She UimtMtMh The Tlmcs-Horald goto re pularly to nwro homes in Hw ncy County than y other iH'WMaior. 1' J0" wish to rnirli tlio people ttso these col umn for your advertisement, Tho Tinicn-IIcrnld la an M established friend of the ptojpiw of Hartley County whero it ha been u weehly visitor for thirty yearn, I I'm Job department hi equipped to .servo your needs. VOL. XXXII BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON pCTOBER 11, 1919 NO. 50 FALL TERM OF CIRCUIT COURT CONVENED MONDAY AnjournccI Session Was Held Lost Week. GRAND JURY FINDS NINE TRUE BILLS Nnlley Awarded $376.50 Damages in Highway Right t Way Sil; One Cmu'ial Case Tried. The regular fall term of circuit tourt convened IiibI Monday morning following nn ndjourncd term of the previous week, during tho tlroo the grand Jury wn In session. Tho report of tho grand Jury up roars elsewhere In thin Issue, together with in recotnmendntinnH to tho county court for certain Improve mrnts and rcpnlrs nt tho court houno. Circuit Judgu HlggR nupplomcnted thcu recommendations with a fow remarks of approval. Although tho grand Jury found nine true bllln of Indictment, but three ot them havo boon placed upon the records, tho others being against people who havo not yet boon nerved with a warrant or brought beforo tho court. The i .mo of Harney county ngalmit Frank K Nut ley for right-of-way through hln farm for tho highway be tween hero and Lawon wna tried. Tho Jury found damagen for Mr. Nut Icy and we are Informed this will be taken an a basin of Buttling such other disputes uh aro now ponding of the name character. From tho erldonio It appear, that Mr. Nutley wax given u fair dumago for tho ground needed for tho road. Ho wait given J37tl CO damagoH. Other suits disposed of during tho week wore: I, M Davis vs. V. T. Vanderveer Ito-dellver of property. Tho Jury found a verdict for tho defend ant. J It Jenkins vn. John Madrlnga Damage-'' wiih tried yesterday beforo a Jur which awarded plaintiff ono dollar damages. In the criminal raxes: the State vn. .V II Klein - Wanton Injury to anl ntaln The Jury returned n verdict of guilty iih charged and recommend ed meriy Stam vn, HI lax and Martin Hnmlrct Larceny of wagon wheels, rark and IVj cords of wood. Bet for trial at the April term of court. Another trespass case In which damage h asked in being tried todav, that of It II. Ilrown vn. Donald .Me- Homl Photographs to Hoty Convict Omaha Mob Leaders OREGON ifWilSF.r.S.ltgg JM BE OPENED fimMtWMmli 3lfl -1 TTTTTmTTT!7rTiK7re'"'r CAPT. GOWAN HOME FROM G.A.R. MEETING CENTRAL WILL TO OUTSIDE WORLD Aim of State Chamber of Commerce. BETTER FACILITIES IS OBJECT THE TIMES-HERALD SHARES ITS PROFITS InprarcMeiit in Mail Senice aid Trais prUtitR laBe ly these Behiid URdenakin. WHEHE NEGRO VfAV KANGXD WIUIAM rTJANCIS, C013IW OP GIRL HHP tO LEAD MOO. Ttt , in m i hi p t Miii i i HE Staff Taken in on Efficiency Stimulating Baits; New Advertising Rate. The Tlmex-Herald hax entered up on a profit Hharlng banls with Its aff This arrangement wan mado the flrxt of the prexent month for tho purpose of promoting tho Interents of the paper, giving tho boyn working n It mk!i additional interent an to stlraulnto their efficiency. Wliothor tliero will be any profltn to nharo In till speculative, an tho boxn linn found In the pant that tho boyn were better off than tho bunlnexH In no mo Inittanfi However, wo'ro going to try nut the plan and believe it will result in a better paper. There Ih to no hnrgo In tho managemont tlio name (nominal) boxn retaliiH tho entire ownership of tho plant. Ono w h uiire, though, in tho increnno of ndvi rtlHlnir rat oh effective with ll new contracts from this date and I "Id contracts upon renewal, ull to bo; 1,400,000 Kxtabllxh bettor mall nervlco and transportation facilities for Central Oregon and bring tho tnwun of llnniH. Vnlo, Ontario, Hereford, Unity and tho Hiirnt Hlvor valley Into doner contact with tho outnldo world, says tho Oregon Dally Journal In Itn Ixnuo of October 8th. Thin In tho moxt vital Idea to bo worked out during tho next few inouthn by tho Stato Chambor of Commerce. Information of tho con ditions that oxlnt In that xcctlon were related by F. 8, Uramwoll, vice prenldniit of tiin rhnmber, who re turned from a tour of the Htato thin wook. "Commercial clubs of Hnnd, llnrnx. Vnlo, Ontario and Unity havo panned rexolutlonn," nayn Hrnmwell, "anklng for tho extabllxhmcnt of mall routoH. rexolutlonn havo been nont to the fourth axxlntant poxtmanter gen eral and tho ntato chamber hax pledged Itn nupporl In tho effort to obtain better nervlco. Mall Many Hour Lain "At llnrnx, for Inxtniifo, I bought a I'ortlanii nownpaper rrom an in coming stage only in find It wan 48 honrx old and that I had read tho Tho local Odd Follows and Hit- xaino paper at Ilend the day boforo. campmont mumbern aro looking for- Thin condition cxlxtn all over Central ward to an olllclal vlxlt from tho Oregon. I Grand Manter and Grand Chief Patrl- "It In tho Intention of tho ntato arch of tho order In thin ntato on fin" MOB AOOUT BURNING XiEGFOTOO GmzWanE TO 5110W BODY) Old "John Lynch Law" has a now enemy. It ii tho camera. Omaha, Nob., mob ICAdera know this now. Aad when thoy are draggod beforo tho court a remarkable collection of photographs will bo there mute but convincing evidence of guilt. Those groat pictures are exclusive and the flrxt from the Nebraska city where a, negro was taken from the sheriff after a doxporate fight, hanged, shot and burned; where tho mayor was twice "strung" up in attempting to perform his doty and prevent It: where a new million and a half t dollar court houso was gutted by fire from torches of the nob, and I over CO persons wounded. Regular soldiers And martial law werdf necessary to restore order. Mayor Ed Smith was twice hauled olTlf the ground, but each time rescued by battling police and sent uucon sclous to a hospital. Odd Fellows Grand Officers Here Thursday ..I. .. I .1. . .. ......... .--..I I .. - . .. ' dill Ilium ill iunu in u nmiunniui mnnu tho establishment of now xtago linen for mall nervlco to tlinso remote countlon. Wo aro trying to got a mall routo cxtahllxhod from Pralrlo City to Ilurnn and alno from Fiend to Hunix. "The people of Ilurnn havo requen ted an oxtennlon of mall nervlco out of Cnnyon City to roach them, and tho town of linker, believing that their nelghhorn xliould havo better nervlco, havo taken up tho fight alno. linker nitlzoun propose a ntago lino to bu run from jholr city. "Tim Hereford and unity citizens havo petitioned that a pnxtnl rputo bo run from linker to Unity by way of Heroford." Campaign Im Favored Hramwot! Included Boiithurn, Kant orn and Central Oregon In bin Itin erary and mtyn that all countlon that ho vinlted aro In favor of tho adver tising campaign nn proponed by tho Htato Chambor of Commerce for tho ngrlculturul ronourcoH of tho ntato but ono. "Oregon," mild Uramwoll, "has 1,000,000 nfros of laud under Irriga tion tlilx year and coiitomplnten over additional ncron. tjio noxt Thursday night. Thexo olllcern wero expected last month, or rather tho data wan confused and It won announced they would pay tbelr visit at that time. M. H. Tllggn, of I'rluevlllo, formerly a monbor of tho local lodge, wan elected Grand Warden at tho hint meeting of tho grand lodgo of tho order. "Dick" ban nont word that ha will ho over from l'rlnovlllo to meet with tho boyn at (ho saiuo time, thun making throo of tho hlghext olllcern ot tho order prexent In one evening, u illxtluctlnn not often en Joyed by tho order In Mich rifmoto plaeeH. Keveral candidates are In roadlncxH for tho vlxlt 'and the degree team in grooming thn "goat" preparatory to giving tho now randldaten a good show for their money. Visi.ed Haunts of Boyhood Days on Eastern Trip. THE SWEETEST STORY EVER "TOLLED" ivanred by tho first of tho ynr. Hy nluto needs 1,000;000 moro pooplo farefully following tho eoHt' system , mid, although larger cltlon aro con- nd noting advanced prlccnori overy- iing ii t-d in tho printing office, In cluding postage, it wiih found tho plant lould not continue under the old rat( i and take care of Itn obllgu 'Iohh ,n advance hIiqiiIiI havo boon made at a much earlier date, but It aMant(pated that wur prlcon would orenie almoxt Immediately on tho cessation of hoHtllitleH. Tho old rate "ax i(i iimaincd with thin thought In mind, An Ih commonly known, peaco rouiht rather higher priceH than lower, with tho end not In sight Advirtl em will bo furnlHhed with lie nt"' rat oh on application, HateH lot ul advertiHlng, not carried un der (oi tract, will bo IncroaHod In "word tine with the new schedule on "Cfctnbc r find. 'IV iniaafH'inoiit Iiiih an attraetlvo iToiiottaion to put boforo local ad ertlH(r In the way of an annual wntr.Kt, that Ih believed will bo of "utiml advantage. goMod, farming communities aro HUf ferlng for lack, of In or. In romo caxen great Iohhoh aro occurring through labor nhorlngo." HILVHK CHKI3K HOY MAUUIKD Mr. and Mrs. Kdgnr WHllaiiJH worn roglHtored at tho Hotol Loveim hint ovonlng, Th In dlHeloHOH ii rocont marriage for tlio first time to many of tlio frlotulH of tho contracting par ties. ., Tho fore part of UiIh month Mr. and Mm It. J. WllllaniH anil tliolr hoii Kdgnr wont to Ontario. From that point tho boy went ovor Into Idaho whoro ho met hln hrldo, She wiih formerly MIhh IIohhIo HayuoH and wiih until a your ago a resident of tho Silver crook country. Kdgnr and hln brldo havo been enjoying n honoy nioon trlii to different polntH Hlnco ami nro now on tholr way homo. They nro receiving tho DOHl wiuiioh ui ( rve 5mply 1 COTTA AVG a rf y.rioMAr-1. ('apt. A. W, Cowan nrrlvcd homo Ii Im wook from attending tho national O. A. It. nnruuipniont at Columbus, Ohio. During hln vlult to tho cantom HtntCH ho took advantage of tho op portunity to vlult IiIh old homo and tho hnuutH of bin boyhood dayn. Ho npont nnmn time with relatives in 1'onnsylvnnla, seeing thero n sinter whom ho had not seen for more than 48 years. Ho reports having had n flno trip and an onjoyablo vacation, traveling much during tho time and viewing old places of former yearn. Tho Franklin and Oil City Nows-Hor-ald has tho following to say of tho Captnln'H vlult to that place: After an absence of nearly half n century from thin section of Pennsyl vania, during which tlmo ho has re tained vivid recollections of tho days when tho Civil War fover and tho oil excitement wore at tholr height, Cn'p taln A. W. Cowan, of Ilurnn, Oregon, his hnlr a bit gray because of hln ago, has returnod to Franklin for n fow days and Is tho guest of Charlon Glenn, n member of Mays Pont, No. 220, O. A. It, Tho.vlnltor's present homo Is nt Hunm, Oregon. Neither hnd seen each other until August 1018, when at Portland, Ore gon, during tho Grand Kucampment or tho G. A. It., they happened to meet each other, and lost no time ex changing romltilsconcoH or tho dayn when both wero membern or Lang iIoii'h fnmntin Ilattery M or thn 1st U. H. Artlllt'v duriiiK those Htlrrliii? years of tho war 18C4-B. I At tho tlmo thoy enlisted they wero renldentn of Crawford Cninttv. Mr. Gnwnn'n homo being at Cam- linage Hprlugn. Ho when both of tho old veterans ntteuded tho 'Columbun encampment thin year, Captain Gowau wan determined to repuy tho vlxlt of hln comrade, anil In now hero for that nurnoxe. exchnni:linz retnln. (sconces or a hair a century and moro ago. "I can remember," ho mild today, "when I came hero with my rather, walking barefoot from Itockdnle, In Crawford county, that we might see a man wnn wan stopping nt the old Uldgwuy Iioiiho, where tho (laleiia Hlgual olllce building now ntaudn. That WIIH In Mnv. 1801. mid thn town ban changed a great deal nlnco then." Cntitaln Cowan, iih wkII mm Mr. Glenn, eullxted In thu Federal Army during tlio Civil War bororo either or them had reached their tweutlcn, Since going went tho rormer has served a term In the KatiHiin legis lature, helping pass tho St, John's prohibition meanure, and two terms in the Oreunn bouse niul mtnutit. vol. Ing for prohibition resolutions there -a stand or wnieii ho renin proud. Contain Gowitll minkn butt ntirlii nt tho regular meeting or tho Sonn or VeterntiH, mid gavo an address that wan greatly appreciated by all those in attendance. SUPREME COURT MANDATE ON IRRIGATION NEVER SENT 1)0 WK County Court Can Not Act Till Ordered. PROJECT IS ONE IMPORTANT QUESTIQO People Should Torn Their Attention (a This Problem and Dcnaii Adieu. ituitNH i.iiutAiiv cm'ii Mi:irrs Uy Miss I.uln IfnycM. "he opening meeting or tho lljinn Mbruty club wan bed at tho home or Uh worthy president, Mrs. W. K. Huston, on Iiihi Saturday artornoon. About twenty members wero pre sent, Moro than a dozen nnnllrn tlonn ror membership wore presented. all or which wero warmly received. lluxlueHs dlKCUHHloim occupied tho greuter part or tho afternoon and plana ror tho coming year wero made. A"org other things decided up on, was that or making October 11th Tag Day, tho purpose being to raise money to securo new. books ror tho Hums Public Library. IlefroHhmontH wero served nt tho clono or tho mooting, Mrn. Frances Clark presiding at the tea table, This was one or tho fouturojj or an alto gether pleasant inujlliu Tho next meeting of tho club will bo held at tho homo ot Mrs. John lllggs on October 18th. PLAN FOH lUUIGATINO 1)0,000 AOHKH NKAIt MALHKUH LAKIJ MADK Henry L. (.'orhett or Portland Files Application for Water for that Purpose. Tho mandate of the supromo court in Uh decision on tho irrigation dis trict matters appealed from this county ban never been handed down for nctlon by tho lower court. It had boon expected thu county court would bo Hi ft position to tako soma action as early as Uh July term, bat it wna then delayed, ponding tka arrival of tho mandate. Later it waa said by supposedly well Informed parties that tho court was waiting; until tho arrival ot thu attorney Interented boforo taking tho matter up. Yesterday n reporter consulted Judge Dlggn of thu circuit court an to why UiIh matter had not bee pushed , and It wai learned tho man- dato had never boon handed down. and that thu county court could tk no action until thu circuit court or dered It. Tho Irrigation project Is tho ana Important matter beforo tho peopla ot of thin valley, nud thu ono that must havo find consideration. It wan sug gested that tho matter bo rushed through the supremo court In everr possible manner that It might t brought to an Issue an noon an prac ticable. Why Ih the delay? Why Ih it that these matters of nuch wldo spread Interest to tho people havo to drag along days and mouthii and. yours with no apparent cause The people should turn their atten tion to this one big problem and de mand action. They should brook no further delay. The country at largo needs thin big valley at work produc ing feed for stork and mankind unit the government Itself would bo Just ified In taking a hand In thu opening: up or such a big territory or produc tive laud. It could even flnanro nuch. n scheme If It would let precedent go to the devil and get a llttlo common souse mixed Into Itn hlghfalutlng way of doing business. However, It In believed tho cause of thin, delay Is closer nt homo ami Is fostered by elfish IntercotH who aro taking tho only active part In thu game. If the people would oncu ba eouiu aroused to their own best Inter ests and stand together, they would likely get some action. o To Take Higher Masoiiis Degrees A party consisting of 0 rover Jnmr son, Kruest Munlck, No I to F .Reed, Chus. M. Faulkner, V. U .Cozad nnd Fred Williams will leave thin ufter noon ror Canyon City whero thoy will attend u meeting o ftho Masonic chap attend a meetlnof the Miuonic chap ter lodge. Soma of thexo Iiovh ar while others are going along to bej or what assistance they can In mak ing the Journey through tho higher degrees of tho order. Other Masons may Join tho party tomorrow. o Where to Find News Tho Irrigation of 00,000 acres of land adjoining Malheur luko on tho south, Involving an' oxpuudlturo of approximately $400,000, Is contem plated In an application Died with Stato Knglnoor Cuppor Tuesday, by tho Eastern Orognu Livestock com pany, Tho application, which was lltod by Henry L. Corbutt of Portland, covors tho appropriation of 112G sec ond feet of water from noniior nnd Hlltzon rivor and Uh tributaries in Harney county. Part of tho laud in tho project is already under Irriga tion, Oregon Dally Journal. First Tago Fal term circuit court. Tho Tlmes-Hornld shares profits. Central Oregon wll be opened to out- sldo world. Odd follows grand officers comhiK Capt, Gowau homo. Library culb meetn. Plan to irrigate 90.000 acres. Supremo court mandato never hand ed down, To tako higher Masonic degrees. Second Page Wilson invades rocs. Theatro news. Third Tage '.' StudontH suvo $7G,000 a year. Trond of prices, rheatro uows continued. 1 Ulg man and llttlo follows. Colt comes to llnmoy county. ; Fourth Page, Moro propaganda. Tho Croon Ribbon. Fifth Pago Mad coyote damages. Local and personal. Klvth Page Shoop profits on Irrigated farms, Sheopmon Inspect local range. Seventh Pago Loga! notices. Grand Jury report. Eight k I'ugo Church announcements. Local Happenings. (J j V (Continued on page 4) their many friondH, , , . r