The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 18, 1919, Image 1

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    L Tiarrt'Hrmld rom re
L to More himcs tn lUr
Eunty thuu miy other
Lper. If P
Tlus Tlwr-s-rieriUd lx aa el
eitabllshcd friend of tlio peoyl
or Ilurncy County where It htm
been a weekly visitor for thirty
years. It's Job dcpartmcBt I
equipped to Ncrvo your needs.
jlde people uno intw col-
fr your nuvermeOHt.
Night Devoted
Members Invited t Attend Grand
in Baker Next May; M. R.
Biggs Nl Pre$cl.
Hubbard, Grand Master of
Id Fellows of the state of Ore
tnd P A Kniitz, Grand Pat
of (bo Kiic.impinont branch of
rdr, were official vMltor.s to
hi lodges during this week,
oarli getting the dates mixed
kmbers of t ho organization did
It an tuiicli out of the visits an
roulil had they known. Tlio
officers were hero for two
but u j the grand scribe hud
in error in the tltno iilven this
Vrt, the local meiuberM did not
he visitors would bo hero two
therefore were not prepared
I advti! tagc of it. As It was
Itlro iiIk'i' was devoted to lull-
loud ln .'rj tine new candidates
t c.ii.illil.Ue i wore Riven the
rr ib'Kr.H. of the HUbordlnate
hnd fifteen now members were
I to Plate hiuampmcnt, No. 33,
PMday PiRht The latter oper
require I considerable time as
here tunc degrees to confer
He Died That
You Might Live
. k
ncis I'errjr WidehFlremuii
UlAHrt, they called him In
Navy. Then Flrnmnn l'h.i
, . Class, lMt OIiibu; Knglnoman
3rd Class, Knglnoman 2nd Class, mid
finally Hnglncmun 1st Classfive
promotions In 18 months certainly
soniothlng to bo proud of, eHpeclally
In the merit oxnctlng U. S, Nuvy.
Wo In Ifarnoy county called him
Frank, and woro glad wo know him.
for he win bright, ulert, txnd full of
fun and good fellowship.
He did nil the thing nil Hnrnoy
county boyu do, worked, plnyed, went
to Hchool and thou worked ana In
When Aniorlcanlsni so triumphed In
this land that wo declared war on
Germany and her allies, Frank wan
one of the first 10,000 In all the
states to put on his country's unl
form. Not for the sake of democracy
o! ior promioiy not for the peo
ple who live In Maine or Florida or
HllU'Illl till fill It... ,, I.I..'
mother and other mother. who lite
In Harney county. Someone a cer
tain percentage must ko to ropru
sent and protect the community In
which they live. Maine cannot hoar
the burden alone for Oregon, nor Ore
Kon for Maine. Frank was keen
and shrewd enough to see and appre
ciate this, and stepped forward Im
mediately. Shall not Harney county
forever honor hint, shall not his '
itvu'tt'K I i'Ii'K Riven over to i mother and stepfather reel proud of
.if.... . ..i.i . ..... . .. .
nam io u'lii'tTH woo were mm
All of his service life Is on record
In Washington his rapid promotion.
his splendid attention to duty; the '
inspect that his superior olllcers ft
toward him; his life In training
camp; how he was sent to the I'. H
S. Ml. Vernon, one of the most Im
portant ships on transport duty; his
IiIk iViss The work was many cruises on her. continually run
the gi' supervision of thejuliiK the gauntlet of submarines; the
1'itrl.irJi who was assisted by! history of his xhlp being torpedoed
and Master of the subordinate, and 37 lives lost; of her return to
nprensloiis of several of those duty and other successful cruises;
part in the sessions they hail 'and how the subsequent exposure duo
time and all the boys are i to this engagement precipitated the
I with the affability of the illness from which he died
officers who "dug In" and ThrouRh summer a n d winter,
part of the team In the degree ' through pleasant (lulf streams and
1 through the Atlantic's winter hurrl
Hubbard was not a stranger to 'canes, through wet and sleet and ice,
i Fellows of this place as ho I and at all times the deadly stibmur
thdtor threu years ago as a ' lue zone, this boy stood his post aid
nlatlveof the grand lodge, but' lug to transport troops across so that
Plea That Material Testimony
, Had Not Been Taken Wins
be he comes as Itrt head. Mr
rd live at Maker, as does also
Patriarch llanti, and as the
lodge meets In their home
pit May they are extending a
al Invitation to Harney I-oilge
and flute Encampment No.
tome, over In a bunch. Unless
h change their minds Hubbard
intz have a big lot of "country i
Harney county people might plant
and roup; might ride the range; ami
brand and sell their stock In peace.
Can we of Harney county ever rupay
him He died Ihut you at home and
we who were fortunate enough to
come back might live and hare an
opportunity at our life's future.
His fight for life the last five
months was as heroic as his life on
Covers Over 16,000 Acres-One
of Ideal Stock Ranches in
Harney County
Announcement Is made thin week
by Hupt. Olsen of the Pacific Live
Htock Company that his concern has
leased the big Alvord ranch of the
Clerf Land & Live Stock Co., and
purchased the cattle, consisting of
some C000 head,
Will Be Given in Eastern Ore
gon Towns by U. S. Civil
Service Commission.
In order to give equal opportunity
to every boy In his district to win an
appointment to West Point or Annap
olis Congressman N. J, Hlnnott will
hold a competitive cxamluatlon on
December 1Mb. 1910. to determine
whom he will deslgnuto to the mill-
" to look after during that board ship. (Irlmly und sternly, and ,ry ,io property of J. 8, Devlne, eight cities of the same
next May I yet with a cheerful smile he stood his ! ,)l0 ,mu, wjU) Hillt the big stock btisl- J llaker. llend. Klami
u( tlir nta lu this city the 'ship. (Srlmlv and sternly, and yet t,HH f t, present P. I,. S. Co. lutlrande. Lakevlew, On
oMWeri were piloted to the! with a cheerful smile he stood Ills
lr-l r what was formerly a guns Ills fear was not of the Heap
Ufort drain ditches were con- er. but that the mother he went out
1 to dram Id by a member of I to fight for might worry, and that
'.'.- r at a if whvre they the stepfather he so nnWUoinituly
har Tjoel ome shooting called "Dad" would need his help on
'birli I i, in tin. notion of the range.
aroui I , i d gums, them a, His last atom of strength was used
Aa was they shot enough . In the effort that he might once again
nutra't they could Rot birds I see his mother and "Dud." What a
importunity wai given them. I son!
tvntleuun loft Thursday after-, Frank, could we an ne as iruu
rDrewKC) where they will pay blue and as loyal to country ana
to uie louge there tonight, motnor as you, wuira uuiu
0 Mallntur (Mlv fur tonli'lit I uiini near.
i - . . .. . . .......
"I saw mm tlio. i saw ins muv
stur turn Into the gold one of the
iiu,.v..iw. l .aw him stop on uie
irmiirnlauk of the ship of his last and
toninost Admiral. Ho wont with the
courage and faith that betokens u
duty well done."
nh Frank, bov and sailor of Hur
ney county, we owe you that which
we nover can repay. Vou died that
we might live!
J. Shelley Saurman
Friend und Shipmate
The Alvord ralich covors some- tary and naval academies In 1020.
thing over 10.000 acres ami Is one of I The examination will be given for
the Ideal stock ranches of the entire the congressmen by the V. 9. Civil
Central Oregon country. It was for-1. Service Commission in the following
hour and day,
math Falls, La
tario. Pendle-
Oregon. He knew what a stock ton, and The Dalles
ranch was ami at the time of his ills- Any young who Is a bona
posing of his Interests to the P. I. S. fide resident of the Second Oregon
Co. he held out the Alvord for hltu-' District, ileslrlnit to enter this com.
self and continued to .make it, his j petition should write at mice to Con
headquarters until his death. gressmau Sluuott, Itoom 34 47 House
.Mr. cierr has owueti u ror several of llepreseiitatlves for. further parti
years He rormerly resided lu the culars regarding the examination,
state of Washington and we under- TThe ages of admission to West Point
stand will return there for the pre- , are 17 to !2 years and to Annapolis
com ui least. i n, io years
bo tomorrow.
pe manner It was rumored
that M It Itlits. who Is
Ivarden of the order, was com-
Drum I'rliiHvllle to be present
peetltig with the other grand
on the same date but upon
"ai of the Grand Master It
Irned that "Dick" is visiting
pile in an offlclal capacity
h'a not possible for him to
inu lodge where he formerly
; Ma h i i ut his home at
of t P ranch hill on last
Iaf'er'ooii from injuries mis
1 a run awuv dm Huturdtiv
i whK'i he was thrown from a
Eood ,u d badly hurt.
Mlb i wa i haulliiK wood and
inii"i; m j.teop grado toward
V- mi cf the horses of tho
1 I Pi Kettlnif his brldlo
tubbniK ag.iliiHt tho hnino of
itu t'iim Htarted (o run
Madloi hold tlintn In the
Ml a ill 4rp turn vas reached
f) wa "a wyH upsot throwing
piu over mi ombankment of.
'-'.t tr more. Ho HUHtaluod
lurei bt stilus u fractuerd
"ilth was Humtnonod from
V? and did what ho could to
I'm suf orlrijj of tho Injured
""'(H'nlHGd tllO ROrlollHIlOHH
pl!it iiiioii his arrival. No
fvas made to move him from-
'Ing his death tho body wan
o Crano and from that point
iv.nio Htato of WauhltiKton
P lOrmorlv rnulilurl
N waa 00 yoaru old and wo
"i nau a family, at least ho
(i.'Tlt.Ii OltKfiO.V OIL X
as co. (JKrriNO matkuial
Ki,w.wi,(iii,.r. of tho Central Orogoii
Oil & dan Co. of this place held a
meeting Wednesday nignt aim ooc -ed
to again ask for furthor subscrlp
tlous to stock ror that concorn.' I ho
Portland ond of tho concern have
recently purchnsod n quanlty of noc
osHiiry oqulpmont and It wns up tu
thoso Interested horo to supply the
rundB for the freight and finance the
i urnrk Hiicb as Krocorlo, wagen
for thd cook and man to get fuel for
tho oiirIpo Chu. Hackus dulled on
Hoveral f tho men In Hums and
found u Lboral respoimo which make
possible tho roHinnption of active
work again. ....
Dr. Vincent was over from Crano
last Tuesday,
Cupt. Itoht. M. Duncan loft for
Ontario Sunday ovonlng upon KOttlux
word his llttlo sou was qutlo sick.
o -
Tho TlmoH-IIcrald In tnformod that
(IrllllnK Iibb boon rosumod th vvoek
at tho well of tho FIdollty 0 1 & (uh
Co. tho wo k had boon uhut down for
u unto uwalthiK tho arrival of nup
pUob with which to mnko ehftiUiOH ; In
tho apparatus In order to Hhut off tho
artoBian flow of water. Thin, has
caused a dolay of tho expected atriKQ
of oil.
The adjudication proceedings on
the Silvio river will bo reopened for
further hearing, provided the attor
neys and clients can hIiow any defin
ite reason for such. This was what
Judge Daltou lllggn told nttorueyn
who argued for hiicIi a hearing the
last day of circuit court.
The matter was brought before
Judge JUggs with thu plea of some
that material testimony had not been
taken a( (he former hearing before
the water board and that some of the
,oldest water users had not been rep
resented. Upon conclusion of tho
arguments Judgo Ulggs stated he
would give until Oct. lid 'to file such
showing for reopening the hearing
for any definite reason, and would
also refer to the state engineering
department to make survey to show
effect of any new work constructed
since the hearing before the state
water board, thu testimony to be
taken before Court Iteportor Walker
at as early a date as can be arranged.
In the adjudication proceedings on
Silver Creek the Judge gave until
S'ov 1 to file ilunuircr.', unions or
other matters effecting the complaint.
If the complaint Is sustained the
court will fix such time air he deems
ncccssat) for filing answers.
School Hupt. Frances Clark In
forms this paper that she bus at last
secured the Instructors for the com
ing Institute of Harney county teach
ers for Oct. 27-l'9 Inclusive.
State Stipt. Churchill Is .unable to
come as he had planned because of
having been too roustuutly on the
firing tine during thu past few weeks
which has been Injurious to his
health and will have to take a rest,
Ills assistant, K. F. Carleton, will bo
John C. Almnck of the ('Diversity
of Oregon Is another of the Instruc
tors, as well as Miss llovee, of the O.
A. C, the latter being special lu phys
ical culture training.
" Two other Instructors, Miss Helen
Cowglll, Held representee tu club
work for the O. A. C, and Miss Clay
too Ilurrow, who comes as primary
Instructor, are both well known to
local teachers and patrons. Miss
Cowglll was Instructor In Domestic
Science nnd Art for one year at the
high nchool and Miss Ilurrow former
ly resided here with her parents, and
for several years taught III the
Hiiiools of this place. Hot It ladles
are quite popular, not only among
the schools luit with the people in
general ivi1 it Is with pleasure their
participation lu thu coming institute
Is noted.
Burns Next Dance
On Halloween
Miss Rose E. Johnson Leaves
High School.
Manual Training and Athletics Ussier
Local Instructor May Be Added Is
Courses Offered.
Hums next big dance will be to
observe Halloween. Hut Halloween
comes on Friday, und that moans too
many folks will have a hard day next
day, If they onjoy themsolves like
thoy did at tho recent Carnival dance.
So tho management has decided to
give tho Halloween affair on Satur
day night, November 1st.
You won't bo able to toll tho differ
ence In dates, If plans the boys aro
making turn out satisfactorily. A
number of good things are planned,
all In keeping with tho "spooky"
occnHlon, and aiinouucemontof which
will bo mado from time to timo,
For ono thing, you aro advised to
mnko frlendti with thu biggest, black
oat cat you can find, for your com
panion for tho ovonlng. A roal
hnuent-to-ROoduosH llvo cat Isn't es-
Hontlal, howover. A nice llttlo Jack-
o'-lantorn will holp, too, or a wicked
Several Btunt dances and surprlso
numbers aro being plaunod. Among
thoiut will bo moonlight numbers,.
with tho nld of what tho boys aro
nloastnl to call "our own moon!"
Ono other BtiggoBtlon It is pormltted
tn muko this early la that of tag
Tho MotlicrH club has promised io
ngaln como to tho aid of tho Inner
man and woman with u mouu in
kooplng with tho occiibIoii. You- can
oxpout pumpkin plo, and cldor, for
A iipeolal foaturo may poHHlbly bo
arranged for tho kiddles. Ilallowoon
In a Kood time for tho youugHiorB,
and thoy will bo welcomed If proporly
Furthor dotalla will bo pumiHiiou
ub plaiiB mature.
John OravoB and wlfo and llttlo
daughter aro up from tho rauoh homo
today, John Is winning tho usual
hunter visitors bocauBO of no water.
The resignation of Miss ltoso B.
Johnson as instructor lu the music
and art department of the Harney
Count high school was accepted by
the high 'school board this week to
take effect Immediately. Miss John
sou plans to return to her homo In
Portland by way of Wray'a stugo
tomorrow morning.
(living "unsatisfactory conditions"
as her reason, Miss Kose K. Johnson
filed her resignation from the start
of the high school with ttlti board,
and at a called meeting, it was de
cided to accept. Tills will leave tho
high school temporarily without an
Instructor lu music und art, and un
less word Is received soon, part of tho
cour.-o nt least will be dropped from
the curriculum,
County Hchool Superintendent
Clark wired Immediately upon tho ac
ceptance of Miss Johnson's resigna
tion for an Instructor to fill tho
vacancy, Most recent advices from
her office were to the effect that no
answer had as yet been received.
It Is quite probable that a further
change may be made In the courseti
offered at the high school, as an
effort Is being made to add manual
training mid athletics. A local young
man, who Is considered well qualified
for the position, has agreed to accept
the position. The matter will bo
brought before a board meellnr; at
the court house this afternoon, at
which time changes in the curriculum
will he discussed,
"There Is no qurstlou that tho
addition of manual training ami ath
letics will be of great benefit to tho
pupils In the high school," said Supt.
Clark In an Interview yesterday. "Wo
have learned of a young man of thLi
city who Is well qualified to t&ka
charge of these courses, and aro
pretty sure we can get his services.
He Is employed at present, and tho
board will have to make It worth hln
while to come to the school.
"Mr. Hughes Is ready to continue
vocal Instruction," Mrs. Clark con
tinued, "and may also add instruc
tion in agriculture."
Better Stock on
Range Observed
Observations durliiR several trips
lu the hills nnd on the range during
the present season has disclosed a
chaiigo in the class of stock which is
for tho better, lletter sires are seen
with the herds of cattle and it Is
showing in the breed of calves now
being raised. The Herefords oud Dur
ham sires seen on the ranges of Har
ney county aro as good or better than
will be found on any range of tho
west, It has been brought ubout by
concerted action among the cattle,
growers and will result In a still fur
ther advancomont In the grade of
stock lu thu near future.
Where to Find News
First Pago
I. O. O. F. grand officers visit Burna
Aged man victim of fatal accident.
He died that you might live.
Oil well work resumos.
Central Oregon oil well gets material
P. L. S. Co. leases Alvord ranch.
Competitive exams for West Point.
Adjudication or Sllvles bo reoponou.
Instructors for teachers Institute.
Hums next dnnco on Hallowcon.
Hoard accopts resignation of music
Hotter stock on range observod,
Second Pago
Thoatro nowa.
Third Piiko
Thoatro nowa contlnuud,
Fourth Pago. ' ,
Oamo hoga abroad.
Circuit court adjourns, v
FranclB Welch, .
Fifth Pago
Local and personal.
Mlscollauooufl. '-
Sixth Pro
Writer offera courao on farm advor-
Tho Qroou lllbboii,
Huvuuth Poko
Introducing Mr. KIubb U. Fldo.
Church nuuouncomontB,
Legal notlcoa.
Eighth Pago
Memorial fund quota loss than S250
Local Happenings.