The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 04, 1919, Image 1

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    The TlincH-tlornld ;oe re
ciiliirly to more home In Har
u,,y County Mlmu nny other
ncwMap(T. 1' )'0 wM
ftNUll the lCJt MHO UlOHO col.
uiuns for your advertisement.
Tlio Tlmf M-rierald Is nn oM
established friend of tlio people
of Ifarnoy County wlicrn It linn,
been a m-cldy visitor for thirty
yoarH. It's Job department Ih
equipped to nerve your nocd.
NO. 49
Produces 74.10 Bushels to
Irrigation riant Nut in Working Order
Or Used to Best Capacity
During Season.
Trubl barley yielded 74.10 bushels
to tlio iv. rt under Irrigation ut the
brAiirh (xperlmont station thin yenr,
did that under unfavorable condi
tions This wan shown following tlio
thrcliit g lt week by Supt. Shat
tuck The station Irrigation plant
ns nc in working order or used to
Its Ic . tajaclty during tlio last Ben
ion, therefore Mr. Shnttuck does not
conM " M c yields under thin method
of Rrowli'l? crops was tlio result of a
(air t t He liopoM to have tlio
plant In better shapo for next season
ml -1 ' 1 li"vo tho ground devoted
to h i i ' h of demonstration luveled
and in It Ucr condition to secure tlio
maximum results. .
The dry method ylolds woro bettor
.than ha 1 been expected oven while
hsrvcstlng tho fields. Tho threshing
results) were qulto to tho good. Mr.
Sbattuck did not hnvo hln statistics
la shape for a report of these yields,
bat will furnish us with n list itt nn
Ctrl)' date for publication.
Tho most sntlsnfctory crop report
wn the yield of alfalfa, both Irrl
ritcd ai d on dry Intnl. A remark
able showing was made, especially
for seed The third crop was ono of
the best and demonstrated beyond
any doubt that thrco crops of alfalfa
an be successfully grown In llarnoy
Tidier Rome havo Insisted that this
was nt j radical or profitable, but
Mr S''.Vt.iik will prove this assertion
Sonic KU-rostlng figures will bo
puldn'. i in connection with this crop
at tho n iMnu In the nenr future.
Suit nt 1 Mrs. Slinttuck Invited
tho r ' r n'ul his "dock" out to
tho nMtiou for dinner Inst Sunday.
Mr ar 1 Mrs Nate Franklin were also
tlln'.f uu is nt tho same time. It
was while Ylsltlng that day that the
facu core enilng tlio crops woro ob
tained ni I an observation inadn over
tho fields The entire party are
ready for another Invltntlon from
these rh.irmliiK people. In fact, Mr.
Franklin and the manager or thin
NPr inndo It quite plain to tho hos
tess thut frequent Invitations would
be eagerly accepted after tho excel
lent fried rhlrken and other good
things h;id beon "stowed away."
Circuit Court in
Adjourned Session
Clrr.1 Judge Dnllon Illggs arrived
tho of the week, and linn hold
an adjourt cd term of his court while
the gr. i d Jury was In session, fr .
The v(k lias been tnkon up with
motloui nail such argument as couliLj
l3 heir revlous to tlio oponlagfTI
the regu'nr term next Monday, tm n
The grai.d Jurors aro Chaa?..
King, Oo Gates, Itobort Cole,' K. N.
Nelson ( linrles V. Iteed John Wit
tell, I.nnlo Vlekers. Grand Jury
bailiff, Joe hinder.
John Kevedgo Is court Imllln for
the tern
Amoig the visiting nttornnyn for
thesensl! n are Hon. W, Lair Thomp
on of 1'ortiund; II. II, DoArmond,
dUlrl't uitorney or Deschutes county;
Judjp (jiorgo K Davis, Hon. C. M.
Crarda'i or Vale; J. W. McC'ulloeli,
ami P J Gallagher or Ontario.
Active in Raising Funds for
Club Building; $225 is
Mndc This Summer.
Tlio Mother club convoned Thuni
day ufternoim nt tho homo or the
promuunt, Mrs, Charles Lewis, and
started Its winter work.
Tho club Is stilt nctlvo In raising
n fund for Its club building, mid In
creased it by $220 during tho Hummer
months. Tho monthly conimltleo
nclioine under which tlio fund Is botng
incronsed, booiiih to bo fluccoasful, na
it croaloH a spirit of friendly compe
tition among tho mombom.
Tho Btippor to bo glvon at tho Car
nival datico tonight in ono of tho
methods tho ladles nro using to get
monoy for their building. Tho Sep
tember mid October committees com
bined on thin affair. Patrons or tho
ladles tiro giving a good cause n lift
by taking supper with them at tho
dance, .
Tho next mooting of tho club will
bo hold on Thursday, October lfi,
with Mrs, Albert Swain and Mrs.
Julian Hyrd, ut tho homo of Mrs.
Tho high Hchool girls nro forming
an athletic organization and aro to
liavo tho benefit of ,'gym" ror certain
ovcnlngs each week. This will bo
under tho supervision or ono or tho
teachers. Thursday evening follow
ing school the high school boys or
ganized a football team, to bo conched
by C. C. 1'age. Following the foot
ball season they aro to tako up bas
ketball under tho snnio arrangement.
.Cameramen Picture News Events of the Day
' Strikes,' Mood and wasto are thd
high spot or rowi events for the
week. Tho lood picture Is an ex
clusive photo of the torrlblo huvoo
wrought t Corpus Chrlstl, Toxas,
wlion tho )iurr'eane lashod gulf
wAtors virtually submerged jthe
town, resulting In heavy loss of
life. Galveston, Ilrownsvllle and
many other towns alio uttered
JtnmoniM losses. The strike pic
ture U from Oary, Ind., whero
atoel mill workors by tho thou
sands urn out on strike. Jlottt
atoel worker loaders and atool mill
Division Engineer Says
Highway Will be
Completed to Crane
Division lOuglucor Heunett, or the
Btato highway commission, wan in
thu elty during the week, No oppor
wan had to Interview tlio gentleman,
but wo aro Informed Hint bo i. tilled
tho iinrvey from Lawen to Crane
had been completed on the original
route, and thut bids would bo nuked
ror nt once ror the completion of
tho highway to Crauu.
Former Army
Officer to Locate
In Burns
dipt. Kobnrt M. Duncan, recently
discharged from the army, ban de
cided to In this city' and tako
up the prnntlco of law. Cnpt. Duncan
Is not a stranger In this community
as ho visited hero before war wan
declared and wnn nssoclntod with J,
W. McCulloch In thu practlco of law
at Vale and Ontario. When his Diieln ;
Ham took up nrms Duncan offered .
his services and as ho had been nctlvo
In National Hoard work In former
yoarH ho was noon advanced to tho
rank of captain, but wan kept busy at.
Camp Lewis drilling men and there-1
rore did not got to go over.
Captain Duncan In having ofllccs '
fitted up In tho building
and his family will soon arrive to
tako up their permanent resldouco,
In our city whero thoy mo sure to,
find n hearty welcome.
"President Very Sick"
Says Official Statement
I ji:rui UUIK id JiJHiuriiiiy iiiuriuiiK n
liolso Statesman, President Wllnon Ih
not ro well mid his personal phyHlelan
Dr. GrnyHon litis called u coiiHtiltatlou
of iipeclnllstH, Thu preiddent ro
uiulned In bed all day Thurmlny,
From press dlspnlchon It appears hln
nerve: nro to blame for hln present
llhioriit, and tlio coiiHiittlng phyHlulniiH
hnvo decided Hint nhsoluto rent Is
esseiitlul ror nomo time,
I .. ... 1 .. , 1
Nothing further tins boon reported
over ho wires today, which may bo
taken, us an Indication Hint hln con
dition Is not considered dangerous,
Worthy Grand Matron
Visits Burns Chapter
J Order Eastern Star
Worthy Grand Matron McMurphy,
of Hie Kastoru Star In tho state of
Oregon paid Ilurus chapter a visit
Thursday night.
Thu grand matron expresned her
self an well pleased with the manner
In which the local lodge put on tho
various monitorial work or thu order,
and complimented thu olHcerH highly
on their proficiency.
Mrs, McMurphy makes her homo in
Kugunu, and In making her annual
olllclnl tour or tho lodges In the east
ern part or the state, Sho wns ac
companied In from Lakuvlow by her
husband, They loft Friday for Can
yon City,
owaors say this will be a battle
to the flnlah. The "waste' pic
luro shows thousands of autoaao
llloa owned by the government,
rotting and rusting out In open
storage nt Cnmp Holablrd, Md.,
whoro they havo been ever since
tho armlstlco wai signed. Uoth
truck and passenger cars of all
standard makes are Included.
Congressman C, F. Ileavls of Ne
braska Is trying to got some action
In distributing them to the people.
Where to Find News
First I 'a go
Hurley malum big Md.
President very Blck
Itablus reported Increasing.
Mothers club convenes.
Fornui runny olllcer to locato hero.
I.uto rain lionolitH range.
Knglneer sayn highway will bo coin
plotod. Circuit court In adjourned session.
Highway dolegiiteH unHUccoHsful.
Make butter money willing cream,
Worthy grand matron hero,,'
Local and perHOiial,
Second Page t
Wllson'ri wordH lcear up doubt.
Down to zero. s
Ilroii(;hos and Hsh,
For merchiints only,
Food and frills.
Third PiiR
Plcturo show news. 1 '
Fourth Page.
Hdltorlal comiuout,
Fifth Pago
Local nnd Personal.
Hlxth Page
Tho Qroon ltlbbon.
Kevcnth Piige
Logal uoticoB. I
' Klulith Page i
E. W. Barnes States He is
Personally Investigating
Timber Resources.
K. W. llurnoii, who Is hero nn rep
resentative of eastern lumbur men,
iitntcd HiIh morning thut ho wnn muk
1 lug a personal Inventlgntlon of tho
lumber resourced of thin county to
tho north mid west of Iiunui, and
iihould ho find a nufllciont body in ono
block on which ho could got an op
tion to Justify, bis company would
establish a saw mill at Hums.
Mr. Ilarneu first camu to Durnn
a row weeks ago, mid at that tltno
advocatod tho cruising or thu private
ly ownor timber by tho county, and
after tho matter had been discussed
tho members of tho county court
woro fnvorably Impressed with tho
Idea, as a basis of lucronslng the
taxes. Later Judgo Loveiin visited
Portland mid uNor conferring with
timber people and discussing tho mat
ter with busluesii men, ho did not
facor a county cruliiu, au ho full the
county could not gain by uuch a
procedure. And It might be a det
riment, an ho found upon Investiga
tion that tho timber or this county
wan assessed nn high nn in any other
county In tho state. Ho wired back
to interested parties that ho opposed
tho move. During his absence, Com
missioners Hnss and McKlnnon held
n session or court and made a con
tract with a cruiser to do tho work.
iUpon Judgo Levoun return he en
tered mi objection and placed It on
file an being opposed to tho crulso,
stating his objections an given above
and the further reason that there
wero not available funds tqr tho pur
pose. Late Rains Benefit
Range and Saves
Winter's Hay
W. W. tlrowu. tho Ceutrnl Oregon
stock man with so many herds or
horses mid Hocks or sheep, and vast
holdings or range lauds, In In town
on business before the circuit court.
Mr. Ilrown has been In tho stock
business In the Interior of the state
for many yearn nnd lias made good nt
It, He spends most or his time on
the range superintending the manage
ment or Ills stock mid wutchlug con
ditions. Mr. Browns says the recent
ralun havo saved tho liven or many
animals that will havo to hustle ror
reed this winter out In thu dusert
country, nnd has been thu means or
saving the additional oxpoi dlturo or
many dollars by tho stockman who
did not have sulllcleut hay ror hln
Htoek the coming winter, us tho range
will now Hiipport tho stock much
J. C. Duncnn wnH In town tho other
day. He made a short call ut this
olllre and stated ho has u string or
trnps out In good territory where he
oxpeclH to capture quite a row coy
otes and cats during tho rail and
winter, provided the rabies do not
Interrero too much. Mr. Duncan
told this office that rabies Is preval
ent over In the Ilarren valley count
ry mid ho had personally found
two dead anlmaln on thu range thin
side that had evidently died from
tho effects of thin dlsenso.
later In the rail than otherwise,
T. J. Diihnlmo arrived hero from
Portland last Saturday. He wan one
of tho Harney county boys to respond
to tho call or his country when hln
drnrt number vhh drawn. Mr. Du
lialmo married Miss Wood, ono or
tho high school girls or thin commun
ity bororo ho wont to war, mid sho
followed him at his request when ho
went to Camp Lewis. Since his dis
charge, Mr. Diihalme and wlfu havo
boon residing In Portland, whero hu
Is employed, hut they cnntomplato
ruturufng to IiIh farm In this county
next-tprlng, Ho Ih lioro to look after
soma personal husinesH and to visit
with former frlondn ror u short tlino.
'.WSL.a Ih.
Thompson Says Request is.
Chairman Benson Opposes on Ground of
Lengthening Distance; Could Have.
Appealed to Governor.
Judge Grant Thompson nnd Jamet
Donegan were unsiiccesnrul In obtain
ing a chnngo In tho highway butwoosa
hero mid Crane, to make go dlrcctlyr
through Lnwon. Tho gonllomcK
havo returned from Pendleton nn.
Portland, whero they wont to commit
with thu state highway communion.
They first Interviewed Mr. Thomp
son, of tho commission, at Pendleton,.
who said It wnu rather late to mako
thu request. This was admitted, but
when tho delegates showed him nt
letter from the division engineer, M
O. Dennett, which Indicated that tfe
change had been favorably considered
by thu commission, and on which tkn
people of Lawen bad relied only ts
find tho contract lot and work bogus
(hat there' had been no chnngo what
ever, Commissioner Thompson sal
ho would not oppose tho chnngo pro
vided thoy could get Chairman Ken
son of tho commission to npprovn It.
This was put up to tho latter gon
tlnmnii In Portland nnd hu refuse A
to consider it on tho ground that It
made the distance greater. Tlio lo
cal delegaes could havo appealed tu
Oovemor Olcott, but did not connld
er such action ndvlsnblu under the
circumstances, so ruturned homo dla
npi'olnlcd. Mr. IleuhOii'H opposition on thai
ground of lengthening tin distance
In this Instance dnen not bear out thr
further continuation of thu high way
bet ween Lawen and Crane, according:
to Information n Ived. Tlio survoy
rrom that point toward Crajie doc.
not go In thu most direct route ru-
commoiuled or suggested. However
It Is possible that Mr. lleiiHou Is not
aware or the fact, and thereforo Its
perfectly hi" Innocence.
Make Better Money
Shipping Cream Out
To Creamery
C. M. Salisbury quit delivering
milk to the niMomern of his dalrjr
tho tlrst or this month and begam
hIiTihiIiil' Ii Ih cream to an outside
creamery. He can make more mnnor
out or hln cream tiinu no tun oui or
selling the whole milk right hero at
The town customor Is up ngalijHl It
uiiIonh he Iiiih a good neighbor or lit;
fixed to take care or a cow. Out or
town dairy people will supply the de
mand in a way, but are not as acces
sible In the way of getting additional
milk or cream which the housewife
frequently finds she needs because oC
unexpected company or preparing for
some community function.
The Times-Herald is confident i
creamery would be a paying proposi
tion in this community mid Iiiih ad
vocated tho plan ror a long time. It
should be controlled by the dairy
people themselves and made a paying:
proposition where the products or tho
herds In the community might bo
turned to a profit every day In tho
year. However, wo must abide by
the present conditions until such tlmo
an some follow oomcB to iu with tho
capability of making locnl pcoplo neo
their best intereslB. o mnn oiamcn
the dairyman ror fhlpplng bis cronna
when It Ih more profitable. It Is the
thing to do. Hut wo deplore tho Inclc
of roroslght among those who nro
most intrusted, in not providing ror ru
local onterprlso which would brlnre
more money Into circulation at homo.
Why not roster such no undertaking,,
ami furnish employment for mora
peoplo right at home?
American ioSS'i.'. At loitat nn IM.
Local Happenings, ,