The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 18, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    "tAGR FOUR
Hat Tho Largeit Circulatloi) Of Any
Nowtpapcr In Harney County.
Oaa Yr 2,00
Montht 1.00
Tkr Months .. 7D
Ha (unlay, October t8,
Wm. Karro npont flovornl tltiyn out
In tho country this wook looking after
Homo business nffalru for n client.
Mm. W. M. 8lowart nrrlved homo
Sunday night by wny of Ilond from n
visit of n month with rolntlvo nnd
frlouda In IJayvlow, Washington.
G. T. Kolsko hnn returned from
It Ih Hojnnrn in tho nouth to (iRiiln tuko
up Ills huslnoen of buying fun nnd
hldoH. Tho Rontloiniin Iiuh oporntod
In thin ncctlon in former yearn and Ih
won known to tho trade.
Mrfl. CIiiib. A. Klnir, of tho ItoBpl
tnl of thlH city, lias koiio to Portlnnd,
Wo understand upon lier return nho
will bo itccotuimnlod by 11 graduate
nurno who will ho constantly in
charge of pntluutn of that honpltnl.
Will Nowlon In up. from Nnrrovn
today. Ho b touching in that dlr
trlct thin year nnd InforniM ub ho hni
ovory grailo reprecnted up1 'to, nnd In
cluding tho eighth. Ho Ib further
bund lenppnd by lack of 'school hookB
In bin dlHtrlct; some of tho pupllB
huvo tho now bookn whllo odium haVc
tho old and thus he finds It nocaBBiirx
to hnro doublo clashes in many of tho
P. 'a. Kolly nnd W. 0. Downn wore
In from Cntlow tho first' of thin week.
Tho gontlomon camo in to transact
nomo bunlnons with tho bunk and tho
U. 8. land offlcio, making n night
drlvo Sunday to bo hero oarly on
"Monday to transact their buslnvsH
with tho hopo they would bo ablo to
got out again on that day, Upon
arriving they found Monday being
ntiHorvml nn n Iniritl hnlldnv liv hot ti
w . . i x.... v. i ii.. .i : . "
juugii wnuon inggn niijonr iuii ino,tl0 UIinkB nnd tho land ortlco Mr.
fall term of circuit court on Wcdnos-' Ky H pont tnaator out at Catlow
dny aftcrnopn. nnd now ho'a noro bocauso ho found
During tho wook two othor troBB-ltlu ,V0Ht oHlco ciOB0(l ll0ro nnil ho
VMS cnnus were trlod, pno of R. !!. wnan't homu to cIobo bin olllco and
Hrown vs. Donald McCloud In which taj n vacation.
wio pininiiir received ru in nam
nges and tho cane of Claude Smyth
n. JaniOH Paul roHtiltod In tho Jury
awarding tho plaintiff ?2.I0 datnngOH.
N. II. Klein, who hnd boon con
vlctcd of wantonly Injuring nnliimlfl,
was sen' Sliced to u term in tho peni
tentiary not exceeding threo yoarn. tallied
inn cane was appoaieu ami ponding
tho furnlnhlug of boudn tho prisoner
in Incarcerated in the county Jail.
Judge MlggH took hi departure for
Ids home Thursday evening.
A man told a ropronontntlvo of thlH
'paper tho other day that ho know of
two Hood Hlvor men going out from
tho lnken during tho present with
their car loaded with 100 Honker
gooao. That's getting away with tho
gamo hlrdH pretty rapidly. Ilr.
Floldn hud hotter havo nomo ono In
that vicinity looking after mich giuno
hogs. If that's what tho bird refuge
Is for, to furnish Hitch men with sport
and Induce thorn to slaughter, he'd
hotter think again about tho proposi
tion of Interfering with Icgltlmato
UBO of tho water boforo It reachea tho
lako for tho puropso of Increasing
production of food supply.
There aro not any two mon in Har
ney county who would bo guilty of
violating tho gamo laws in any such
manner as tho instanco montionod.
Tho sama man said thoro wore moro
outsldo hunters in tho vicinity of tho
lakes who woro using tho sama moth
ods of slaughter. ,
: jCocail and Personal
,. Thla ..thim. Of ,ha,vlnK' to pay Jram
to R conta for potatoes Is cefljog
oh tho norven of "dad." Thoro'siblg
' rrestloy Smytir wnH-RTHoiiK -ourgfe10. .rl,flln.K. i"?1??!"
vlaltora from Uhimond during tho 'V1' "w U,,V,'UT1 . "
in ono pound of potatoes noxt year
Minn Helen Audorson, MIhh Helen
Purlngloii, Leonard Locher, and
Floyd KoBBlur woro gucHtn of Mr.
Tho Sobering Bundle
By Walt Mason.
Whon you havo a bunch of
boodlo In tho bank Just up tho
plko, you'll stand up for Yankee
Poodle, law nnd order nnd tho
Him. Thfin no crood of doviiHln
tlnn, mich na UiirhIiiii outlaws
shrltik, will rccolvu your con
firmation you'll denounce It llko
n ntrniik, When a man hi broke
and hlintod, with no plinkngo laid
away, ho In cveriuoro dhigiiHled
with tho Inws wo an ohoy. Ho
would kco our.rourtn all leveled,
and tho ludgri on the rack, and
tho pliitocrnln lipilovllud llll lliov
gnvo up nil H-elr alack. Ho
would K"o nil ihlngn upended,
.find no ho would ronder muln;
thou bin choncen would bo nplen
did to accumulate romo loot, I
havo soon noiiio ngltatnrn nllrrlng
up tho penplo'n boiiIn. nnd they nil
woro ennt'off gnltetn litid thnlr
pnuts were full of bolus nd
thoy nnld their chalnB wero clnwk.
Ing, an tlioy dnmnod Hie pluto
rrnt: if they'd onlv do ronie
bunking they would noon get over
that, r havo heard the spielers
thrlflleM putting up their Wonry
song; I hnva heard thn wfak and
nhlftlenn saying everything If
wrong. Ttiit th mn vho navrn
his money thinks tho Ktinrtlnn
creed nhxiird, nnd he thinks It
hnnntly funny Hint so mnnv yawps
m heard -Copyright, I'JItf. (Ily
. Walt Mason buys War Savings
Slniupi. Do yon?
W. 8. 6.
Lociierrf Mister, mm. ami, Olson, at .'xi, mn wj,0 ,yB 0l,y vtm ho
uiu iniauii rniieu umi oiiiuroii) auer-, up,..,
mill ulio ii tin Urmia ll. uiinlil
noon and ovonlng. Tho boyn outer- n,..,i,r itaUx 'mnrk.i.l down aln
llltlo Mary Paulino Olnen, . . M ,. ,,,
whllo tho girls protended to nsslflt " " " . " V !"
prepato a dolleloun chlckon dinner.) T. .V , V V
In the early di.Hk tho young pooplo " "V ,ow?r' n Um ,ftV,,1l of m""'.y
oxplored tho burnynrd-nn far nn tho J (,""" would rooner bo reaehed.
ii iiiiiiMvit nun nn nv n nn UVM"' ' 'M'
Prnuoia Wolrh dlari nt the horn of
It Ih mother Mr. JuMa Smith, In thla
oily 09 last Wednesday night, 0l-
olinr it. Ill wna bnrii In Wltcoiialu
on July 14. 191 and mnvwl to North '
Yakima. WnxhttiRion. with M pnr
mta whn hi was eight ynnM old
oomlng to Burn evn yearn later
wharo he had rolsdfd itnr.. . '
He enlWU-d volitntiirlly in thn navy
on April t". 1917. and nrred on the
traimport r. S 8. Mt. Vernon Utirlna;
t.h euti'ro' period of the wur. gatting
his dl'charge about five mouths ago
whon be rot u mail home.,
The funeral wna held yterday .
tifler noon, the navy and arny boya I
faking: charge of the arrangements,
mid Capt. A. W. Oowan conducting '
tho aui vlce. j
"Idaho Plans Yaat Irrigation i
Works" In n bonding In a roeunt Ih- I
. iuih of (ho Oregoulun. Tho utory told
under that heading kIiows thnt our
HlKtor Hlato has taken advantage of
overy opportunity to aid It In further-'
ing Itn development In that direction. I
Tho plan spoken of covers an nron t
. about equal to tiiut of Harney Vnl-
ley. This area In addition to tho
amount of laud already under Irriga
tion In Idaho innktm nomo laud. Wo
can havo Irrigation If wo will but get
together on tho plnun.
A recent excursion of IhihIiichh inon
' wan sniwhi to Klamath I'iiIIh whom
they pledged support to tho Strahnrn
railroad system in- connect tho great
heart of Oregon with tho markctn of
tho world. If that wan n nlnccro I
pleifgo and means their wholo heart
ed Hupport ami endeavors thoro will
something como of It, If It Is but
tho promise of n bunch of follown
who wanted to mnko "good follown
Klamath FallH, Central Oregon will
of thoranolvos" to their IiohIh nt
havo to look olewshnro for aid nn Is
tho case In working out Irrigation
and other Niinh dovolopmont schomon.
Oonorally speaking Portland In Indiff
erent to tho poHHlbllltloH of tho big
gest part of tho ntato. Wo might do
liotter'if wo tied up with Idaho.
Loo and CharlesN Clark returned
during tho weok from a trip to Fort
Klamath. Thoy woro momhorn of
tho party who drovo tho Kgli cattla
over recently. Tho rnngo en routo
in reported in gocd condition, owing
to tho recent rainfall, Bllnworth
Egll was also In tho party, and pro
ceeded on to nchool In California.
Leo wont on over to his homo at
Harney, after a few days in town,
1 ", ,,o
A. H. Pago, tho civil engineer, was
over from tho P ranch vicinity during
tho weok on buslnosH and incidentally
to visit wjth Mrs. Pago, who la at
present in this city as a companion
and nurso for her mother as tho lat
tor is recovering from tho novero in
jury she sustained several weeks ago
in a run-away, which was mentioned
in thefio columns,
. A shave a dny la ono of the primo
rcquialtea ror advancement In mod
orn commercial llfo.
second gnto but duulded that GOO
weunliig ciiIvoh were too iniiuh for a
party of toudurfuot. Almost anyone
would luwl going four or fivo duyn
without food. Tho party roturuod to
ton early In tho ovonlng, after
on paying high priron. Imcnueo liny
think thoy must havo 'boiler living con
iIUIoiih and Mill lie Iter, and buy h
rnumt of a wluli ratlior than n loxlH-
male want, priroa will roiualn nhuor-
promlalug to pay another, mill and itn.Uv IiImIi. The ron-muKir
oxplore tho plar moro thorouglily. wo ll do your Job Printing.
Know nt nn mnes wnnt nu cirn hihko ' "''' unless you nava parrot loam,
do what ho ran nnd ought to pny for 8avc and Invest with Undo Sam.
n ncersrnry nrtlcte. nnd If bn live up W. 0. 8,
to thu law of economy and necessity. lhcre ntff j.aon.OOO children attend,
ho oxorclsos tho power of domnnd upon nR Rrnl,nr ncum In the seven stairs
price to nn iipprcclnhlo oxtcnt nnd of 0 Twcm, KBIera rl,orV(, !.
helps to lower the cost of llvins. 1'rl- .ri(,. muarit it .,i vnurir wi.m n,.,,-
DCfinning mor
Hot Drinl
as well ai
Ice Creai
all winter
Malted Mi
lvliev( , , ()u Orcoi.
I bwlicvc in your immenfc ro-nourpcs-
your (imbcrod iiill
slck'i, your wavimf rielrl nf
grain, your luscioui fruits.
I believe in your men, Oregon in
their energy and ability to convert
your unexcelled raw materials into
finely finished manufactured products.
I believe the road to growth and
prosperity for Oregon lies in the loyal
patronage oY Oregon industries by
Oregon people.
Buy Home Products
aocited Industries of Oregon
marlly goods ate mad-' to u-e and not
to sell, And hIicii a people will not
lisp them thev will not sd- uhru Ihey
will not hell thev mine ilnwii in puce
or go out of I'V.hifoto To uu n
ci.allnx phra::t. intuit of our p i. . nt
day trouble In due to the fact Unit
'we want what w until when wo wnnt
It.' Tho truth In we lme 'cut loose'
from our wrrtlm moorings In econo
my. Hut iho ((Txcia of this gn-Ht
war nro uot over ll v.i ir tuno In hav
ing ii':.init h v. :tiil. Ihc it tier re
MitTi.tli,n i.i'i it ..:'! An n,i:ut' of ecoti
r-itu nu. I mi" voi ..;;. ,v, ):eutJ
In : mi t ni'itii i - . - mii!i n lur In
.ui' r-drfcior. II. e i ili ..,t i,i , v . i v '
CuDinttTvUll and Fliuii ... ',ir.n.. !.
A Tnf.fl BUi'ip Ih mi o nn e ut inun
oniy. A Wnt vm rt. tni i.. pounti
t ih- tunc. nu. i .. t it iimi iih your
' Hi1 " i ftu iicin. ij,
nlono would rnv In n year If tlii'
each bought one U War Suvlugi Slnnii
inch iii'tith.
'I I io Times-Herald paid locals pay.
Ob maacut 15corJ 2mt,M
Gees Anywiefe Any
nt Ihnrjhorn Avm I'ortUM.
3ad ror Inlomfttloa n iiimtrtlM I
Tho Tiiiiir.llM'rtlil (Mid lociilo pny.
i OVER 2,000,000 CALVES
Y On troMtuifiil luitinuile f.r life S:ive r- ''tn.
j- Price 23 vcts. )ev dose. Why pay more?
$ Write for fr.-o booklet.
3; Box 17.S8 Purity Serum Co. Sp .k.t . AWa
Save Your Eyes
Nlrfht and Mornlnd.
Hant Chan. lUal(hv
Ey0i. If they Tire, Itch,
Smart or Burn. It Sore.
tut fVf C Irritated, Inflamed or
WH C.1LJ Granulated. ute Murine
ouen. Seotbaa, Kelraabua. Sale for
Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for
JrSiJCys Back. Nariat fr Ihm4j U., CUo
"Don't Cheat Your$eIP,
y the Good Judge
There's nothing saved
by chewing ordinary
tobacco. A little chew
of that good rich-tasting,
and its good taste lasts
all the way through.
Little chew lasting
satisfying. That's why
it's a real saving to buy
this class of tobacco.
put tifi in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
Eye strain Cannes headaches,
nervousness and other trou
bles. 1 fit glasses accurately
nnd scientifically.
All Work Guaranteed.
Office with Dr. It. F. Smith
Tho Idal Ktidl'V TnllorliiB Conipaitv''
"Wonderful New Kb 11 and Wlutor Lino t r
Tailored Suits, Coats and SkirtJ
nro hero In ' thoao
New WooleiiH an
and many othorn.
We GMiinuiteo lVrfcct FittiuK (innncnt
f , Como In nnd Heo Our Sainplr.H
Clothing Company
Spendless Wife
is the one who buys gqod food for little money .and
gets enough in the bargain to cover the silver which
she spends for it
are up to-the-season stock with prices which give
you the chance to enjoy them.
A well set table three times a day is a stimulant
7 which nothing can replace,
Remember our buying power enables us to offer you
the best on the market for the most reasonable price.
Farmers Exchange
Burns, Oregon
A. OTTINGEIJ, Proprietor