The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 20, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    .. HattiMfaV. HrntoimlMr, Ot 11
iak mini
t n vi " t i'm w h . it nf'n a l i k v n w o it k a o N
The Timss-flErald
tin The Lnrtteit Circulation Of Any
Nowtpnper In Ilnrnoy County.
Oni Yr
fbrvn Month
, 11,00
. 1.00
Saturday, September 0, 11)11)
Seeks More
I.nwon P. O., Sent. 12, '19
To tlio liilitor of Tho Tlinort-llornlil:
Your Htntomcntii in laauo of Sup
tctnticr Gtli noted.
In roKiirtlit facta as to whether Mat
hour lako Ih a Idle u iroior or nwntnp,
1 will nltm call attuiitlou to tho Swamp
land Act of 18(30 "which KrantM all
tho lato of Oregon ( and other
Htalew) upon application for sanio hy
tl'o rtato; ' unlcttu renorvuil hy ihn
Federal novurnmcut. In 18GU Mai
hour lake wan alinont an Inland mm,
tho hIzo of which can bo dotormlnoil
hy any conipotont oiiRlnoor taking a
lovol from tho top of tho Hand roof
which thou Hoporatod Malhour from
Harney laku. In 1882 tho water In
Malheur lake wax no IiIrIi that In one
place It broke over tho muni reef,
and eventually wan hod out tho pro
relit channel and drained Malheur
lako to Its prctiont uimonnlnnn. What
la'uow'Mallioiir lako wan In 18G0 only
n portion of tho lako at that time,
anil our prcHont meander lino watt
probably (at tlmoH) from 3 to G feet
under water In accord with tho depth
of water, which varies. Hut was very
certainly not nwamp In 18G0, or con
htMjuonlly at any time Hlncu. Also It
U Mafo to nay that tho early Swamp
Aiicel!i of thoHu early time, vlt.,
1 renolt, Dovliie. Owoiih, Fulton, and
Toil hunter, "all of Macred memory."
were certainly onto their Job, and
allowed no Swamp laud to bu uuap
piled for to bo discovered later by
tho llaruey llaMlu Development com
pnuy, and It IttiriiM frleudri. In 1918
mid I U 1 9.
i would nmo can uiiomion to n
decree of the Oregon Hiipreme court
In .the rnmj of Cawltleld vh. Hmylh
191H. (A teat rnto between mean
der Hue owner and milliliter) which
was as follows: IhI That Malheur
lako wax n lako proper, and not a
tuto marsh; L'ml That meander line
owiiuru owned to tho center of said
Juke, and 3rd That tho resurvey of
Malhour lako In 139f wan a correct
Mirvoy. On tho strength or this do
rree, Smyth the Hpuattor concluded
not In carry tho niso any further
ittul boiiKht out Cawlileld tho mean
Ur lino owner and ho settled the c:ih
Also tho case of Joanna Mtlle vs. J
J. Wllllaiiw Involving title and own
orxhlp of laud In Walker lake bod
bltuated in northeast Arkansas.
Little was n squatter on tho Kike, and
bad obtained devdn to her claim In
the lake bed from tho Arkansas atato
Bovummwnt. and tho St. I'ruucU
Ibvoo districts (a drainage corpora
tion. ) 'I be decision of the supreme
court of Arkansas wa.1 In favor of
J. J. Williams, the riparian owner
This ileelsion was alllrmud by the II.
S. Kiipremo court, Doe. I, 191.1. A I
no United State supremo court do
c Mo us in caso of Hardin vs. .Ionian,
u ml Mitchell vs. Bmnlo 1 10 I). (I. :i?l
lQi Uuvo bcarlnuH on Ibis matter.
.Swamps nr surveyed wlille lakes
proper are moanderxd. Tho I'. S.
laud olllr.e at Uuruu will toll you that
t bo Federal government owns moro
of the meander lino of Malheur lako any other Individual owner,
mnl couHoriiioutly owns moro of tho
lako Wl us u riparian owner.
I would call attention to tho soil
of Malhour lako bed, which Is not of
n Kwampy or boggy nature. Wheuuvor
tho water of tho lako lowers as at
prosoiit tho laud thereby exposed Is
firm and mowers are run over samo
by the owners thereof, cutting graim
or tulcti for hay, Thin on laud that
has boon under water for years.
Also tho lako bod beneath tho opou
waiter of the lako Is an alkali hard
pan, moro liko a cement than a soli
and totally unfit for cultivation
oven tulos won't grow In shallow
water. Nothing swampy or boggy
about this.
I would again ask for dates of tho
dorfnioiiH of tho IJ. 8. Interior De
partment declaring Malhour lako to
he iiwatup, and when as euch It was
ay Jed to tho state of Oregon for tho
benefit of tho school fund. Ah men
t'onod by you In your issue of August
Hespectfuly yours,
The act of September 88, 1850,
granting Hwamp aud overflowed lands
to'jlfo several states, wnu extended
to Oregon March 12, 18G0. Section
2913 Lord's Oregon Laws provide-
that proceeds or tho sale of tldo and
overflow lands, with certain other
lauds, shall bo not apart as a seporato
purl Irreducible fund to bo called tho
"irreducible bcIiooI fund," tho Inter
mil of which shall bo exclusively an
piled to tho support and mulntonauco
of com rnoii schools In each school dls-
trlrl of tho state.
ff Malheur lako was, in fact, only
n iiwamn or overflowed land on March
JK, I ICQ, it can, or such portion ns
arlually was of that character, be
claimed ha the proporty of tho state
upon proper proof as such. Hut, ns
pointed out in tho reply to your nrt
ld in tho iHHUo of Soptombor Gth, It
.fcaa been a long tlmo hIiico 1 SCO, and
Muy two persons now living uro
JvMCwn who saw the lako prior to that
'Jimct- yvuhi anynoay oouovos or
lifMid knottier say in not evidence.
Tim most concrete and authentic
.uformatiou on tho subject is tho first
mii voy extended to tho marsh In 1877,
lo(f).l in M U. ), CSt. Tour atten
tion ji; alii' called to the doclulon of
tho Secretary of tho Interior, dated
March 3, 1893, In acting upon it peti
tion nlgncd by Frod Otloy.J. U. llond
rlcks and others, nuking for a nur
voy of land lying between tho menu
dor lino tin run ami tlio ahoru lino its
It now oxIhJh, whorln ho states:
"It appears that this lako propor
la Quito small, but It was, In 1877
when tho nurvoy wan made, sur
rounded by what Is called tuto
Tho act above quoted says "nwamp
aud overflowed," and tho character
of tho land overflowed In apparently
not n quoatlon in Issue,
Tho meander linen are not bound
aries, but are run to determine tho
quantity of land In (ho fractional
tract, the water lino forming tho
boundary. Tho editor In not com
petent to tonllfy nn to tho character
of tho lake or martin In I860 because
ho never hhw It until after 1883, but
If It was, In lSOl). actually of the
character denurlbed In the swamp
grant act anil us such claimed by tho
Ht'.itu It will, untiuestlonahly, he
awarded to It upon proper proof, and
If so, the iiuoHtloii of riparian own
ership thereby solved for all time,
Tho early nwamp angels referred
to did not commence operations until
after 1878, or after the Htirvey of
1877. You state the water In the
lako "varies," and that In 1882 It
was no high It broke over the sand
reef, If so, It only proves that It must
have been at a blghor stage than lit
1877 the year of mirvey and does
not prove anything nn to conditions
In 18G0.
Nothing In known concerning tho
Harney Hasln Development company,
or Its application for a contract to
drain tho lako, but presumably tho
stato wan not In position to oxorlso
any nil of ownership ocr laud to
which It has not completed title. Tho
peoplo of Hums only Insist upon leav
ing tho take as It In at present, and
are opposed to atithorlrlng the gov
eminent to maintain n certain water
level In tho lako at tho oxpoimo of
Dumping Time
Along about this time of year huge
mountains of food are dumped on the
market; live stock, wheat, fruit, ev
erything tho farmer can haul to mar
ket. Tho result is: I.OWKlt prices.
This naturally delights tho heart
Ho roadn
paite, and
of tho city committor,
about It ou tho market
"l'rlceti coming down I" ho ox
olaltnii: "another dent knocked into
tho high conl of living."
Next day Mr. Coniilinier'n wife goon
to tho corner grocer, to tho meat mar
kot, Have prices rallen? Not no
you could notice It. Tho retailor
hasn't heard anything about lowor
prices, Mayho ho doesn't read tho
dally market page.
Tho producer hns heard, bncauso
tho commission folk told him no when
they sold tho fruit of his Hummer'ii
Hut neither tho producor nor tho
consumer was told about (ho npec
Nlator who bought tho farmer a pro
duct at a cheapened price because
of tho largo supply offered, aud who
stored tho food, because there will
ho an Increasing demand next winter,
Tho producer had no storage plant
for bin food, ntiil tho consumer could
not purchase that food when the pro
ducer offered It for ho too In lacking
In storage space,
And those who hnd the storage
plants wore tho ones who dictated
prices to tho producer, ml they will
ho tho ones who will dictate prices
to the consumer thin rail mid winter.
It Isn't no much n intention of supply
aud demand us It Is a iiuosllon of
what tho speculator will pay when
the buying si good and bow much ho
wilt ask when tho nulling Is good.
Tho highly advertised motor truck
producor-to-cousumor system Is not
going to to haul last spring's oggs
to the city door this winter, or thin
fall's bacon to tho frying pan next
Loss speculating In between ought
to make for higher prices at farm
market time, or lower prices to con
sumer at city eating tlmo -or
Tho courtesy extonded Mis. Walk
up by Portland members of her pro-
resHlon, an indicated ohewliero In this
issue, is genernlty tho manner In
which Portland merchants receive up
statu people In kindred Hues. It Is
to ho regretted that their courteny
Is not Increased Into a moro active
Interest In Knstoru Oregon commun
ities mid nn effort to obtain some
of (ho business of this part of the
stato. Portland busluets men con
nlsteutly overlook us, ami wo both
lone thereby. In the small matter
of mall nervlce, metropolitan mer
chants could greatly assist, hy do
mantling better train connections at
Ontario for the cant-bound mall
20,000.00 V
KR.000.00 ,u
35. 13 ' "
No. SOU I.
Heport of the condition of tho IIAHNKV roPXTV N'ATlfiVAl. HA vif nt
iiurus. in inu state or Oregon, at the close of business on Beptombur 13, 1919.
I.onnn and discounts, Including rediscounts J309.G28.07 390,C2,S.07
P. H. (overiimeut M-rurltles owned :
Deposited to secure clrruatlon ( U. S. bonds nt nnrl
Pledged to secure W. S. deposlts(par value)
rieiigeii to secure postal savings deposits ( par
Pledged as collateral for Hlnto or other deposits
or bills payable
Owned and unpledged
War Savings Ccrtlllcatoi aud Thrift Stamps, actu-
uiiy ownen M
Total I. S. (loveriiuieiit securities
Other boiuN, M-mrltli", etc.: ''
Scurltli. other than 17. S. boudsdiot liiuluiltug
HtocKii), owned ami unpledged:..., 3fi,22C,S7
Slocks, other than Federal Hosurvo Hank atogk..,.
Stock or Federal Iteservo Hank (60 per cent of
Furnlturo ami flxtureu
lt"ol oMlatu owned other than hanking houmj
Lawful rover vo with I'iMloral Koaurvo Hank
Vit It In auli and net amount duo from national
bunki ,
Not amount duo from banks, bankers, uud l runt
companies other than Included In Inat two
Items iibovH
Chocks on other Imuka In the samo city or town us
reporting bank
Total of last three Items
Chucks on banks located outside of city or town of
reporting bank and oilier cash Items ..
Redemption fund with V. S. Treasurer and duo
from U. S. Treasurer ..
Interest earned hut not collected approximate
on Notv and Hills Receivable not past duo....
no o.oo
11.19 1.71
v -
tS7I &
. ft0.2t
I. IRK. 90
Total $1199.828.28
Capital stock paid In .,.....! 20,000.00
Surplus fund , 52,000,00
Undivided profits 20,803.17
Loss current expenses, Interest, and tuxes paid 4.&99.2G 10,254.21
Circulating notes outstanding 23,600,00
Cashlor'a chocks on own bank outstanding 1,770.05 1,770,55
Demand deposit (other than bank lcHMlt) subject
to IleHcrvo (tlopottltN pwynblo within 110 days) :
Individual deposits subject to check 270,019.15
Certificates of deposit duo In less than 30 days
(other than for money borrowod) 92,170,08
Total of demand deposits, last two Items.... 371,195.23
Tlmo dcposlta subject to Ittorvo( payable aftor 30
days, or subject to 30 days or moro notice, and
postal savings
Certificates of deposit (other than for money bor
rowod 133,250.77
Postal savings deposits 89.02
Other tlmo doposlts 49,717.62
Total of tlmo deposits subject to ronorvo,
last throe items 183,016,31
Unit! States deposit (othnr than postal savings):
Including doposlts of U. S. disbursing officers.. 4,487.98 4,487.98
Hills payable with Federal, Iteservo Hank 20,000.00
Lettors of Crodlt and Travelers' Chocks sold for
cash and outstanding 1,604.04
Stato of Oregon, County of Harney, en:
I, Loon M. Hrown, Cashier of the above named hank, do solemnly
swear that tho above statomont is truo to the host of my knowledge and
bellor. I, ICON M. HHOWN, Casblon
Correct Attest:
V, C. PKTRRBHN, Dlroctors
Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo this 18th day of Soptombor, 1919,
J. J. PATTKHSON, Notary Public.
My Commission expires May 3, 1920.
1,500,000 CALVES
Blackleg Aggrettin
Ono troatmont Immunizes for life. Saves revacclnatlou.
Wrlto for froo booklot,
i Purity Serum Co., Box 1788, Spokane, Wath.
ion t nurrv you
They are All stocked with high-grade, speak-for-themselves
a good supper on the table is worth two in our store.
So tuck some of our groceries under your arm and set
the whole family smacking their lips.
T7 T71 1
rarmers uxcnanir
Burns, Oregon
a vrviiiTvTriii i XT atp ir A vii iv mf
-f.v m -
If .' . Ar SmoUirt rtatit U
''.,',. B that thiPiitu I in S
' i a the cigutttte anJ do a
K ' not xmtt firemium f,
M,' . orcon.ofii S
aW ' t'.i K V i 'JPlv . .liaWBBfBr.--arv
tawnawM bp - m
Ctmflt mtf tnhl retywhr
In nritiHfUr M
mjm at 30 rijiirltv. or trn
ltkttilOOcliitlf) In a
IV tllonlf ffonuiini Ihli
tmiton fot Ihm homm or ottic
mri'lf or "ttn you titvL
If you want to know what rare and
unusual enjoyment Cnmels provide
smoke them in comparison with any
cigarette in the world at any price!
CAMELS are n cigarette revelation any
way you consider them! Take quality,
or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that
wonderful mellow-mild -smoothness you
never before got in a cigarette smoke! Yet
Camels are so full-bodied and so full-of-sntisfaction
you marvel that so much de
light ould be put into a cigarette!
Camels expert blend of choice Turkish
and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them
so irresistibly appetizing! Am, tho blend
explains why it is possible for you to smoke
Camels liberally without tiring your taste!
You will prefer Cnnwls to either kind
of tobacco smoked straight!
You'll realize pretty quick, too, that
among the many reasons you smoke Camels
is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga
retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor!
Once you know Camels you won't
take much stock in premiums, coupons
or gifts! You'll prefer Camel quality!
ft J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winiton-Salem, N. C
MsHfl' I'-?- A -V
ini uii iiii ini ifii iiir ifii nil : 11 m 11 u ir 11 iiii iiufii irM irii lrir lrii ni mi i,m .m mr-in innnmnp-mrinp wvr iir trt inn iru
a au m w .aw 'wt m a iai m, Mjrava au
$1.50 per Box
during September
At the Burnt Hotel
Special pr'cet to people who come to the ranch to
put up fruit. Range and wood furnished free.