The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 01, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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1 frfi'
Til TlMllKIR A Ii p
You Are Helping
In opening and maintaining an account at
this'Barijyou arc contributing to the develop
ment of this community. . ..
All of our funds are loaned at home Your
money is npt sent out of town to develop other
Wo invite you to open an account with this
strong Bank, assuring you of our interest in you
and the community.
First National
Capital and Surplus $100,000
The Bank that believe In Harney Camity"
Mltui McKay, a grnduato nunc,
arrived bora recently to nccopt n
.position with tlio King honpltnl.
Winter lino of rooiIb Including out
ing (Innnol8, uwentors, blankotn, com
forlorn, etc.. at Mrs. E. F. Schwartz'
wtoro for Indion.
Mctvlu Donn wn a butilncxs vlnltor
from his homo near Kleldn InMt Mon-
Judgo Grant ThompHon wrh In
tovfn Inst Fulurdny looklriK after
liunlncRH nffalrtt and vIMtlng with re-latlvort.
Mm. Cnmilo Smyth and her nloco,
Mm. Claud Smyth, wcru In from their
ho men to attend the meeting of tho
KAHiorn ainr lougo .Montiny night.
Have you looked orer the otaaulf led
inln on page neveivt
Harold Cnwlflold won In town for
n nhort iltno during tho, wooK.
A, A. Trnijott nrrlvotl homo Wed
nesday from California wlicrfl ho )md
been on IiuhIiumh for homo time. .
Wm. Soniionla and wifo woro In
town tho foro jmrt of thin w.oak.
They aro now roBldlng nt Nnrrown.
Merlo McMullon brought over sev
eral nehool toaohoru from thu Drow
soy country for tho Intltusto.
Your attention la directed to our
classified coHnnUH on pago wovon.
There aro thlngn ndvertlMud thoro
that will
OR1 10 Jt.
,0. A. MIVBtyahAVtwIfe were Mgt
toroii at the LeVortd durlrig tpa week.
.Mm. Jaftdi I'aU Avon In .'tho city
diirlng thu wdk oil bnnliions.
Mni. Schwitrlx ban Jttflt rocalvod
a Tow how drooHOi. Soo thorn iit-hcr
Mr. and Mm. W. tf. Monroo ha o
moved In from Catlow and are at
prosont with tholr son nnd daughter,
Mr. nnd Mm. Olon Edwnrd.
H. N. NoIhou wan up from IiIb
. . . . ml.... .1 - . .
rnnnn at vat! Mounwm i iMirjumy. i
I!o stated ho was making rrcpftra-;
tloiiH lo go ouldo for tho winter.
Henry Uoor, stopped off a. grador ,
tho other day and nuHtalnod a sovoro
Hpmln of It In unklo. Ha Is In tho
hoitpltdl. I
M'flH Helen CowkMI. formerly of,
IM-oHlloy Bmyth wifu over from hln.
Mitt iktitml nn Imi
to attend iho mocH-i; of tho ho -d o'r Mm Harney County High School, war.
dtrcctoM of tho l-'trtt National lluilk-, horn for Iho InHtllnto. ho mo
nin'iy fJl HIM IIJrilU'1 nun win
f J. Ilut'ter. ouo of IUp oMotttdvo tMr.e frlotuh and had n-nio" vl-lt In
otock growuM of tho Ct'nno Crook . nitdltloii to hor profewilonnt dtitlon.
countrv, wh a vl-.tov to our city dur- M nft(ton ni, ro(M 0flin,,orllf?
nig the nenx. ,irrl-od homovtho foro part of thin
Tlio Knihroldorv ('lull will meet , wenk from tho niounlnln wliorp thov
with Mr. Obll ShntM'eU at hr homo' had boon for Homo time In qdot of
nn.Thnrndov afternoon, Nov. at 2 Moor; Tho miiow and cold wnather
o'jo,., " . brought them homo Booner than thoy
, , I Inlondcd.
honio 'a, Sanr dffi ' H-ft.l Jgm thj
ho regular mooting of too dlroctoM ranch near Hnrnoy lake this wc"k
o tho VlMt National Hank In this nml on h . rotrtrn wa "Jfomnnnloil
out by hl Mlor, Mrs. Mildred Mc
' Cormock, who had boon In tho boa
ShorlfT 8. K, HoboTts. U. M. Smith, pltal following an operation.
grocoryiuan and A. M, l'rluglo of tho PirUlMlmor U authority for
unitoa wnreiipiiBo y.. o. iu-hu, bp ,. mti, , ,u tn iBin
night on jMn ,,, RWnCk,;r nnd MMb ICthol
i Ploklofllmer aro to beenmo brldeii
Mm., Frank Welcomi and hortomorrow nt I'nvotto, tho grooms
brother, Pat Donepuu, arrived homo! being brothoM. r'hnrlo and Honrv
on WrayM Stage WudiH'idny nlht. i McNeill. The Plckelflinern formnr
Thoy had been nt Medford whoro they ' lv roldod hrre nnd tiro iulto well
had :oon called on the death of tholr ' honwn to tho people of HiIh vicinity.
fn(n,P, (The family rocontlv went over to
, Pavetto to work during tho fruit wen-
Wm. Hyram of Canyon, was rcglw n. Kr'eniN extend best wIbIiub to
torod at tho IJuriii tlurJiMr tho week. j(,0 brldeii. v
flr!'S LV? 2?"wSul liM: ' Ora HfekouHon. Mn of Mr. and Mr
Ii. niilirii'-n nun . ,.v .. ......... , ,.. , . . ., . tnn.
If. iiv,u.iniii., ..,,.... ...
rlVed hero Wodnunday
hunting trip.
pbuo her homo Mr. llyrnm mndo fro
oueiii trlpn hnro. Ho In beco'uing
Bomeuhal n ntraiiger of Into ycaM.
I). JaiiR-Aoii. I. on Dunn and Dan
Hnrkry itiiout a few day In I
inotintalnM recently after deer. I .on
fcl uiuiliiitiiiin wvii s
7I1HM bieu In poor health for a long
tlmu but In much Improved at this
day from war norvlro, Ora Bpont
homo time In Rlberlu nnd no doubt
ban bad soino remarkable nxporlonco.
rK-IIerulil hnn not been nolo
lew tho young man an ho
wont immedlatiiy to tno mountain
nbire of hN father upon arriving
bom" and hnn n"t her about twn.
j nan nan m
aiiVPho Tlinn
he 1 Intcrvl
Mm. Kred Oakormnn wan
Mm. Geo. Wnrd, wlfo of tho Nai-
arono minister, arrived homo Monday
night from an extended vlxlt with
ovc' rulntlvcn and frlcmlH In Olilo.
trom her Silver Creek home tno roro
part or tho wcok nttonuing to tiome uny aninn ami wire wero lioro
bunlnoHB nffulM nnd calling upon from Holno Monday, having boon
f rlondH. I called hero 011 IniHlnenH by n telegram
.... ! they uttonded to tho matter mid
H. M. Beawenra ana wiro wero over ! Rtnrted on their return tho follow
7rom Diamond during tho iiiHtltuto nii ,lty
having brought over tho teacher of
that rlaco. The SouwoardB aro now
- conducting the hotel at Diamond.
MIbh Clayton Burrow npent a few
days In our city following tho teach'
ir' Inatltuto which alio camo to at
tend as an Instructor. MIhb Uurrow
"ham been in tho primary dopartm6nt
of tho Portland Bcbools for several
j-eara and has becomo one of the fore
meet Instructors In that lino. Her
-work at the Institute was highly ap
predated by thoso attondlng. The
young lady formerly lived In thin city
aad taught In tho public school. She
imatBers many of our children as her
-feraeer pupils and they all cherish a
tare for their former teacher. Some
C them are quite young ladles and
yaaag gentlemen at this time and It
arae a mutual pleasure for former
tMujHt asd teacher to meet and recall
termer school days. M'ss Uurrow
fteft yesterday afternoon on her re.
-tara going out by way of Vale where
er rather. Dr, II. D. Burrow, Is
Moro molsturo foil during this
week, which Included norno snow. It
has miowod all over Ktmtorn and Con
trnl Oregon during tho past week It
bolng much earlier than for years.
All the entlro northwest hnn oxpor
-lanced very cold weather during that
Mm. K. C. Kgglecton left Tuesday
morning In company with Hay Smith
and his wlfo for Dolse where she will
visit for a nhort tlmo and on her re
turn to Ontario will begin work on
Oregon Life Insurance, as that Is
her territory. She will visit several
of tho Malheur county towns on her
way back. '
Mr, and mm. (Jail uarnee were
vlidtlng with rdlntlvcs and old time
friends in this city for a few days
the foro part of this week, having
roturneu via this city rrom Prlnuvllla
where they had boon called because
of the death of Gall's sister. They
loft Wednesday for their homo near
Nampa, Idaho.
We are fond of quot
ing tho old Baying that
"clothex do not niakw
tho man," but oxpor
Iftjirn tellH Uk that tiilM
In not truo.
OJotJierf' DO make
tho jimij-t-Iu tho eyoH
of tho other follow.
Ami It ia,.with ;'thot
other follow" that Wo
nil winh to Btand well.
Paul llowen Iibh been omployoil for
Hovoral weqkH putting. tlio. -jroundH
around tho public hcIiooI building in
sluipo. Tli In Is a-, comnmndablo Im-
provomout and onu that dowrvea lit
toutlon from the ihibllo: Wo don't
4 , pny onouRlrnttbntlon to eilumtlonnl
TitirfnlM, yfl thQV jiru. tho iiiomI lui
Xfporlant Tho' Hiirroiiudlnga of tho
It In Im'ponHlb'lo for a
Hhnbblly ditiHKod per
' Hon -to command ro
Hpoctful attention ox
!cnt whoro ho In well
WUon y o u want
jk (!l(thcHTtliut aro AH
wpf iiriAtiroudV to hIiow
Iboin to you. You
will want thorn when
you neo thoin,
And,' bottqr nlll, you
will not' complain of
j Jho prlco.
('omblnatloii fids
(,'rnvat iiud ('ollnr
to match
Keo tlio
"l''oIlles of il)UO"
iim,, mi. 1 miinvKii bin trniiinit lii the , The young man In a graduate of tho
high ci'iioni or mis my nun ib nuun
favorably rcmomberotl by many of
our pcoplo.
Mr nnd Mm. K. C. Hoynvnnn nnd
Mr. nnd Mm. Henry Vulgnmoro ar
rived homo ThUMdav from n vacation
trip t llelkno.i' Spring. Thoy went
to that roBnrt primarily for tho bene
fit of tho health of members of tho
party and nil return feeling much
Improved. They mndo tho trip In
mountains. They succeedud In bag
ging a couple of deer.
Mm. C. C. Griffith and her llttlo
bou left ycHterday to Join Dr. Or I III lb
nt Phoenix, Arlinnn. Dr. OrlMltli
wroto her ho wiih at I.ob Angles for
a tlmo but expected to be In Pboonlx
to meet her nnd tho boy. Ml..
Martini Hanley accompanied Mm.
nrlltlth down and will likely upond
tho winter there with tho family.
tholr com going down over
'MeiCeiulu but becauno of tho road
I rtzniiiijiiw uuiiii 1. lint) in uin riicv, . , Ii
National Hank, left early In tho week f f !' 'ri( rl"'l" " ' 1
for ui iinimi KQlnit nut first to iim . ""rossnry to return by way or Port-
Xm4 SSh IrrfgSion rte?vo.r.;l,,,,., uA 0Ver 1,10 Co,mn,,,a I,,Rh-
then ncMn to Pralr.lo City In com
puny with his brother Kugeno, who
camo ovor from Unit placo on Sunday
to meet him nnd tnkn I1I111 back for
11 nhort vlult tburo before going' on to
J. W. Huchanan arrived In town
Monday afternoon on bin way homo
from Hod HI off, California, where lie
had taken his son Hoe nnd family
to spend tho winter. Ho slates that
ho loft Hoe feeling fine. Mr. Huchn
unit brought back some apploH from
that country for Mr. and Mm. O. J.
Parnt, the fruit having bcon raUcd
by a relative of Mr. Darst.
W. V. Heman, cashier of the Outur-
I r M.llnnal Ylantf. wua vr.tntlnv hla
friends in this city early In the week. I NAKHH YOUH
Tho World III ho waved only In
the old fn-liloiicd way. Tlio way of
Iho Cro. Come to tlm (IiuitIi of
Iho NiixareiiM Hnbhntli ninrnlng Her-
ition 10:45 A. M. MvcnlHK Hermon
7::M P. M.
Order your fruit rakes for Thanks
giving and tho holidays now. Call
at Page's Sweet Shop dud Bnmpla
them. 11-1
RUIt.NH. CAPITAL AN!) Hl ltPl.t rt
a a HAl-'K."
Mr. Homan once represented this dls
trct in the Oregon legislature; his
financial Instlttitlen Is also favorably
knawn In thin county an not only Mr.
Unman, by itn .rtroNldcnt J. It. lllnok
erby, Iihm a wldo acqualutanco In this
J, K. Hounsevlllo saya ho nnd his
iiflghbors want sidewalks in that por
tion of town hut can't get action.
Whut'H tho trouble? It ban always
been supposed that whun tuoh Im
provements were doHtrcd nu any
street the roslilentn petltlonoit for II
utitl if grouted It wuk tlmu Out
through. Is tho 'city at- fault or thtl
Tho llurnn Garage has ordered)
five additional Delco-Mght plants for
local distribution. If you contem
plate the purchase of your own light
lug plant, sea tho Hums Garage bo
foro thoy are all tnkon. Adv. tf
Patients receive the bent of care at
tho Flrcovcd Maternity Hospital,
CI Hfcra
. THE rancher; the stockman, the
clerk, the mHn on -small salary and
the woman -dependent on her earn
ings for her income are each just as
welcome to open a small checking
account in this bank as the largest
corporation. And their business will
be earod for scrupulously.
This institution while old and
strong enough to be conservative and
safe is neither too old or too large to
give individual service to the deposit
or with a small account. If you ap
preciate this kind of service we will
be glad to have your "small weeount"
on our books.
Hantnj Cfluniq Nitioml Bnk
Burns, Oregon
LMiHtniniiiiiiHiBmrnrmmmniTmniiiiHimiiiiii namMiumrnMrmnmiimi
We now have on display a fine assortment of all
Rainbow Linen - - - -
Egyptian Edge
Montrose Linen
La mode Unique
Also a complete line of Tablets, Envelopes, Etc.
Tke Rexall Drug Store
See the Window Display
We have just received a car of
Netted, Gem Potatoes
Also Car of Brogan's Best Apples
Underwear for Men. Women and Children
SHOES lor Everybody;
Fairbanks, Mone Engines and Pumping Outfit!,
Windmills, Light Plants, Farm Machinery,
Wagons, and Case Tractors; Maytag Power
and Hand Washers
t--:zrr: ; GrOCeficS .-r-
Write for Prices
Vale Trading Company
Also Vale and Riverside CRANE BRANCH , J
Hflmol havo not lmoit tlio nioAl hIkIi(I)'
uliico tho. now inoilopi luilMliiiK W"H
oroclod, lmt Hiioli lpro.yitiiu'iitrt ro-1
(j 11 1 10 iiioiioyiiid It JtiiH boon tlio lack
of fitmlfl tlmt " jiroron'tort tlm work I
KolHK (loiio I)ofo,r0i.-i 1
r- "
S:- ' 'Custolmiers r
1 w
- $ f - - 'V .
;wuat nhxtv
Why tho Itovlvitl. nt
Cluirnh of tho Nuzuroiio
Novomhor Kith to ;iOtl. Kvory
dnr lit a l M: nml -7s0 l'. M,
mid throo KorvlcoH on onuli
Kulilmth, 1 1 A. M. a l. M. nnd
7;!I0 J', M.
EvtuiKOllrttlo ' ' SliiKorn U n d
I'eaohorB. Oomo mid hoar
them hIiik Old Plantation Mol
oiIIoh of tho South land.
. .MltH. .A I ATT 1 12 WI.NICH
lOvmiKollut of National lioim
tutlon, mid a f;roat woniini
I'roaolior. Sho linn hcoh Iniiw
drodH of mionlo tuivod and
1 1
""It Pays to Pay Cash"
Sancllflod imdor Imr mlnlHiry.
You can hot afford to ihIhh
thlH roat JlovJvul, Conipl
Conio! Co in 6 1 "
Hov. Qoo, Wnrd, . I8tor,i ,w 4