The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 01, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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The Times-Jierald.
Hat The Largest Circulation Of Any
Newipnpcr In Harney County.
On Yr i.i i.
Months i. .1.'. in.
Ihr Month
iittiiM $200
Hntiinlny, November 1 HMO.
Narrowu. Oft. 23
To tlio ICdltor:
Will you plonso plueo tltlu ttollco
In l ho columns of your piiper mi be
half of thono who tiro oxihtHuic to
trniv on Ihu Malheur Llko Mini Hos
orvutlou? I rocolvod word ti few
days ago front tlio oulo'als of tho
Hlologlcttl survey thut no permit"
for trapping would bo glvou thN
reason on tho HosorvKtlon, owing to
tho condition of tho low wntr aw'
tho scarcity of food. Tho Muwkrat
hnvo concentrated to u smaller purt
of tho lalco because of this condition
, nnd trapping would tend to exter
minate Mr. Hat. Of Into years tho
trapper has mado n good thing out
of tho fur takon from tho resorvo
nud It In partly up to tho trnppor
to roBorvo Mr. Hat for future trap
ping. I find tho wator hi too low
to run a hont In moot placed. I)y
reserving tho rat thin season it will
mnlio It woll worth trapping wlm.
tho old lalco comns lack to It Ulzh
wntcr ntnrlc; so holp reserve tho sued.
Tho birds havo boon compelled tc
change thoir feed ground and urd
concentrated more cloudy to tho rat
locality and trapping would tend to
disturb tho birds. So alt Interested
in tho fur business and tho wol
fnro of tho reserving Idoa should
help rcMcrvo for futuro yonm.
Thanking ovory ouo fur tho kind
ness In helping to reserve tho Interest
of tho reservation, I hope to retain
tho good will of all.
Hospectfully yours,
N it no many yearn ngo tho term
'haloed" wai looula. ly applied to
.ho American f nner.
And tho former didn't resent It
ltccauio ho couldn't.
Ho lived from hand to mouth, and
often thoro wan hut little loft by tho
tlmo It reached tho mouth.
Hut now?
Say, Just watch the old , boy's
Thoro aro no plaster on his form.
Ho Ik cut of debt, with a comfort
able Hurpluti stored away.
HIh stock Ih fat and of tho bo-tt
Ills acres aro looming with tho
product;! of tho mill and tho roinilt of
his fertile bruin.
Ilo comoH to town In hh automo
bile, HinokoH tho best clgara, and his
family Iiiih a college education and
buys the host ulothes.
Onco ho wont Into the bank with
hlii bat in IiIh hand. Now bo owns
Kh stock, h a dli.'otor, or perhaps j
ihu president. '
In other duyn hit asked favor.i. J
Now ho Issues orders.
' A haysfed? WHI. hardly.
A plutocrut? Vou bet!
liorsu souse end opportunity did it
. . . . . -. . . . . . . -- . - . - -- . . n l I i i i . i ii ii ii i i i mi n-ii mi i iii m . i mm iff - f 11 - ' "
i'v ' , vi j t r i
i- ' ir l
ttupna niafplnf Munilinr 1 hnk. mt
kindly nut llw use rif the UUrriftub-
lllo School nullding at tho dlOBul
of tlio Iimtltuto, nmi
WHKUBAS. Tho people of tfiv-'clty
of Uuriiii nod Coimnorclul eliib ItaMi
hown tho vIhHIiir teachers Jho'r
cordiality anil given them w liewrty
wolcoma, and
WMMHEAB. Tho liiRtrilOfori hnvo
exerted every effort lp hiako the In
t)tltute'Hiw9n, thorfDro bn Jt. ,
IMiVdm.Vtnn. 'I'liul wn. t tin tiiishnr4
of llaruoy County In Instltuto. tOmih
1 bled do horoby extend oiir Hlticero
thanka and appreemtion. ..y--MHH.
J. O. CADY, (Mthlrman,
I). M. MoDADB, Secretary,
, -KtiUti. 'Vm& KrV tltill
Mr. Myrtto Halnon hai ri'ttirii
to hor homo nowr Narrovvt up r
at tho nut:'itai forn coupio o' weo'm
. . in
Mr4. Frod THauk wn t pyJ
treatment during the pa'it v , , hii
I ing beou poisoned by tno nti .g oi i
MIhr Miixiliu Kern woe oneratoili
, one day tltli -vobk, having lur to
' Hiln and adenoid: romovod.
W1BH AXI oririntwisE.
Kuthunlamn l nn itKHOt in biinluess,
but It workn tnOAt Jinlootbly w'het tho
biako of 'eammoivtyense l applied.
Start tho "rodB" bacl: from whonco
they came, nud koet thorn on tho
run. Its tlmo to altnte tlio uglta
tors right out of thin country.
Henry. Ooor Ih an Inmn'c of tb
huHpltali having bcou brought
from tho O 0 with a npralm i unfc!
and torn llgauiontu of bin lag
Hot Drinks
0. A. C. Says
Grimm Alfalfa
Is the Best
Institute Was Most
Successful Ever Held
Tito college ondorHcs Grimm alfalfa
i.t the bit vark-ty for the cool, dry
ectloiiH of tho Htate, Klamnth,' Lake,
larney, Malheur counties, and the
atue Mountain mocIIoii. This variety
huti 'proved Hh ntiiorlorlty over the
ither types in winter hardluest, yield,
uid adaptability.
It wits nelected In 1S&S by a man
tamed Orlmm who brought tho seed
o Minuoiiota from (rermany. After
.line yours ho bad enough for com-
uerclul purpoMU? and It Iim been re-,
Ntatit to frohtH and winter freexlug.
't Is a variegated typo, having flow-1
irs that aro ninoky, KrenulHh, black
ish, and yellow. TrlalH by the Unit
d States department of agriculture,
ho Mlunoiiota station, and tho oact
jrn OniKon station have proved Its
UardlncM. Its hay yield Is greater
.ban of tho common varieties ami Its
iced yield practically tho same.
The seod Is higher than other var
ieties and Is sometimes adulterated
by dealers. For this reason care Is
necessary to get the gonuiilno Urlmm
jiood. Tho county agents can bo or
.utilstuuce in finding reliable sources
(Continued from page 1)
Lillian Smith, Mrs. HeluiiQ UIkks,
Miss Murgaiet (Jorrlo, Mlis Vlolotte
Damon, Mrs. Kmlly Grunt, Miss Auu'
UKta Nelson, Mis Carmon Uqucgnli,
V. U. Newton, Miss Helen Anderson,
Mlsii Mnrgaret Whoaldon. Mm. Anna
Cote. Hull b Hlmer, Miss l2lltbeth
Mlddlelon, Mrs, Mary Whitney. V.
M. ttuiion, iha noiono ii.iuonjr,,ii.
DoiiOKiin, MIhs Klhel Statlbcr, Mrf
lloto lloiulcrjon.
Tho following resolutions wero
HK80I.VKI). That wo favor the
ostablsbmont of olussus for the pur
pose f giving tho foreigner lustrue
tliti) In tho lauguuKo or our country,
.lu our history, government and alto
gether such knowledge, habits aud
Ideals as will iiiako him a useful aud
desirable cltlxon. Wo pledge our
support to Ihu doctrine of "One lau
guaKO and one people" for America.
HKI10LVKI), Thut wo ondoruo the
movement fur tho collection, pro
jorvatlon, aud study of OroKon his
tory, to tho end thut 'community
irldo ttuiv bo stimulated, and the
study of history motivated by the
socialized tuothod, and duo credit
given and api.rcclatlou shown to
, those men aud women of our own
i statu who havo made contributions
to our history; to tho pioneers, to
tho war vutcrani, and to deserving
public spirited citizens of each com
munity and of tho state. Wo rec
ommend that u standing committee
be appointed to further this purpose.
There will ho no boxing exhibi
tion at tb I.i.'lliorty tonight. It was
Echadulod lo follow the picture pro
gram but owing lo a misunderstand
ing it will not materialize. Llborty
ntauagemeiit In pot In tho Losing pro
motion Kamo but coi"iited that the
house could bo used for nn exhibi
tion on the usual porcontHgo basis.
Tho principals lu tho contest absent
ed tbomselves from town during the
weolc following tho announcement
and It was reported that ono of them
was going to dommih a guarantee,
therefore the muter was deferred
uwaltlug a dflulto understanding.
There is a possibility of some fast
bouts being pulled off at Touawuma
on tho ovonlng of Nor. 11, Armis
tice day. Should it be definitely de
cided upon announcement will be
made early the coming week.
Tho optimist fills his hearers full
of his dreams of the Impossible,
while tho pessimist dwells upon his
misery and his woes. The wise man,
however, achieved success by becom
ing neither the ono nor the othor,
hut- by profiting from the error of
HKHOLVKD, That since eltlcleucy
In tlmo of "peace and lu tlmo of war,
and the dally happiness of our peo
ple uru dependent upon the posses
sion of good health, we favor such
a campaign ns will result in tlto
bettor protection and promotion of
tho public health and lu tho observ
ance of tho rules of hygiene, sani
tation and right living In order that
the iohcrout right to healthy bodies
and minds may be Insured.
Now Juat try saying somOthlng nice
about your homo town, anil moo' how
delightfully bully you feel afterward.
; i
'Tls said that tho glory of, our
nation lies lu tho fact that all 'men
are born free nud equal. The' shamo
Is that they do not remain so.
"What Is common sense?" inquires
a would-be Intellectual light." If ho
would acquire a little ho would
possess tho answer to his owu. question.
Hi:SOLVKn..That wo favor tho re
organisation of our whole educational
system resulting from a larger part
icipation In educational alfalrs by our
natlolul government, indorse tho pro
visions of tho new Towner Act ustab
llidilug tho national department of
education with tho socretary at a
member of tho president's cabinet,
and giving federal aid lu Amorlcin
Izlalon work, to rural schools, to a
health program, aud to the wider
extension of educational opportunities.
HESOLVUD. whereas I hero Is a
committee appointed to prepare and
prdjout to the legislature a law tro
vldlug for teacbor's pensions, and
Whereas, the general nature of
the law Is such that the Interests of
the teachers ure fully protected and
It is recognized that tho teacher (s
an employee of the State, and that
therefore tho State will contribute
to provide a fund to be lined in nur-
rhuslug annuity for teachor placed
on tho retired list, and
vvnonsiii, sucu a law win no a
powerful Influence toward maintain
ing morals, be It
IIRSOIA'KI). That wo Indorse tho
proponed Teachers' Pension Law and
f.ii,ih. ol,r Hur.port toward Its ouuet
mc .t.
Or, Harvey W Wiley, pur food expert, amllea at sweet toottr
mourners and sugar profiteers, Por Jono and Henry Wiley, pure food
babies, vindicated dad on ula -76tb birthday receatly wbeu they
"turned dowa" candy offered them, neither having ever tasted lu
They preferred their toast, milk and fmlt. It U part of the Wiley pro
rmathx the chlldreu have no eandy. "
I'KHOM'KI), That since tho cot
of thing has Increased so as to ap
i ,i'ilablv affect all lines nf IndiiHtrv
a nl the professions, and slnco lu tho
pa t teachers have been forced to
a- eitt what has bi-uti occitslnmillv
! k it timn n living wage, aud since as
a result or such it condition a short
age today exists, we favor the enact
ment of a law placing tho minimum
of teachers, ut 91.000 per annum.
WHEHKAS. The School Hoard of
County Quota Roosevelt Memorial
Fund Less Than $250
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the latter the
wother of Mre. W. L. Blott,, N. H.
Elliott of Terrebonne, brother of Mrs.
Smith, ubd K, M, Eby of Hedmond,
arrived iu mms cuy last uigut on a
visit to the Hlotts.
G. W', Clovonger has returned from
Vale where ho had been for tho past
coupio of weeks or mora.
King'u hospital has ouo qf the host
eqmppou surgeries in all of Central
Oregon, Patients havo tho personal
attention of a graduate nurse 11-1
Good Mill: Cow for nalo. Inquire
Jjurt Hiier.
Keep Vbur Eyes
! r i. r,- c u M.i b,.ait(t.uVi
To th Roosevelt Mtmoriftl Aieeriatloav
I Iwrewltlt subscribe the sum of..
to the Hoomvilt Msuoaui. Vvuu,
Tlic above amoutit U Inclosed bcrcwitlu
Accunllng- to the plum of the Roosevelt Mi'inorlul Aiwoclatlon, the tlooievelt
Meniorlul I'und of 13,000,000.00 la to be utllliril In rroct n Nntlonil Monument III
WaihliiKtoii, I), C.i to iicqulre eml niuliitaiii a pulillc tmrk ut Ojntcr ll.iy, N, V.,
mid ultimately to Includu S'iKiiinorii Mill, tlio Hoonerlt lioinn. tlnrclii, to Im
lirt-nirvuil like Mmiiit Vvrnnii iitul l.liifoln'H Ii6mu at .SiuIiik'IoIiI; iiihI to eniliiw
u Nutlunal Sucltly to ticrpctuutu tlio principles mul MoaU or Tliemluru HoonuvuII,
Kuril rontrllnitor to tho fiiml will ri-crlvo n riTllflcito nf in-intionlilii In the
KuomjvcU Mt'inorlal AnoclatUui. A certificate will ul-'i tut nri-siuitcil to every
kcliuul contrluutliig to the fund.
Tliu name of tvny cniitrllnilor will bo plnrcd nn the Hit nf names deposited
In lltu Nulluniil Mdiiuiiicnt lo he erected ut Wilitutnu, ll. C,
Fill out and mail to E. H. CONSEf, Treasurer, Burns, Oregon
The man who keeps other.i ut u
respectful distance more often dom
inates those with whom he comes lu
contact. Too great familiarity breeds
ludtfforouco, and often contempt.
Friendship diltleult to obtain Is
frequently the most lasting. That
which comes easily kocs quickly,
An editor mukes his living by writ
lug stuff for others to think and
talk about. Hut ho value his life
too much to make public his Inmost
Tho Hlblo (or some othar book)
trtll'i tH that "truth .Is mighty ami
shall provall." Hut there would bo
nn unholy uproar If tho whole truth
wro suddenly lei loose In this or
any other community.
Never accept n woman's smllo n
Indicative of hor secret thoughts.
Tho latter are not for you.
Ice Cream
all winter
Hot .
Malted Milk
Wo concede tho fact thut clothes
do not make the woman, hut wo
Insist that at times they are a slight
aid to beauty. Uo to It, glrllel
Don't complain of ennui, sister.
1920 will noon usher lu a new year
of thrllts--nnd bills. -
Christmas imvtui; Is again lu full
swing. Aand, In a few weeks, tho
spoudlng will b? a veritably burnt.
Life, like the wilderness. Is full
of pitfalls. Th wUo avoid tlwm,
but tho foolish see lu Uiom only tho
tinsel Joys of uu earthly existence
Light and ret on gutdo tho ford
stop of ' peot ! with brains. Hut
without braliiH there Is po llt?bl. and
uo reason, aud tho footsteps Ju'
milt around without beginning nrd
without end.
It's oasy for n hurdeuod sinner to
put on a froik coat, a pliu hut, a
black tie, and pass muster lu a crowd
of respectable people. Hut the devil
knows his own wherever they are
"Ooodness creates smiles," says a
writer. True, but not all untiles are
Indicative of goodness, we opine.
ONWKirti IS r4j Z nta. ii torit.
Qm Anywhere Aiy Aito.
MICC At HJtTEE CO. lie. Mi:fadmn
Vi IUUVrne Art., rertUml.
4m4 tot lafwMliiMi mi UMtrelvd CIrtaht
Save Your Eyes
Eye strain causes heatlaches,
nervousness and other trou
bles. I lit glasses accurately
and scientifically.
All Work Guaranteed.
Office with Or. U. F. Smith
The Spendless Wife
is tho one who buys good food for little money and
gets enough in the bargain to cover the silyer which
. . she spends for it
are up to-the-seaaon stock with prices which give "
you the chance to enjoy them. ' y'
A well set table three times a day is" a stimulant '
wmcn notning can replace.
Remember our buying power enables us to offer you
the best on the market for the most reasonable price.
Farmers Exchange
Burns. Oregon
A. OTTINdER, Proprietor