kfAKT HAS STRONG LEADING WOMAN Wntula Han Icy Supports Star la "The Border Wlrolcss" Pretty Wanda Hawloy, who Iim been soon la many excellent pictures, niotit notablo of which hatt been 0. 1. doMMo's "Wo Can't Hare Every, thing," in lending lady for William 8, linrfln "Tho Dordor WlrolOM," hU nowont Thomas II. Inco'Artoraft Die turc. MIbb Huwloy iiobhosaos except loniu liunuty nu well na personality nnii iiiturionic nbiuty, This Ih a pntrlotlo story by Howard 12. Morton, tho photoplay bolng by 0, fJnnhior Sullivan. It floats with an uttompt by Uorman nploa on tho bor tier to Honri wiroloBS moHoaRos to Dor lln via Mexico and South America uml hIiowh how tholr nofarloua HooinoM woro fruatratod by tho brav iry of ono nmii, Stovo Ransom, por trayed by William 8. Hart. "Tho Dordor Wlrelona" la to be tho attraction at tho Llborty on next Sunday, Oct. 2G. This production was staged during tho closing daya of tito war aim is associated with the world war. o IIOUDIM IN NEW FEATS 'Tlilnl Chapter of "The Master Bfjra tory" is Thrilling. Tho Hocoud oplsodo of the new Houdiut sorlal, "The Mastor Mys tory," ended by showing tho emii jiirloH of tho Automaton throwing Hoiidlul, bound and shackled, over hoard. Tho third oplsodo, which will lie projqeted at tho Llborty 'lheatro on next Friday night will ropoat this sictton, followed by an uninterrupted vlosu-un view ptcturlzlng Houdlnl'a vdcatio. Tho fiint furnishes tho third tiplnodo with ono of Its many thrills. After gaining tho dock again Hou Olnl, ns Qucntiu Locke, roscuos Eva (Margaret Marsh) from tho Autom aton's Htiarert ami returns with hor to lior homo. LoaruliiR from Zltu (Ruth fltono Iioiiho) that Uront has made a state in.int and confonnlon which, if It falls Into tho hand- of Locke, will Incrim inate Hatcom and iIIhhoIvu tho Inter national PatontH Company, tho Aut omaton goes to' tho graveyard of gen ius to slozo tho papors. Locke on iloavors to trap tho Automaton, but fallH. An emissary of tho Automaton Is arrested and Jailed. To further his plans, Locke occupies the ndjolntnir veil. Tho ommlssary Is to bo released, but before this 'action Is accomplllsh- . . ... "' . i n .a i ' " " v-aaBW aaar kBWH,' m . BBBBaaah w mtn mmtmn'Mrmtmiavivj'! -aaaai naavavwaaPSP ' wSaYSawev aeaaaBm aaaaawawewawaa,newa,BwSnSB ' ttfSV BaBaaaBaaawBBawSY iBBwV ' BaBaBaBaaaBT nwSM"Bw: " " BaaaBaaaaw WRIGHTS rrt:. rr r '7- - V7 - V jnoui? u.jxici Pimntt r cd Locke breaks Into tho emissary's cell, rendors tho emissary uncon iclous, appropriates his clothing and .vlieu other emlssarlos of the Autom aton arrlro to take tholr confederate away, Locke Joins them In tho guise of tho rnal emissary. They make their way to a meeting placo, to which Eva has boon lured upon a promlsn of an antidote for the 'Laughing Madness." Tho Automaton discovers Locke's ruse and orders his enemy seized. Locko Is bound with ropes by tho emissaries and .carried to another room where hu Is suspended head downwn'd, over a largo vat of seeth ing acid. Tho emissaries tie tho end of tho ropo to (he kuob of the door nnd leave. Eva Is left alouo In the nljoluliig room. If she open- tho door Locko will descond Into tho seething acid. Kvn begins to opou ' tho door slowly as tho episode ends, I o 6 c a package before the war 5 5 c a .package durlna the war c a package NOW if K TUB CI Af IAD r Aere ft riu runvwn kiiw SO DOES THE PRICEI HEAL CfllCUH MONK AND ALL ADJUNCTS KEATUItF IN . IJNIU IIKNNETT'H NEW l'lCTt'UE few j&fitaw mm m& 157 A roul circus, with all Its Interest ing ndjunemts, Is shown In "Tho Big gest Show on Earth," tho new Thomas II. Ince-I'aramouut photo- T. . t tii ... m. ....... I ductlon. A lot was mraired una t uext Saturday Mr. luco rented the I (Theatre Hews continued on pags We Are Not Wholesalers But We Oim HTKA 9TAMT MLICY UNiBMUY UNBKKJIK1X AlWAVI AKOAINS 30 UP AYShW Read Every Word EINSTEIN'f; The STORE of BARGAINS' Lawen v AND 30 D AY n 1 17 nr. . fiiir yv iiiici ' liiiiriBV ik nt-?rt- iiiii i nnv i in i fin Tt-t- t is. i iii-s i vit-Tri it iiim .lnvinu 111 Y on. 1 hp mnrfi vmi hnv frnm lis the vnn II havp fn nav fnr vnur merchandise. 1 he more we sell means t I 1 -JL l' m 1 1 r 1 1 ! t t am m, r s m Sugar At Lawen $11.50 At Crane $11.25 M p COFFEE yjQl J. D. H.r lb. bulk Tf2 Folgers 45 TREE TEA PER IJJ. 45 ili IltAHDELLl'H a ty , vert Chocolate I'EIt Lll. TM2 HEIIHIIEVH COCOA 1'EIl Ml. 50 INSTANT IOHTUM JiAltOE HIZE 45 ROYAL BakiBf Pmvtdf Full 5 Lbs. $2.40 Full 2 Lbs. 1.20 Small Size 45 Folgers Baking Powder Full 5 Lbs. 2.40 Fall 22 Lbs. 1.20 ' Small Size 45 K. G. Baking Powder 5 Lb. Can 75 3 b. Can 45 - SODA Per Package 10 I WSWTi' AT iJAWaN LADIES DRESS GOODS Regular Price $2.50 A Yd. Now $1.25 Best Ginghams .30 A Yd. Heavy Cotton Flannel .30 A Yd. HARDWARE NAILS AXES HAY FORKS SHOVELS BARBED WIRE AND ETC. ATA GREAT REDUCTION WE HAVE a BIG STOCK OF PIPE ALL SIZES - WE HANDLE THE FAIRBANKS 4k MORSE ENGINES AND PUMPS PITCHER PUMPS NO. 3 $3.25 NO. 4 4.00 NO. 5 5.00 Anything we do not carry in stock, we will be glad to order for you. without ex tra charge. SWIFTS PURE LARD 5 Lbs. 2.25 10 Lbs. 4.25 wmnwnwn m at iawsm Shoes Mens English Walking Regular Price $10.00 Now 6.00 Dress Shoes Regular Price $6.00 Now 4.25 DrM Shoes Regular Price $9.00 Now 6.50 Dress Shoes Regular Price $7.00 Now 50 Work Shoes Regular Price 9.00 & 8.00 Now 6.00 Sheepherder Shoes Regular Price $9.00 At This Sale ' 5.50 Over Shoes Ladies 4 Buckles Special at $1.90 MEN'S AT A GREAT REDUCTION BOSS OF THE ROAD Overalls Striped Hickory $1.65 Good Heavy Weight Overalls At $2.10 Kakhi Koveralls $4.25 Men's Dress And Work Pants At A Reduction I nw C0ST 0F liying VV Demonstration 30 DAYS Only SALE of Merchandise 'How can I reduce my living expenses?' DEMONSTRATION HALE OF MERCHANDISE -In anttwer to the quoHtloa itt the WoIbnUsIh More. Co.- The enonimouH buyta tower Nocurey for ua tho largest dlttcouat. OwbIhr our marctiKndlflo for imn Uihh our competitor huvlng no rent, nmnuKcrH, clerkH, freight ing or other cxpeiuieH to pay It to therefore good bunlncNH for uh to eU at lew pHem. Our merchaitdlHo moved faster Our morclmn dhw Is fnwher, mtd tho'reut voluaio of buHlneiw makcH hh a very HaUHfactory, U umM, profit. All gooda offered have been first hub Jected to tke acid tiwt of "Quality" aad can be depended ea to give aatbrfaewW. Ha In at the flrat, M peeelMe, aa we have e kaa4 a gewil BuypHr every item offered, bat ear expertotee haa Uagkt m , thai people are very alive to take afvaatage ef aavlaga teday. Mackanaws Regular Price $15.00 Now 12.00 Regular $12.50 Now 10.00 LEATHER LINED VEST Regular $11.50 Now 8.75 , COTTON BATTING $1.75 Package for $1.25 40c Package for 20c Comforters 20 per cent off Blankets 20 per cent off MEN'S WOOL SOCKS $ .60 Sock for .75 " " 1.00 " 1.25 German Socks At $ .40 .50 .75 1.00 50c LADIES AND MEN'S SWEATERS AT A GREAT REDUCTION MEN'S UNDERWEAR 2 Piece $1.25 Garment 90c Heavy Fleece Lined $1.50 Garment $1.00 2 Piece Wool $3.00 Garment for $2.00 Men's Wool Union Suits Regular $5.00 Now $3.00 Men's Fleece Lined Union Suits Heavy Regular $3 JO k $4.00 New $2.71 WMNITKIN'S kV LAWKM I AniF UNION Q! ITS $4.00 Suit For $3.00 $2.50 Suit For $1.50 2 Piece Underwear At Great Reduction : BEST--: CLOU M HARD WHEAT FANCY PATENT A. I k. LLII1 I Wifirwam IHh At CRANE mv Mm I Com Meal Htec4 Cat Oat Oat Meal ItoUed Oats Oernea Farina Pancake Flour Hominy ltye Flour Wee Flour 10 Lbs. 9 " 9 " 9 " 9 " 9' " 9 9 " 9 " HONEY 1 GAL. CAN 2.2ft KAKO RYRUP WUITE 81.25 KARO SYRUP DARK fl.15 a w a m ma a w w r 4 twifiia vaia aa ORISOO MED. 8IZE S1.20 OIUSOO LARGE HIKE S2.U5 PEANUT BUTTER S 1.25 JAR rra3 o btbbk awa nBtr mT wa mm mmm . . TOMATOES per case 4.1 PEAS per case 4.1 DtniiJ per cae HanVTlllK mmm 111 WimWaiM'l AT LAWKN