The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 08, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    'II 1'
,m.i,w'..i. ..
Ml' Wear yot !U Craa button. s I Mn. Btnwfctte ( receiving" new
r j.
f "t
Your Business
Your business is just as important to you
as John D. Rookefeller's is to him.
Regardless of the line of business you
follow and regardless of the size of yaur
business, you need the advantage of-modern
banking facilities such as we furnish.
Open your account here.
' M Resources Over $850,000.00
First National
Capital and Snrplas $100,000
The Bank that bellcvaa In arnejr Caaaty"
In 7mA..
i 'Cnnhler Wnlluco of tho Crano Stato
,lJank wa in tho city Tuesday.
, Oncar Konar nnd family were in
Trom tholr homo near Suntex during
the week.
. .E. J. "Dad" Shlpman, ahowod op
here tho other day and remarked ho
like tho bad penny, but It'n nil
Tight for ovorybody In glad to nco
J)ad. He's been over In Idaho for
erne time but la back to ntuy with
.mb a while at least.
Fred Taylor, another of the Har
By. county boys who went when
Undo Sam, called for volunteer to
1jpl.w)ii the war, arrived homo this
week, Fred was in the navy. He
a4 many trips across during the
arkxj of the war. Fred formerly
worked in the Ira Davis barber shop
t to not sure whether he will ro
iiae his place there or not.
Ira Mahon was a business visitor
during tho foro part of tho wouk.
Halph Illmer was In on land busi
ness tlo other day.
J. A. Oard was In to sco us tho
other day. ,.
Mrs. James Is roportod qulto 111 at
tho homo of hor daughter In Crano.
S H. B. Clark waa among thMo In-
from a distance to attend 'tho big
Hollow'con dhuco 'last; Saturday
nlght n
Wrs. Nolllo Hoed look hor dopnrl
uro this morning for Portland to con
sult frpeclalist In regard to hor
'Mrs. Chan. Dunton, who has (icon
at tho King hospital for somo tlmo
followlngjin operation, was able to
return homo this wook.
Th()H. llutton was n liUfynoatvlfilt
or to our city tho other- dnSf Ho
linn rcoontly disposed of ItlH'Mttlo
nnd is taking a ront for tho present.
lJup Tomplo had ono Jung'punc-
turoii nnu iwo or mrun ruts nrnKuu
In a run-awny last SuikIiiV. 1J
brought to tho King hospital -where
ho In bolug cared for.
' llonry Vulgninnm won't ovcr'io
Crano Inst night whoro ho mo his
nlcco, MIhh Arty Mottloton, wHq ar
rived from Corvallls. Tho ouhk
lady will visit hero with relatives
for a tlmo.
Joo Thompson, Krt. Kgll, nnd Or.
H. F. Smith nro among tho, victims
who Journey to Canyon City today to
tiiko tho ltoynl Arch Degrees of
Masonry. Homo of thlr brothoru
nro going ovor to give first aid In
case tholr sorvloes nro nooded.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. 8. Power were
down from Hnrnoy yesterday on .busi
ness. Thoy tiro at presunt occupying
tholr ranch homo on Cow Crook and
nro kopt closely at homo berauso
they can't find much help and have
to do tho work thomsolvus. '
Mr. nnd Mrs. U. It. llutton Were
in town tor n short tlmo during ,tho
week. Link said ho had disposed
of oulto a few of his rittlo and found
i ho had sulllclont feed for more so
wiib looking around In this vfclnlty-
for two or three hundred cows.
lMrs. Arthur Turner nnd Mrs.
Clrmnco l.uckoy gnvo a shower In
honor or MM Kthel Whiting at the
Turner homo Inst Halurday afternoon,
flame twenty or moro frlnnds weru
In nnd tho young lady was tho re
cipient of many iiosful proHiinta that
will add to tho plonsuro and ennvon
lenco of housokooplng following tho
honoymoon trip to outside points,
tho young lady having boon married
tho following day to Donald Hotel)-kiss.
goovor JoalM every dk?.
wmivovcr from
Crano on buslncns during tho weok,
it ii vr i;m nunim; , ,vi., ai, in' mi.
and Mrs. Cecil Donnelly n daughter.
Carrolll 'Cecil wns ovor. from his
Bilvor Creek homo for a few lays
during this week.
John Kirk wna in ,'rom bis home
near Wngontlro during tho weok ns
nlHtlug somo neighbors In nviklng
proof on tholr land, j
Joo Thompson of the Hums Cnsh i
8toro, wont to Crano Thursday on
bUHlnoHM connected with tho whole
sale biHilnoss of tho firm down llioro,
Mrs, Klbort aeorgo untlorlvciit an
opornttou by Dr. Smith at the King
hOHiUttil lust Suturdny. lie is re
covering nlcoly according to reports.
Mov. II. 8. Uttghos spent a few
days In tho vicinity of Narrows and
Voltngo tho foro part of tho weok,
Ho preached at tho Bod House while
In that vicinity.
Smith Crane is over from Nnmpn
oti 'business, AVu havo not learned
what ho ope'rits' to do during the
winter months, but ho In always busy
with stock and no doubt lv hero to
engage in somo such work that will
bring money to tho local stock man.
Clara J. Upton and Blnora Fowler,
two representatives of tho Pacific
Coast Itcscuo nnd l'rotectlvo Society
with headquarters In Portland, Were
working this city during tho week In
tho Interest or tho baby homo, Thoy
met with ready and cjiwrful response
ror contributions for this work.
Mr. and Mnj. V. J.. Jllott arrived
home from'PqtHrlo lnj middle of tho
-weak nnd Verb agreeably aurprlHod
tb find tho homo occupied liy Mrs.
Dlott'ri mother .and her husband, Mr,
nnd Mrs. Smith', also hor uncle, Tho
lllotts hud been nut for special treat
ment ror Hill and wo ftro 'pleased tb
r.eporl ho returns reeling Niio,
Mrs. V, 'C. McKlnnoy nnd her sons
took tholr departure yesterday after
noon for Pendlolon whoro they go to
Join hor husband. Mr. McKlnnoy
wont over sovernl weeks Bgo to tnko
charge of h!s business nlTnlrs hut at
that tlmo ho could not fin! cultablo
living quarters for Iho family and
thov remained liorp with her parents
until this tlmo. '
y THB.ra'ncher, the stockman, thp
clerk, the man on small salary and
the. woijiant dependent on her earn
' ipgs 'for heivincome are each just as
welcome to open a small checking
ccojntnyiis bank as the largest
cTrp'oration. And their business will
be carcdjprcrupulously.
Thi institution while old and
strong enougli to be conservative and
safe is neither too old or too large to
givejindivicjual sorvice to the deposit
or with" a small account. If you ap
preciate thifkind of service we will
be glad to foive your "small account"
on our bookf.
Nitioiul Bank
WBiBMi ! ' ' ' ii mi hi iHIITIMflMniMfrWmm
Mr. and Mrs. If. M. Horton. nccom-
Tho Odd Follows have bornmo I panied by Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Jamo-
qulto an active orgaulnatlou of lato son, took tholr departuro yesterday
and havo boon taking In many new I for linnd. Afior nrmnclmr niHiiin
A tologram received last night members the novitiates being among matters In Ilend tho entlro party
from California stated that Kllsworth the younger men nf this community, will (lion dopnrt for San Diego, Cal-
hgil wan qulto III, J Tho boys aro organising n tem for Iforula. whoro thev will Attend the
....aaS .... ' " " . w
puiiiug on ino several uegn-en ami winter. Mr. and Mrs. Horton havo
much Interest In lining shown. Tim bcun Ju tho habit of spending tholr
Kncampment Is to rccolvo many of winter In that country ror some time
tho boys rrom this tlmo forth, and It but thin Is tho first time Mrs. Ilnr.
Is expected by tho tlmo the, Oram! ton's parents, tho Jamesons, have
Lodge moots at llakor noxt May the Rono down. The latter are getting
membership will have Increased v-ii on In years and tho change to the
W. T. Palmer came over from Cat-
j low tho foro part of this weok In
company with F. 0. Kelly. He has
gone to outside points for a short
time to work but expects to return
to his Catlow valley homestead 111
the near future.
Hums Lodge No. 97 A. F, St A. M.
conferred a first degree at Its meet
ing and following the ceremony those,
presont were served with "Hot Dags"
coffco, pumpkin lde with whipped
cream and doughnuts. The Btewarts
announced that refreshments of some
character are to be served each Meet
ing during the winter season.
TV I" Illl W IIHVP 111! IIIKIIIil V U I I I I M ilNS II I 1111111 III DM
Rainbow Linen - - - - $1.00
Egyptian Edge - - - - 1.25
Montrose Lindn - - - - .60
La mode Unique - - - - .75
Also a complete line of Tablets, Envelopes, Etc
Tltc Rexall Drag fltmre
See the Window Display
boyond tho hopes of the (Irattd
Master who Is urging the Mggost
membership ever put ovor In -one
year because of it being the centn
HMl of the Order. Local Odd Fel
awn contemplate going to ,1 linker
Hftut fifty per cent strong for the
QraHrf Lodge and to boost for the
warmer climate
firlal to them.
wllj be very bene-
meet ng pf the Oregon State Cattle L, fVfl.. r . '.i,-
Horse Qrowers convention which ! 2 S!! ' 1 uTJLl?..
meets in I) urns Just following.
The Biggest and Most Interesting
Livestock Show
Ever Held in the West
Staged in th Nmw $300,000 PmvUimn
mi North Portland, Origmn
Week tf Nmaier OtM All-Day iwi
17 to 22 Etchhs
Tho World will he savrd only In
Thn way or
Omrrh of
thn Naaarcne HaWiath morning Har
mon 10:45 A. M. KvrnlnK Kirmon
7: r. .m.
Order your fruit cakes for Thanks
giving and the holidays now. Call
at Page's Sweet Shop and sample
them. 11-1
rue fikst national hank ok
1 09,006. ,(THK HANK fHAT
The iiurna Oarage hss - ordered
five additional Delco-Lliht pMnta for
local dlitrlbtitlsR, If yoa contem
plate the purchase of your own light
ing plant, see the Burns Oarage be-
fore they are all taken. Adv. tf
Patients receJIvtithe hast f care at
the Flreote- Hatslty Hojpltal.
MAKM YOVH f f "f 9 SAFK."
We have jiiit received a car of
Netted Gem Potatoes
Also Car of Brogan's Best Apples
Underwear for Men, Women and Children 1
SHOES for Everybody
: p
Fairbanks, Morse Engines and Pumping Outfits,
Windmills, Light Plants, Farm Machinery,
Wagons, and Case Tractors; Maytag Power
and Hand Washers
Write for Rices
Vale Trading Company
Also Vale and Riverside CRANE BRANCH
Pure Bred
Hone Show
Cup$, Trophies
mnd $73,000
in Premium
te be aumrded
The Pacific IntematienalvLivc8t'fick Exposition was in
augurated and is supported by leading bankers, business
men and breeders of the Pacific Coast men of vision
who see in the Pacific Coast the livestock center of the
The staging of this exposition on so huge a scale is a long
step toward the accomplishment of this aim and the
benefits of its success will be widespread.
Thousands of entries of pure bred stock, many coming
from the Middle Western States, necessitated addition
to the immense $300,000 Pavilion.
Hundreds of educational exhibits claim your attention,
including the large Western Daily Products Show with
250 entries and daily lectures by Mr. 0. E. Reed of Purdue
University and Mr. Mortenson of the Iowa State College.
Plan to Attend the Entire Week.
Pacific International Livestock
North Portland, Oregon
Rogers Silverware
To Customers
"it Pays to Pay Cash"
yrsJ "9. -it
rt ,i- ft: " '0 fU
1 ,'.J