The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 01, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    T R IB T-I MM) nil ,1KA 1 B.UWKW,, O Tt K,a O N
ftatwrilMjr, Nntmihcr I, n
ft I
""Speed up The Growth and Proaperity of Oregon"
nhiffjwjju rati iii w ii , inn
fill :
The "Household Word" i;
- ni.YMPir i
Its the daily break
fast in thousands of
western homes. i
Thar Ii na athar rilaattlala
V anil healthful.
Hancttly recommoi'a'ed tht dtll)
rflat of tho entlro houtahold.
Became the ingredltuta are ao blended aa to produce a food that W
patldilng and perfect digested.
nui who bare found other pancake ludicettlblo will find OLYMPIC
jraaa whh taa moat delicate atonracb.
The Portland Flouring Mills Co.
Cnll your nearest denier for Information
AT ONCE. Then take tho earliest opportunity of conveying
to said dealer tho idea that you wish to acquire one of these
This Man Talks Like It Waa
a For.
Hood Hirer, Or., Itoutt, Mar. 4.
Vaughn n Motor Work.,
Portland, Oregon.
Dear Ulrm-Am having fine auc
cent with the little old bug. Aver
age ten rlrke to gallon of gaa; al
ii o cut .'100 rlcka at -I l-8c coat
per rick, Going aoine for an old
rig. IteHpectfulljr joura, J. J.
A Gasoline Motor Driven
Drag Saw Machine that saws
up to 25 cords of wood
per day.
NOTE : We also suggest that
for good results you should
specify n VAUGHAN
Drag Saw.
For furtaer details addraaa
475 East Main Street.
Portland, Oregon.
n r
..-r::s i
Bun the RED PACKAGE 0 AWr; Scdoi
Ukcdm VctUd's b.K DAYLIGHT M( TORY
eeaaejaafaaf e
v ia n pure, wholesome and nutritious produci
(Iniiciotis spread for toast, bread and blKcultti
fine for cakes and pastry. The rich oil froiut
meat of the- cocoanut, churned with n Kentn
(lunntity of pure pasteurized, sweet milk-
just enough salt that's "UMECU."
a Pacific Northwest Product
strictly n Quality Product
, packed in paraffined odor-pronf
carton. Your Grocer can supply you.
Union Meat
North Portland, Orogon.
The Sign of Quality
Tho world Ih Hhort on production!
Tlila la particularly true of thono
countries recently locked In tho
Htrlfa of nittloiiH. Kvon our own Ih
Forolcn peoples nro inunlfuHtly not
In position to produce In proportion
to tholr ro(ulreinoiitH for some yearn
to. como.
America Ih.
TIiu HoiiHlblo thing, thou, for Amor
lc;i to d Ih to lucroiiHu Uh production
'to double, and treble It,
TIiIh can ho done.
Two oHontlnlH to this rind nro
paramount: - Quit squabbling among
ohmuIvoh, and GO TO WORK.
America fa1 rich-now. Hut lit n
fow yours, If wo nil go to- work and
Go to work.!
Work harder!
fltay with III
Your hip will coino In and yourT
urea 11 1 win coino irue.
roHi:iONi:uH good and had 4
tluiiH and law nhldliiK cUIzoiih,
They work.
Thcro Ih i1ho In this country
niiolhur lijaiw of iorolKiforn, Thoy
VoiiHtltutti tlio minority. Thoy aro
produco to tho limit of our capacity. I not la' ahldliiK. and tlioy nro not
"w will hnvo provided tho iiccohhUIoh ! cUIzoiih.
for which tho world crloH, and wo! THKY AfllTATB. 1
will hnvo enriched buoolvo8 hoyond And bocaiiHO of tho wild oyod hoi
tho droauiH of avarlco. ahovlHtlc vuporltiKH of Hiuho anar-
Kvcry one will hecomo a plutocrat. chlHtlc wind Jammerfl and (leHtroyurn
Ho you know what It
muana to live up to a reputation for
Wo know know thnt It moaiiH cmiHtant ylgllnnco loat wo permit
tho QUALITY of our wnren to ho lowered,'
It nlKO meanfl unvarying courtcHy and attention to each and
every customer.
When you trade with thin great Family Store you aro assured
of theao two advantages protection and aervlce.
Vo solicit your cunlnm vith thin i;uarantoo.
Brown 's Satisfactory Store
Burnx, : : : : Oregon
We carry gool advertised on tho "II omo I'roducta Pngo"
In t It Ih ' country wo have mlllloncX'!
of- forelRiiora Ungllah, French, tlor-t'i
man, AtiHtrlau, Itiillan, Uelglan,?
HweodlHh. Mnrwnulun. flrmdt. Turk.l
Uh, JapanoHO, ChlnoHo, and or (tveryffUliUVVMV
other nationality. Tho great major- .
Ity of thoHO forelguerH aro coiihcIoii
Insist Upon
They are the perfection of experienced
milling--excellent In quality and the
Product of a Home Industry
Golden Rod Milling Co.
Cereal Millers and Joultry Food Manufacturers
Portland, :: Oregon
wltk ftr h mtnmi
In a
our country of Into Iiuh heon
coiiHtaut Htato of turmoil,
1'liln continual 11 11 rent and uucor-
ttiln.ty aro curlulUiiK, production, un
oermiuiug cuirieucy, ami alienating
tho loyalty of many good-men; v
It nniHt ceaHo.
t Ialior, and caiiltal miiHt get to
gothur on a Haito and, ruuHoiinlilo
worklng haala,' wliore tho division 'or
proflta will ho falrto Loth ,hI(Ioh,
Hut thin will liovdr lid nccompllsh-
ed ly allowing a braying minority
to UHiirp tho authority which helougn
to a sau'p majority,
Men of liitolligeuco and lutogrlty
do not caro to take orderu from lllt
erato and IrrespmiHlhlo forolgnurn
wIioho only olalniH to loaderHhlp aro
a mlagulded cousclenco and 11 pulr of
leather luiigH, ,
IlraliiH, not iioIho, munt prevail If
wo itrcj to livu in peace and plenty In
thlH country,
uh? Or aro wo peacefully Hleoplug
while other rnnimuultlea Hklm tho
cream from tho milk?
Duck up, fellow-Hi
Tako a froah Htnrtl
Douhlo tho rroductloirnoxryonr;
I'orgo ahead, amPmako 1U20 the
banner your of our local oxlHtonco,
."Ocftlio graVyvhllo It la froali,
1 r, -4 .
' 0
' " Jt
I The
Green, Ribbon
Opportunity Ih knocking loudly at
our community door, It Is Insist
out that It ho permitted to outer.
Tho world In crying for tho pro
duct of tho factory and tho soil,
, Tho donmnd Ih greater than tho
America can Htipply thut domand
, If It will.
, Wo can supply our community por
j tlon If wo will,
I Dut aro wo allvo to tho mnrvol-
tfot a' Patent Medicine A1.
. - : X X
Molto'for u. njodorn young maiht
IlliiHt rated:
1 You hoo, Mr. Howoli Iuih a lot of
hot water down there at his Hwan
l.ulto nil woll.
All tho ltlhhon will have to do Ih
furnish the money and Mr, Howell
will build a Greon Housj and boat
It with tho hot water, I
T X 1
Then we'll njlso all kinds of vog
0 t a bio tomatoes loUueo hwcoI
,corn cucuinberH and groeu plckloa,
. x X-
And Htraw and other borrloH,
. x x
Also a lot of other good thing.
x x
We'll hnvo thorn at Christiana 'n'
all tho tlmo.
Common (oUi'h llko u- .can buy
them pretty cheap hut wo luclal
doalora Hliall atiffor. "
Don't yon think' that BQod Idea?
x x
nut wo iniy liavo to usu deep yoll
Irrigation for Grcpn Hotmo.
Supremo Court mandatea aro fo
uhiiHn ti I.I
Ji.v i. numu itiu juuilin nil uiir
help and ovorybody.
. x x
Except dealers,
Ppnfli iilinliu .1... I. ..I .' I,.
. .f..v ....... tir mi iiiu iiuii' m
ouiy poHHimu when one Iiuh om
ployeoi -and something to aharo!
Tho Greon Hlbbon Ih considering
11 proposition to go into trade,
Homo of tho profits will hnvo to
go toward roplaclng high hoola for
ladloH who loso thorn In cracks In
Hums Hldowalks.
Thank goodness tho snow will soon
fill up tho walks,
Tho Itlbbon would want to holp
tho man who, when ho barely okea
out an exlstouco, turns greon with
envy and ncousos It Ih successful com
petitor of profiteering.
Thou soma more of tho profits
havo to no to make un for
tnon'a lack or public spirit. W
havo to repair some of the vnlk,W
tho protection of passers by.
x x
And tear down ftmno crnnd
piles of "Irish confetti" on S&m
street a growing menu p to im
vea and safety of llttli clili
playing nround them.
Tt'ii 11 11111 1 for nf Kontlmoilt
tho Hlhtion to protect those kids. M
"Thorn noblo thouiiht" make I
Hlbbon want to got out and j
vocda too bad thoro are none
r r -
,Dooa tliat.vorflo in the WbleaWJ
motes and (ioiirih rofer parllculgB
to tho greon oyo of Jealousy:
'.Our ch)f thought IUiiatrat4
"WHAT'LIj wk tjkll
x x
Tlmoa whon tho averat'
wookly la lato:
Kvory weok,
x x
0 count?!
oufi opportunltleH that aro offered 1