The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 25, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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1 J . 4-
TMW T 1 M.M A - kt 10 It A I P, .. W W P OP W
M I hvm. KU unuo
ot Finislird PubKc
oblams Must
Solved By Ke;l Cress
...... . .J:.- .. " mj. i u u i -r
rim Aiii'Tlcun Uod Croan, aopurdltig
L til;toniint Jut Issued frfcm Wihih--
iuty is to iMii'jn mi war iuhk, uau unit
if oil per cent, Tim Und tinm imuit
Li,., continue to carry uit uvon uioto
LfMciivib th.ui In tltu pa;U, (t&oatnb-
llfhetl J9tom (if National anil Inter-
kitloual relief, in miiiKauuK mo mir-
hrlng caused by famine, tiro, .(luuil.s,
mil ureal national calamities, u mum
Lliu romlor ovcry nocoBnary aorvloo
a Urn Army anil Navy, and miiHt con
tinue ttiu work undertaken prior to
hho war in mo uuiu ui uuroniK nun
farst Alii.
Tho rHjon Alnlll t Ioh or mo Hoil
Cron.i aro greatly Incroaaod an a ruault
cf tho k'iHona taught by tho war, tho
titomciit contlnuoa. Higher aland-
tnls of responalblllty uavu bean sot
b prevent noedlosa autforlug and loaa
of life Tho ueu croaB, wim us iraat-
It ion j ntul Its cstabllnhod organltatlon,
a lil lu tnalntnlnli'K thoso aland-
ards by cooperating with all roeog
diiniijtliiA ii ii it n t iii t lit nilndiiiiHliiif
human life nd ImpplnoMH. Actlvltioa
BlfM'ly authorized Includu tho on
UiraKement and HUpport of 1'ubllo
Health Nurdlng, educational claimed In
dietetics, homo care ot tho alck, and
Elnt Alii, tho extonalon of Jtod Croaa
Ionic Service, an tncrtiaaod Junior
broxriim, und cooperation in develop
ing commiinlty health contora.
War time development nuvo given
(iory community In tho United Statm
rfcoKtiUed and organized center or
Red Crows activity through which tho
boplo of that cointminlty may. if thoy
lib. amo thoiiiHelvca, with all mo
iJvjisitiiRi'H of uulloual loadrHlp, tut-
klonal ht'Uiilanl.i. national and Inter-
ritlonnl rontucts. It rosta with tho poo-
v( fUT comtntiRiiy to dutcrmiuo
tar Hit iiisplVtfH JiIhi how fully they
km lu'i'd of a movement which under
t&n a i 'utel no.i rroaa Mociouea ih
r.i fxprras the olfort of tho peoplen
nftu' world to froo thiMnaulton from
iifMi'-ii d a'h and aufforliiK through
flitititl) cooperation and aorvico.
i . iii W Wv,
'PolBta Of Intarjul l ...... Ki.
turoa or tho day are varied.
1 Vb1ou.' N' j" c-
noli, aanuretrr, And Thomaa
A. K41mb, fanom luventor, ar
pouTint" concrete home, tho
to UI eeet abeat 11000, whkh la
belleted will help relieve the
liouee aaortace all ovor the na
tion. They can be completed la
leaa thaa ouo wonth'a time. m
The woaaan Bd two children
r walllac t Hooaevelt Held. N.
Y., for return of ' their daddy,"
Jileut. Mayaard, the "flylnK par
Bon.' who lead In the firat halt
of the (real atralahe derby acroae
the continent.
...Th two men repreeent a
"dream come true." It la a literal
"Canjtal and Labor" talking It
ever. It la Frank Merrlaon, nacre
tary of the American Federation
of Later, and John D. Rockefel
ler. Jr., aa tney wore a&apaed at
Waahlactea eutalde the "Hound
Table Conference" neealon oa
tha. ateae of the I'an-Amerlcaa
batMtna-. They were la earaeat
You're In mighty -nood com
pvny mIk'H you boloiiK to tho
Jted Croaa.
Sj long na-tlier'a alukneaa,
utfertiit;, dlaaater, tho Itml
Cnxi inttht stand byt
The II V. of !i. hiian't hit Hod
froii memb5nhlpa. Thoy'ro
ot II u dollar.
. ir nine million yuuQKalora .bo- ;
ll!t' In tho Itod Croat, It muat
have tho rlKht Idea.
- .-.L: . ..aU. BBBBBBBBBBBF
I 'aV Z
'IMONKF.U !'.ViSl.ri AWAY.
,Vllllau H. KrUUko led nt the
hoilio of hla iluuKhter, .Mm. Louii
Vnrlen. at I o'clock a. m. , Oct. 24,
after nn lllnena coverliiK a loin: per
iod. Deceaned waa bora la (lerumny
oa Jnauury a, 184S. Ilv caiuo to
America early la llfo und waa mar
ried In Nebrnaka la 1R70. coming to
Oregon lu 183- III wife died la
tSS at the home near Harney, leav
ing him tho euro of four amall ehlld
roa. Following the death of IiIh wife
Mr. KrlzUko moved to California,
whoro he rfMod for twelve yoara,
returning to llnraey county he took
up hi resUloniM oa hla farm be
twoon Oil city und llnraey where ho
remained up until hla Into lllaeaa
inudo It aecenry for him to be re
moved to tin home of III iluughtor
for her cure.
Mr. Krlzltiko waa u inomber of tho
Luthorna church. Ho wua u man
well respected by hi nciimlatancoa.
He Ih survived by three children, Mm
Lena Varltfu and ft aou Churlea, both
of whom realdo la thla county, and
one daughter, Mm. J. 11. Vow. living
In'Cullfornla. Tho funeral waa hold
yeitorday ufternooa ut 3:30 from tho
Preabytorlaa church the aervlco
bolus couducted by Hev. . S.
! With tli grovVlug Bcarclty of feoder
j . .. .a. invi 1 1t Vlkl lilt Of
Yurm lands, aaVa the United Statea
I l..iiliiitiA lha tintftV-a
Dopurtnout or Agncunuro, '
- i r. innriiimlnir Imoort-
'n'noo aad 'la receiving the attention of
7armeralu all'JIve-atock -fca,!
(be country, rarworo
dlacuuwa the varloua pbaaoa of pro
ducing baby beef for market.
Yank, U. H.
army hone,
proved he w a b
,iomo aubmarlno.
In loading him
on an army
tranaport at New
York, Kept. 11,
he altppod from
t h gangplank
Atid waa thought
drowned. Nine
teon daya Inter,
workmen found
him under tho
pier, with wator
at high t l.d a
making It almost
ImpoMlble for
him to breath.
The horae while
a u a g r yand
thlraty teemed
aoae tha -wo ma.
Wruy'a Auto Htage hereby give
. .... I . . k .A .V. I . . .anlaltl I . i I . nniil
j llOllwu IV lu null' truitiiii ih in ...iv
later than Nov. 10 na It I tho Inten
tion to cloae the regular acltedule oa
hat duto and Mr. Wray doc not
want to bo reapoaalble for freight
after that date. However. If weather
coadltloiiK will penult tho Htage will
continue to run until later, but tho&o
tli'lrlug aervlco ahould elthor cou
Htilt Mr. Wray puraonully or got in
touch with him either by letter or
wire. 1
In addition to teatlng 37.17 cow
for milk production In Aui;tiat tho
six nHHocintlona bought two pure bred
bull, built two mIIoh and "fired" four
Blacker cowa off to tho butcher, affyx
B. L. WeMtover, federal and O. A. C.
apeclaliMt lu charge. Tho beat milker
gave 1779 pound milk, the two bust
fat ylelder 70.14 pound fat each.
The whole number teated averaged
097.52 pound milk with 30.4 4
pound fat.
Step lively, or the other fellow will
tep aheud of you. Tho early bird
got tho big worm theuo day.
Notlco I hereby given that there
aro aitfficlonl fuuda on hand to pay
off all tleiiernl Fund warrant Uauod 1
'and roglBtorud up to and Including
October U, 1919. coaseBj
.October 10. 1919.
I County Treadurar.
Dr. Llvlngaton Farrand, .the, .ff;
t authority on public health In Amer-
8 r veil in France aa the head of
fight agalnat tuberculoHla. Ho now
uccocdH Henry. P. Davison ua head
K the Amorlcan Hod Croaa. Dr. Far
nd rocontly vlaltod Seattle, Spc-''
Qe and Cortland and conferrod with
eprosentutlvoH of Hod Croaa Chap-
e" of Alaska, fdaho, Oregon and
auington. "Tho llod Croaa facea
fobloma In tho poatwar period moro
erloua, ( noHalblo. than tho problems
(f tho wur Itaolf. Not a groat amount
f monoy, but tho memborablp and
leartv co opurutlon of evory Amorlcan
Itlzeu lu what la needed to bolp the
eu ('roBu to solve theao prbbloma,
'hlch threaton bur national vitality.
N which, unloaa aolvod, will rob ua
M the frulta of tictory," said Di. Far-
'The Ilea Croaa la the Gospel In
r-jTP'(oKF strictly., it jrUI
in. tomorrow mbrnlng and Mt row
clock back one nour. o
law But there tan'l any penalty
fWlh until you get up or eraa
top tbo clock lor n hour tonlgh
before you go to bed. Juat suit
your own .convenience ,!n that jreepoct.
:JCroa.tiia " L ,im
further i'monkaylng" with tho tlrno
u,jL tow i onacted. aa con-
KmT turuud down the prealdenf a
Kopo-lVlon to change tha time each
.aeaabn as during tho war porlpd.
1 O-T -
Wo take thla moana of PW"'"
our slncoro ttenk. j to. the many
.ublghbora ana jroim
aympuiii uum
death of our father. v. - M
Our office devil Inalata that beauty
:ia only akin deep, aa they claim. But,
ihe'acfdB, aome people have a bide aa
thick, arawaA'"'
Jeweler. Optioluu and
Vim) W'Uk Bapalriag a Siwelalty,
Unequalled by any pre
paration on the market
Sufferers fiild quick
relief owing' to the
soothing qualities. Has
never been known to
Made from a native
herb contains no alco
hol or habit-forming
drugs. Safe for infants.
Sold by
Rcf d Brothers
Drewsey Merchantile
Co. Urcwsey
Vale Trading Co.
Benmett Mfg. Co.
!, Orefjpn
c a package
before the war
c a package
during the war
c a package
IxH me jret you MOKE MONKY FOIt FUItH
1 know that the average traaiMtr dooa not got a much ae ha
aaould for hi fur. I know that there Is a way to give me trap
per all that bo I entitled to, and I'm -going to iro bualueaa that
wfly t
My way of aolllng your fura for you by competitive bid will get
you thJ highest poaalblo prices. Wrlto und I'll toll you about my
method or getting you moro money for your fura.
ItOl IK-lownro St. KuHsn.i City, Mo,
tfGet this straight"
ays the Good Judge
The tobacco that gives
you the most lasting
chew ia the kind that
saves you money. 'You
don't have to take so
many fresh chews. Tho
rich tobacco taste stays
right with it. Thai'o
why you tako a smaller
put up in two styles
RIGHT GUT i3 a short-cut tobacco
W-B GUT is a long fine-out tobacco
Th S(pry of a Turret Captain
Promotion In the Nvy come, quukl)' to
tho who qualify for hl(hr r rtin la
U.rch Wit A. P. NIlMon tnllttH la th
Navy an Appff ntlce Smn. Jrd clau.
In April l307 tic wi rttnl Chief Turr.t
CUptn. III. py t9ly U lloS 70
A mans life among men !
Reel them off 4,RIo",01broItjir,
Ceylon, Yokohama all the great
porta of the world ore they only
places on the map to you or aro
they porta where you've gone soil
ing in from the high seas with
every eye along the shore turned
admiringly on your big ship
your ship I Every ocean ha a
United States ship sailing for
seme port worth seeing.
If youVe any call in you for a
fUll life Join, and color all your
yaara ahead with memories of
things worth seeing with knowl
edge worth having with an inex
haustible fund o'. sea tales and
advaaturea picked up ashore and
afloat that will make you a 'wel
come man In any company.
Work? sure, and a man's work
it is, among men.
Play? well , rather, with abuock
of men who know how to play.
These comrades of yours carry
In their cars the sound of great
world cities, of booming guns, of
swashing seas sounds you will
share with them and that witt
never die away.
And when you come home, you'll
face lire ashore with level eye
for Uncle Sasa trams in It'
rmlimncm as well aa aelf-reapeefe.
The Navy builda straight sn an
no mollycoddles.
KaUtt for two yew. XictlUot opportunities for advaacemrat.
Four wek holiday with pay each year, Shore Uve to ti la
laad alsbts at ports vUlted. Men alwaya learning.. Ooodfeod
and Brit uniform outfit free. Pay beflna the day you ealUt. Oct
full Information from your aearett racrultlagttatloa. If you do -nor
Anotr trrWa tha recruiting station U. a, your
Pottmaiter. He knows.
Shove off ! - Join the
U. S ,Navy
. i-al