OeicWta. lild. PBPUHW awBWaa) ay a 1 aw.'- You Are Helping In opening and maintaining an account at . this Bank, you are contributing to the develop ment of this comniunity. All of our funds are loaned at home. Your money is not sent out of town to develop other communities. We invite you to open an account with this strong Bank, assuring you of our interest in you and the community. The First National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON Capital and Surplus $100,000 "The Bank that bsllcvcs Iti Harney County" F I I LOCAL T3 j Scott Haley was la town tuo fore part of thin wcuk. Hnrry Williams wait ovor from his Silver Crtfok homo Tuesday. Mr. nml Mm. TIioh. Clovolnml wore over from thulr homo near Van the foro inirt of the week. Ira Mnhon whh a business visitor U'ednoHilay. Mm. Malioit anil the lit tle dnUKhtor are In Portland wIwj they went hecnuHo of the Illness of tho llttlo one. Shu Is much Improved in health. Mrs. Cnza.d. mothor of Raglstor Vic Cozuil of tho land oftlco, and of Mm. Wm, Karre, and Miss Mamie Cotad, their Hlfltor. came over from their home at Canyon City tho foro part of the wook and havo since been guests of relatives in this vicinity. Uoth are well known to the pooplo of this city, having vlsltod hero at intervals In tho past, and tuorororu they are always welcome. w a Mrs. Clay, formerly Miss Alicia Smith, wnH up from Crano Monday. Hoover told n hunch of Common wealth chili member luuchom at Sun Francisco tho other dsv tlmt fnml prices Hhould begin to drop within a inonin. wny wait i ho month? Munv of us wont to lay In u smnll supply fo tho winter but don't like to wait and take the chances Judging from past experience about tho price of rooii. wonder If ho can rIvo us any "hunch" on wood? Lester M. Hamilton was n visitor last Monday. Ho ins rnntntlv it In posed of his ranch In tho Donlo ev Hon and all IiIh stock In A1 Wnllnn. Lester recently returned from a busi ness trip to Wlnnoruucca. He says nis inmiiy is now nt Crano where they will remain temporarily until he decides what he will do in future, J. S. Smith and C. A. Ruff, two oftlclals -connected with the govern mont revenue servlco with hnaiimi.i-. tcrs In Portland,, are again in this . . I -1 r . . .ri . . . itimi- on oniciai nusiuoss. Mr. Smith is a brother In law of J. It. Oould and has become something of a habit in this community. He says he Is hero on iuronio tax matters par ticularly and is likely to come in ngalu most any time. County Quota Roosevelt Memorial Fund Less Than $250 Jlarnoy county's quota to tho Theo dore HooHovolt Memorial fund is less than V-TO. 10. II. Conser of the First N'atlonul has taken clun'go of collect ing UiIh fund and Is devotiug tuueh time and ouorgy to that end, as It was apparently being neglected and no deflnito action had beenlaken by any who had beon appointed by the state organisation. , Tho drivo in scheduled for next wook. Harney county has COOO peo ple In U and almost tho entire number wish tq contribute toward tho Mem orial fund dedicated to that one hun dred per cent American. Every con tributor will bo given momborshlp In 1 tho association and will recolv.i a certiorate, regardless of tho amount ' of the contribution, whether It be one cotit or $ 100. Hear that In mind. Harney county will make Its quota without u struggle; but tho mure contributors the better roprosoutatlvo of the spirit of tho country and tho aim or those in charge or the gift I offering. The school children would like to glvo their mite toward tho memory of this great American. , Fill out the coupon at tho bottom of tho Inst pago In this Issue of Tho Tlmes-Horald and bund it In or mall It to Mr. Consur. ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL FUND To th Rooievclt Mrniorlil A.noohMon, I herewith subscribe tin: iiwi of.-.,, to the Hoimcvm.t Mkmouiai, Fund. Name , Address The ubovc amount In Inclined herewith. A I Arronlln to tlie plana of the nixMovelt Mtmorlul Association, tlm Ifixxovclt Memorial Kiiml of 13,000,000.00 li to lie utilized tn errct n Nutl'mil Miiiiiiinunt In Wuxliiiiiclmi, I). C.; to iiciiilr and mulnt.tlii a public park nt Oyntt-r lay, N.'V,, uiul ultimately to lucliiilu SaKiunuru Hill, tho lloou'velt home, therein, to ho preserved like Mount Vcrnna and Lincoln's homo nt .Snrliiulleld j mid to endow u National Society to pcrputuato tho principle and Ideal or Theodora llootcrvlt. HacJi contributor to the fund wjll receive n certlflento of nifinlwrnhln In the ItooKcvelt Memorial Association. A ccrtlllc.ito will iiUo Im nn-wnteU to every uliyol contributing to tho fund, 'I he name of ,;vi ry contrlliutor will ho phirrd on (lie list of names deposited In lliu Nuliuiml Moiiuiiiuiit to be ciccliM ut Wiulilinjtoii, It, C. Mi Ball was om from tho raaca NHf Wagontire Tnursduy, o , J, M. Oalton is out on his ynnutlon aad M. BchwarUls, assisting tn the store' during his absence, Mr. and Mrs, Leo Caldwell are homo front Rono whoro thoy attended tho raco moot, ChaB.'ComogyB and his 'two sonn wore among the out of town visitors during this wook. Tom Bprnguo came over from Dond yesterday to took after soruo busi ness lnterosts tn this city. Ho ex poets to return to Dond at once. J. W. Davlos and family and James Young, tho nheop men of the Prince ton section, wore in the city Wednes day on business. Drs. Saurman & Urunet performed nn operation upon Mrs. W.m. Harris last Weduomlny. Tho patient Is ro ported recovering nicely nt tho St. Josoph'u hospital. A. K. Utchnrdson ami Joo Thomp son or tho Lhirns Cash Store, both wont to Crano Thursday to assist their local man In handling novoral cur laods of goods consigned to their wholo'sitle branch nt that place. Dr. l). K, Standard enmo ovor from Huntington last Tuosday and has hIiico burnt visiting with friends In this vicinity, Dr. titnudurd formerly practiced medicine In this city. Ho is n guest nt thu homo of Dr. and Mrs, Hlbbnrd. Mr. and M s. Dolo Smith wcro down from tho ranch Tuesday nfter noon to meet her brother, Hoy Uuehnuan, who had Just come over from his homo In Idaho on a visit. Mrs. Smith had not seen htm for eleven years. Clarence Young nrrlvoif homo Sun day from Portland where ho had been residing for the past couple of years while engaged In work at tho ship yards, Ills family had arrived here a few weeks previous and they will now reside In this city ns former ly. Pryor llnrneri received n telegram Wednesday announcing that his sis ter, Miss Irene Ilarues, had died at Portland. The remains wore to be brought to tho family homo nt Prlne vlllo for burial and Pryor left Tor that place as soon its he could secure transportation. Its rather discouraging to contem plate the coming of winter and the present cost of wood and coal, On the other hand, when you think you'll Just fix up the house n little warmer to save fuel you find that lumber costs about four times ns much as It did when you built the house so what are we to do about It? How are tho children getting along nt school? Kver ask the teacher or dlscuso It with the kldii any? Might help If you show a little Interest along that Hue for an education Id rather important thuso duys and we ought to know if the teachers are really getting tho support Utcy des erve. Tho "schools of tho state are taking a great Interest iu the Hoosevelt Memorial campaign Oct. 20 to Oc. 27. Kvory school pupil giving i penny or more will receive u certifi cate of membership In the Hooho- veil Memorial, Association, unit every school raising a fund will receive a large certificate, All the certificates beear n small engraved portrnto of the ex-president. .", A. K. Rlchnrdson arrived homo Wednesday evening or this week' from Wlllumlna, Yamhill county where he had been cnllod because of the Illness and death or his mother Mrs. Sam Mlckel. This estimable woman died on Tuesday or last week and was burled at Wlltamlua on Sat uruay. mho was wen Known to tuo pioneer people of Harney county where she. made her home for many years. Mr, and Mrs. F. L, Allen, In com pany with Mr. Tulley, arrived here from Wallowa last Saturday night, making the Journey lua Dodge car In two days, coining from Wolser, Idaho to Hums In one day. Mrs, Allen, who was formerly llesslo Swain, and her little son, are visiting with re latives and friends in this city. Mr. Allen and Mr. Tulloy have gono on to tho Coast range of mountains where thoy nro hunting for big gumo and will also fish tn tho Umpqua for big fish before returning. o PAID LOCALS. Fill out and mail to E. H. CONSER, Treasurer, Burnt, Oreon Mrs. E. F. Hchwnrtz has lust ro- colved n complete lino of beautiful georgotto and cropo waists. For Snlo Tho Juntos McMauus ranch in Sec. 13. 14, 1C, T. 2G S, It, 24 10.; 320 acres, for $1000.00. WM. FARUK, Lost Sntunlay night on tho road between horo and Crane, via Harnoy, a brown "hug-me-tlght" sleovoloss Bwoator; Initials O. I), II. iu whlto yarn on rovorso sldo. Finder will rocolvo n suitablo reward if tuft at this olllco, 10-18 2-t LOST Stool squaro botweon tho Roll A ranch and Alex Hnuloy'ts ranch. Sultnblo rownrd for Its roturn. OKO, W. YOUNO. 10-Utf. Chester Carter lost a drab colorod rain coat botweon his homo and tho post olllco last Bummer, Finder -will bo suitably rewarded If It is rottirnod to him. 10-11 2t. FOR RRNT Throe rooms RUltnblo for light housekeeping, one block of Main Btroot. Inquire at thlu olllco or phono W133N2. 10-4tf. HKHI) GRAIN FOR HAI.IJ. Cholco Spring Rj do. Full Ryo 4 Wo. Karly Ruart Wlioat So. Ilannchon Hurley 0c. Arcul Mcdowau, Unrns, Ore. 10-28 L4Im (MM 4rMM an mow i Ttt cnt off la price. Mrs. K, F. SCHWARTZ. " A lada black' plush coat woa fouurl rocontly on tho road tnd was brought to this office this weok, Owner may havo name, by calling and Identifying tho coat and paying for this notlco, 10-4. Tke Tlmen-lfcruld paid locale pay. 800 acroo of pasture with water for rent ,$1G0. Can be reached by tele phono at A. W. Hurlburt's.- M. N, WARD, Narrows, Oregon. 10-4-11 FOR BALK About GO tons of straw, food corrals, well water and 300 acres good pasture. Also 000 acres of good button grass pasture, Inoulro at this office. 11-1 The Tillies-Herald paid locals pay. Mrs. Clareuco Mnco Is prepared to dollrer milk to customers in Utirtm oacu morning. Notify her It you want milk lit any quantity,, 9-27tf Good noml ryo for salo. 0. N. Nelson, at Dog Mountain. Post-odlce box 100, Dtirus, tf For Sale Six hole cooking range, In excollont condition, Bargain it taken nt once, Seo J. A. Kruntholz at i)io Universal Oarage. tf. FOR 8ALK Almost now piano. Inquire of Mrs. R. C. Reyuvaau, tele phone 8F21. 10-4tf. FOR SALK300 bushels of seed ryo, 4V4 conts. OKO. PARSONS, Warm Springs Valley. 10-4tf For Sale 700 lb. Tubular suction feed Sharpleis Cream Separator, nearly now, Clui. Wilson. Four registered Jennets for sale registered Jack at stand, Withers Ranch, Harney, Orogon. A. F. I). George, of Lawen. Orogon, has tho selling ngoncy for tho Lubri cant Carbon Removor for Hnrnny and Grant couutlei. Reliable purchasers may take a can and try It. If it doesn't do everything claimed for It, return It and the purchase money will bo refunded, 10-25 WANTKD One. two, or three mon to work on ranch at I7C per month. Inquire at this oltlce. 10-Utf. rilK FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF IIURNH. CAI'lTAIi AND SURPLUS 9100,000. "Till-; HANK fJLir MARKS YOUR $ SAI'i:." ICCOUNTS INVITKD. Tho Hums Oarage has ordered five additional Dclco-Llght plants for local distribution, If you contem plate the purchase of your own light ing plant, seo the Hums Oarage ho fore they are all taken. Adv. tf Patients receive the best of caro at the Flreovcd Muterulty Hospital. For Rent 609 acre ef good pas ture 11 ait lee fron Barae. Viae erase, leaty of raaalag water aad shade and all under fence. R. L. Hass, Durns Oregon. THK FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF IIURNH. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS IIOO.OOO. "THK RANK THAT MAKKS YOUR 9 f 8AFK." ACCOUNTS INVITKD. Prompt service and courteous treatment wjll alwns bo accorded PAtrout. of tho Runu Hotel Harbor Shop. Hatlis at any hour of tint d.y. O. W, Simmons, Pron. (leueral dressmaking at tho homo of Mrs. J. V.. Slzotuurc. Miss Ida Lewis. 10-18 Pintto in excellent shape for rent for tho winter months. Apply J. Fellows. For Information Inquire at The Times-Herald office. 10-4 Thn Times-Herald paid IocmU pay. o 1 STOCK IMPOUNRKR. A heifer and yearling steer, Holatelns, branded qunrtor circle G on left ribs, also what looks like 19 on right hind log, low down, Owner may have stock by proving same and paying required charges. 10-4 T. J. McDONALD, City Marshal. I I What Would You Think 1 !- i a of a man who would leave a million dollars lying around on the dresaer in his bedroom every evening? You would say he ought to lose it. Yet you are doing an act just as foolish when you leave your valuables around your house. You can get a safe deposit box here for 52.50 a year. YOU CAN BANK WITH US BY MAIL UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Haritn County National Bank Burns ,Drefon "YOUR HOME INSTITUTION" SCHOOL BOOKS ARE CASH School Books change this year. You will be allowed to trade your old books in for the new ones. Money must be sent with all mail orders for school books or we will send them C. O. D. REED BROTHERS The Rexall Drug Store We will have a carload of famous BROGAN APPLES in shortly Delicious, Jonathan, etc. Also Car of No. 1 Netted Gem Potatoes Mackinaws, Leather Vests, Winter Underwear and Clothing for Everybody Fairbanks, Morse Light Plants, Engines, Pumping Outfits. Aermotor Windmills WW ItSi. TfT.T Groceries Write for Prices Vale Trading Company Abo Vale and Riverside CRANE BRANCH Rogers Silverware FREE To Customers GENERAL MERCHANDISE "It Pays to Pay Cash" " BURNS CASH STORE