The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 25, 1919, Image 1

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'' . rv.nuiv tliHH miiv ntkiM
ortAbllflliejl friend of (he e0pt
sjjfit lfrncy Coanfy Hlicro It 4im
beflnm wockfy vlfltriftTr thirty
v1 " - w
Bcwfl'nt'fr. If )u wish. 16
rirl ,',e col
Binti for juur mlverUMCMient.
''V , r equipped to wervo your needs.
NO. 52
k : . : -
Local Chapter Resumes Ac
tivity in Work.
AHBil Czmpaign for Kcmteri Cenisj
. E:rlier Tliis Year NsvesAtr 2
tell, D1cj. .
Tbo Soldiers und SallorH orRanlzn
tlon of Hurnoy county wilt tako Ret
ire charge of the morabertiblp drlvo
this )oar. Joo Kruwholi, hh iiresl
dent of this orKAUlcatlon, met with
lhc exocutlvo corunilttoo on Tuesdnv
ImA wns Kiveti Instruction und will
be furiilRliiMl with all necessary up
piles nml dntu covering the drive.
Ills boys will look after the drlvo In
the cvcrnl communities of tbo coun-
tr. It Is expected the several Auxll
kr.'os will kIvo such uld hi this work
u they cnn.
Homey County Chapter, American
. lied Cro, Is to tako nn active part
In community work uruIii. That, at
least. Is the plun contemplated by the
executive committee following a
meeting with n field representative
cf the Northwest Division held at tbo of C halrmun CharlOH W. Kills
last Tuenluy niternoou.
Elisabeth V. Tandy, a field repres
dilative of the Hcd Gross, came to
Earns Inst Monday night In the in
drive -e.c
(treat of tbo coming membership
drlro anil also to see what she could
to toward getting tbo local organic
ttlon Into active .work arain. It lit
lefii the opinion of lliomi who fbrniCr-
U- look an uctlvo part In connection
r(th returned soldlorM and their im
redlate families, disabled men or dij-l-cnduut
children. After dlscusahig
jho work of the orgunlzatlon with
JIm Tandy It was learned the act
ivity opened a wide field and gives
tho communities an opportunity to
(urnlxli relief In jnany ways and do
much good in civilian life.
The particular work of the organ
fettlon at present Is to look after the
returned coldlers, see to any unfln
thed biiKlness that may have boon
i.flected because of the alow process
of the government red tape, such aa
any back pay, delayed baggage, roll
eco due, etc., and to consult with
thtoi regarding their Insurance, point
out the advantages of converting It
to pennant and kindred matters of
penonnl Importance to them.
Another matter In connection with
Ike returned soldiers In to see if they
have had proper consideration In con
neetlon with Injuries; If they require
aid In future to sea that the govern
ment Is nmirised of condition and
live the necessary aid an provided In
ueh cnm. Tho 'dependents of auch
oldlers are nlso to be considered and
lrcn such uld as In necessary.
in addition to thin the Red Cross
as the right to extend its aid to civil
ian fumllie aund any distressing cir
cumttnnte that may arise. In some
counties In this stato they have a
Hed Cross nurse available always.
Hhe visits civilian families, looks Inte
the condition of health of the child
ren, especially any cripples, give at
tention to M-hools, advise with school
(Continued en page 4)
Where to Find News
l-Trst I'age "
: SerUre men tako charge of A. U.
f. roll call.
Crane wel peased with Chautauqua.
Hoxlng exhibition at Liberty next
Saturday night,
yigh m hool has program.
Special meeting of flervlco Men to
Join American Legion.
ScokH extension of mall service,
APPlIuilioiiH swamp Hanloy.
Hallov.ifii dance promlsoo succes.
'rank i ununlns dies In Holso,
Oregon a chance to reclaim land hero.
... Second Page
Theatre news.
r-nstern star anniversary .
Third Pane
Tributes from world's leaders.
Fourth Page.
Editorial comment.
Kd Cross meets Wednesday. .
lias your club set dy?
ew secretary coming.
Kooseveli fund coming In too
bothers elub meets.
Fifth Pay
eace time Rod Cross faces
task. '
J'lonciir passes away,
rum bask clocks tomorrow.
J-ow testing work active,
wvu illustrated news events.
.. Hlxth Page
0Ur Rcfl f'niHM t-nUa mil
p. Seventh 1'age
lasflieil advertisements,
i'd Cross. - J
-ftu I10UCCS.
ocal Ilappfuhig?. -
WcRther Conctttiona Lessen
Attendance-Too Late for
Lyceum Course.
Tito tnmiRgcr of this paper -po-t
noon cnlHPc upon ncniiiilntnnr..J ..ti.i
. ", ura,io rnursuny nftcr
buslneju U'lunds. in, r,,.iwi
peoplo of that lUtlo city woll plea id
with tbo recent Chnutnuqun fes Ivn I
vhlch cloned that nlKht. ,1..
not havo tho r.ttondanco they lmd
hoped for but weather conditions
were responsible for It as each num
ber or the program proved most at
tractive nnd satmfaetory. Tho writer
mm mo pieasnru of meeting tbo sup
erlntcndent of tho Festival and di- mo" ,v,, "r'r ai!t,vo ,n x-Bor-ouijIub
the possibility of securing u y,,fe Mfnnffalra nro anxious to see
Lycoum courso for tho -wli.t, ,h0 B1I U011 raat,0
monUm. It wan found that tho . Uooc . nttticnn has
scneuuie naa peen out ro y made uti
for this seuson howovor, nnd wo
must await next rr'rfaaon f6r thin en.
During his visit ho
called upon Mr. Wallace of in
Statd Uattk who evinced a keep Inter -
est in the nffnlrs of tbo county and
nation. Mr. Wallace stated liU mm
munlty was Intorcatod In tho buccow
of such a scheme and would certain
ly lend Its Influence to bring about
me ucsireu results. Ho suggested
that the government might bo a fact
or In promoting tho storage of tho
flood waters of the Sllvles and thus
bring about tho reclamation of a lar
ger urea of land Under thu Sllvles
Irrigation projoct. It certainly would
bo a factor If It onco took hold or tho
scheme but whether It could bo done
in a matter for those bottor Informed
than thu writer.
Tho citizens of Crano aro still be
hind tho proposition of hotter road
facilities between that point and Jor
unn valley and aro determlnod to
roako It go. That's tbo propor spirit
ana wo riopo to see it succeed. Mr.
waiiaco thinks tho entire country
siiouiu tako up to lta possibilities
and get together on a. general devel
opment plan as ho considers wo aro
neglecting our opportunities.
We suggest that a Joint meeting
be arranged botweou tbo Crano live
wires and the Uurns Commercial club
where such matters may be brought
before the two communities and dis
cussed with thu Idea, of team work
on matters of mutual' benefit.
Btxiflf ExUtttiti at
Liberty Tlwttre n
Next Saturday Nff k
A boxing exhibition has been ar
ranged to take place at the Liberty
theatre next Saturday night, Tho
Liberty management has agreed to
tart the pkturea at an earlier time
than usual, and the exhibition will tie
glveniramedlately following the com
pletion of the regular program.
The "Fighting French Haller,"
Pierre Forgeront, has agreed to show
his fistic skill with "Dutch" Herman
Theia, Thin is almost a case ef re
newing hostilities between Fraaee
and (Jermany, hut the boys say there
Is no bad blood.
. "Fronchy" la sure of hU .ability to
give the uutchmau a aound drubbing,
us ho has had considerable ring ex-
perleuco before coming Into the in
torior. "Dutch" ls equally sure of
his chances to show the Frenchman
up, and local fans aro agog to sun
tho match. No one la tolling about
the bqttlng, but tho odds look pretty
ACoupIq of fast preliminaries aro
being arranged, which will glo tlio
younger lada an opportunity to show
their prowos. Thoro may bo u few
Jack Dempsoys hidden hnr In our
sagebrush, und If so, tho fight man
rigors are going to bring them out
A fast card all tho way through In
promised for this Saturday night
nicet) a;id If enough hjtorest Is taken
by local fans, boxing may again be
come n regular thing in liurus.
o n
Higr; School
Has Program
Studouts of the high school rohdt
orod a program In tho assembly ropm,
yesterday afternoon mat was enjoyeu
by all who wero fortunate enough to
attend. Tlio program, rollows:
8ong by tho School, "America,"
Recitation by Jean M,onrop.
Solo Helen Ooodlow,
Reading William Rrupet.
Violin solo Gladys By'rd,
Hgh School Notos Frank Radioman
Duet Charles. Onwiriold and Nick
AJVfi GubHolBon, head of (ho V. S.
Biological tjur.voywont.m.nuHtato,
accompuuled by V, L, llallard, In
charge of county agent work, arrived
hero' this morning;
Special Meeting of Service
Men to Join American Legion
A rpnn'al mooting of tho Harney
County iMIlltnry nsanctatlou ban bcoli
called by tbo president for 7 o'clock
Saturday evening, Kovombor lot, In
tbo Coniniorclul club rooniu. Tbo
object of, tho mooting will bo to
nm),ttto w,th Tll American Legion,
rri' nlw far R charter under which
t0,0fB'l,z local loat.
. rho present orgnnlrnt!
fop ryrpose of hold
on wuh rnado
holding tho men
togothcr until such time us a nation
al body gained nudiclent prostlgu that
It could bo considered tho strongest
organltatlon of nx-servlce men that
tbo war would produce. Tho Amer
ican Legion scorns to bo this body,
ueun inHirumonia in securing uaia
and application blunks for tho organ
Irntlon of n post. A . copy of tho
constllut'on rind by-laws of the Port
land 1'ost ehaa also been secured,
which containu a provtulon concern-
iniiririir matim oriinitfi
Service Men to Be
Preference If Foune
. i, lurrnii, oi ascn, uregon,
who bus charge of tbo cousun In
EaHtorn and Contrnl Oregon for tho
MT k n I, i ... .
federal government , Is in Rums
arranging for tho propor districting
of Harney county and to glvo out
Information as to enumerators.
Mr, Terra) I staton thoro will bo fif
teen or twenty enumerators noeoHwtry
for Harney county who amII bo
chosen from tho rospeotlvo dlxtrJctai
to tnko tho consus. Thoso districts
will bo arranged In nccordanco with
tho voting preclpcts. Tho work In to !
beglh on January 2, 1920, and Is to!
bo completed during tbo month.
l.numerutora will receive approxl-
mutely $100 each for their work and
applications ror alien positions aro
solicited at once. Examinations will
bo arranged ror at Huron and other
convenient places In the county
whero a simple test will be required t tlon and one Is to organlxe tho more
or thoso applying. Tho position or' thickly settled communities Into rab
census taker In open to both man and (hit driving clubs where pests will bo
women botweon tho ages or 18 and .dispatched In this mnnner, thus
CO yearn. ,, affording an opportunity of dlspos-
Kx-servico mon aro to no given
preferenco in HiIb work If they appjf
and aro found competent, but tho
examination Is open to all cltlzons,
pnmlng up to tho requirements.
Thoso applications should ho mado at
once In order that tbo nccensnry
examination bo hold and thu appli
cants receive their, appointments and
necessary supplies. If an applicant
lives in a remote section not conven
ient to any examination place the
applicant may send direct to Mr. Ter-
s . . . t...
ran a i. wasco auu receivu nut unus-
Ing tbo election of members that will
bo of much Intorest to organizer of
tho present association. This ques
tion received n groat deal of discus
sion at the earllor moothiRS. but
scema to bo BatlHfnctorlly solved by
tbo Portland Post.
Lack of oxpcrlonco In such matters
rirovonlcd tbo committee on conotitu-
Hon nnd by-lawn from drawing 'dp a
sot that wan entirely satisfactory, l
Is doubtful If tho records of tho as
sociation will show that tho Hot sub
mltted wnn over adopted or tbo or
ganization completed. Little Intor
est has boon shown In meetings since
tho Honor Guard banquet and dancb
in Juno, hut it in thought that with
the better organization possible under
Tho American Legion charter Inter-
est In a local post can bo maintained,
An organization of ex-servlco man
enn bo an Influence for a great deal
or good in thin county. Recent d s-
chnrges havo added now blood that
ih uxiiuvivu io ou oi material aBSisi-
unco In conducting the affairs of the
u. '
ii u. .,.i ,i.i.
i'.0," '!h,c.h....m,.....H. ?"?Lorf r,.f."
trlrt Manncor'wlin wilt nun Hint tliA
iru. AiHiinger who win nee mat me
St 'lit d0M,rtt1
ror rtroncr credit. i
Mr. Torrall has been covering his
territory during tho rocont past few
weeks and Is on his last lap. Ho
! will remain here until tomorrow
wnun no win leave ior uonti iinisu
Ing his work In Doschutes, Jcffer
ing uin wora in uosc nines, jcirer'..n i,Vl, ,., ifv. ni, ,i,-a
non. Crook and Wasco counties IJur- T.'10. '"vo co!n? " m,.n,br8
nun, yruus nuu whbio touniits, uuf .1.... i...- ,ln. i.A11 nl..f..
lug his stay In llirns ho will bo glad
to. meet any pronpoctlro candidates
ror tho position if enumerator nnd
I rvlt'nt II.. in. a.tli I M t w.,ra,l. mm I
h"V .tll, nill.ll tlllliiuil tin I1U
"" --o -
w. KAiiiu r I'h.rt irt
K. 13. Horn or tbo U. S. Rlologlcul
Btuvoy Department, tho young man
who Is to rnnillipt lin ritinnnlt'ii III
lilts rn'lililv ilnrlntr Ihlu wlniitr In
dsroy tho rabbits, arrived here yes-
tonlnr morning, llu experts to mnku Population and a jnoro prosperous: jjrMmweH sayB that during his visit
a trl( to Lake county In company o"Iry. Kvory feature necessary tll nurnn ho found thnt Portland mall
with his chief, Ira Oabrlelson, which 10 H,lun result Is hero, rrovldod wo I nrrVed thoro two days late. Thin
will orcupy a part or next week, Hl(,rn ,l,u WH,ur aml ,iav" 11 "vnllablo ) ,()8l tJmo Would bo mado up to some
after wnleh ho Is going to HUtllijjut t'10 tto wlion noodect for crops. I oxtont by tho extension of the Canyon
down to a sud.v of the territory hoi " ' 0 ! 'citv route, and with the opening of
Intends to cover and organlco for1
tho campaign to be waged later When
wuainer couiiiuons lire rigm.
Mr. Horn has several . mothods
In mind In this campaign of dentrue
lug or tho caresses ror a sum to large
I concerns whero they can bo used for
food. Ho expects to got In touch
with such firms nnd see It ho cnn
creato a demand ror rabbits and thus
have everything In readiness for ship-
montwhon thu propor time comes,
Hliould thU method bo followed ho'
nuggcstH-4hat Ihe funds derived be
devoted to some worthy public cbnr-""nweon gayety that will add dn
Itablo cause that will meet tho mensoly to the enjoyment of tho
annroval of thu citizens. Mr. Horn evening. Several stunts will be ur
ban other schemes, nlso which ho
will make known at ihe proper tlmo.
Receives Over 150 Letters
Asking Information About
Small Tracts.
I ,
William Hanley did not oxnect to
bo put o such n "flhowdowu" when
"o gavean Interview to a Portland
paper the other day respecting bin
tntontlonn to cut up bin holdings and
dlsposo of them on onsy terms to
actual homo Bookers; but that's Just
what It has come to.
Headers of Tho Timoa-Uerald will
recall a clipping- from tho Portland
Journal putiiisnod in last issuo out-
lining Mr. Hanley'n intention to dls-
Pose of land In small tracts to farm-
ors on attractive tormn. This pub-
"city ban caused Mr. Hanloy to rc-
colvo over 150 letters during tbo few
uays since mo publication in Port
lnn(I asking for Information as to
mnn ui mo imu uuu wuuv mu
lVTi?R V"1 ,D0,
i Mr. Hanley says thoro Is no ques-
I (Inn an tn tin. Intitt tttinpt-v nnnnln
They want Just such a proposition on
ho ban offered and aro roafly to dome.
. " . " ". "
i T ff i,iu nnnrv n ..,,
to meet the .TO on In tho e
..... ... . . . .. '
way. We infer from his convcrsa-
tlon that Mr. Hanloy has not fully
nettlod upon tho plan ho intends to
follow In disposing of thoao small
tracts, therefore he Is not ready to
answer thoao numerous letters.
...... .... - ..w ... u. ....... w . (owim HJr UAIUiiniuii mi n .'. i
them and form tho replies, but It In i)Ut tj10 u(,rns dcmanilH seem to bo
his Intention to koop in touch with tjl0 nl0H(, urgent,
tho writers and arrango with them I jjurnn wants tbo mall stago that
at tho propor tlmo for tho purchaso rng from Canyon City half way to
of tho land. i (nnt cny uvory day extended ou
This brings to mind the posslblllt- throtuth on an overy other day schod
tna of this big country and what ..n ,m. HftVH that tbo contractor
iiiigui i)c tiouu uniior proper expioua-
I tlon In co-operation with tho big
land holdings. If wo could but get
together on tho Irrigation schemes
and place the lands In shape for such
HCCrogatlon IIS Mr. Huilluy OUtllllOS, '
wo would "oon havo n much larger
- , it - . .
Halloween Dance .
Promises to Be
Most Successri!
Tlio Hnlmwoon dance promises to
bo one of tho most Hiiccessfpl ever
given in Rums. Tho management
was nuccessrul In securing Reed and
Iloblnson'n Jacc orchestra for tho aN,
f'Hr. and tho Mothers club Is. ready
with Its plans for the pumpkin plo
awpper us well as. other good things.
Timely decorations aro almost
completed, giving the. hall an air of
fared for tho patrons, tug steps, Paul
Jones steps, ladles cholco numbers,
moonlight waltzes, otc.
Roallzlug that tho moon will not
be greatly in evidence at that tlmo of
tho month, tho managers havo con
structed their own "moon," and
claim It gives a much better effect
than tho orb of night herself.
One feature or tho danco about
which thoro is considerable mystery,
is tho "Ohost Walk," which promises
to be spooky enough to satisfy the
mqnt Denoting spiritualist Investigat
or. Several out of-towu people are
planning to come, us thu men find nn
added attraction In tho boxing exhib
ition to bo staged at thu Liberty earl
ier In tho evening. Tho managers
have taken tho precaution or notic
ing ftuvpral by mall or these two
events, but In cuso anyone wns over
looked on their mailing list, they aro
requested to uccopt thin us notice.
... o
Frank Cummins
Dies in Boise
Tho Rolsu Statesman nni)ouncos tho
death of Frank Cummins nt his homo
In that city ou last. Saturday, Oct. 18,
from homorhngo of tho brain. Ho
uino AO v.inia nlil Vrn ii if fnrmnrlv
"'.v.,': .... ii ' ...from thoso reclamation pnmrnininea
runiliuii III nun nuuuun uhv mm wshiii,
engaged in tho stock buslnoBs In Mai- neouuao . ... "
liniir I'ountv lor several voars His eo-oporato with tho federal pqvern
r nthar Tl au. S Qumm n fonnorly I niont. Oregon's new law by which
lived Vn Burns KlSSS Jh? -lte u.nt t)-
in tho hardware business associated
with l. S. Qeor Chauncy is qulto
sick at his Rolse homo suffering from
typhoid fovor.
The Rurns Library club mot at tho
homo of Mrs, John Rlggs on last
Saturday afternoon. Papovt on
Walt Mnson nudJL'Tho Amorican. Roy
nnd His War Rrldo," wore road by
monibors, as well as tho rocltatlon of
ho mo of Mason's famous poums.
Tho noxt meeting Is at tho homo
of irs. Loon Brown,
Residents Urge Improved
Number ef Central Oregei Towns Aa
Drove Petitions Calling for Im
preveraf Bt if Mail Reads.
Better facilities for communica
tion with the outside world nnd
Western Oregon In particular Is the
thought uppermost In tho minds of
tlin residents of Durus and that vl-
clnlly, according to a statement mado
uy v. H. liramwou, vice presiuoni 01
tho State Chamber of Commerce, who
visited that section receiitly. Says
tho Portland Journal.
Extension of mall roads Is Impera
tive now, says Uramwell, nnd tiniest
uregnu nuuus mu run ui mu vunim.
. n ..... i.i, u .(,.i ,.
Oregon people, Idaho will obtain a
firmer grip on tlio trade or tins sec
tion than It has nt present. Tho mer
chants aro unable to prevent such a
movement, despite their wishes to
romaln in overy respect a part of thU
iinnin.. imvi. timm iimwn nn mid
.. .... ....
approved by Boveral Central Oregon
, ,.. ... i ,.-inA
handling the mall route, will mitke
this chango without making addition
al charges,
riio citizens also want a mall routj
ostublluhed from Rend to Uurns ami
havu tho- mall route between
J,u nd Crane left undisturbed.
communications to Rend, It would bo
posHlblu to obtain wall frow-Western
Oregon tho noxt uuy uuer news
With tho Crano connections tun
eastern mall Is handled In un admlr
ablu manner and It Is the desire to
leavo this route undisturbed. The
morchunt of Rolse Is practically able
to communlcato with RurnB and closa
a business deal before the Portlanl
i luorcliiuit can over bo heard from,
, nmi u Is of intorest to thu entire state
tiin m10 latter help Central Oregon
niitnlii ilui now connections.
Resolutions have boon passed by
Rend, Valo, Ontario and other co
merclal clubs of Central Oregon for
Otlior changes, but aro cooperating r
tbo establishment of now service for
Rums as tho most Imperative He a.
ror tho entire section.
Judge King Says Stale Can
Obtain Quick Action by
"Oregon Is In position to derive
great benefits under the reclamation
bills now in eongress," ta.vrt Will It.
King, chief counsel, of the United
States reclamation service, who ur
rlvod at the Imperial yesterday. Says
the Orogunlau. "There lire three
reclamation measures now rending;
the Mondell measure, wbldi also Is
known iib the Lane bill; the Jones bill
which carries an appropriation of
$200,000,000 and the Chnmiierluln-
Smlth bill. Under any of there meas
ures Orognn will bo a-ided So its ue
velopinont, but until tho league of na
tions matter Is settled, there 1b no
prospect of those reclamation bllla
holng enacted, All legislation Is be
ing hold up ponding final net Ion on
the league of nations.
"Oregon and Washington will ob
tain quicker action than other statei
. ..i..i .... I,. ...oltlmi In
iiuoruat im mniiuiuti ... !, ..
Jocta ror tho rirst rive yearn anu tno
WiiBhlnirton law by jvhlch Washing
ton undorwrltos tlio Intercut for the
first four yours, glvo these iwo elatea
an advantage over others.
Vast Area to Re ll.llicl
"I vonturo to miy that If the Cham-berlatn-Smlth
bill passes 1,000,000
acres will he reclaimed In Oregon in
tho noxt few ycjirs. Oregon bus n
vast amount or land to be reclaimed,
and In addition to Irrigation, tbo
measures also provldo for reclamation.
(Continued on rK 4) .