The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 20, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    V ;' ' fN K . A t wl it hi M
Majority Feel Thnt President' Quid
, nnce Should Oe Held He Regarda
Pact Ao Sure to Coma Boon.
j (Hy ML Clomnnu Nows llnroiui)
Ahoiml l'rcHlilciit WIIhoii'ii Pjiccli.l
Train Prom Uih Cunlliil nt WnMiiiu:
ton to the far I'nrtilo ocwMt tit I'r
'iloiit (tf thu Unltoil HtnttH lmn Joiu
uiuyod nn the inuNt miuauul ivxpi'iim, n
jvtir muIatkon by u ohluf oxi-cut
of (hit i in I Ion.
Tn (IImuuhh national fttfMtloiiH, jnnm
prualUoHtrf li.tTu ton roil tho land ; hut
Mr. Wllium In Inylng liuforo Amotion
u itiPHtloii which afTectH thu whol
world tho quoMtlon of whether or not
wo iiro to Join In tho Loiikuo of Nn
tioiisf ; wliothur wo aru to forcct our
fonnor Isolation and ihnro with the
othor poonlos of tho enrtli tho roiipon
nihilities of inalntuliilnic cl vlllznt Ion
mid proveiitliu;. um ho hiij'h wo can do
futuro warfare.
Dutwuen thu capital nnd tho conM
thn pruHldont iniido fifteen wpeeclioi
mid half n dozen brief tnllcH. All ol
100,000 fellow cltlzonit llHtuned to hlin
Kevernl iiiIIIIoiim hud thu clianco to hoc
Mid, nnd apparently overyono wanted
Ui hoo Mm, from thuno who throiiKed
thu HtreetH of thu cltlon nnd town
whom ho ntopped, to thowi who caiuu
to thu rallxldu or Mtood nt llttlo (Iuk
ntntlonH In remntu plncen, hnowlnp
their only reward could bo n ileotlui;
Kllmpsu and n wnvo of thu hand.
llu has mot nnd talked to nil typof
of citizen to men Mi; In tho html
nuH, financial nnd profoimlonnl worlds
to farmern nnd nioclianlcal workrtt
to IndlniiH and cowboyH nnd fornlnn
born herdxr.i nnd rannern, to Holdlorr
and to mothern who lout noldlupKoni
In thu Into war.
What do they nil tell him? unnnl
niouiiiy tnoy nay tnoy wnnt pence
definitely settled, they wnnt no more
warn, they want thn Leaguo of Na
tion, nnd inont of tho American po
plo, It may bo fairly mild, tell the
I'renldent they wnnt thu Inguu Jiul
an It Im, without tho renervntlonN ot
utuendmeiitH which certain Menntor
liavo Inxlnted upon. Thn mnjorlly nt
cttlzonu nay to thoso who Interview
them on thin tour:
"Woodrow Wlluon KUlded iih rlnhtly
lxiforo and durltiK thu wnr with Ocr
many. Wo onturud Unit wnr, every
one. iiKrecH, to end all want. Ho Hnyn
tho IrnKUu enn do thaL Wo want to
do thnt, ho lot uh keep on truntltiK him
and Kot tho lcnuo Into operation as
noon an poiiHiblo. Korr.ot politics."
Most AmerlcntiB oncouutcred nn the
tour huvo forKotlen politics Itepuh
llcan Uovomorn nnd Mayors havo In'
troducud tho I'rcaldunt to hla audi
once; tho Major part of tho local com
mlttecB which havo met him havo
been HopubllcanB. Thoy havo nil Hald'
"Wo aro nothing but AmorlcnnR, Mr,
Mr., Wllson'a nnfumonta for tho
iMKUe, briofly xummnrlzcil, aru those:
Thoro can bo no penco, olthcr now
or In tho futuro, without It. Thorn
can only be a regrouping of nntlonn
and a now "llalance of Power," which
ia cortaln to lond to war, Thoro can
bo no war In tho futuro, with thu
lenKUO in nxUtonco, bocauoo no kIiikIo
nnjlon would dofy tho unltod rent of
mankind, and If It did, It could he
brought to torms by nn economic
boycott, and without tho uco of nrm.
Thoro enn bo no reduction In tho
cont of HvIiik until thu lenKiio U oh
tabllnhcd, for natlonn will not ko
ahead wlUi pouco tlmo production un.
til thoy know that puaco U doflultoly
OHHtired and that production of wnr
material In no loiiKor iiocestiury.
Thoro can bo wonderful proeporlty,
with '' loaKuo In oxlutenco, for rol
ntlomi of labor and capital nil ovor
tho world will bo inn do clutter and
inoro friendly, and thu worker will ro
colvu a fairer Hliaro of what .ho pro-1
Thuio declaration of tho proHldont, 1
logically and oloquontly put, havo left I
hla hearers thinking and thinking i
deeply'. And thou Mr, Wlluon him
pointed out, tho ponplo thomHolven, ub
differentiated from oenatorH and polltl
clans, doom to wnnt Just wbnt thu
proaldent wantn, which la America for
Quito uh unuHual an tho purposo of
tho croHn country tour 1h tho munnor
In which It 1h IjoIiik carried out nnd
tho comploteneHB of tho nrrnnKU
raonts on tho nlno car train which la
bearing tho party.
At tho rear Ih tho private car May
flower', occupied by tho Prebldent and
Mm. WllHon, Next Is a compartment
car for tho eecretary Tumulty, Ad.
mlral Ornyeon, Mr. WllBon'H PhyHl
clan, four ntonographorfl, tho chiof
executlvo clerk and lovcn secret Hcr
vlco mon. Tlyond aro threo compart
jnont cam which Ijouho twonty-ono
correHpondonta, flvo movlo mon, nnd
tt tolegrapblo and n rnllroad exporL
Then thero In a dlnnor, n club enr, nnd
two baggage cam, ono of thoni con
verted Into a business offlco. Tho
train waa exactly on tlmo a,t every
atop batween Waahlnajton and tha
HiMver and vclvfi fur under
1nt are mn'orlnln llml rlunil Die
lent of time In popular fnvor.
pi-rlally lor nrhool mid ilnMi nf
Hie little iiiIm. Mere are III fee
new modulo nhouii tor full nii.
winter, nil of which have n iIm
llnrl npeul of their nun. Tho
tlKhl llll'lu cap at thu top lln.n
Imrderliif! nn the overiiiii tnodcl.
will by mont popular for school
The wliii heater In tho
center In Mary JaueV tvry bent.
Tim black beavi-r hIiowii below
Inn Um wide nwuepinK turned brim
winch may Hiaped mont npy
ny io oem uriiiR out the
beauty of thu cnlld faro.
rAH thq .leading Cincinnati Ilcdo
pranro on tho Hold nnd trim hla
(Hunts. Muggay McOraw pondom
ovor buHobull'u IncottHlBtonclou.
Catclior llarldon. Pttchor Hllm
.Sailed und Third Dasomon Hlonlo.
O roh. tlireo players who holp put
thn Itods In front und In koop
lug 'em thoro aro nil former
(Hants nnd sold or traded by
MeOriiw an being "through."
McOraw nlHo has had tho Itod'fl
manager. Pat Moran, earlier In
tho season but tradod him to get
MathuwBon back an a pitcher
Judging from IiIh publlHhud photo
grapllH, If Lt.-Col. Thoodoro Hoohu-
vell, Jr Ih uh mnnrt uh ho la hoinoly,
no win no a lilting hiiccohroi- to li Ih
hrnlny dud of tho Dig Htlck.
Poor llttlo IiiiiocoiiI dovo of noacol
It BouniB to havo croukud wlion thu
armUtico was signed nearly a yoar
Pcaco Lcafjuc Means Moro
Them Than It Can Mean
to Men.
(By tho Late Dr. Anna Howard Shaw.)
Heven million one hundred thoufuml
men who hud laid down their lives In
the treat war. Think of It I Heven
million, one IiiiimIiviI Ihoiikmid young
men had died un the Held of hnttlul
lint docs thnt mmm to the women
of the world? 1 iiiimiuh thnt soteii
iiiltllnii one liuinlre.l ihoiiNiind women
walked day by day with thi'lr fncei
ti.iirl im i,i mi biiivh tlinl ihiiv iii Id li I
I.. tO llfo li II It llll-lllll thill
'ten "'" mie hundred (liniiMnil
'Mil' i 1 1 l:i In thu tirtllH (if II
iiini'ier ...iiie tota hud iiiimIh them
m i' even tin titrrorK of death that
i - y inlfclit lucoiiia thu iiiutherH of
i ' ii.
It means Unit .yenr nfir .tear llieno
ttmiieu hod put up (heir I'vei Into Iho
liti nnf thuli'MiiiM until tb t IihiI rear
id them to l men. Tor what? In
the hope that the!' mm nf I.cIih ruulil
Clt'e to the world Mm tlilim. for which
women dienm, tin HiIiikd for which
uotiien 1 1 1 1 1 and prny und hmg. Thee
were Hie (hlngN that the women had
In their honi'tn when they giivo birth
to their hoiii.
Hut who can cMlmute thu tnlue of
Net-en million one hundred ihoiiMiud
d ml noiis of I lie women of the world?
Who inn esiuniite tho price which thu
women hate Nild for iIiIn war; tvhiil
It Iiki w them, nut only In the death
of tin r no iih, hii'fiiifti thnt Ii It plianu
of our nr to wlibli te look
The Couraoe of Vcmeo.
We hi-nr iur unitorN tell uh of the
co 1 1 in if of our men. How the) Ment
acrntM Hie m-u. Very few of tliem ro
iiicml 'T to ti-ll un of the courngi of
our women, who ulso went uemxH the
M'ti; of thu tvomeii who died nuisiii
Hie f k and wounded; the women
who died In the hoxpltnl where tho
terrible bombs came and drove them
almoht to iiiailnehs. They tell us
nothing nf thu forty thousand Kucllsh
women, who went to work buck of the
trenches In I'mno.
They tell us nothing nf thn thou
sands upon thoiiKands upon thousands
of women who not only tolled and
worked and slaved In order that thu
war might bu Miccesnful, but we do
not hear of the HioiimiihIm of women,
not uloiie In Aiiiii'iila, not ulone In
Montenegro, not nluiio In .Serbia, but
In I'liinders, In ISelglum, In Itiimnnla,
In Itiihsla thu thousands of women
who llu In graves today, murdered,
so horribly murdered that men dare
not Mcak of It.
And yet we woiicn are asked what
wo know nhout thu L'Uguu of Na
tions; usked what we can understand
about n league of Notion. Oil men I
thu horrible deaths; the horrible lives
of thousands upon thousands of wo
men today In all these nations, who
must live, und who must look In thu
faces of children unwelcomed, undo
sired of llttlo children -and know
that these aru thu result of war.
And then ask women why they
should bu Interested In n leuguu of
Women Suffer Moat From War.
If there Is any body of cllUeVs In
tho world who ought to bo Interested
In n league to ultimately bring to thn
world peace It Is thu mothers of men,
and thu women who suffered as only
women eon suffer In thu war anil In
devastated countries.
And we cull upon them, we women
of the world ciill upon the men who
have been fighting all these battles of
I lie years, thu men who have led
in lilies, und led armies close to their
Wi are jov, calling upon thy men
of" Ifm worM to In fconiii way lor an
other find u inssii.'i out of tho sen of
denth, We are unking them to form
u h iigne wild Ii will bring hope to the
won. en tf tint future, ir women nro
to beiir soiih only that they may die,
If women inny not have hope
mid usplt-nllnnM for tlieli children,
If women may nol dream l ho ili'eums
that have In them thn hopo of the
highest I'lvlllralloiiM, thu hlghuMt murul
nnd spiritual life of tho people If wo
men mny not have these In their
liea lis us tho mothers of mun, Ihuu
women will cen ho to desire lo I o tho
mlithers of men, And why Mmiitd
Uiey not? W'Uy khould they not'
A recently discharged sohllur went
llllo civilian lire and lliOli decided
to rot urn to tho army. Ill1 ruusun
wiih Ihltt ho found 'It onsler to talk
Ih laiigunui'.
llu didn't Htt.v what language, but
after u few initiations hla position !n
chiiiu plain. In tho army thev nn
Ism polite thnn thoy are In civil life,
but thoy know each oilier loiter
In civil llfu wo nro civil. Wo rarely
say what wo ruully im-nn. If wo ere
Invited anywhere, ami wo don't wont
to go, we don't sny no; wo merely
have u previous uiigagoinent. If we
are asked whether wo llko something
(hut 'ho other fellow liken, wo say
"yos" even though It gives us u pain
In tho rhomhohedral gland.
Wo profess personal liking -oven
entliuslnstle affection- for people to
whom wo want to sell something. If
wo nro mado tho recipient of honey
flavored overtures, wo feel u sinister
suspicion that wu have been picked
us prospects. -
It seems unfortunate that niiyone
should havo to go Into thu army to
escape from that kind of thing. I'or
many people It Is an excellent thing
to hu In thu army, hut It Is sad that
there should bu un other environment
exrept, perhaps, ho navy where
things nro called by their real iiumes
Hlix'orlly In these two branches' nf
public servlco Is natural; tho mom
hers don't have to sell anything to
mako a living. Hut n fairly good
alternative would bo found In thu
development of a corresponding sin
oerlty In civil life.
Our returned soldiers aro naively
remarking that when thu next war
breaks out thu proper thing to do
will he to send thu fellows who re
malneil nt homo this lime. Applica
tions will bo mado to glvu tho sailors
dollarn-year Jobs.
It Is time to scare up Mime nuw nnd
thrilling method of locomotion. Au
tomohllcH uru becoming too tamo nnd
common, and airplanes dying at high
altitudes reipilro too many clothes for
fashlouahlu society.
TO HXCIIANOI-:: A perfectly
good pair of used shoes for no ntitO'
mobile. Machine must hu late model
und In Al condition.
Thu young man who pays J.I. 00
for tils ties, and )2.00 for his sox, and
ft.fiO for his handkerchiefs Is sure
hitting Iho high Hpots. And In tlmo,
his wife will probably bo hitting thu
wash tub.
ltlch In coin, poor without love,
was this great financier who will
appear In 'ltlch Mun, I'oor Man' at
Iho Liberty Theatre on next Haturduy,
September 27.
The surest way of becoming light
hearted, sister, Is to tilt being heavy
"A 1 It C lo money Is a dangerous
thing," says au exchange. Of course.
It Is Just another temntatlou In thu
path of tho Innocent profiteer.
Thn profiteer Is on thu down grade.
Man thu sldu IIiich and swat him In
thu arctic regions us hu rushes by.
No greater sport could hu offered thu
American cmiHumer today.
Special Sales
Furniture Store
pLEANING is al-
ways a- more or
less tiresome job. But wo
cun supply you with means
for doinij tho work more
quickly nnd, therefore, with
less futitfuc.
Our slock o clean
ing supplies, etc., is un
usually complete end in
eludes mnny excellent bur
gains. We urge you to pay
us on early visit nnd look
over our olock. You'll find
many helpful articles.
If you buy it from
us, it's worth
the price
i. S. GEER &
Every boil u
This i a general store and we are supposed to so
thin?, and we livo up to the general supposition.
You can buy anything you want here, from hai
groceries, from needles to a good smoke.
It pays to buy from us. because we sell for cas
enormous amount of goods, and we can therefor
closer margin of profit.
Vnii PAM'T Inon mill nn WM.T.trnSn Jmu lrJ
line of argument appeal straight to your good comnualif
must go at reduction of
All New Rugs and Furn
iture go at reduction of
All Second Hand Goods
must go at reduction of
This Sale will continue
during September
The Plumber is a Rob
Only when the man
side the PLUMBER
crooked. Our aim isl
give honest service, al
install honest goods
WAYS. If you wa
any such goods and sij
service in your repr
or in new work, it's ea
to get it. Just call
Our Specialty Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, R
Agents for the Dc Laval Dairy Suppli
Paint, Oil Limited Supply Aniimi
Economy Fruit Jars at Right Prices
In our new building opposite Lnmpshire's gi
- V
Wm. Farre Burns, Ored
Practice Before U. S, Lund Office and I V
Department at Washington, D. C.
Special-Desirable Stock Ranches vt
lNSlIUANClO-lnsuro vour lmvaml nropfaT
ill tho North Hntih and Morcantilel
or Colonial Fire lTndervriters t w