VAGH TWO TH.K. TIMHH-HKRALD I V R N Hi ORDOON ATTORNEY-GENERAL'S OPINION DEFINITELY SETTLES SEASONS In an opinion rIvuii Ity Attorney i one nil OoorRo M. Drown, to Mr. M A. UIkith. DlHtrlet AUornuy for Hnr mi)' county, tho hIiooUiir nornum for ducks, ruoho anil otlior nileriuory wntorfowl Iiiih boon dollitluily mulled ConfUHlou Iiiih oxlHtod in tho nittulH of ninny Htiootorn on account of n ittrforotiro In tho feloril nnl Htnto Hoaiionrt. Tho Htnto cannot tuRlnlnto -within tho ciomoiI hoiihoii of tho foil trnl rcRulntlonn, hut It can liiRlsliito within tho onon roiihoii. Tho fodoriu upon hlmibou Ih throe ami ono-hnlf months, hut tho Htnto, It It euros to may olnxo any portion or nil of thin federal open Hunuou. Tho hIiooIIih; KtuiHon, thoroforo, which tmtnt ho observed hy hunterrt throughout Oro Kon Ih as followa: For Multnomah, Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook common, tho open HOnnou hoRlun on October lot a ml oIosom December 31hI. In nil other routine of (la mo DlHtrlet No. 1, which coiuprlooH that portion of Oro kou lyliiR went of tho HUimnlt of tho Canciiilo mouutuliiH tho nonnon oponn on October lllth anil cIorch on Jan uury lGth. In nil couutlcn of Oamo District No. 2, which coinprlauH nil that portion of OroKon lylttrc ennt of tho RUintnlt of tho CohciuIoo, tho open NOAHoti hORliifl on October lHt anil ondri on Decomhor 31 at. It had been hoped thnt tho federal nod ntato InwH would conform, mid rocommondntlonn to thin effect were niado by tho Fish and Oamo Commln nIoo, tho rod and gun clubn tlirouRh out tho state, tho Oregon Sportnmen'.i league and many Individual hunterrt who had Riven much Htudy to tho m-'iuwiih. Tho original draft of the Ontuo Code Included a uniformity of heaions, but tho poHltlon wan taken hy tho flnmo commltteo of tho IorIb laturc thnt tho federal regulations wero uncoiiHtltutlounl and, therefore, woyld bo luoporatlvo. Since tho leg Ulnturu hnH ndjourned, two federal nourtfl hnvo uphold tho federal rog ulatlotiH, It wnn tho clear Intent of the IcRlHlaturo tn Rive equal hunting xoaHonri. Thin would hnvo been nc oompllnhed had not tho federnl law Intervened. Tho ntato law Ih oper ative and will ho enforced In mo far n It doe not conlllct with tho fodernl Name of DeMille Signifies Class In Silent Drama Celebrated Artcrnft Producer Discusses Latest High Grade Picture With AU-Stur Cast, "We Can't Havo Everything" Taken From Rupert Hughes' Novel t UbUlL D. D1ILL& 6 VoCarrt ttav !WttrvUundM' AtAorcaAmw When the namo of Cecil II. I)n Mllto In coupled with n production It ItiHureH nbovo nil nrtlntry. Tho man who produced "Joan tho Woman," "Tho Woman (lod KorRot "Tho WhlHperliiK ChoriM." etc.. nenrcely needs an Introduction to lllm pntroim. And nt tho Liberty tomorrow li Ih lateHt effort will bo shown. that's modlot's ro.' Mlold,' cries tho camerainnn, 'I've run out or tllm hoy, Jimmy, why didn't you load thin case.' Thou Just an everything seems lovely the leadliiR woman, pos sibly, finds nho ban left off the rlntr Mho woro tho Inst tako yesterday, Tho mnld Is In for n scolding, mnybo. Then tho actress finds nho had the 1), Do Mlllo In ovliloncod lit ovory nceiio, Tho Incidents thnt occur on tho lllltnioro rooffitirdeii, In Hliorry'a and In a film nt'idlo are most convlnc hiRly portrnyed with a scenic iitvon turn thnt In remnrknblo. It Ih nuld to ho n picture well worth unyono'ii time or inonoy. Water is All That's Needed, Says W. Y. King County Tronsurer W, Y, King nnd hhi nleco, Mlsn Colla llyrd, arrived . home Holiday from n vlnlt to Yakima, Washington, whoro they ntuyed with , Mr. Klng'n dnughtorn for a few dnyn taking In Ihu Itoiniil Up nl I'eiulloton on their return, Mr. King In n con vort to Irrigation more decidedly than over hIiico making thin trip. Ho won ho nhw tnoro fruit go to waste than would supply Harney county, right along tho road mid In the or chards In the vicinity of North Yak ima. "The soil Is not nearly so good nn w havo," Maya Mr. King, "hut tho nocrot of the success of that territory Ih water. They're rnlslug nil kinds of fruit, alfalfa nnd clover on Handy gravel noil thnt we would pnsn up, simply hocutuo thny hnvo tho water and know how to tino It. Wo can't raise fruit to any great degree, but. wo cnu raise tho alfalfa If wo wiM hut control tho water nnd use It nt ! n time when noil and climate condi tions nro right. Store tho water." Inland Empire Realty Co. A. A. TRAUGOTT, Proprietor REAL ESTATE Bought sold and exchanged . Faj;m Ranch and Building Loans BLUEPRINTS LOANS MADE ON APPUCA TION DIRECT INVESTMENT BROKER I'heac SO mr G135 Bm-rw, OrrgMi WAItKANT CAM,, Notice In hereby given thnt there nro sufllclont funds on hand to pay off all General Fund warrants Issued nnd registered up to and Including July 9, 1919. Interosl ceasca Sep tember 27, 1919. W. Y. KINO, County Treasurer, o We'll do your Job l'rlnting. It Is "We Can't Have Krerythlng," r,K r powder hag oil tho time.1 based upon Hupert Hutches famous novel, while the photoplny wnn writ ten hy Win. C. Do Mlllo, one of tho greatest dramatists for tho statu "Well, now wo can start -mid wo do. Unit about llfty feet and the, llghtn go out. Someone stepped on tho wire. On ngnlu tho extras hnvo or screen or the present dny. Cecil fallen nsleop. Thought It wni night ' Do Mlllo has given to the story color' off iiirnlii. WIial'n !, tm,ti.,r ..w? law T 7 7 X"f rPlir,1ll,, ',1,f ,,0r,rnya of ;()h' ,,,u Ml,r "n" out to hose wl hln which 1 uiSer mS h,K,,l "V11" l',c,ll,,u" Bm' withal , her shoes. I'ordltlo.U Who's Too IJu ill wUhln iol '"-erful touch, i finesse thnt cm. that over thero-right In Hue with uoil state w! nraroely ho overestimated. No ono camera? A coi if visitor from' "uu BiaiU la, uflm I, l ...nihil t . - ... . Plowing, Not Re Seeding for Poor Alfalfa Sods HkowheeganT Wonder If they got In thnt scone wo shot? Hey, (hero what's that property men dolng7 Ho has spilled wnter nil over that hundred dollar table cover we rented,; It Is practically impossible to try to raako an old alfalfa Held look like j There Is n piny within n piny In this new by attempting to sow more seed I ill III nnd wlilli, tlin itffnrl tin luwiti ftiier iiisKiiig or cultivating in the fall. Thousands of dollars' worth of heed are are annually wasted In un who sees this picture. It Is said, will leave the theatre without the convic tion that they hnvo soon n mnster piece of screen production. Tho cast Is a notable one mid the offerlnn will undoubtedly crcnto a sensation. I And so It goes. "I'm hnvlng nil opportunity," sald "I'atlonco? Job whs a regular lid Mr. Do Mlllo to nu Interviewer. "In; git compared to what the director this new Artcrnft plcluro, 'We Cnn't must become If he wlshoi to got Have Kvorythiug,' to depict some of, along. So use to kick nil In the tho troubles tho motion picture dlroc- day'n work. All doing our hst, of lor iiaH m rnco every day of his life. course. Hut It will certnlnly look funny on the screen." Hupert Hughes, author of "Wo made to stlmuliito a 'movie' coticera i rnn'i iinv. Hvnrvfhin.. wi.i..i. ..n or mo seconil rale clnss thero Is n. I)n miii,, lflM nroilur.,.1 mr An. I FtucGessful attempts to revive tho waning htand of alfalfa. Specialists ngalnst. M.c uuueu amies Department or Agriculture recommend that fleldi on nbe decline should be plowed up and To-sooded. Kvuu though tho seed germlnutes successfully, the plants iiatui'e nt practically no exaggeration in tlie'rnirt, M ue of America's must pop- dllllcultlos tho director runs uij,,r novelhtn of contem(ir.ry life. n I'll in Mt I .m . . . . ' . . . Tills story denli with the otlto I! Vnrill ItiL' Hnxtlii trmililn ll'a In lit Vnu' Vurl ninl will, lli.. i,,,lln,ii the very air If a tempcrmoutal star I pit turn Industry. Tlu It.cldents nro doesn't start it. something else will. I of a typo familiar enoug'i to I hone i Perhaps It's the weather hut that , v 1. 1 read tho papers, hut havo boon wo can't change Moro often It's the , wrven into one of tho hum' fanclii- fault of someone having left some- ittliig narratives that t jiild he linai. periods different I rum thoso of old rr aoiiiooMn Io Co tlci-lttiit d mnk mud S 0,10 ,)f U, ,1,,WHt iMn r"',,0,", iw. wrote th, phoionlay STilfu Z Meld h ?nntchy mid covere I ,U)I, nbout a XnAl- BvoryUoily from Mr. Hughes' novel i.u.l ho has lhct . . .!' "remarkable piece of . work autvlfloljlo tn nttomnt to nt-m-eil nti'imt ' uie poor oirecior-lie is i no nisi is a uoiniiio one. including autiguuie u aueinpi io re-seeu exiepi .. .i ,,, ,ai..,, , mm,..,, if,.,i,u. uin .u i.n, m ..... m ... .i. ,1, ni . ,,1. &...- llttltltJ ,1 I, (ttlllllin, (4IIIJI ITAIlfl, .III- by breaking up tho entire field mid ogalu .lowing down with alfalfa. It Is always questionable, according to the specialists, to cultivate or disk nn alfalfa Held Irrespective of Its age uud condition, as carefully conducted experiments hnvo shown that tho only section In which It wnn profitable to citltlvato tho alfalfa crop fn any nay was In tho Irrigated belt of tho Far West. Usually, unfavorable rowultH attend whoro alfalfa Is disked under eastern conditions, nlthough in tho case of alfalfa fields which havo beon badly infested with weeds, It linn been tho practice of many growem to disk after the alfalfa has men cut, with tho disks sot noarly titr&lght. Tho best plan, vhero tho alfalfa wod Is beginning to show tho ravages of wear, is to plow up tho field mid devoto It to Homo cultivated crop, hucIi as corn, for ono or two years, and then to re-seed to alfalfa nftor praninn breaks in: 'There's n sun spot da Hawley, Sylvia llruamer. Thurston wait till wu shift those ilirTusnrs.' IIhII, Tully Marshall, Theodore itoh All right now, nays the director. erts and otlmrs. The skill of Cuull the wed early enough In the fall so that tho crop wilt establish a vigorous root system uud produce sulllcleut growth to weuther the winter suc cessfully, Weekly News Letter. o NUMBER 2 of Seven In This Issue, Not Count Ins The Urwn Ribbon,' Which Also Hys Utile. A wldo awake visitor tho othor day said It was wrong to look all tho time at the hole In the doughnut. Ho's right. When It was suggested to him that It would not be right preparing a proper sood bod, liming to invite pooplo to come to this coun- tbo soil If necessary, properly Inoc- try and Invest under present conai ulatin tbe Bood or soil, and sowing tlons whon It was shown that cultl- vnllug tho dry sagebrush soil was not profitable, this man said It was fool ishness. "Don't Invito the fellow who hasn't any inonoy to comu hero uud toll him ho can mnko money on n dry farm, hut tell tho fellow with the 'dough' that you have n big country that needs developing, where ho can mnko his investment pay 100 por cont If ho will come and help bring about tho dovoloptnont it needs" Oot tho fellow with capital In to help ua bring about Irrigation; Invite the man with money to start ontorprlses that will make him monoy and at tho same tlmo start tho tldo of prosperity moving mid developing the resources of this big country. That Is the thing to do Instead of wulntlng, waiting, waiting, when our children should be schooled In tho game of business life and the neces sity of going forward. PARTS Everything in every sphere it made up of Part. The better the parts, the better the article upon which they are attached. 1 Poor accessories are a weakness pulling against the long life and useful service of the combination complete. Our department, consisting of the standard brands oft national and international trade-marks on reliable parts and accessories, is at your service. PARTS FOR DODGE BROTHERS CARS PARTS FOR HUPMOBILE CARS PARTS FOR FORD CARS UNIVERSAL GARAGE AGENTS FOR DODGE BROTHERS CARS' Associate Agents for Hupmobile Cart FLOUR RE-LALE The IUhIImI States f.raln Corporation Announces thnt it will sell "fit might" grnde flour, to all purchasers In carload lots, In MO lb, Jute sacks, groan weight, delivered to any Hallway Htatlon In .one 10, comprising tho Ktntes of Ore goo, Washington, nnd Idnho, nt not to exceed SI 0.00 per bbl. net cash. Purchasers will bo supplied from uenr cst nvallnble mill, which may result In slight saving for buyers' account. Wholesale and Jobbing (iroflU on such flour must not nsrred 7Ao Mr lihl, and rrtllcr's profits must not oxcrrd per bid. Addnvts all roBsmunlcitt tlOHM to Unites! Stated Grain Corporation 510 Hoard of Trade llulldlng Portland, Oregon. Will SOMETHING Happen to make you rich t A rich undo may die and leave you a roll, but few rich uneleH have thiH habit. If, you got rich, the olianeoH are you will first havo to wave enough money in order to make nn iuvoHtmont that will pay. There are plenty of investments for the mnn with a little ready cash. Hut it iH up to you to nave cash. The best puliey ih to tlopowita portion of your nalary. A Ihmk iH better than a hole in your pocket through which your money can Hlip away. Make our Hank YOUK Hank. CRANE STATE BANK (HANK, ORKUON WRA Y'S AUTO STAGE All Touring Can teavea Iturnu Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday teaven Iknd Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sundaf Fare Hums to Portland viat'rano with berth $21.91 Faro IhiniH to Portland via Head with berth $1!U5 Ship Perishable Goodn, Express and Fast Freight via Bend in Our Care FARE, $10.00 50 lbs. baggage free HEADQUARTERS AT REED BROS. 18 cents a package ryXPERTLY blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi nate , bite and free them from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor. Camels win instant nnd permanent success with smokers because the blend brings out to the limit the refreshing flavor and delightful mel- R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Wi What you pay out your good money for is cigarette satisfaction and, my, how you do get it in every puff of Camelsl low-mildness of the tobaccos yet re taining the desirable ,,body.M Camels are simply a revelation I You may smoke them without tiring your tastel For your own satisfaction you must compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price. Then, youMl best realize their superior quality and tho rare enjoyment they provide. N. C