asked to name
tho "host" Htoro In your Hue, will
namo YOUK store If you udvortlso.
Of course you will do all In your
power to Justify this confidence.
You will back up your advertising
with equality and sorvlco. You will
dollvcr tho goods.
You yourself can name hundreds
of products which are PUKKKItllKD
by the public becuusu tho manufact
urer knew what publicity would do
for hliu.
There's a hint for you In the story
of Pike's Peak.
This is a general store and we are supposed to sell every
thing-, and we live up to the general supposition.
You can buy anything you wanHiere, from hardware to
groceries, from needles to a good smoke.
It pays to buy from us. because we sell for cash, and an
enormous amount of goods, and we can therefore sell at a
closer margin of profit.
You CAN'T lose, and you WILL gain. Now doesn't this
line of argument appeal straight to your good common sense?
In the New $300,000 Pavilion at North Portland, Oregon
Week of Nivenber
17 to 22
Ox All Day ul
Total Horns covered
by budgot 12',350.00
"STrannforrod from ltabbt
Uonnly during year 9,137.54
Vtocolved from Htato on
Kouuty account during
your ( 5,107.30
aioeolvqd u:i ClorU'a fooH
.during year 2,410.00
'Total to crodit of gen
ral fund , 20,394.84
SLosa warrant on Goueral
Cups, Trophies
and $75,000
in Premiums
to be awarded
The Pacific International Livestock Exposition was in
augurated and is supported by leading bankers, business
men and breeders of the Pacific Coast men of vision
who see in the Pacific Coast the livestock center of the
The staging of this exposition on so huge a scale is a long
step toward the accomplishment of this aim and the
benefits of its success will be widespread.
Thousands of entries of pure bred stock, many coming
from the Middle Western States, necessitated addition
to tho immense $300,000 Pavilion.
Hundreds of educational exhibits claim your attention,
including the large Western Dairy Products Show witli
250 entries and daily lectures by Mr, O. E. Reed of Purdue
University and Mr. Mortenson of the Iowa State College.,
Plan to Attend the Entire Week.
Pacific International Livestock
North Portland Oregon
Ls n ran nan
'3 wmim
c a package
before the war
c a package
during the war
c a package
Do you know what It meant to live up to a reputation for
We know know that It meatu conitant vigilance let we permit
the QUALITY of our warea to be lowered.
It alio means unvarying courtesy and attention to each and
every customer.
When you trade with this great Family Store you are aurod
of these two advantages protection and nervier.
We solicit your cuMnra xrlth this cucrunteu.
Brown 's Satisfactory Store
isurna, : : : : uregon
We carry goods advertised ou the "II one Products I'ago'
j re j
to make you rich ?
A rich uncle may die and leave you a roll,
but few rich uncles have this habit.
If you get rich the chances are you will first
have to save enough money in order to make an
investment that will pay.
There are(plenty of investments for the man
with a little ready cash.
But it is up to you to save cash. The best
policy is to deposit a portion of your salary.
A Bank is better than a hole in your pocket
through which your 'money can slip away.
Make our Bank YOUR Bank.
All Tourlna Cars
Leaves Hums Monday, Wednesday, LYitfay, Saturday
Leaves liend Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Faro HuniK to Portland viaCmno with berth .fl.Dl
Faro IluriiH to Portland via Rontl with borth 15). 13
Ship Perishable Goods, Express and Fast Freight
via Bend in Our Care
FAKE, $10.00 50 lbs. baggage free ,