t FAGK BIX TRH TlMRLKMRAIiD 11 V R N ft . OR H SON Haturtfoy, October 4, iOin. y i nwfrrwriTTTTvrrnxrTTTTTmTTnT'rnxrrrTTTTTT r - . . ................................. OLYMPIC PANCAKE FLOUR Its the daily break fast in thousands of western homes. 1.1 I HI U I 0 J II Ml A f f . a. household Word" Tliart It n and htatthlul. thor rflitttlklt t Monettly recommor-a'ad tha tfall) diet of tht enllra houtahoM, Ileciruae the IngrrtllfiiU are ao blended aa to produce a. food thai la l apetltlitnc and perfectly disrated. ' fhoie who bare found othvt panrnkM IndlcriUble will find OLYMTIO rrcta whb the moit dtllcata utonmch. The Portland Flouring Mills Co. HIIIIIMlllllHIIIIIIMMHIIHIIHIIIIHIIfHMH TAKE NOTICE INVESTIGATE Call your nenrcttt dealer for information AT ONX'E. Then tnko the earliest opportunity of conveying to Kald dealer the idea that you wish to acquire ono of these Thl Man Tnlkt Like It Wat a ford. Hnod Itlvcr, Or., ItotiU, Mar. 4. Vaujfhan Motor U'orkt, Portland, Oregon. Dear Nira: Atn having fine oc ecu with tbr little old bug. Aver agr Irn rltka to ration of gut; al io cut .100 rlcka at -1 1-Hc coit per rick. Color tome for an old rlr. Itenprrtfullr oura, J. J, KRU.VK.MAC1IKII. LAHOIt SAVEKS A GasoHno Motor Driven Drag Saw Machine that Haws up to 25 cord of wood per day. NOTE : Wo nlno HUKget that for good roaultw you nhould specify a VAUGHAN Drag Saw. For furtbar datallt ddra VAUGHAN MOTOR WORKS, Inc., 475 East Main Street. Portland, Oregon. The " y, i i m 1 liui, ihr RI D PACKKh ; AtiMimj Stans Uked m Vuumd'i l,: DA YUUil AC TORY NUTMARGAIUNE IH it ntirii. whrilnsnmo nnrl ntilrilintiR niv.rlnt . ' i Mvr- rliillHMim unrmwl fnv .nfiut. himwl niwl hSuftiifa ..t imu lor cauoH aim pasiry. j no ncn on irom MlffmHIu nf tmro iinui it)rtnt awonf mill just enoiiifh Halt that'H "UMECO." n Pacific Northwest Product Htrictly a Quality Product pitched in paraffined odor-proof cartons. Your Grocer can supply you. mmm Union Meat Co., North Portland, Orctron. IWtHHIHMHmHHUHIIHHHHHMHIIIIII roam, in The Sign of Quality lIIIIIIIIIMIMmiHMimHlllllt,'IHIIIHMIM The Green Ribbon Not a Patent Medicine Ad. Buro, tho Grcon Illbboii la a homo inuuHtry. It ban liton u Ioiik tJwo lilnce Tho IMIibon wan prlutiid. A whole week. fionio W()ol l:tKl loitKor than othorn a wook In Jail, f'rlimtanco. 'J'IiIh ono booiiioiI Ioiik liuoniioo wn woro wultliiK for nnaworii In thu nta- HOII-KIIOSalllK COIltONt. A jmrty of htiutorti nav a biiow whlto deer near ltonehurg. x x Wouldn't ho' ho too Hweet for any thing with a nice Kroon ribbon around hln neck? - -x I Thin Ifin'l tho llrnt tlino wo hnvoJ heard of tho offectn of that ItoHuburcj Dranu, however. rink olonhnutn and iireon inlail huvo been Inld at Uh door boforo now.J ao why worry about a white deer? Head about a dtiHt lUorni at LaH Orando. Flour blim and other hud- poaodly dunt proof reooptaclen wuroi lined liiHldo with gray dust, it wual ho thlrk. - - x x Thut wiih 'iiowh" In La Orando, Insist Upon GOLDEN ROD CEREALS They are the perfection of experienced millingexcellent In quality and the Product of a Home Industry Golden Rod Milling Co. Cereal Millers and poultry Food Manufacturer Portland, :: Oregon MMOMIIMIIIIIMIHIHIMtHMMIIIIIIIIMH ChlnuHo, and there In ovcry reason to belluvo that tho deceased went up "On JllKb." x x - Kver oborvo tho poetry of motion in a woodtmw trnvellus under I(h lown poworl 'OreRonlan, Or tho if poetry of profanity when a man tries to telephone when it la sawing? X Tho following item wan clipped from tho Stato Capital Personal li tho Oregon Journal of September II: "M. C. Athey, publlaher of tho Jlamf County News at Uurns, was calliK on Htnlo omclals Monday," You tH 'em, Charlie, we'll turn tho pagci! x x Had you heard about tho Ulgb Ct of tllvvlng? x x Was It hurd to chano the ItlbbcnT Homo railroad-tonnlnll wo know of hnvo (tilt thinking of dust Htorinu an1 iiowh, but wlro tho big city pattern wliou thoy havon't ono. J x-x Thut llrlthth railroad atrlko muat hnvo (o tho O. & K. from Ontario. mall Thtirridny morulug. - - x x - - Tim Cheerful Idiot nayn UiIh Ih a kind of a "no" town, nnnlohow. nil " - - I Do. y Whon of. th Wo n rWK A REPUTATION . on know what SNDAWMTY? 10 HUHTAIN it moaiiH to llvo up to n roputatlon for "No" mall. "No" HglllH. "No" Irrigation. " if wn could II x It ho t Intro would bo "no" winter, think of tho fuel jj0 Hiived. Oeorgo Kry'ri eiiHlom of "ihroo hIooph" wouldn't bo bad for iiomo othorH. Wouldn't have no much ex plaining to do, x x - Might oven Hnvo oiio'h roputatlon, too. X X Or at luaHt, not placu ono in a UUHplclOUH light. know know that it moans coiiHtant vlgllaneo lent wo permit QUALITY of our waros to bo loworod. It also mcariH unvarying courtesy and attention to each and every customer. you trndo with this great Family fitoro you nro assured oso two advantages protection nnd Hi-nt. rtYTHlXO I'Olt THU FAMILY, AND ALL DUl'IONDAHLI ollclt your cuatotn with this irimruntoo, Brown 's Satisfactory Store Bums, : ; ; ; Oreuon We carry goods advertised on tho "Homo Product Tago" That Haying "nothing Htiror than death and taxea" can't bo denied. Hut taxos ropoat and oven double, A man Is dead JiiHt onco at any rate that hi tho wuy It Ih doped out, - x x 'Course, that doesn't apply to nniuo people, X X (JOICH l'I ON Wealthy flilncso Huh Novel Krom ThlH Life to Trip to resort to extreme methods to In sure this company for tho dopartod, Hut In tho territory of tho China Amerlcnn Trading company, Ford dealers in Tientsin, China, they have discovered a much hotter aid to the ilecottHod over tho rough places on I tho trip to tho Promised Laud, It Ih a custom of tho Chlueso to burn various kinds of officios at tho funeral ceremonies of tho rich, tho more wealthy tho departed tho more elaborate tho llgures burned over Ills grave. These elllglen represent every manner of thing, such as hu man llgures, horses, sedan chairs, tables loaded with money, otc, Thu llgures usually conform to some of these sterootypod fashions, but at tho funeral of a Mr, LI, who died a short time ago In Tientsin, and who was a very wealthy man, tho bereaved family outdid themselves and made an Imitation of tho deceased goutlo man's Ford car to bo burned at )ih grave. This Ford ofllgy was made entirely of strong Chinoso paper n' retched on bamboo and rood frames, Tho car was complete in every detail, the pedal accurately placed, and all mndo of papor and bamboo, Tho Interior of tho car was also accurate In detail, being carefully upholstered In paper, Tho olllgy of tho driver wan a work or art. tiio car was carried about three miles through crowded til roots to tho gravoiddo whoro a match was uppllod and it Thero wan a protty custom among HOIIWI nf tlin nlK'liuihl wlum n iirmi. inont citizen died, to iiond his valot w consumed In a few mlnutua, along with him on tho road to Para- This is tho first tlmo a motor car dloo, nud it wan oftentltuoo necessary 'has been burned ut the grave ot u The Plumber is a Robber! Only when the man in side the PLUMBER is crooked. Our aim is to give honest service, and install honest goods AL WAYS. If you want any such goods and such service in your repairs or in new work, it's easy to get it. Just call us Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Repairing Agents for the De Laval Dairy Supplies Paint, Oil Limited Supply Ammunition Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices THE BURNS HARDWARE COMPANY In our new building opposite Lampshire's garage CALL AND INSPECT IT 4