..I . ' 'vV ' - (. Vat- .1 ji . ' it i' (M. ,.v , , , r A ((J : Jrr. BatujUy. OcUtac IS, Hit. Til TIMII.I Hi L f B f R H , ORIflON lew, Theatre News r ,, (Continued from pngo 2) bl(t (oi wont -tip. It WftB a, regular circus In ovory particular, prepared solely for this picturo. Wlion it ap pears before tho public in screen form, tills tsory by Florotvco Vincent, will bo found to contain many thrill Mid will perhaps afford MIm Dennett mora opportunities to display her rich tnlonta ns an actress than any of hor provlotiB Paramount pictures ovor litis (lone. In thin photoplay Miss Uonnott will bo tuoii us n Hon tumor. Sho ontora n girl's uendomy to ho educated and nftcr tho ro tn nu co of lovo has onterod Into hit' llfo, bIio succuuds In Having hor father's circus from u riotous mob, by iuUiiut tho place of u fright ened lamer and purforntltiR hor lion tntuii i; net In tho prosonco of a Iiiiko crowd This Is uH exceptionally tlirlllnw: Incident, and doubtless will uprvo lo render this picture one- of Mlrx llinuett's most popular vohlcloH.' A lino cast supports tho star in this photoplay, wlilch was directed by Jerome Storm. o An ideal cast has bcon provided for Wallace Hold in his latest Paramount photoplay, "Tho llouso of Sllonco," which will bo tho feature at tho Lib erty Thoatro, noxt Wednesday. Chlof among his support is Ann Llttlo, one of the most charming of screen act resses, who appoared with him in "Nan of Music Mountain" and "Klm rock Jones," both Paramount pic tures. Others in the cast are Adele "arrlnnton, who will be seen as an adventuress, Winter Hall, Ernest Joy and H. A. narrow. As its tltlo Indicates, "The House of 81101100". is a mysterious romance that involves tho slaying by a young woman of u man in defence of hor honor, hIio omptolnff a hatpin for that bNID BENNETT At- The Biggest Show on Earth Qmuug HiH fiancki:.iiai iiki;n AllUKHTKI FOK THE THEFT OK HIH MOTIIEH'H IlItAOKLKTI Bruce ltklfcimny In Faced Ily Remark- m niiHHiiuH in nkw worm Picture, "Tlio Social Pirate" His .flancoo had been arrested for thoftl Sho had served a sentence in Jail tvm bWWWW .i-f" wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw bsYJJJI and iinmousoly entertained by scolng this strlckliiK drama unfold boforo your eyes when "Tho Social Plralo" comes on noxt Friday to tho Liberty thoatro. Juno ElvldKO is the star of this pro duction, Shn is seen In tho rolo of Dolores Fer'uniido!, tho fiancee of Ilruco Itidgaway. Hotoros Is n South Antorlcaii girl. Shu has beauty and exceptional talent sa a violinist but upon tho donth'of hor parents when sho comes to tho United Btatos to win famo and fortuno sho meets only with mlsfottuno und'heart-acho until sho meets Ilruco. Thon she falls deeply nl love. It Is certainly an unusual and grip ping drama that is told in "Tho Soc ial Pirate." It Is tho sort of a drama that you romorabor for n long tlmo and also talk about for a long tlmo. Show yotirnolf n good tlmo by Bee lug "Tho Social Pirato." WAttAC I2EtO5 tlift Uauee .of StkiLce full purpose; tho tracing of the slayer by an amateur wealthy decllve, and tho revelation of the secret of the houfte by him after a series of tensely Interesting happenings. The picture la oue of exceptional merit, tho photo craphy excellent, and It is In every renpoct worthy of the commendatory reviews which have been acror led It el'ewhoro since Its release. AIno "Fatty" Arbuckle In two reels "Tho noil Uoy." his on tho charge of having stolon mother's valuable bracelet I ( Imagine a young man making a discovery llko this I This is tho situation faced by Uruco IMdgeway In "The Social Pirate," tho now World-Picture. What does he do? Was his flanceo guilty? If alio wasn't guilty why couldn't she prove her Innoconcu? You'll be exceedingly Interested JtAIIIIITH AHE OUT O.N HILL RAKflK NOW Kd. Morgan was In town Monday with a load of seed grain. He lives In the Weaver Springs section and Hlnco so many of his Sunset neigh bors havo gone away he Is looking after a big area of lands in that vicin ity. He has juBt added the Chas. Newell Dog Mountain ranch to bis lease holdings and hopes to Increase the output of crops during the coin ing season provided the rabbits can be controlled. Tho crops suffered from theso pouts during tho present season, tho unso rats also taking their toll, until It was ninth as tho burfain who had the bent of things. There are so few people to fight theso pcstH that they are ubout tuklug tho country. How-ovt-r, Mr. Morgan says tho rabbits have gouo to tho bunch grass range since tho recont rains and aro playing "hoo" with tho young tender grass that is sprouting. Mr. Morgan says that ho lias noma fine pasture now from his spring seeding us it did not tome up until tho fall rains, article not purchased at home. Which shall it bo? A constructive Christmas, or a des tructive one? Prosperity should begin at homo, o Fanners Advised to Strike Hack The boycott of many manufactured products and tho reilowed uso of family-produced food and clothing supplies was recommended to Kansas farmers by H. n. Walkor, irrigation engineer, according to the agricultur al college nows bulletins. "We can't havo tho fnrmors work 18 hourB a day to food the laborer on a six-hour a day basis," he told tho farmers. "Much of tho Inbor shortage is not duo so much to lack of mop ns to docrcaso In working hours and In efficient labor, lntonslvo, one family farming must como back into moro gouoral uso. This Is tho most oHl ojent productlvo buBls for tho groatost not profits to tho family. It would go far to settle tho labor problom." Inland Empire Realty Co. ' A. A. TKAUGOTT, Proprietor REAL ESTATE Bought sold and exchanged Farm Ranch and Building Loans BLUEPRINTS LOANS MADE ON APPLICATION DIRECT INVESTMENT BROKER PhtM ! mr CI mtM, OreffMi Everything for Everybody Anything for Anybody BUY IT FROM US IT PAYS This is a. cenoral store and wo are supposed to &11 every thing", and we live up to tho general supposition. You "can buy anything you want hero, from hardware to groceries, from needles to a good smoke. It pays to buy from us. because wo soil for cash, nnd nn enormous amount of goods, und wo can therefore sell at a closer margin of profit. You CAN'T lose, and you WILL gain. Now doesn't this line of argument appeal straight to your good common sense? LUNABURG, DALTON & CO. BURNS, :: OREGON J.et rroNpcrlty lk-gln at- Homo Community prosperity is, or is not, as we of tho community make It. Much money will be spent around hero during tho coming Christmas holidays. It Is right that Is should he ko, for every normal person likes to partako of tho Joys of the yule time. Hat where will that money go? Will tho profits remain here, and continue to circulate In our midst, and enrich our local community? Or will they go to foreign houses, and he forovcr lost to us who have pro duced them by our energy and our thrift? The answer Is In our own hands. Our local merchants will be well equipped for supplying our demands. Tho goods will bo on tholr counters where wo can bco them, Judge as to their quality, and know what wo Rot. And tho namo of a local dealer Htaiids as a guarantee for everything ho sells. Hut If .wo buy abroad wo loso from our niidgt both tho dealer's cost price and his profits. Wo never boo them xgaln. And our community Is tho poorer PARTS Everything in every sphere is made up of Parts. The better the parts, the better the article upon which they are attached. Poor accessories are a weakness pulling against the long life and useful service of the combination complete. Our department, consisting of the standard brands ofi national and international trade-marks en reliable parts and accessories, is at your service. rt -j , . a wIu.u;uvAi PARTS FOR DODGE BROTHERS CARS 1 b PARTS FOR HUPMOBILE CARS " , rAlv P PARTS FOR FORD CARS UNIVERSAL GARAGE AGENTS FOR DODGE BROTHERS CARS' Associate Agents for Hupmobile Cars . i WHEN you want to dig a ditch or post hole, a foundation excavation or a garden, you need good tools to do good Work. We are prepared to supply you with digging tools of all kinds tools of quality that give depend able service. Before tack ling that next job, come and pick outcome real help ful tools that you4vill like. Peit risk Spate Draia Sswles Dnia Chasers Aageri, Diggers Garden Forks Garden Trewek Hoci, etc. If you buy it from tit, itM worth the price I. S. GEER & CO. WRAY'S AUTO STAGE All Touring Can Leaves Burn Mondau, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Leaves Bend Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday Fiiro Biirim to Portland vinCrnno with berth $i2.'Ul Fnro Burns to Port hind via Bond with berth J? 10.1 5 Ship Perishable Goods, Express and Fast Freight via Bend in Our Care FARE, $10.00 50 lbs. baggage free HEADQUARTERS AT REED RROS. 20,000 Acres - SAGEBRUSH LANDS -with water rights for sale on Blitzen River in tracts of 80 Acres or more. Reasonable prices one-fifth cash balance easy terms, six per: cent in terest. Eastern Oregon Live Stock crane Company oregon The Plumber is a Robber! Only when .the man in side the PLUMBER is crooked. Our aim is to give honest service, and install honest goods AL WAYS. If you want any such goods and such service in your repairs or in new work, it's easy to get it. Just call us Oar Specialty PIunnic, Sheet Metal Wwk, Repairiig Ageats for the De Laval Dairy Siitlies Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices THE BURNS HARDWARE COMPANY In-our new building opposite Lampshire's garage CALL AND INSPECT IT 1 tva